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List of those that voted for Default

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:13 AM

reply to post by Indigo5

Yes, i am aware of how the Govt does a budget, but it seems that the Govt has forgotten this, as a budget has not been passed since Dems took control a while back. Hmmmmmm, funny timing.

I am not sure you do understand? The President has submitted a budget proposal for Congress to do as they like with for every year he was in office.

And "Dems took control"??? The President submitted his proposal...The Senate Dems called for a Committee to consider and alter that budget over 22 times (which is the next step to passing a budget) and GOP refused.

macmanAnd just think, your statement of the general public wanting the debt ceiling to be passed is based on what??? Your statement here???

Do you not follow the news? Google Chamber of Commerce and debt ceiling...or CEO's and Debt Ceiling...or Wall Street and Debt ceiling...Polls Debt Ceiling..It's not my job to disprove earth flat statements.

I smell troll mode?

Oh, and obstructing a budget that puts the US further in the red is called (Drum roll please)...........Being responsible.

Obstructing the process where the GOP dominated house can change the budget any way they like? The GOP isn't obstructing a budget...they are obstructing the actual committee process where THEY construct the budget. The GOP can do as they like when constructing the budget, but they prefer to spend piecemeal to give gravy where they like, plus they are divided on where to cut and spend...Libertarian vs. defense hawks etc.

Again...I don't think you understand the process.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:23 AM

reply to post by Indigo5

Yes, Democrats are YET AGAIN blameless for all of America's woes. It's those evil Republicans who are screwing everything up.

If that's how you interpret the facts, that is your prerogative. I am just providing the facts.

Again I bring up the supermajority. The Republicans had next to no say in Congressional decisions at the beginning of Obama's Presidency.

Why? Are we debating the past or present? Shall we cite the brief Democrat "Super-Majority" of years passed...where the Dems had a one vote advantage and suffered more GOP fillibusters than any time in history?

The GOP NOW controls the house of representatives and have enough of a presence in the Senate to oppose a budget conference (it takes 60 votes to pass a budget), and the GOP have opposed that budget conference 22 times.

Do the Democrats actually pay you to cheerlead for them? I mean why can't you guys take criticism? It's NEVER the Democrats' fault. Always someone else's fault. I don't even LIKE the Republicans, but man this administration and its cheerleaders are making me hate the Democrat party even more.

You can interpret the facts however you like, but being angry at people for providing them seems the misplaced result of you being mad at reality.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

So basically I have to buy what you are pitching because I haven't presented opposing sourced facts to your presented un-sourced facts???
Ah, the killing kitten approach again??
You have yet to come out against killing kittens. Why do you hate kittens???

I do love that again, you want to add more restrictions and control on companies/businesses but then in turn use them as an example as to why you are championing something.
I hate touching turds, but if it helps me get what I want, I will walk around holding one all day. Typical Progressive crap, I add my statement of "It is ALWAYS different for Progressives".

I also love the idea that since the GOP only holds 1/3 of the Govt, that they in turn must capitulate to the Progressive march into hell. Since, after-all, 0bama won the election, right??? Do you ever get away from the group think?

The listed officials, in this instance, did the correct and moral thing.

Raising the Debt Ceiling does one thing, opens a pathway to more spending. This is as simple as knowing that up is up and down is down.

Next you will tell me that raising it doesn't mean an increase in spending.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:42 AM


I smell troll mode?

Shall I go cry in the corner or just stay in my seat and sob a little?

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:46 AM

reply to post by Indigo5

So basically I have to buy what you are pitching because I haven't presented opposing sourced facts to your presented un-sourced facts???
Ah, the killing kitten approach again??
You have yet to come out against killing kittens. Why do you hate kittens???

When the factual, published evidence showing something is true is easily found and you demand proof, that is trolling.

Prove the earth is not flat!!! Are you unaware of the Chamber of Commerce's public demands that the Debt Ceiling be raised in a clean bill? If you are unaware, then I am debating with someone grossly un-informed on the issue...If you are aware but claim otherwise, then you are trolling.

I do love that again, you want to add more restrictions and control on companies/businesses but then in turn use them as an example as to why you are championing something.

You are conflating two different issues...ironically one that split the GOP. The GOP in it's entirety would like less regulation, but one faction of the GOP cares more about the economy and corporations not suffering through a second recession/depression than they do repealing Obamacare.

Other divisions are along differing priorities between (a) Libertarian (b) Christian right (c) Tea Party (c) Traditional conservatives ....there is overlap, but this last debate highlighted where differing agenda's split the party...Economic damage to business vs. repealing Obamacare.


I also love the idea that since the GOP only holds 1/3 of the Govt, that they in turn must capitulate to the Progressive march into hell.

No...they must capitulate to the Democratic process. If they want laws repealed, win elections, pass or repeal legislation, don't take America hostage and demand to circumvent all 3 branches of government.

That holds true for any party.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Sorry, all I read was the Dem party won, and everyone needs to shut up and deal with it.

Oh, also forgot to add your unwillingness to provide sources for what you state as fact, by using Alinsky style tactics to defend your stance.

I do believe that it is common practice by you, to shoot down statements in other threads that don't supply a source.

Again, it is always different for Progressives, always.

But, don't feel bad, as your practice of this is pretty much what is used by the Tyrant 0bama and the Govt as well. SO, you do have many fellow participants in your elected style.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:54 AM


No...they must capitulate to the Democratic process. If they want laws repealed, win elections, pass or repeal legislation, don't take America hostage and demand to circumvent all 3 branches of government.

That holds true for any party.

Oh, so what they did was illegal?? Or against policies/rules set forth???

Oh, no........They are just going against what you want.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Intentions only matter to Progressives and followers of 0bama.

They have no concern for if what they want and/or forced onto people is successful or not. In this case, a miserable failure coming at us, like a slow train collision that we all are riding by force.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:05 AM


No...they must capitulate to the Democratic process. If they want laws repealed, win elections, pass or repeal legislation, don't take America hostage and demand to circumvent all 3 branches of government.

That holds true for any party.

Oh, so what they did was illegal?? Or against policies/rules set forth???

Oh, no........They are just going against what you want.

Perfectly legal...and entirely undemocratic.

Our system of democracy is not perfect...Those whose strategy is to exploit each technical imperfection in the rules governing our representatives with the aim of undermining the balance of powers and the democratic process demonstrate disdain for that same democracy they claim to champion.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:09 AM


Perfectly legal...and entirely undemocratic.

Our system of democracy is not perfect...Those whose strategy is to exploit each technical imperfection in the rules governing our representatives with the aim of undermining the balance of powers and the democratic process demonstrate disdain for that same democracy they claim to champion.

Oh, so just undemocratic because you say so. Because it is not for what you want.

I guess it is also patriotic to pay taxes as well.

Man, you sure do love Govt.

I guess you were just as mad when these style of tactics are used by the Dems.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:11 AM


Oh, also forgot to add your unwillingness to provide sources for what you state as fact, by using Alinsky style tactics to defend your stance.

I do believe that it is common practice by you, to shoot down statements in other threads that don't supply a source.

Wow...Okay if you want to shout that you know nothing about the topic you are you can start with the Thread on the topic, complete with links and source..

U.S. Chamber of Commerce to Get Involved in GOP Primaries

How bad have things gotten for the GOP in the current shutdown saga? The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is siding with President Obama.

Talking Points Memo says the Chamber is urging Republicans to re-open the government and raise the debt ceiling to avoid potential economic disaster.

The organization is also planning on getting involved in primaries to help protect "friendly" lawmakers who may face a challenge over the shutdown fight.

When the free market capitalists your party claims to represent think you are bad for the country...what does that say?

And it's not just them!

CEOs look to Obama; Tea party Republicans are not heeding GOP’s old big business allies

Also here

With Traditional GOP Allies Defecting, Big Business Takes Sides With Obama

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Having failed to persuade their traditional Republican allies in Congress to avert a government shutdown, business leaders fear bigger problems ahead, and they're taking sides with a Democratic president whose health care and regulatory agenda they have vigorously opposed.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by macman


We expect civility and decorum within all topics.

edit on Sun Oct 20 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:16 AM
The chaos caused by this petulant grandstanding is very real around the world (take a look at India's stock exchange, for example). Unfortunately, billions of people rely on our economic system for little things... like food. The markets (that plunged because of this) around the world are linked directly to what these idiots do, and the nature of the game is complex and goes beyond a household budget.

We are dealing in nearly imaginary numbers in the trillions and this country takes in enough revenue to spend like it is... but of course it's a great idea to reign in spending in well researched, sober ways. This wasn't the way, though.

The minority who want it to burn forget the real life horrors that bonfire would cause. Economics is serious business, unfortunately. The folks so worried about spending now were silent when the last pres was spending far more for far less... so though they have a decent point, they come across as simple and partisan.

Yes, the whole deal is very like a Ponzi scheme... but very real lives are still linked to it and it's all we have at the moment.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Sorry, I didn't read all 6 pages yet. But I did want to correct one important premise mentioned in the OP.

The debt ceiling was NOT raised. It was suspended. This is bad. This means that right now the government is operating without any limits on borrowing.

But, they wouldn't abuse that now, would they? I was just ranting about this in another thread.
edit on 10/18/13 by AnonymousCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:28 AM
This is one of the most depressing threads I have ever read on ATS and I read a lot of hollow earth and dark side of the moon threads.

I just don't know what else to say.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Shall I cry a river, or just a creek?

Really, is that all you have, is to call me a troll??
I guess that the next step is to call me a racist......

Typical and expected responses from you.

Let me know when you have some new retorts.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:54 AM
Enough with this personal junk. Further ill mannered posts will be removed and possible posting bans.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:57 AM


posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 05:05 PM
People just don't get it. There is no debt. The money that is owed is worthless. its just an idea. Its not backed by anything of worth. Switch currencies, stop printing federal reserve notes, problem solved. It really can be that simple.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 05:24 PM

People just don't get it. There is no debt. The money that is owed is worthless. its just an idea. Its not backed by anything of worth. Switch currencies, stop printing federal reserve notes, problem solved. It really can be that simple.

Umm. Ok.. Stop paying your car and house payment. You have no debt right? See how long you get to keep your car. Burn your cash while your at it since it's worthless. Lol

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