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anyone here rh negative? anyone related to royalty?

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posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:28 PM

feel free to post if you are not related to royalty
but they say this blood type is related to royalty or a lot of royals have this blood type?

whats up with it only 15% of the world has it but it seems half this sites traffic make up rh negative

Troll much- anyone who would give up any information to help the elite deserves to be whipped.

Freeload any information you want as always that's called "Free-Will" for dummies


posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:35 PM


feel free to post if you are not related to royalty
but they say this blood type is related to royalty or a lot of royals have this blood type?

whats up with it only 15% of the world has it but it seems half this sites traffic make up rh negative

Troll much- anyone who would give up any information to help the elite deserves to be whipped.

Freeload any information you want as always that's called "Free-Will" for dummies


I am fairly certain that the elites have a pretty good idea of where I live, what I think, what my medical history is. If I was afraid of them getting info, I would never post on my blog or talk on forums or facebook. Living in fear is a killer my friend.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 09:55 PM


feel free to post if you are not related to royalty
but they say this blood type is related to royalty or a lot of royals have this blood type?

whats up with it only 15% of the world has it but it seems half this sites traffic make up rh negative

Troll much- anyone who would give up any information to help the elite deserves to be whipped.

Freeload any information you want as always that's called "Free-Will" for dummies


Too late for us. I had a baby and my husband donates blood. It's a matter of health record what our blood types are. If you think the elites don't have access to those, especially now that they've all been digitized ...

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:06 PM
Maybe some people who have RH negative blood think they are special so they will do anything to climb the ladder. I do not feel that people with either O or RH negative blood are any better than anyone else, but it is possible that they may think they are. I'm A+ with some weird allele of some kind, I was never told exactly what it was years ago. Does that make me special, no. Difference in blood or genetics means nothing, it is your honesty and integrity that counts. Does being intelligent make you better....No it is a curse sometimes.

I have no clue if I have royal blood in me. My genetic inconvenience is a Royal one but it is also one that is common in families who have ancestors as miners.
edit on 19-10-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:23 PM
great replies very mystical this blood type seems quite sacred

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 11:40 PM

Maybe some people who have RH negative blood think they are special so they will do anything to climb the ladder. I do not feel that people with either O or RH negative blood are any better than anyone else, but it is possible that they may think they are. I'm A+ with some weird allele of some kind, I was never told exactly what it was years ago. Does that make me special, no. Difference in blood or genetics means nothing, it is your honesty and integrity that counts. Does being intelligent make you better....No it is a curse sometimes.

I have no clue if I have royal blood in me. My genetic inconvenience is a Royal one but it is also one that is common in families who have ancestors as miners.

Awww... You're special too. Maybe not as eccentric as many here, but the Rh negs don't have a complete monopoly on high weirdness.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 01:51 AM

When discussing Hell and Fallen Angels it's refreshing to know there are some folks about that seem to know them personal.

I take it you are Rh positive?

i don't know about the RH positive ? Never been tested.

When knowing an angel personally it merely reminds a mortal that they are nothing more than a piece of dirt on an angels boot.

However, in YHWH's viewpoint, there are 2 levels.
Level 1, Him
Level 2, everything else, from angels to ants, from humans to heros. We are all on the same level and He loves everyone who loves Him in return for the life that He breathed into our bodies.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Rapha

I am fortunate to have as a dear friend the one person I have ever met(and that includes even my own children,btw) who does not have to stand back one millimeter for any angel -a Russian girl,a soul so good and pure and loving and kind and compassionate,she Shines,the love for all of humanity and animals,for the damaged,the vulnerable,her grace and her gratefulness for life itself in all its forms-the warmth and the sheer Goodness in this person,is astounding.She has the face of an angel,and the heart and spirit of an angel-she is a Grace and a gift to this dark world,I wish I could share some emails from this girl,suffice to say she is a ray of light that shines in the darkness-i have difficulty believing she is even human at all,but she is born of a normal Russian family,who must be very fine people too.She spreads friendliness,warmth and practical help whereever she goes,she regularly visits orphan children with physical+mental disabilities,bringing company,joy,music+her beautiful singing,love+warmth+lots of hugs+affection to these discarded or orphaned children.She is one of the ones that give a person enough hope for the whole human race,she is inferior in no way to any angel in heaven.She IS light,and love and grace and goodness personified and I consider myself highly privileged+blessed to have the friendship and affection of this human angel.I only hope the real angels are half as good as She is.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by breadinspector

and a nice synchronicity-just had to exit site briefly-got notification of a new BBM-my daughter wanting to be reminded what her blood type is(O Neg)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 03:11 AM

reply to post by Raxoxane
I only hope the real angels are half as good as She is.

Lol. So true. Well interesting events are heading this way where 'those who can see, will see' the truth when looking at both angels and mortals.

The angels and mortal auras will either be bathed in white light or dressed in filthy dry rotten flaky rags of sin.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 08:20 AM

i don't know about the RH positive ? Never been tested.

When knowing an angel personally it merely reminds a mortal that they are nothing more than a piece of dirt on an angels boot.

However, in YHWH's viewpoint, there are 2 levels.
Level 1, Him
Level 2, everything else, from angels to ants, from humans to heros. We are all on the same level and He loves everyone who loves Him in return for the life that He breathed into our bodies.

That old demiurge... Just another public servant with a nice office.

RH negs are more spiritually minded hence they have a tendency to surf alternate news sites because they can naturally see through all the crap on MSM 24/7.

If a RH- does not have faith in Jesus Christ they will return to their home prison (Tartarus) on Judgement Day.

Where did you get that information from? Blood factors as such have only been known to modern man for just a few decades.

Are you supposing Rh negative is "angelic" and basing your condemnation on that through biblical sources? Or is this sort of thing being taught in some religious circles now? Just trying to see my way through this info.

edit on 20-10-2013 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

My genetic inconvenience is a Royal one but it is also one that is common in families who have ancestors as miners.

That's true how did you know that?

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:18 AM

Where did you get that information from? Blood factors as such have only been known to modern man for just a few decades.

The information has been known amongst angels since the days of Atlantis when the watchers transgressed and fell from Heaven to mingle amongst the humans.

Are you supposing Rh negative is "angelic" and basing your condemnation on that through biblical sources?

Yes and it is the mortals that are condemning themselves. Everyone has a choice. They can either choose Jesus Christ whose Spirit will alter (clean) their DNA removing all sin, or they can stay filled with sin.

RH negatives think differently....this is where my speculation on the percentage of those who are reading this comes from.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:34 AM


reply to post by Unity_99
He was a feline from the moons of Sirius A or B, and here for the upgrade.

i assume as he is feline then he is a perfect nephilim, half bipedal, half cat. Sounds similar to the days of Atlantis when it was common to see centaurs (half men, half horses) running down the dirt track.
What do you mean by 'upgrade' ?

Is this upgrade, spiritual where he has to learn that the only thing that matters in life is love ?

Ets harvest those who are not in positions of power and yet carry bloodlines. Especially the merivingian lines.

What do ET's do when they 'harvest' ?

He is a beautiful young man, at the time we had experiences when he visited, he was 16, that was July 2009. His grandmother, my best friend, is half native and half Scottish, his father's side was Dutch and Yugloslavic, and he was very blond, with brown hazel eyes that would turn to gold. Dysfunctional mother, drugs, and he ended punching out the dealer, and being hidden at the coast for a while, which is where he stayed a week at our place. My older boys are closer friends with him. He would climb roofs whenever he was upset, even to the point of having police show up, and then slip away.

His grandmother, when in a hippy type mood would tell me there lions under the sink cabinet (and no she isn't the crazy type, except quite psi) and guarding the property. And she put a picture of Sehkmet on her walls, Egyptian cat goddess.

Now I had forgotten all about that. But when he came, my oldest son tried to put us all down and ridicule us for having sightings of crafts, and it the opposite effect, because he had had his own sightings and even abduction scenario, but had no one he could talk about it with.

That night he poured out his sightings with my oldest son there and then we suddenly noticed huge flashings below the clouds, but not like lightening, then the white lit soundless crafts flying over the roof.
And shadows moving out back, really tall ones, 9 feet roughly. At one point, right in front of where we were seated, this red sticker on a boot, made the entire outline of this 9 foot tall roughly being, pop out, and his leg was bent in animal way, I thought reptile, but now, possibly feline.

He spaced out quite a few times and would say things, that he didn't mean to say. One thing he said was: do not be alarmed we are here." and then he gave his head a shake. Then suddenly he said, "Go inside now, the battle is going to occur" I was not willing to sit inside my house in July without an air conditioner or even a good fan, was really not willing to stay inside.

But we ended up on the side by side computers, and was writing to an ex military, very knowledgeable friend, very connected empowered kind of guy (could give many examples) in Finland who told me: the only way they would do a battle over him is if he was AB-, for they're not allowed that DNA. Our friend said, he was, and so was his father.

I felt this liquid on my arm, and both of us looked in shock as there was blood pouring down and huge stinging. That would almost was to the bone, like punch needle biopsy type of scoop mark and took almost a month to heal.

Then his arm had 2. One of them healed up within seconds, the second was like mine.

So much for earth defenses, greys do as they please.

Anyway I ran outside before it was time, and the clouds had letters cut into them, some other language, and it was as if a frequency battle had taken place. My friend gave me heck for going out before it was safe because those technologies can harm.

Next day, he took all the writings that 2 of my friends had, their own language so to speak, and sang them to me. He said these are psalms and sa'l me't ja'ri'n, the light in me greets the light in you.

Then he insisted on speaking to my friend and that is when it all broke loose. Because he remembered who he was for a time, he didn't know why, but they discussed how he was not the species as I was, for I was cosmic human/Lyra, at least in this chunk of cosmic time for millions and million of years or longer. He was Sirius, moons, feline. And a prince among his people, here in the Testing Grounds, he called it, Gaia, world without end, and basically repeating tests over and over. So grateful his family kept checking up on him from time to time and he also talked about the greys and how they were trying to repair their DNA to survive and he didn't hold it against them, and they talked about how there were different groups some more negative and some far less.

Then they started typing in this other language, and he said this keyboard was far too primitive. He said he was here for the upgrade of consciousness, that he would increase hundreds of thousands of times his current level.

I sent that entire thing to his grandmother so she would stop trying to insist satellites fly under thick cloud cover a couple hundred feet over your roof.

It woke her up enormously.

So he's in human form, in tests, with family watching over.

Then I sent her this video last year by James gilliland. Because he had said over and over again, that his people were on their way. They would be here soon. And that the greys weren't allowed his DNA. He had a neuro net thrown on him because he was raging, and won't go into this but it was really really intense powerful week that I don't want repeated again, for we are peaceful and I already know that this is way over everyone's heads, you can't fight greys or ETs. Your best armor is Love and Peace, it protects you from negative things.

Anyway, apparently felines arrived in July of 2009 and were seen in Mexico. That got sent to my friend.

James Gilliland on contact with higher dimensional beings

We all have family groups watching over.

And bloodlines RH factors have a lot to do with the level of ET DNA we're carrying, but not much to do with awareness, met too many RH- sleepy heads.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 11:21 AM
Now to compare RH- and RH +, and the people I've met, includng ex sister in law, and that boys father. Its pretty funny, since RH- is purported to be something advanced. Well girls who have RH- are often mysteriously involved in childhood sexual trauamas and abuse. I believe all paramiltiary, occult, the crapola that runs our world, MILABS. We're supposed to be wide awake here, if not in actual soul memories, at least in principal of the laws in our hearts. SERVE AND PROTECT is the first rule adn all others, Equality, Compassion, Happiness for all, these things are important too. We don't even Serve and Protect our own children from this corruption and world, let alone families, communities or the world. We're bougth off by trinkets, ipods, and big screen tv's, and fasle idol media stars. Its absurd. Wake up.

RH - is not all that, let me tell you. The men I know, as like his father, are very strange. ie. they have had sightings of crafts, he remembered little people entering the house and his room, so obviously it was abduction, after his father called him out to see a ufo, which he had laughed at. Well father is an aloholic and uses substances, and made train wreck of his family lives, even to the point of having his girlfriend hit on his son, so he stopped the car and got into a fight with his own son who thankfully had ty qon do training and defended himself. He's friends with my ex who also is feline in source, because I can now see the energy. I can name others, lots of others who are as well. Its apparently quite common on earth. Alot of felines here. But having quite a few sightings and then cracking a beer is not the answer. They're incredible gifts, pay attention.

Advanced? OMG, you have the cosmos knocking on your door, and trying to wake you up, but you can't even get the basics together. Come on, get real. This is not advanced.

And real cosmic workers, whether in tests or not, ie here to help just, because I'm in tests but also remember eutopias and have strong inner knowledge of what's going on here, and never let anyone try to influence me or put me in a box, but we're often put in hidden nondescript places, kept out of the rings and away from dangers, and RH +. But I still got scanned at roughly 4 by a grey while out in the garden, remembered that ant man all my life, and put into their programs.

If you really want to look at RH - factors and how it affects consciousness, just take a look at the royal families and check out how negative and dysfunctional they are. They are amongst the most dysfunctional and abused groups on earth from what I've seen. And the females with RH -, if families don't wake up and start to guard and protect their own from black ops, they're nuts.

We shouldn't need crafts showing up and experiences to poke us with sticks to wake up. But they have so much compassion for us knowing how strong the programming and trauma on earth is, so for this I am very grateful.

But you gotta pull away from the beer long enough to notice and start to work on yourself. Turn up the dial of your love and awareness.

There is nothing special about it, its just a carbon transfer, but earth is oxygen rich. So you kind of benefit more from RH +.

RH - does not join the hemispheres of the brain. But meditation does.
edit on 20-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 11:39 AM
Earth job: serve and protect innocents and your own. Create pockets of happiness and equality amongst everyone you know and find solutions, create a garden. Thats it in a nutshell. Hold in those thoughts and work out life plans, in terms of jobs or training or businesses or meetups and groups to do this. Thats always been what its about. Growig your skills including negotiation and understanding others and working for the happiness of all, letting go of all prejudices. Thats the job.

RH- isn't one step ahead of us in doing this. In fact, royal families seem to be very content in arranging the traumas here on earth.
edit on 20-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 11:46 AM

Where did you get that information from? Blood factors as such have only been known to modern man for just a few decades.

The information has been known amongst angels since the days of Atlantis when the watchers transgressed and fell from Heaven to mingle amongst the humans.

Are you supposing Rh negative is "angelic" and basing your condemnation on that through biblical sources?

Yes and it is the mortals that are condemning themselves. Everyone has a choice. They can either choose Jesus Christ whose Spirit will alter (clean) their DNA removing all sin, or they can stay filled with sin.

You seem to be on the same wavelength with me that "Hell" - according to scripture - was intended for "Fallen Angels." Many who had picked-up on that particular tidbit might also agree that Hell was not intended for the "common man" and that "salvation" is not needed for them. It plays well for The Church to let everyone think their salvation was essential though. Afterall, being paid by and exerting control over only 15% of the population is just not lucrative enough for the greedy control freaks.

Your link about Rh negs does have some interesting things to say that goes along with this whole thread. I have my own ideas about Hell that I will touch on at the end of this post. Your link also offers a clue as to why I might consider that "Donkey-faced" YHWH demiurge an ass-soul who needs to start seeking out his own salvation.

RH negatives think differently... it is the nature of the rh negative brain to think in an unconventional way. These individuals seek out subject matters which are beyond the scope of average information, socially accepted answers and assumptions. They tend to gravitate towards challenging information and are not deterred by a sense of "too weird" to look into. They accept the "abnormal" and delve into the unknown with fervor and yet not without a serious bent towards the analytical and technical.

... they are greatly resistant to propaganda and do not readily believe the status quo answer to many questions in life. They might seek beyond the teaching of the normal educational system and rh negative children tend to become incredibly bored by the structure of teaching in public schools. The result of this lack of assimilation into "normal" society either seems to produce people who really achieve beyond the norm or become a complete societal "drop out"

Rh negative people have strength but little stamina...there is a tendency in connection with cellular respiration and an endocrine system which functions differently and the rh negative status. These people might very well find that they can produce bursts of strength and speed that seem disproportionate to their size, but for a very limited time. The ability of the adrenals to be kicked into a hyper-drive at the drop of a hat accounts for the bursts of strength and speed, but the lack of a well facilitated system of cellular respiration means that the body exhausts itself quickly. RH negative people might be more likely to lift a car off of a victim pinned beneath it than run a marathon.

RH negatives have an innate draw towards spirituality, but also an innate reluctance towards YHWH and Christian scripture...Those with an Rh negative factor will often find themselves incredibly interested, in an almost instinctive way, in all things "mythological", pagan and new age. At the same time, there is a pull back from all things which relate to Judeo-Christian teaching.

This blood abnormality derives from angels who "crossed the line".

Hell is up for grabs and needs a lot of renovation after the past management. It may take a little work to get it cranking like Vegas but The Rat Pack guyz are up for doing some lounge gigs about now. We are destined to surpass anything Burro-breath had going. We may be the 15% but due to his policies we already have a waiting list for waiters, porters, and hotel room staff with all the christians that just don't feel themselves "worthy" of more. They'll gladly take all the cruddy jobs. Hey, I don't blame them, it's a good deal. I couldn't deal with piped-in harp music 24/7 and cable TV with nothing but reruns of Jim and Tammy Faye and the 700 Club. We got live action, the finest entertainment, and a town that never closes. It's all under new management and opening soon, baby.

edit on 20-10-2013 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by breadinspector

Most royalty wouldnt tell you. Its not like a code or something, just common sense.

No one wants that attention on them. Also its the sort of thing that can go to your head, and having no real power to offer them, makes it cause personality issues in young their families dont tell them right away in life if they are not part of the line of succession or in proximity to it.

There is overt royalty and covert royalty. Those related but not in line of succession are royalty by a strict definition, though they usually just like you and me. They are often poor too because they are the product of undesirable relationships. They often dont even know they are royalty.

There are also those that were ousted out of power by violent acts by other contenders. If not entirely wiped out, their blood lines were married into and then usurped. This is the case for ALLOT of royal lines. Sometimes while they were still in power.

As far as the blood lines, it is not even something that people care about too much anymore. Really there are the ruling families that are in power now and they will go unchallenged. They have played the most elaborate and successful psychological warfare ever on other elites. They convinced other royals that there is no need to compete. That if they want power they can run the governments or powerful corporations of the western world. They made them think that is real power and sufficient. That they werent getting the clean end of a turd stick.


as far as RH negative in my family...

My mothers side had it. I dont.

edit on 10 20 2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

When you are allergic to a lot of medicines, it is good to find the cause. I was supposed to be a doctor but didn't like what I was hearing in Pre-med so I quit. All my relatives have told me their problems throughout the years because they knew I always had an interest in medicine even though I quit med school. It was so evident after I start researching my problems and history of the relatives as to what was going on. Probably from heavy metal poisoning generations ago. I even tested the urine, it turned purplish in the sunlight. I repeated the test many times. I have seen this same color many times, not only in me but by many others who lived in the mining town I lived in. It's just an inconvenience, as long as you watch not to eat the wrong foods, ones that suppress liver function, you're fine and can live a long and normal life. These foods are foods that they are pushing on us these days. It is like the health education system is targeting people to get sick.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Erongaricuaro

I identify with most of what you posted about Rh-. I especially identify with the physical part as a collegiate level athlete who was training as a hurdler/high jumper/heptathlete. I never developed the ability to comfortably run beyond 3 to 5 miles no matter how hard I trained. My stamina never developed.

However, I never had major difficulties with scripture. Somehow, it all makes sense to me in the end, so I never fought much with it despite being a major sci-fi/fantasy fan and a geek which I suppose ties in with being attracted to pagan stuff. For me that's a different way of examining ideas and not a belief system.

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