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List of those that voted for Default

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posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Senator Ron Johnson from Wi.,yes, and Ron Kind Congressman, no. It seems to me something drastic, like a debt default, is necessary to get our reps on track to reigning in the spending and unending interest payments. Personally, I see no easy way out, they'll keep coasting along until we have lost all credibility in the global market.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 10:05 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

The crack up thing is this passed bill only allows treasury to keep borrowing until Feb next year. Then the whole thing happens again.

Not quite true. During the whole "sequestration" debate and debacle, one of the provisions that the Congress wanted to enact was to abdicate their responsibility of being the "purse string" and give it to the Executive.

For instance, as it stands now with this current bill, the President can, via executive order, raise the debt limit so long as the Legislative branch does not oppose it. Even then, if they so do oppose it, it is subjected to a veto.

February is a red-herring in terms of the "debt ceiling". The credit line is wide open unless Congress can muster the votes to override a veto come February (that is if they even fight it...)

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 11:19 PM



The ONLY long term solution is for Obama to stop squandering cash and balance the budget, but it is one that he refuses to consider even to exist.

Nothing personal...But please review civics 101. Congress holds the purse-strings. They spend the money and balance the budget. Whatever your political leanings, falling victim to propagandist rhetoric doesn't do you any good.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 11:19 PM



The ONLY long term solution is for Obama to stop squandering cash and balance the budget, but it is one that he refuses to consider even to exist.

Nothing personal...But please review civics 101. Congress holds the purse-strings. They spend the money and balance the budget. Whatever your political leanings, falling victim to propagandist rhetoric doesn't do you any good.

Well,thats raw bunkum isnt it?

Every time the Pres goes to the airport, it costs the US taxpayer $145,000. When he went to meet David Cameron, Cameron came by train. It cost British taxpayers about $145 and the US taxpayers about $145,00
edit on 17-10-2013 by abacus10 because: pressed return too soon

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 04:09 AM
wasn`t it congress who voted and passed all these laws and other things that require money to pay for them? and now that the time has come to pay for the things that they enacted they don`t want to.

When congress was running up the debt by passing all these laws and programs where did they think the money was going to come from to pay for all that stuff? considering we are already running a deficit every year.
congress is fully to blame for the country`s financial woes,they continue to commit us to more spending and more debt without the slightest thought as to how they are going to pay for all of it.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 04:39 AM

edit on 18-10-2013 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 07:34 AM

reply to post by Krazysh0t

I don't care about the enrollment numbers. Not sure why you do?

Um... because that shows the success of the program. Businesses don't gauge their success based on how many people walk into their stores to browse and then leave. Not sure why the government thinks it can get away with the same nonsense. Heck I can just as easily sign up with several fake accounts to get an idea of how rates change based on different income levels and such to figure out the best way to scam the system (which I'm sure others in this country have thought of). That increases the signup rate, but at the MOST would increase the enrollment by 1.

Leave it to a left wing person to try to downplay the real statistic that measures the programs success while promoting a meaningless statistic. Your lord and savior Obama would be proud.


posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 07:51 AM

I'm sure some of you would have been happier if you could have said, "Well we sunk the USA, caused a worse recession than Bush BUT we sure showed that Obama".

That's what it really boils down to,my friend.
I keep wondering what the end game for
TeaPARTIERS*** really is?
A country of super rich and very poor?
Because after they stop all of the benifit
Programs ( SS and medicare-medicade)
Do you think they will back off...
Hell NO...
As in Germany, they will find another scapegoat to blame as they line
Their own pockets!
I read all of the republicans were in
Together and Heritage Action called
And the talks ceased...
Guess who really runs our government
Sad state of affairs..Im thinking
The tea-party needs to be arrested
For Treason!

edit on Sun Oct 20 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: ***Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Tardacus

They don't care anymore as they have carte blanche for it, is like the QEs or what used to be call bailouts, every time the Fed comes out and saiy that they will be cutting back on the monthly influx of billions to the mobsters in wall Street they show the Fed what they can do with the markets scam numbers.

Now is open spending with no strings attach.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 08:14 AM

wasn`t it congress who voted and passed all these laws and other things that require money to pay for them? and now that the time has come to pay for the things that they enacted they don`t want to.

When congress was running up the debt by passing all these laws and programs where did they think the money was going to come from to pay for all that stuff? considering we are already running a deficit every year.
congress is fully to blame for the country`s financial woes,they continue to commit us to more spending and more debt without the slightest thought as to how they are going to pay for all of it.

Yes, it was Congress who did this. The problem is that most spending bills were exempt from PAYGO, which requires that spending or tax changes not add to the deficit. That's the real question that the media should be asking politicians...why are so many bills exempt?

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 08:22 AM
This wasn't a vote for default. They knew the votes were there to keep the US from defaulting. They just made a political statement placating their base by voting the way they did.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Looks like a list of those that want responsible spending in the Govt. You know, the same Govt that taxes the citizens to pay for crap the Govt says we need.

There is no reason why to raise the debt ceiling, other then to increase spending.

NO ONE, NO BUSINESS and NO ORGANIZATION pushed for more credit while working to pay down debt.

But, you go ahead and continue behind 0bama, cleaning up his crap and preaching his praise and the people helping him.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 09:08 AM


For instance, as it stands now with this current bill, the President can, via executive order, raise the debt limit so long as the Legislative branch does not oppose it. Even then, if they so do oppose it, it is subjected to a veto.

Yes and no. The Debt Ceiling has never been raised by Executive Order. Some legal experts think it can be done by executive order, others disagree. What this means is that if the President raised the Debt Ceiling by executive order, it would, without question, by legally challenged. That legal challenge would interject valid and credible doubt into the issuance of Treasury bonds, and while people and nations might still buy them, they would demand a much higher rate to reflect that doubt. Would you purchase a home from someone if there was legal doubt that they held legitimate title to that home? If you did, you would look for a really good deal. So immediate effects of the Ceiling being raised by executive order would be a dramatic increase in the interest on debt, which would also immediately and sharply increase the interest rates for everything from business loans to mortgage loans since they are based on that rate. That means higher interest rates for every consumer and business, less expansion, less consumer purchasing etc....and at the end of the day, the courts could invalidate that Executive Order, invalidating the treasury bonds that were issued and set off a chain reaction much worse than default.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 09:12 AM
Just two words.

My heros!

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Ex

Keep using the term tea baggers because it makes you sound so intelligent.

That term equates with pretty much every other racist term out there.

What are you? A Nazi?

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 09:27 AM

reply to post by Indigo5

Looks like a list of those that want responsible spending in the Govt. You know, the same Govt that taxes the citizens to pay for crap the Govt says we need.

These same folks have been the ones that have obstructed passing an actual budget that would reign in spending...

The Democrats finally got the GOP to move forward with passing a budget with this bill..

On their 22nd try, Senate Democrats on Wednesday got a deal with Republicans to hold a budget conference committee with the House.

Setting up the conference is a part of the deal the Senate approved Wednesday to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling.

Previous attempts by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to get unanimous consent for the conference were thwarted by a handful of Republicans.

And just for clarity on how a budget works...
(1) The President's budget request: The United States budget process begins when the President of the United States submits a budget request to Congress.
(2) Congressional Budget Committees: The President's budget submission is referred to the House and Senate Budget Committees and to the CBO. Budget committees consider the President's budget proposals in the light of the CBO budget report, and each committee submits a budget resolution to its house by April 1. After both houses pass a budget resolution, selected Representatives and Senators negotiate a conference report to reconcile differences between the House and the Senate versions.
(3) Authorization and appropriations

So the President proposes a budget (Which he has done)
Congress takes his proposal and keeps or abandons what they choose and adds amendments, then both houses pass it.

To Date the GOP have refused to hold a conference to even begin agreement on a budget. (see above)

Absent a budget, they spend or cut as they please...this allows the GOP to continue to spend on pork for their home constituencies, while cutting other programs they don't like and all the while ranting about fiscal responsibility while refusing to pass a budget.

NO ONE, NO BUSINESS and NO ORGANIZATION pushed for more credit while working to pay down debt.

Except for the largest organization in the USA that represents business?? Chamber of Commerce? and every CEO of any standing that was asked? And Wall Street et al.? and apparently 80% of the USA that said the Debt Ceiling should be raised?? Strange claim...

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Wait, Obama hasn't passed a budget his entire Presidency and you are blaming this on the Republicans? Ok you need to stop with the dishonesty now. Obama presided over a supermajority at the beginning of his presidency and he STILL didn't pass a budget. So seriously stop.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:00 AM

reply to post by Indigo5

Wait, Obama hasn't passed a budget his entire Presidency and you are blaming this on the Republicans?

Civics 101 again...honestly can't debate with folks that don't understand the basics..and refuse to educate themselves.

The President is not the one to "pass a budget"...Congress is.

The President gives them a budget "PROPOSAL" ...which he has done.

Then Congress forms a committee and takes or leaves the budget...changes it however they like etc AND PASSES THE BUDGET.

SO FAR...THE GOP HAVE REFUSED TO EVEN FORM A COMMITTE TO FORMUALTE THE BUDGET. Despite the Democrats trying over 22 times to get them to do so.

That is just the facts.

In Obama’s case, he has submitted his budget request each year he has been in office.
edit on 18-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

On their 22nd try, Senate Democrats on Wednesday got a deal with Republicans to hold a budget conference committee with the House.

Setting up the conference is a part of the deal the Senate approved Wednesday to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling.

Previous attempts by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to get unanimous consent for the conference were thwarted by a handful of Republicans.
edit on 18-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Yes, i am aware of how the Govt does a budget, but it seems that the Govt has forgotten this, as a budget has not been passed since Dems took control a while back. Hmmmmmm, funny timing.

And just think, your statement of the general public wanting the debt ceiling to be passed is based on what??? Your statement here???

Oh, and obstructing a budget that puts the US further in the red is called (Drum roll please)...........Being responsible. Oh, but I forgot. Since it puts Dems in a bad light, then a larger debt is a good thing. If Bush was in office, it would be a bad thing in your eyes.

I do like your cheery picking of just the GOP putting pork into bills. Seems that your beloved Dem party does the same. Poop called, says vomit stinks.

As for the debt ceiling being raised is okay by businesses?? Maybe, just maybe it has to do with the amount of money they make from the Govt, which takes it's funding from the people first.

Ah. gotta love the Keynesian style of economics to make you feel good about large Govt spending and debt.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Yes, Democrats are YET AGAIN blameless for all of America's woes. It's those evil Republicans who are screwing everything up. Again I bring up the supermajority. The Republicans had next to no say in Congressional decisions at the beginning of Obama's Presidency. They could have easily passed a budget through Congress with all Democrat votes.

Do the Democrats actually pay you to cheerlead for them? I mean why can't you guys take criticism? It's NEVER the Democrats' fault. Always someone else's fault. I don't even LIKE the Republicans, but man this administration and its cheerleaders are making me hate the Democrat party even more.

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