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List of those that voted for Default

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posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Your metaphor is precipitated on the premise that I was recovering from my heart attack and dropping the weight. Unfortunately that isn't true of the economy. Our economy is just flat lining, not really getting better, not really getting worse. So maybe change the beginning of your example to something like, after the heart attack the doctor tells you a lie about the surgery needed to fix you, say he needs to go through your stomach to get to your heart. Then after the surgery is over with and you aren't sure if it actually fixed anything but man do you hurt more now than ever, he leaves you lying in a hospital bed for years hooked to an IV, you don't get any healthier but you certainly aren't dying.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:30 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

Your metaphor is precipitated on the premise that I was recovering from my heart attack and dropping the weight. Unfortunately that isn't true of the economy.

Economic indicators over the past few years disagree with that claim.

In order to claim what the far-right has been trying to claim...that the economy is not recovering, they must engage in false math and fudged numbers. Manufacturing? Home Prices? Consumer Confidence? Unemployment? GDP? etc. etc.

In addition to recovery we are also shedding pounds, though still over-weight. Debt to GDP: falling, Deficits: falling...both at a quicker clip than any time since WW2...and if you exclude that one year post-ww2..then more quickly than ever recorded.

Overweight? Yes...but losing weight quickly.

Our economy is just flat lining, not really getting better, not really getting worse. So maybe change the beginning of your example to something like, after the heart attack the doctor tells you a lie about the surgery needed to fix you, say he needs to go through your stomach to get to your heart. Then after the surgery is over with and you aren't sure if it actually fixed anything but man do you hurt more now than ever, he leaves you lying in a hospital bed for years hooked to an IV, you don't get any healthier but you certainly aren't dying.

Again...The only significant hiccups in our recovery thus far have been directly linked to GOP Obstructionism and the two times they have threatened to destroy the economy.

But more to the point...what kind of amazes me how quickly the GOP seems to have engaged in mass delusion.

The shut-down and threat of Default was never to reign in spending.

The threat of default was to defund stop Socialism!! And they made this threat whilst saying that default was not in our countries best interest.

It wasn't until they realized they would never get Obamacare repealed, that they switched to banner of "saving Americans from debt"...and then said default was good thing?

See...the GOPs demands and rational for those demands shifted dramatically as Americans watched. Confused why anyone would place any credibility in the ever dramatically changing rational the GOP offered?

This wasn't fiscal responsibility...That claim arrived as a desperate reach as the GOP lost the battle on Obamacare.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Thanks for the list.

I do wish there was a way to print out a specific post other then cutting and pasting into another program but I'll probably take the time to do so as this needs remembering.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

You should clarify where the economic indicators are coming from. Left wing news sites and the White House. I'm sure they are anxious to downplay the lull in the recovery any way they can. Once you peal back the rhetoric, you see that the numbers aren't so great after all. Like that most new jobs are in the service sector, are part-time, and close to minimum wage; like the Stock Market being at an all time high, but that is only because of QE infinity; or housing prices climbing again, but that is only because banks are keeping large inventories of houses off of the market.

Of course if you weren't so blinded by your party loyalty, I wouldn't have to point this out to you. You'd already be aware that Obama is a habitual liar and obscures the truth all the time. I mean why else would the White House be touting the success of Obamacare due to the number of people signing up at, but at the same time be steadfastly refusing to release actual enrollment numbers?

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

While I agree with some of the things you said, we are far from obamacare challenging, I can predict that it will fall on its own.

You can not force the left over tax payer working class to keep forwarding tax dollars for the government incompetence and greed dictated by corporate America.

Now with Obama ramming very soon 30 million of immigrants into the economy when more than half will become welfare recipient sucking into once more the working productive class, while that seems a good idea for more votes for the Democrats is going to be more hardship and even the death for those that are in productive tax payer class.

Things are not going to get better, no matter how the politicrats keep pushing that things are.

They are not.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:54 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

You should clarify where the economic indicators are coming from. Left wing news sites and the White House. I'm sure they are anxious to downplay the lull in the recovery any way they can.

I find the most reliable financial numbers come from investment firms and analysts. They, by necessity, prioritize hard, cold, facts when it comes to the financials, since their livelihood depends on it. Politics comes second to earning a living.

You'd already be aware that Obama is a habitual liar and obscures the truth all the time. I mean why else would the White House be touting the success of Obamacare due to the number of people signing up at, but at the same time be steadfastly refusing to release actual enrollment numbers?

Which is it? Are all of the financial numbers showing recovery a lie by the Whitehouse and massive conspiracy of false numbers? If so then why hasn't the Whitehouse simply released false numbers on the Obamacare enrollment?

Your internal logic contradicts itself.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

I don't know, I'm not Obama. He will say or not say whatever he wants. I guess the website signup numbers are good enough for him for now. I'm sure after a few weeks and this deception gets old, he'll start lying a different way to hide how bad Obamacare is. Though keep in mind hiding the enrollment numbers while promoting the signup numbers may not be out and out lying, it certainly isn't being completely honest either.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Indigo, the only recovery in the nation is thanks to once again the tax payer class and the QEs that is the ones keeping Wall street numbers up, the so call recovery will never get to reach the working poor class, those are been kept on the increasing welfare state.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:01 PM

Thanks for the list.

I know right? Lists are awesome!

The one I'm putting together is the one where members of congress, that were supposed to be on a committee investigating the unneccessary pain during the shutdown, engaged in a back patting praise fest instead of doing their job. I have piles of video and everything, it's going to be great! The title hasn't come to me yet, but it's definately going to have the word traitors in it.

Did you know that on a normal day, when our government is operating, the average number of park poilce "protecting" a certain memorial is four, yet during the shutdown it was nine? Really interesting stuff that not too many people saw, because it was ignored. I guess numbers are boring, though, so I'm sure a few won't find it their cup of tea.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:10 PM


reply to post by Indigo5

Hey I have a hypothetical situation for you. Let's say that you break your leg and for whatever reason you fail have it set and put into a cast. Because of this it heals wrong and you end up with a limp that slowly causes your body to ache more and more from the constant bad posture. Now you go to the doctor and have two options to pursue. Do you either A) have the doctor proscribe percocet to dull the pain, but in the process come with new problems like addiction. Not to mention it doesn't fix the problem. Or B) have the doctor rebreak the leg so he can properly set it and let it heal again. Therefore going through some intense pain again as the leg is rebroken and has to reheal, but after it finishes properly healing, you will be fine again since your posture will have been corrected.

I assume you are an intelligent person so I won't spell out the parallels I'm getting at here with the default.

I have a hypothetical for you. Let's say you have a mild heart attack, but recover. While you were recovering in the hospital, you gained a lot of weight due to the inactivity. You leave the hospital, start eating better and walking everyday...and the weight you gained slowly starts to drop-off, but you are still overweight.

You go in for your check-up and the doctor explains you are recovering well, your weight is dropping and your ticker looks better with each check-up. Be patient and keep up the good work.

The following week you go in for your next check-up and there is a substitute doctor while your regular doctor is on vacation. He asks you to lie down on the examination table. When you do he leaps on top of you and straps you to the table so you can't move. You start to scream and another of his colleagues rushes in and rather than help they both start to argue about what they should do to you. One doctor says that they should starve you near to death...but it's for your own good...the other doctor pulls out a scalpel and says they should just kill you on the spot...cuz you are overweight and going to die someday anyway. All of the craziness and threats make your heart to begin to beat faster where the doctors say...just look at you...your heart isn't even beating need us to help you.
edit on 17-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

What the hell was THAT? With that childish, no, infantile eruption of sheer paranoid gibberish, you have just convinced me that you ARE in fact a child.

I have lived through FIVE democratic administrations and SIX republican administrations and they ALL suck. Pandering little sycophants with virtually NO world experience are their manna. Lazy little people who mouth the party line rather than risk critical thinking.

Krazyshot gave an excellent analogy of the problem we face in this country. Your juvenile treatment of it confirms that you CAN'T answer him with logic and reason.

When the dollar dies and hyperinflation robs all your worldly wealth, will you be so obtuse then?

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I don't care about the enrollment numbers. Not sure why you do?

High...Socialism has taken hold!! The Moochers are stealing our tax-dollars...down with Obama!!!

Low...SEE!! SEE!! We told you it would never work!! Down with Obama!!!

The BS gets kinda tiring after the polls are clearly showing.

At the end of the day, those folks that need insurance have insurance...don't care if that is 10 or 100,000,000.

It's a good thing. End of story for me.

Sidenote: I know there is a lot of sourness out there amongst the far-right after having suffered what many are calling a huge and embarrassing defeat, the TP and GOP numbers being at all time lows etc.

I am kind of glad to offer an outlet and myself as a target in this thread.

The far right has had a really, really bad month.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:14 PM


When the dollar dies and hyperinflation robs all your worldly wealth, will you be so obtuse then?

Kudo's on the insulting garbage...get it all out

Honestly...places like ATS are increasingly becoming the last bastion of your ilk. Dark little corners of anonymity,

As for the last bit sound like Glen Beck on coke.

I have lived long enough to have heard that bunk for decades...good luck with it.
edit on 17-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

People have to start living a different life. You pointed some things and I agree. That is what I was alluding to in my other post. But I believe the majority will not think that way. I think we are paying way too much for the return.

I had to chuckle at the road comment as we go through the road issues in my area.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:59 PM



When the dollar dies and hyperinflation robs all your worldly wealth, will you be so obtuse then?

Kudo's on the insulting garbage...get it all out

Honestly...places like ATS are increasingly becoming the last bastion of you ilk. Dark little corners of anonymity,

As for the last bit sound like Glen Beck on coke.

I have lived long enough to have heard that bunk for decades...good luck with it.

What insulting garbage? I have heard far worse coming from your side of this discussion. And "your ilk", oh my, you are really showing your true self. Demonize much? You know nothing about me, at all, yet you categorize me as a sub-human, an extremist....your ilk, indeed. I based my outburst on reading post after post after post of the same bafgabble with no supporting facts. Only melodramatic impassioned hyperbole. Your riposte sounded exactly like a lot of the right wing fear mongering about Obamacare and Death Panels. Congratulations for helping them out, I am sure you will now be on Glenn Beck's X-mas card list.

I do not seek anonymity at ATS or anywhere else. I have put myself and my beliefs in the public eye for decades. I am tired of watching our jobs go away, our factories close and our working class people suffer. I am tired of people looking to government for answers and all they get is lies, more taxes and mindless politicalspeak. Form letters have replaced written communication. Buzzwords have supplanted truth and hyperbole has become the new norm. EBT cards are a pisspoor substitute for jobs.

Look at how these fools acted during this whole thing. Both sides reached new lows during this debacle and I am frankly tired of all the finger pointing and BS. You ain't alone, you just happen to be the one gloating right now. I can assure you that the democrats have done similar posturing because I have seen and been directly affected by it, and I watched the republicans gloat. I am not sure gloating is proper for either side because Karma can be a bitch.

I might buy 3 decades, but not much more. And it is not bunk, it is economic reality. Numbers DO NOT LIE. The world derivative market is starting to collapse and that debt is in excess of 1 quadrillion US dollars. Helicopter Ben is printing money like crazy but he won't be able to continue for more than a year or two more without inducing hyperinflation. Can't happen here? Seems that is what they said in Zimbabwe and Weimar Germany.

We have merely kicked the can down the road til Jan or Feb and then it all starts again. Nothing has been solved.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Thanks for the list. Nice to see both of my senators, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, as well as my representative, Joe Barton, voted the way I and many other Texan's asked them to.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 05:37 PM




When the dollar dies and hyperinflation robs all your worldly wealth, will you be so obtuse then?

Kudo's on the insulting garbage...get it all out

Honestly...places like ATS are increasingly becoming the last bastion of you ilk. Dark little corners of anonymity,

As for the last bit sound like Glen Beck on coke.

I have lived long enough to have heard that bunk for decades...good luck with it.

What insulting garbage?

childish, no, infantile eruption of sheer paranoid gibberish, you have just convinced me that you ARE in fact a child.

As for the rest...From Death panels to Germany to derivatives to economic collapse and hyper-inflation??? frustrating as it must be to you...not buying it. It just seems like angry ranting.
edit on 17-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Thanks for the list. Nice to see both of my senators, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, as well as my representative, Joe Barton, voted the way I and many other Texan's asked them to.

Glad to be of service. And glad that Boehner relented and gave our representatives the chance to vote...and despite disagreeing with your views, glad we all get to see how our reps voted and have a chance to hold them accountable, praise or disappointment.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 06:05 PM
While I agree with neither parties objectives or methods of obtaining those objectives. I would say that a default is at some point inevitable given the ponz scheme that is the fed.

Let's face the music and deal with it. The sooner the better. After all, the bigger they are (government, national debt), the harder they fall and the longer our government keeps this charade going the bigger the government is getting and the bigger the debt is getting.

The repercussions will only be that much worse if allowed to conitinue. We should follow Iceland's example, hold the banks and the corrupt politicans accountable and start with fresh blood and an agenda that is more then just the same circle jerking.
edit on 17-10-2013 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

The crack up thing is this passed bill only allows treasury to keep borrowing until Feb next year. Then the whole thing happens again. Its only putting of the inevitable that the US will default. Seriously the US debt is astronomical. I see the US turning into a purely defence/military state where there is the elite rich and the rest of the population are worker bees on Macdonald wages.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 06:24 PM

You do not look to "get out of debt" by stopping paying your bills...You spend less...and that is CONGRESS'S responsibility before the bills come due.

I am the source of all dollars in existence. I have created $200 exactly.

You come borrow $200 from me at 10% interest per day.

The next day you come to pay me back because you decide you don't need it after all.

You owe me $220.

How are you going to pay your debt? You can't.

Go to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Welcome to debtor's prison sucker.
edit on 17-10-2013 by BardingTheBard because:

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