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Why Americans are being prevented with armed force from entering National Lands

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posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

I think this whole "armed park rangers" stuff is more to show "the people" where their place is. It was the same reason they started molesting us at airports. It's been an effort to show everyone "who's boss" and to get Americans used to the new gestapo tactics.

Everything the government does now is to show us the "new normal" and to get us used to the lessening of freedoms and liberties, slowly and steadily.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

I want to say I'd love to be wearing the ass ears over this theory when all is said and done

Let me know... I can overlay these onto your avy for a few days if you happen to be wrong about the OP.

At least, that's my impression of what you meant by ass ears

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by MRuss

Great post and a lot of important responses. I just find it interesting that all of the genuine 'public' sites/facilities/parks/monuments are affected.

As if the government doesn't have 100's of vacant buildings throughout the country that have security to watch a vacant building or site.

However, in a tongue-in-cheek thought of a conspiracy, perhaps ET is here and the gov't has closed all of the National Parks such as the 'Devils Tower' in Wyoming because.........(hey....does this story line look a little familiar?????)

Edit: In case some people don't get the pun, that scene is from the classic UFO Movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" : Devils Tower National Monument, which looms more than 1,200 feet above Wyoming’s eastern plains and the Belle Fourche River, is a one-of-a-kind natural wonder. Ya never know....
edit on 10-10-2013 by ItDepends because: Edit added

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Zarniwoop

LOL. My redneck country-isms and northern German family country slang sometimes make me sound like I'm older than dirt. "Wearing the ass ears" is an old time expression that pretty much means "I'll be the town fool for awhile." Court jesters used to wear donkey ears as part of their costume to display foolishness.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Thanks for the explanation.

I was afraid to Google that term. I mean, you just can't un-see some things.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:11 PM
Well we all know the first place to run to when the crap hits the fan would be wilderness areas... and if the powers that be were aware of a possible "crap hits the fan" scenario one would assume the powers would want to take control of the wilderness areas just to know who goes in and out for the time being.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:12 PM
Thanks op! This is very thought provoking stuff! With all the input from this thread I have gained much knowledge as to whats really going on.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:21 PM
The op has no legit sources regarding eminent domain only an article that "hints" at it. Also in such a scenario they'd still have to give me a fair price on my home if they took it. I would likely steal all of the copper on the way out the door.

Source: typed it in snopes
edit on 10-10-2013 by ezwip because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:33 PM
Well I looked through this trying to find someone who would cut it up so much it would no longer be a concern for me. Hasn't happened - it is in fact always a possibility that this can take place.

I actually felt deep saddness (throat tightening like before you cry and all), while reading it - because I'm able to imagine too easily what it would be like to be a foreigner in your home country. Why it resonated with me that strongly I attribute to loss of faith in the government.

What would we all do? How would this affect the mental health of most citizens? I imagine major stress disorders, anger, depression....I mean truly - what 'could' we do and how would the masses respond? Look at how helpless and vulnerable people have become after 9/11. This is one incident. Imagine part of the country no longer belonging to us.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:40 PM

Well I looked through this trying to find someone who would cut it up so much it would no longer be a concern for me. Hasn't happened - it is in fact always a possibility that this can take place.

I actually felt deep saddness (throat tightening like before you cry and all), while reading it - because I'm able to imagine too easily what it would be like to be a foreigner in your home country. Why it resonated with me that strongly I attribute to loss of faith in the government.

What would we all do? How would this affect the mental health of most citizens? I imagine major stress disorders, anger, depression....I mean truly - what 'could' we do and how would the masses respond? Look at how helpless and vulnerable people have become after 9/11. This is one incident. Imagine part of the country no longer belonging to us.

I agree with your comments Dianec, but this is not much different than what happened in Greece. From a psychological and sociological stand point. We need to just look at that scenario as microcosim of what could happen.

It's a case study. Austerity???

Social Unrest Nears as Greece's Society Groups Get Angry at Each Other
edit on 10-10-2013 by ItDepends because: sentence structure

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by tide88

Correct me if I am wrong.
But I'm not sure it would matter how much we have in SS funds. If land was offered as collateral, wouldn't we have to pay up?

Otherwise we are just dumping more worthless notes at the situation.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by MichiganSwampBuck

When/if obama declares a national emergency due to a default he will have the power to confiscate all resources in the country and not just natural resources but man made resources too such as electricity and food.he will have the powers of a dictator.He will have the power to decide who gets what resources and how much they get.he will be legally empowered to do what he wants with those resources, he can sell them, he can give them away to repay debts, he can just sit on them and do nothing with them and it will all be legal.

This is from march 17th 2012:

On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness order gives the Executive Branch the power to control and allocate energy, production, transportation, food, and even water resources by decree under the auspices of national defense and national security. The order is not limited to wartime implementation, as one of the order's functions includes the command and control of resources in peacetime determinations.

Additionally, each cabinet under the Executive Branch has been given specific powers when the order is executed, and include the absolute control over food, water, and other resource distributions.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:17 PM
It seems America was sold long ago.. But the public are still percieving a reality of the past, becuase the governments arent saying anything.

Whatever the reasons for all this global drama, ONE thing is completely obvious to anyone paying attention to their media tactics, propaganda, and fear monger on mass scales.... That one thing is, the governments of the world are prepared to pull the rug under our feet.

Hollywood, is telegraphing something to the American people, the fall of the white house, which is the SYMBOL of The UNited States. Im not going to list movies and tv series, but over the past decade, "those in the know", are saying "Olympus has fallen" ...code for the white house is coming down.

The american population is hypnotized by entertainment, music, blind by money or starving in poverty... The are in the 'perfect' state for a blind side attack. And the government is not keeping it a secret, its obviously known. But how many americans want to admit their leader is sleeping with the enemy?

You know what they say, "the truth hurts".

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:24 PM

The op has no legit sources regarding eminent domain only an article that "hints" at it. Also in such a scenario they'd still have to give me a fair price on my home if they took it.

You missed the point in the OP where I was saying I felt like the eminent domain portion had already occured. The feds have been gobbling up huge swaths of the west over the past few years.

That was the eminent domain... any turn over of public lands to foreign investors now would be little more than changing over the deed.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Dianec

I've been watching this crap for 20 years -

I am completely astounded at how dumb the american public is -

Guess public education really worked -

The stupified american public has no idea what is in store for them - I can't believe people can be this blissfully ignorant - The IMF was meeting today at DC - this is what the shutdown is all about-

How could anyone believe that our gov't is for our best interests?

People are going to find out how wonderful "communism" is.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:36 PM

reply to post by Zarniwoop

I live near a huge chunk of federal land that also happens to have natural gas wells on it. There is a private company who has been allowed to drill for and remove the gas for market. It makes me wonder how many other national wildlife refuges have valuable resources in or on them.

I truly hope you are right, because I am surrounded. There are some of these lands that are more than holes in the ground and geysers though.

Why do you think three quarters of the Bakken were earmarked for a wild horse refuge? Because it would be part of the UN biosphere and the mineral rights up for devouring after the big cave-in. bingo

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:38 PM

This is what I like about ATS. Every so often, amongst all the dross, their are diamond threads that make me think 'Wow, that could be true'.

If it were though, I really don't see how they could enforce their claims? I'm reminded of a line from the film The Crow. 'I see you've made your decision. Now let's see you enforce it' (itself borrowed from Andrew Jackson).

What would Americans do?

We would finally remember to live free or die trying.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

A star and hoping against what may be shaping up to our equivalent of Russia's Winter of Discontent.

Between you me and Cavtrooper (now the rest).. there are two LURPs I have known over half my life east of the MI river, one west of it. They are of a special kind, and have the ability to not only make like a tree-- they become the landscape, IR signature detex or not. Toys are just that to them.

I am of a like mind to their opinion of what our shepherds have always been; and regrettably a product of less personal training. But, if somebody unzips a can full of anything more than watered down Paraquat in their sphere of existence, I can only hope their personal effects have been secured beforehand.

Those men good and true are more than deserving enough for me to jump out and stop one for. Thanks to all of you for your service-- to Doc, Dale, and the yet wishing to remain unnamed: I've got your six, not theirs. I owe you all, and no coin required.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:43 PM
For those of you who haven't read "Behold a Pale Horse" by Bill Cooper, now would be a good time to do so. (easy to find in pdf online)

There is a reason that most can't find any logic in what is going on (world-wide). This book should make it crystal-clear. It will also clarify the posts by Asktheanimals in this excellent thread.

I don't know about the details, such as what the OP is suggesting, but the grand scheme sure is becoming hard to ignore.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:54 PM

The Chinese will need to protect their investment, which will obviously entail building military bases all over the USA.

Let them try, because citizen militia groups and others will fight them tooth and nail. It will be a blood bath. This isn't England my friend. They would have a hard time just laying the foundations for their so-called military bases here on American Soil.

They will take a keen interest in the local and national politics, and find ingenious ways to help some candidates for public office, and discourage any of whom they disapprove.

I agree Mr. Smith, they are already doing that. Other than his main masters, The International Banksters, Obama is a Manchurian puppet as well ( Search The keystone pipeline).

Oh - and they will probably dump cheap food to put local growers out of business. This is called " International Aid."

Maybe dog food, cause thus far we export more human food to China as it is. They can't feed their population without outside help, mainly ours, The United States of America. They do export plenty of lead and plenty of other crap over here. The USA and Japan ect, send a lot of rice and other products over there that they depend on.

And just as here in England there are places owned by America, heavily defended, and barred to me --
Americans will be told where they can, and can't go, by a goon with a gun.

You would know more about that area than I, but you should feel glad that we are over there, we are brothers and sisters until the end. Which is how it should be, right or wrong.

The Chinese are a delightful people, with a long and varied history behind them.

They are, I have a lot of respect for the Chinese. They are an ancient culture, and they are not stupid enough to allow themselves to be internally invaded and occupied by foreign ideologies, much like the Japanese. They are a united people, which gives them the upper hand against nations who have squabbling masses that accomplish absolutely nothing.

Soon they may be as widely scattered and as well represented throughout the world as our American friends. Perhaps their influence will bring a little balance, an improvement even - since it would be hard to defend our current system in the light of the damage it does to our only planet.

Your error is your reckless assumption that somehow the Chinese will be less ruthless worldwide than both we have been ourselves throughout history. What, do you actually believe that if we were no longer on stage that The Chinese would not slowly conquer and execute the exact same imperialist policies that you speak of? LMAO! You obviously do not understand the Chinese. Reminds me of the Aussies who are allowing China to rape their resources as we speak.

No offense Mr. Smith, but that is the problem with you English, your good intentions always give the upper hand to those who wish to wipe you out. The Muslims have almost taken you over through immigration, and they will meet that goal unless someone with some reason changes things over there. However, It's the same here though I am afraid to say my brother, at least in regards to that.

Fact is my friend, we in the West are slowly being eradicated. The most unbelievable reality of that fact is that it's our bought off and owned elected representatives who are assisting those who wish this to happen. Mr. Smith, Love your posts! ~$heopleNation

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