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Soliders Warn of Coming Gun Confiscation and War Against Patriots

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:15 PM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I actually bought a crossbow just to be like "surprise f*cker!"

Then as they sit thinking of the irony of a bolt in them when they tried to confiscate my guns i'll point my finger and laugh.

right in the adams apple... gnarly. imagine though making a 100 yards plus shot on a deer

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:37 PM

As a Police Officer I want to ask you guys this serious question. If the police are going to help the military confiscate firearms, when are they going to tell us? When are they going to tell us that there is a plan to do so?

Are we going to come in one day and during squad meeting be told today is the day? Are our supervisors going to go through roll call and then suddenly say, "oh by the way today we are going to start going door to door to collect firearms?"

I am not saying that there isn't a plan in the works. Who knows, maybe there is. I am simply trying to figure out how the local police and deputies will be informed of the plan. Because I sure as heck haven't been told of anything. Neither have any of my co workers.

Something like firearm confisication in America would take a detailed, multi layered approach involving every local Police Officer, Deputy, Federal Agent and military member from the ground up. It wouldn't be something that we could be told about the day before the plan went hot. Logistically it would be a nightmare (my opinion).

Most, including myself would not participate.

edit on 24-10-2013 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2013 by TorqueyThePig because: grammar

edit on 24-10-2013 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

Which is why it won't occur in this manner. It's going to be a long drawn out "war of attrition" wherein laws are made, people are arrested and locked up, and materiel re purposed or destroyed.

Its already happening and chances are, you've arrested and charged a guy for domestic violence. So it won't be a day you go in and it's announced - more of a one at a time slow process which you've likely already participated in.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 02:42 PM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I actually bought a crossbow just to be like "surprise f*cker!"

Then as they sit thinking of the irony of a bolt in them when they tried to confiscate my guns i'll point my finger and laugh.

Hey welcome to the crossbow club

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

aren't crossbows fun? i'm a member of the crossbow club

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

This is a lively discussion, thanks! Many good points flying around. I don't have answers, but do have a perspective. I don't own a gun and don't advocate it, but that is my freedom of choice. I'm a patriot, but don't subscribe to the Patriot movement and certainly don't adhere to the criminality of the Patriot Act. I love my country because it affords me the right to dissent and dissent comes in many forms and with consequence. If our government or a foreign government or an unknown were to decide to take away our rights, Americans will allow it. We already do. The resistance of force that would occur initially would be pocketed, sporadic and weak. It may eventually coalesce, but not for a long period and then to what degree of success?

Emery pointed out that 1.5 million Texans were registered hunters. Gun ownership in Texas is about 35.9% of the population ( and a 2001 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System North Carolina survey of 200,000 households in all 50 states). This is close to standard for the U.S. in general (about 31% ownership, nationwide, although some put it as high as 40%). Texas pop. is approximately 26,000,000. So about 9,300,000 million gun owners spread over 268,820 sq miles, about 34.5 owners per sq. mile. So, we have the highest rate of guns per capita in the world-94 guns per 100 people, but it's consolidated into 30-40% of the population. U.S. population is 316,939,540 (DOC census clock), so about 111,000,000 (35%) people are armed, 11 per sq. mile. Numbers wise that's marginal and might be remotely possible defensive numbers. But numbers are not the problem, organization is.

Gun advocates staunchly defend the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms, but I am not heartened by the fact that the same advocates apparently forget the first half of the amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. My point being, gun ownership does not equate to a well regulated militia and as stated above, having the numbers with no large scale organization doesn't bear feasible resistance. Again, not going to step on rights, but consider that organization of that right is requisite to exercise it.

Consider too, the control of GPS, power grid, water supply, food sources, air rail and road access, and communication is also not in the control of independent thinkers and patriots, or very limited. How is the resistance set-up to counter the switch being turned off and providing supply and solace to the population now dependent upon them? I would think fairly limited. Survivor-man all you want, but without the backing of the populous you're dead in the water.

Seems bleak. I love the fervor of the Patriot movement spirit, but find it exclusive and somewhat misaligned in it's method. I do think the initial posted story is alarmist and reactionary, BUT, points to valid issues of rights that are being removed without consent. It's not a war that is going to be fought, it's been ongoing for a long time. So, we have the choice to sit back with a bag of chips and watch or actively participate in positive independence.

Coalescence of ideas and groups is essential to movement. Again, thanks for the post!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:22 PM
They can have mine peacefully. I won't fight the government if it came down to it, even disagreeing with them to the extent that I do. My beliefs don't make me well suited to being a revolutionary. I think it's wrong that they plan on doing that, but I'd rather not get involved with either side in a supposed conflict.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by therealguyfawkes

It really doesn't matter how many guns a person has, the military has so many weapons available to them they aren't talking about.

Even on Finding Bigfoot, they use heat signature cameras. The military has bigger and better ones. They use radar, night vision, you name it they have it.

You might have a war for a short time, but they have tanks, missiles and all kinds of firepower. What the best that you can hope for is the military here to chose not to fire upon friends and relatives. But once that soldier defects, do you think the government is going to sit back? No, they are going to find an army from elsewhere.

There are plenty of soldiers of fortune out there.

I don't think most people realize their capabilities. If they can put man in space, do you think hiding in your house is going to be a problem for them? You might have a Glock, but they have rocket launchers. So you better pray our military is not willing to fight Americans, but if they don't, then it's going to be other soldiers from elsewhere.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Well actually they can't put a man in space, which is why we have to pay the Russians to fly us up there. Of course that's publicly, it's certainly possible they have their own black ops space program. A space program costs nothing compared to our military expenditures. I would say the military would be on the side of the American people, but based on current events, it looks as though some type of military coup is in the process of taking place, so who knows what the military will do?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

You assume everyone in the military would be on 'their' side. If this were to happen in the near future(now-30years) there would be mutiny among the military ranks, I can promise you that.

What concerns me now is the propaganda being introduced to the next generation in our public school systems, social media, tv, ect.. They know they can not disarm Americans today, however if they keep on conditioning the young to their Orwellian ways then their agenda can continue.

This is from Alex Jones, I should have made a note of in my first response in this thread. Typical doom porn from AJ, not much more.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

you can't shoot an enemy with a rocket launcher when they are too close (tet offensive) two men in the right place can clear out a barracks (normandy invasion objective xyz) night vision is fun, so is infrared, but line a ghillie suit with a space blanket and infrared/nightvision is useless i don't think they have enough ordinance to presight every tree and rock in america. it's gonna be a sniper battle. put some composition b in a grease covered sock and you can get at the soft parts of a tank. ooh rubber tank treads, how trendy. it would take several nuclear devices and people will come out of their bunkers to eat the invading forces

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by jrod

necrophagia burning moon sickness video is doom porn. aj is just pizz'd off

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:48 PM
They won't come for the guns. They don't need to come for the guns.

America will be soon destroyed economically, and the guns will be left in the hands of the population to assist in the plan for thinning the herd.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 03:50 PM
Why do people still take jones seriously??

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:33 PM
Alex Jones = Instant Disregard

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:41 PM
Isnt this old news by now? Obama and feinstein tried and they failed. How many schools were shot up either by government agents or mind controlled slaves? Seriously people should relax a little. I dont think the fight is over yet, but the odds are on the peoples side from now on.

When shtf for real, I have a feeling most of the military will stand down and help the people. Democrats and republicans are being hated more and more each day.

The only issue is ammo supply. They can use DHS to drain as much as possible from the public!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by kingofyo1

Thanks for the honest answer. I agree with what you say and suspect you'll be in good company. I'm not anti-patriotic or anti-oath or anything like that. I was mainly just picking at what I think is contradictory wording in our own constitution. Another poster said it correctly when they stated (and I'll paraphrase) they thought the govt stands by the constitution when it suits them and dumps it in the trash when it doesn't.

I should take a moment to explain something about me. My username describes the way my brain works. For those who don't know, "goldenbrain" is a term for a person who uses both hemispheres of their brain equally which is what I do. I'm ambidextrous from brain to feet. It's in my nature to play devils advocate which is what I'm doing in this thread.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:11 PM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I'd love to see them come to Texas and strip us our weapons. We have 1.5 million registered hunters. BRING IT!!!!

Everyone always says they will fight, but they always give up their guns. See Katrina and Boston bombin.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:15 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

you can't shoot an enemy with a rocket launcher when they are too close (tet offensive) two men in the right place can clear out a barracks (normandy invasion objective xyz) night vision is fun, so is infrared, but line a ghillie suit with a space blanket and infrared/nightvision is useless i don't think they have enough ordinance to presight every tree and rock in america. it's gonna be a sniper battle. put some composition b in a grease covered sock and you can get at the soft parts of a tank. ooh rubber tank treads, how trendy. it would take several nuclear devices and people will come out of their bunkers to eat the invading forces

See, that's something I never heard of before. But my point still stands, they have more equipment than they let you know about.

And don't you think they learned from prior mistakes about warfare?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by GEmersonBiggins

The police will not come door-to-door confiscating guns. They're not that stupid.

When inflation causes food prices to soar beyond the reach of the middle class, expect there to be "guns for food" programs.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:58 PM

reply to post by WarminIndy

You assume everyone in the military would be on 'their' side. If this were to happen in the near future(now-30years) there would be mutiny among the military ranks, I can promise you that.

What concerns me now is the propaganda being introduced to the next generation in our public school systems, social media, tv, ect.. They know they can not disarm Americans today, however if they keep on conditioning the young to their Orwellian ways then their agenda can continue.

This is from Alex Jones, I should have made a note of in my first response in this thread. Typical doom porn from AJ, not much more.

If the soldiers are all out tracking down our patriots and their weapons, whose watching their families? How will they know their loved ones won't be harassed any less? Unless they are that cold-hearted, I sense a bit more mutiny than you even suspect will be on the way.

Same holds true for if/when they ever start rounding folks up into FEMA camps etc.. I don't think all of the military families have a free pass for that type of scenario either.

Could certainly get interesting.

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