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Soliders Warn of Coming Gun Confiscation and War Against Patriots

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:05 AM
Helious informs us :-

"All it would take to see the organization that is currently lacking that you rightly pointed out in your post is one incident where innocents, possibly women and children were gunned down and I think you start to see national organization very quickly. First neighborhoods, then whole communities, then counties."

That would be American "innocents" I presume ?
Your vile racism makes you immune to the deaths of foreigners at the hands of your government ?
You are content to see Pakistani women and children blown to shreds by your drones, but just let them mess with Americans and you're going to "organise" right ?

Have you even the faintest understanding of the depravity of your position ?

All my life I've watched the USA invade one small country after another.
I've seen your military get its fat arse kicked out of Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, by people with more cultural refinement than you have burger bars and strip joints put together.

The star-spangled brainwashing necessary to accomplish this has been such a success, that some Americans obviously feel that the murder of women and children is quite acceptable -- as long as they are not American.

So I'm sorry Helious -- if you had any of the necessary qualities to respond to injustice -- I think we would have noticed by now.

How appropriate it would be, if the guy who boots your door down is Chinese.


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:07 AM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I will add this bit from the DOD Training Manual on Extremists.

The 133 page FOIA document obtained from the Department of Defence entiled: AFSS 0910 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND TREATMENT INCIDENTS (EOTI) LESSON PLAN is at Judicial Watch. linkl

j. Doomsday thinking Extremists often predict dire or catastrophic consequences from a situation or from a failure to follow a specific course, and they tend to exhibit a kind of crisis- mindedness. It can be a Communist takeover, a Nazi revival, nuclear war, earthquakes, floods, or the wrath of God. Whatever it is, it is just around the corner unless we follow their program and listen to their special insight and wisdom, to which only the truly enlightened have access. For extremists, any setback or defeat is the beginning of the end.

D. Extremist Ideologies
1. Introduction
• As noted, an ideology is a set of political beliefs about the nature of people and society. People who are committed to an ideology seek not only to persuade but to recruit others to their belief. In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.

2. Ideologies
a. Nationalism – The policy of asserting that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations. Many nationalist groups take it a step further and believe that their national culture and interests are superior to any other national group.

b. Supremacy – The belief that one’s race or ethnicity is superior to all others and should dominate society. Supremacy, as with racial supremacies in general, has frequently resulted in anti-Black and anti-Semitic violence.

c. Separatism – Setting oneself or others apart based on culture, ethnicity, race, or religion.

d. Anarchism – A political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful, or undesirable. National anarchists appeal to youths in part by avoiding the trappings of skinhead culture—light jackets, shaved heads, and combat boots—in favor of hooded sweatshirts and bandanas. They act the part of stereotypical anarchists as envisioned by most Americans outside of far-left circles: black-clad protesters wreaking havoc at political conventions and anti-globalization rallies.

e. Religion – Extremist ideology based on intolerance toward other religions.

I think you get the picture.

Oh God, do you know what is really messed up? I read those and I'm not even sure how you would be able to function without following any of them.

I mean check it out, Nationalism isn't allowed? Yet Anarchism, which considers the state to be unnecessary, isn't either? Or religion? Or any kind of ideology?

What is allowed, exactly? I would say anarchism, like I mentioned, but that is also explicitly not allowed.

This is an example of how the word "terrorist" that was in The Patriot Act has expanded to include anyone, I think we are entering a society where fearing the government is the new norm.

It is so broad, that it is nearly impossible to figure out what is allowed or not. I was thinking earlier that if we enter a totalitarian state where it isn't even possible to figure out what the rules are, it is going to be scary.
edit on 25-10-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:12 AM

The star-spangled brainwashing necessary to accomplish this has been such a success, that some Americans obviously feel that the murder of women and children is quite acceptable -- as long as they are not American.

Except now America is going after Americans as well, even on our own soil, I don't know what to think. There was definitely brainwashing involved, I would say. It does not bode well.
edit on 25-10-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:24 AM
I have been listening to this man AJ for awhile now and the station I listen to him is a very good station to listen to because these people know there stuff. The info is out there and everyone should wake up and smell the coffee. You can either bury your head in the sand or do your own investigating !
I have also learned a lot about our local government and what actually has been going on. I was totally unaware of what was going on locally. I not only believe this man I have decided to do what I must to keep family safe and will defend the " constitution " for the rest of my days !

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Emerys

That may be true, but the equalizer is the same one they use everywhere else and law enforcement has them now, DRONES , Armored Carriers, mobile sound and energy beam weapons, I mean it will not matter how many people that are land locked have guns they will eventually be done in if they decide to fight, if they come with the intent to do what is being suggested, that will mean they (the government) will do so with any means they have at their disposal once you render yourself an enemy combatant by firing on them, I imagine that most of the countries the U.S. ran over in the last few so called wars had two or 3 times the guns at their disposal and heavier weaponry than the state of Texas, no matter what you are thinking, none of that matters if the government has a plan to disarm you, but there is nothing wrong with going down without a fight.

And of course if you do get captured, good luck with that FEMA detention center that will be waiting for you.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Hello, that's you and me both darkbake, 'cos I don't know what to think either.

But we do know how.
Since our minds run constantly, with no off-switch, it's easy to believe we all can think. Until we examine the results.

And we do know when.
Because our minds question everything, even their own cherished opinions.
We don't have an emotional need to be right.

And we know why.
Thinking through the brainwash is now more vital than ever.
We are threatened by a powerful elite, and the steel hand is showing beneath the velvet glove.

No wonder we lose touch with our humanity when patriotism makes us defend unspeakable actions by "our country."
No wonder we lose integrity -- silent in the face of wrongdoing.
No wonder we forget, or never find out, why we incarnated in the first place, and who we are.

Fear is what stops us thinking.
People who are afraid, and can't think -- need guns.


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:43 AM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

Alex has been talking about this for several years. If they ever try it nationwide, the result will not be pretty. Depletion of ammunition? Now,that's a real possibility.

edit on 10/23/2013 by Klassified because: grammar

Never thought that way of doing it.

My cousin has just got back home here in the UK from Ohio, and he said there is a struggle to get ammo over there.

Same here really, used to be able to get most kinds of good grade ammo at our local gun club. Now they are really struggling to get the "good stuff".

Wonder if they plan to do it this way, have heard rumor of the DHS buying stock piles of ammo

edit on 25-10-2013 by panicman66 because: spelling

edit on 25-10-2013 by panicman66 because: grammar/spelling

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:17 AM
Guns for food program?!?!?
I'm sorry, no disrespect meant, but that is one of the dumbest ideas ever. I mean guns have two main purposes: defense and procuring food. Unless it was for a lifetime supply of food, only the dumbest of the dumb would trade their guns for food.
If things got really bad (say mad max bad) and I have my guns and you have food....I'm getting that food and I'm keeping my guns.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:35 AM
They can fire as many Generals as they can hire - the vast military are U.S. born and bread - oath keepers one and all.
They kaint bring it.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:42 AM

They can have mine peacefully. I won't fight the government if it came down to it, even disagreeing with them to the extent that I do. My beliefs don't make me well suited to being a revolutionary. I think it's wrong that they plan on doing that, but I'd rather not get involved with either side in a supposed conflict.

Go back to France! Lol! No, Seriously. The man who tries to take away my guns is my sworn enemy.
I know you think you are being peaceful and progressive, but it is your duty as an American citizen to hold on to your guns, as per the constitution. They should make kids recite the declaration of independence and pledge allegiance to the constitution, not the flag. Then people could see this issue clearly.

"When in the course of human is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"

Nathan Hale died for nothin, I suppose.

edit on 25-10-2013 by riffraff because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:56 AM
Remember, for 5 years from 33 to 38 there was no real resistance to change in Germany. Take the 'Nazi' word from the equation and look at it. Hitler was very popular then and everyone saw it as a way out. We can look back historically as I am sure future generations will look at us and say WTF but hindsight is always 20/20.

The Enabling Act of 1933 - Look it up.

Then, after 38, more than 80k Germans were killed due to resistance. It can happen. In a heartbeat. It is fear that is instilled in those who fight against tyranny and fear instilled in those who did not sign up to defend the regime but are forced to. Military folks in the US are not even paid sometimes and we have seen that recently.

What is they were threatened with rations for family to do the deed? When the hammer drops it will be everyone for themselves and the majority of the US is fat, lazy and dependent. Not all, but I would say 80-85%. Maybe not in your hometown but travel. Go to a supermarket. Fat, Lazy consumers.

This is where your 'zombies' will come from. Dehydrated, hungry and pissed at anyone other than those who put them there...themselves and who they voted in.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:57 AM

I have been listening to this man AJ for awhile now and the station I listen to him is a very good station to listen to because these people know there stuff. The info is out there and everyone should wake up and smell the coffee. You can either bury your head in the sand or do your own investigating !
I have also learned a lot about our local government and what actually has been going on. I was totally unaware of what was going on locally. I not only believe this man I have decided to do what I must to keep family safe and will defend the " constitution " for the rest of my days !

Yeah, AJ has a bad rep because he makes some pretty far-out predictions... but a lot of the predictions he made in the 90s and early 00s are coming true now. He's just looking at the geopolitical game across a period of decades, not years, which is exactly how the globalists are implementing their plans.

Like you said, the vast majority of the facts AJ puts out are available in public documents (or books written by globalist think tanks). If people take the time to go out and confirm the facts he's putting out there, they'll find that 95% of the factual claims he's making on-air are also on-record. And as for the other 5% of his claims that come from unnamed sources... well, after he broke the Dyess nuke transfer story and that turned out to be frighteningly accurate, I think AJ deserves the benefit of the doubt.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:01 AM


This is where your 'zombies' will come from. Dehydrated, hungry and pissed at anyone other than those who put them there...themselves and who they voted in.

SUPER-important point here.

If you look back, DHS has been running TONS of zombie drills, which is all LOL fun-and-games until you consider...

What resembles and acts like a zombie? Oh yeah, that's right--half-starved americans roaming the street searching for their next meal.

Scary times ahead. I really hope everyone is preparing. We'll need as many of the good guys as possible to survive what's coming.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Oh God, do you know what is really messed up? I read those and I'm not even sure how you would be able to function without following any of them.

I mean check it out, Nationalism isn't allowed? Yet Anarchism, which considers the state to be unnecessary, isn't either? Or religion? Or any kind of ideology?

What is allowed, exactly? I would say anarchism, like I mentioned, but that is also explicitly not allowed.

This is an example of how the word "terrorist" that was in The Patriot Act has expanded to include anyone, I think we are entering a society where fearing the government is the new norm.

It is so broad, that it is nearly impossible to figure out what is allowed or not...

Now you understand WHY we have pages and pages of laws and regulations. In 2010, the register totaled 81,405 pages, said Jim Hemphill, the special assistant to the director of the Federal Register. EVERYONE who is an adult is in violation of at least one law or regulations. This means ANYONE can be hauled off and charged. It allows our rulers to pick and choose. We now have the Rule of Man and not the Rule of Law.

America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution

...Laws and regulations nowadays are longer than ever because length is needed to specify how people will be treated unequally. For example, the health care bill of 2010 takes more than 2,700 pages to make sure not just that some states will be treated differently from others because their senators offered key political support, but more importantly to codify bargains between the government and various parts of the health care industry, state governments, and large employers about who would receive what benefits (e.g., public employee unions and auto workers) and who would pass what indirect taxes onto the general public.

The financial regulation bill of 2010, far from setting univocal rules for the entire financial industry in few words, spends some 3,000 pages (at this writing) tilting the field exquisitely toward some and away from others. Even more significantly, these and other products of Democratic and Republican administrations and Congresses empower countless boards and commissions arbitrarily to protect some persons and companies, while ruining others.

Thus in 2008 the Republican administration first bailed out Bear Stearns, then let Lehman Brothers sink in the ensuing panic, but then rescued Goldman Sachs by infusing cash into its principal debtor, AIG. Then, its Democratic successor used similarly naked discretionary power (and money appropriated for another purpose) to give major stakes in the auto industry to labor unions that support it. Nowadays, the members of our ruling class admit that they do not read the laws. They don’t have to. Because modern laws are primarily grants of discretion, all anybody has to know about them is whom they empower...

The Ruling Class

Who are these rulers, and by what right do they rule? How did America change from a place where people could expect to live without bowing to privileged classes to one in which, at best, they might have the chance to climb into them? What sets our ruling class apart from the rest of us?...

America’s best and brightest believe themselves qualified and duty bound to direct the lives not only of Americans but of foreigners as well....

The ruling class’s appetite for deference, power, and perks grows. The country class disrespects its rulers, wants to curtail their power and reduce their perks. The ruling class wears on its sleeve the view that the rest of Americans are racist, greedy, and above all stupid. The country class is ever more convinced that our rulers are corrupt, malevolent, and inept. The rulers want the ruled to shut up and obey. The ruled want self-governance. The clash between the two is about which side’s vision of itself and of the other is right and which is wrong. Because each side — especially the ruling class — embodies its views on the issues, concessions by one side to another on any issue tend to discredit that side’s view of itself. One side or the other will prevail. The clash is as sure and momentous as its outcome is unpredictable.

In this clash, the ruling class holds most of the cards: because it has established itself as the fount of authority, its primacy is based on habits of deference. Breaking them, establishing other founts of authority, other ways of doing things, would involve far more than electoral politics. Though the country class had long argued along with Edmund Burke against making revolutionary changes, it faces the uncomfortable question common to all who have had revolutionary changes imposed on them: are we now to accept what was done to us just because it was done? Sweeping away a half century’s accretions of bad habits — taking care to preserve the good among them — is hard enough. Establishing, even reestablishing, a set of better institutions and habits is much harder, especially as the country class wholly lacks organization. By contrast, the ruling class holds strong defensive positions....

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:07 AM

reply to post by therealguyfawkes

I'd love to see them come to Texas and strip us our weapons. We have 1.5 million registered hunters. BRING IT!!!!

Lol Amen dude i'm so glad I live in Texas! My family has 8 guns (My two little sisters each have a revolver with a registered license) and I have a deer rifle and colt 45! I'd love to see them try and take my family alive! haha

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by seekingpeace

...I have also learned a lot about our local government and what actually has been going on. I was totally unaware of what was going on locally....

I suggest you read this from a Democratic Bureaucrat in Calif. who is very awake and knows her stuff.

A video worth watching:


She points out ICLEI: When they say local they mean it

What does ICLEI (pronounced ICK-LY) stand for? International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. It was created as a non-governmental spin-off by the United Nations in 1990 to implement Agenda 21 locally across the world. It is a membership organization for cities; 7,807 worldwide as of 2012.

Headquartered in Bonn, Germany, it is a lobbying and policy group that is intended to influence and change local governmental policies related to all aspects of human life. It designs and sells systems that monitor, report, and control water and energy usage. This information is then shared.

By concentrating power in cities this group circumvents requirements for ratification of international treaties and gives the illusion of local control. ICLEI is structured as a parallel government but has no transparency because it is a private non-profit.

In fact the cities then ally in regional conglomerates which break jurisdictional boundaries and will destroy local control. These regional boards are unelected and not answerable to the citizenry.

Ultimately this facilitates global governance by invalidating individual cities, counties, states, and nations with agreements and interwoven systems to which they are bound by contract:
public private partnerships....

As I said this woman really knows her stuff. I have not found ANYTHING that disagreed with my previous research.

What is great is because she is a Democrat you can hand her informational links to other democrats!!!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by ShotInTheDark

What on God's earth makes you think they want to take you alive ?


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:18 AM

They can fire as many Generals as they can hire - the vast military are U.S. born and bread - oath keepers one and all.
They kaint bring it.

Following an order that a soldier interprets that the chain of command above that officer issuing the order would be deemed an illegal act, is against the UCMJ. Messy territory to disobey an order, but as in court cases have determined, the "just following orders" defence is not a defence. Neuremberg trials set the standard. It must be clearly an illegal order that the higher command structure would agree as illegal. Kinda tough when the order comes from the Commander in Chief.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by tkwasny

....the "just following orders" defence is not a defence. Neuremberg trials set the standard. It must be clearly an illegal order that the higher command structure would agree as illegal. Kinda tough when the order comes from the Commander in Chief.

The Oath is to the CONSTITUTION and not to the President. Of course since the entire US government is Corrupt that does not help you.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:52 AM



I'll take my referral bonus in cash please.

I'd be asking for Silver coin myself

In 1964 you could buy a gallon of gas with a Quarter. Back in the day when that Quarter was made of Silver... Today, you could still buy a gallon of gas with that same Silver Quarter...
Daily Paul
edit on 24-10-2013 by sageturkey because: Correction

Hahaha! Good suggestion, but I'm pretty set. I remember when I was in high school a gallon of gas was about $.89. The truth is, if the sh!t should ever hit the fan then lighters, moonshine and toilet paper would be worth more than silver. Besides, I'm pretty comfortable. I'm 42 and was fortunate enough to retire at 40. I am now a farmer but I don't sell, and if it was my desire or necessity I would never have to visit a store to supply my family with food or any other items. I grow almost everything in walipini's using aquaponics so I have produce and fish galore. I have water wells, solar, wind, diesel power generators and a ton of equipment as well as manual tools and can mill from steel or wood anything that we need. I can also make just about any primitive tool, weapon or whatever I need. I live on 16 acres and though I do buy some electricity now I could be completely off grid in a few hours. We use diesel mostly so I could even refine biodiesel from the plethora of wood mulch, ragweed, you name it, if I needed to, so I'm good without silver. If I had my way there would be no money in the entire world, but I'm pretty sure most people would be clueless as to how to survive without it so it's a necessary evil I guess.

Which is why I have to ask why hemp is outlawed as a means of producing useful items. (BTW, not an endorsement of drug abuse as per ATS terms), I am asking specifically about why hemp is illegal if they can make clothing, ropes, paper and other useful things from it.

(Nope, no discussion about the legality of certain drugs, just a plant that can be useful). I hope no one takes this in the wrong direction, I am just simply making a point about a multipurpose plant.

People used to make things with it, so has the lumber industry forced it out? But I do realize people are stupid and do other things with it, but if it saves trees, then why not use it.

ATS mods, I am not endorsing the use of certain drugs, I'm just asking about the use of a plant for good things. I hope you don't think I am suggesting otherwise.

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