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Why Americans are being prevented with armed force from entering National Lands

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posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:13 AM


reply to post by burdman30ott6

If I may add to the speculation. . . .

Imagine the roles reversed. Could the US secure land in another nation? Have we done this before?

And finally, how successful has it been?

If this is what is happening, what blows me away is how completely insulated and bubble like their perceptions are. They honestly believe...again, IF this is happening...that Americans will tolerate this? They really think millions of us will continue to see the comforts of daily life worth more than the very Soul of our nation? I'm really sorry if our President and others have NO concept of nationalism and national pride to fight for on that alone ....but MANY millions of us DO feel that way, I believe.. and yeah, well worth fighting for.

You'd think someone would explain that very American concept to them if they couldn't understand it by life experience.

I've been reading through this great thread and had to stop to reply to this post, because this is exactly what the ptb know the people will do, and don't think for a minute they don't have a false flag or several prepared should open revolt start so they can plead with the UN to help them restore order in America after oh I don't know, someone blew up the Hoover Dam:

Yeh, it sounds crazy, but that image has been on the fifty a long time just as these two were on the twenties before incidents happened, and yet people say, "It's just folding money" like that explains how a complicated image like these appear on them:

So, as you can see they have shown us what their plans were before Oklahoma, Twin Towers and The Pentagon were hit, why would you not think they won't take out the Hoover dam? The old 50 had the road intact and the newer 50 has water spilling over the dam. Imagine what would happen if some "whacko" freedom fighter angry American blew it up ? Might the UN come in with Chinese troops to help Uncle Sam restore order over the Chinese people's property? Might that be what over a billion rounds of hollow point ammunition is for and thousands of MRAP vehicles?

If the Hoover Dam blows, does this image make more sense?

It's all speculation. But, we appear to be getting pushed to a cliff and unfortunately people do not think, they react like a herd, and if you are in their way, you will go along or get run over by them. Having inside operatives agitating the people is the FBI specialty, and that is my biggest concern.
edit on 11-10-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:21 AM

reply to post by burdman30ott6

That is terrifying and heartbreaking, glad I am old,

God took mom and dad a couple of years ago. My parents heart would break seeing what is happening, and I was comforted as I saw these things building up years ago, and knew it would destroy their spirit. My partner's family has been dropping like flies this year, and they just lost another cousin yesterday! I think many are being taken out of here to not see this coming.

All I can say is stock up on some food, water, medicine and essentials, and be able to hunker down for a while if necessary.
edit on 11-10-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:26 AM
Briefly wanted to say props to your theory... I don't agree, however I find it interesting to entertain.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:58 AM
I remember some threads, about 4 years ago, about Barack Obama ''selling U.S. sovereign soil to the Chinese. I remember looking into it, in depth, and it was all very sketchy but compelling all the same. Meetings were had, money was moved, changes were made. There just wasn't enough there to put together anything concrete on evidence of the meetings and what was actually being done inside of said meetings. It seemed logical, plausible, and fiscally, the best move for the administration....maybe.

The sources were dodgy, the evidence lacking, the interest in the story almost non-existent, and anybody that did have anything to say about, for the most part, were just poking holes everywhere and trying to debunk the thing.

I think some re-examination is in order, with these new revelations, we could have been onto this years ago and just let it slip right by. I could not even get into the consequences and series of events that will occur if it is true; If sovereign U.S. soil has been sold, in secret from the people it rightfully belongs to, to any other nation, especially China.

If that is true than we, as Americans, and we, as a World, will experience events in the the world unfold that we never though even imaginable.


edit on 11-10-2013 by devildogUSMC because: change

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by imasheep

And that continues to have nothing to do with the OP question about why guards are not letting people into national parks during the shutdown.

Fact: national parks are part of the appropriations that lapsed on October 1.

Fact: activities outside of the safety and welfare of people or property are shut down unless operating on their own funds.

Fact: None of that has a damn thing to do with China or buying gold or any of the other junk you are babbling about. Now if you want to apply your arguments to a default of payments, fine. As it applies to the shutdown, which is a COMPLETELY SEPARATE ISSUE, your "facts" are all pointless.

And there won't be a default. The 14th Amendment assures us that this political "debt ceiling" theater is simply political grandstanding.


posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 12:30 PM
It seems we will entertain just about any theory if it will make people scared or worried. The more scary the better. It gets stars and flags and puts the thread on the front page.
How amazed I would be to find the front page filled with stories that made people feel good but feel good isn't on the menu here. Only frightened and worry play on this stage and the more bizzare the story the more interest it garners.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Don't be silly of course we own it. It's closed because of the shutdown. I couldn't get on NASA'S website yesterday. Do the Chinese own that too. Too funny.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by usernameconspiracy

Ummmmmm could it be because the govt is shut down ????? I think that could explain it.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

It is just folded money. The map does not make sense. The Colorado river feeds into lake mead created by the dam . Take the dam out it floods Las Vegas and takes all the water away from California. It certainly would not flood the Mississippi river basin.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 12:49 PM
Just throwing out another possible explanation for the conspiracy-minded:

What if they knew a collapse or disaster of some kind was headed our way and knowing this were preparing by placing discrete monitoring devices in wilderness areas? Trail cams are common enough but it would be relatively easy to hide them in trees and places where nobody would notice them.

That way they would know who was bugging out to where and could find them with relative ease especially with the use of drones.

I went and skimmed through Behold a Pale Horse this morning after Soulwaxer's reminder. He was right about so many things it cannot be mere chance that he knew these things were coming. Nobody could guess that accurately. One thing that jumped out at me was a secret society he mentioned that was based in Afghanistan of all places. I'd be interested to learn about them if anyone knew anything.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 01:51 PM
Fascinating ideas presented here. However, under normal operation these parks charge admission, camping fees, boat launch fees, etc. They also provide law enforcement and fish and game control. Not that this info in any revelation to anyone here. Wouldn't it be a more likely senario that they don't want people getting freebees and running amok in our parks? Just sayin'...

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 02:01 PM
As a Canadian I would gladly join an American insurgent group against the Chinese.
Canada has the worlds third largest oil reserves, plus the worlds largest supply of fresh water. It would only be a matter of time before they came for us as well.

Long Live North America!

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Fascinating ideas presented here. However, under normal operation these parks charge admission, camping fees, boat launch fees, etc. They also provide law enforcement and fish and game control. Not that this info in any revelation to anyone here. Wouldn't it be a more likely senario that they don't want people getting freebees and running amok in our parks? Just sayin'...

Much more likely. Incredibly more likely. However you are liable to be called all kinds of ridiculous names for pointing out actual facts.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 02:46 PM
I really hope this doesn't happen OP. Gosh... what is going on and what is going to happen?

I can't stand what has happened to our Country in the last 100 years. Greed, greed, and more greed.

If the parks reopen I will still have an unsettling feeling.

Where do we go from here?

It seems as if as soon as the federal reserve was created our hole has been dug. I don't see a way out except for the dollar to be no more.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:23 PM

As a Canadian I would gladly join an American insurgent group against the Chinese.
Canada has the worlds third largest oil reserves, plus the worlds largest supply of fresh water. It would only be a matter of time before they came for us as well.

Long Live North America!
one problem with that is when queen victoria died the bankers sized canada they declared it a ship without a captain under maritime law .

the Americas are now considered a union both north and south i think G.w Bush SHOOK HANDS ON IT .

and as the virginia company own quite a bit of the land and have shares in untold companys .

obama loves the american way that much he has shares in drugs companys and sensata .

i think within to long we will hear the words GERR OFFO MY LAAAND .

(post by imasheep removed for a manners violation)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by imasheep

Fact: China is the third largest holder of US debt at roughly 1.2 trillion greenbacks. They can call in this debt at any moment THEY choose. No act or appropriations bill could stop it.

It's not a loan... they can't "call it in".

They can dump their holdings for US Treasuries though and hurt the US debt market, which would backfire on them, as the US buys so much stuff from China.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:50 PM


We are postulating the reasons why the government would keep people out of National Parks, not what a shut down means.

And that reason is....drum roll....... they are funded by the yearly appropriations bills (lately continuing resolutions rather than budgets) and the last appropriations bill lapsed on October 1. Therefore, the only activities allowed to continue are those that impact the safety or welfare of people or property. Thus, nobody to take the admissions required to enter a national park. Thus, closed.

Just because you refuse to consider this fact, does not change the reality that this is the reason. Once an appropriations bill is passed, and the government re-opens, so will the national parks.

I'm going to miss you while I enjoy my weekend.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:58 PM

However, under normal operation these parks charge admission, camping fees, boat launch fees, etc. They also provide law enforcement and fish and game control.

A lot of the parks here in AK collect fees via drop boxes. These drop boxes are often checked, fee enforced, and fees collected by local law enforcement or state DNR employees rather than feds. Furthermore, in most of the western US (where the majority of these parks are located anyway), State troopers or state game wardens enforce the fish & game laws. Park rangers may call in to report something and, in special cases, may be the first line of enforcement, but the state is the ultimate prosecutor and enforcer of game laws everywhere unless and until the violator crosses a state line, at which point it becomes a federal violation.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 04:54 PM
Star & Flag.

Another strange coincidence...

Setting the stage:
The G20 summit was just a month away. QE2 was being discussed. China made a statement that printing more money, and hence devaluing our currency and cheapening the already owned US debt owned by the Chinese, would not be tolerated.

October 15th 2010:

November 3, 2010

November 8th 2010:
"As a major reserve currency issuer, for the United States to launch a second round of quantitative easing at this time, we feel that it did not recognize its responsibility to stabilize global markets and did not think about the impact of excessive liquidity on emerging markets," Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said at a briefing on Monday.

November 9th 2010:

This was later said to be a plane. I've seen dozens of rocket and missile launches in my lifetime, that was not a contrail.

In the news clip they speculate that with Obama in Asia at that time for an economic summit, during which the Chinese declared that the US had started a trade war and warned us to not print more money or else, this could have been a US show of force. I think it makes better sense that this was a shot across the bow of the US; perhaps the Chinese are more advanced than we thought- or that their alliance with Russia is greater than we know.

If we default, China will claim, or at least make the attempt to claim, the collateral that backs the debt: our national parks. Is it any wonder anytime we discover fuel or minerals in the ground the feds claim the land as a federally owned national park? ANWAR backs our debt. More specifically, the oil underneath ANWAR backs the debt, which is why we can't drill it out. Our government has killed hundreds of thousands in the past 10 years. Do you really still believe they refrain Alaskans from drilling in ANWAR to save the caribou? That oil doesn't belong to us; it is in escrow until we pay our foreign debts - that's why we can't touch it.

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