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Religion to Disappear By 2041 Claims New Study

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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:23 PM

Author and noted biopsychologist Nigel Barber has completed a new study that shows Atheism is most prevalent in developed countries, and, according to his projections, religion will completely disappear by 2041. His findings are discussed in his new book “Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.” A new study that clarifies his earlier research will be published in August. His findings focus on studying trends within countries around the world and the fact that “Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries”-

"In my new study of 137 countries (1), I also found that atheism increases for countries with a well-developed welfare state (as indexed by high taxation rates). Moreover, countries with a more equal distribution of income had more atheists. My study improved on earlier research by taking account of whether a country is mostly Moslem (where atheism is criminalized) or formerly Communist (where religion was suppressed) and accounted for three-quarters of country differences in atheism.
His main thesis stems from the phenomenon of religion declining as personal wealth increases. He cites the reason as people having less of a need for supernatural beliefs when the tangible, natural world is providing for their needs. He says the majority of the world will come to view religion as completely irrelevant by 2041."

Political Scientist Eric Kaufmann holds the opposite view, citing the fact that Atheists have fewer children than religious people. He thinks this could indicate the religious mindset will proliferate due to religious folks simply breeding more than Atheists. But what is the significance of the prolific breeding of religious people?

Biotechnologist Thomas Rees poses this question in his essay “Will the Religious Inherit the Earth?” In this piece, he discusses Kaufmann’s research and comes to the conclusion that the breeding aspect could tip the odds in favor of the religious purely due to fertility and childbearing rates among them.

Barber, however, dismisses the breeding-related evidence, saying “…Yet, noisy as they can be, such groups are tiny minorities of the global population and they will become even more marginalized as global prosperity increases and standards of living improve.”



. The most obvious approach to estimating when the world will switch over to being majority atheist is based on economic growth. This is logical because economic development is the key factor responsible for secularization. In deriving this estimate, I used the nine most godless countries as my touchstone (excluding Estonia as a formerly communist country).

The countries were Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. These nine countries averaged out at the atheist transition in 2004 (5) with exactly half of the populations disbelieving in God. Their gross domestic product (GDP) averaged $29,822 compared to $10,855 for the average country in the world. How long will it take before the world economy has expanded sufficiently that the GDP of the average country has caught up to the average for the godless countries in 2004? .


While I do think that religious will find themselves in the minority one day I do not think it will be as soon as his study says. The trend has definitely switched in my lifetime to where atheism is more prominent in culture but at least in the US religion has a firm grip on the populace which I do not see it letting go of anytime soon. Even though we have seperation of church and state there are groups that continue to ignore it. I can see his prediction coming true maybe at the end of the century but there will still be immigration to offset the numbers which I don't think he accounted for.

edit on 2-10-2013 by Grimpachi because: Added

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:33 PM
Speaking as an atheist, I try not to promote the abolition of religion. In all honesty, I would much rather see a balance rather than an extremist position. If the human species evolves beyond the need for religion, I would attempt to make known our ability to assign meaning based on our emotional relationships, so as to remind people of what spirituality is. If the human species clings to religion and refuses to accept the improvements the modern world has to offer, I take contention with that. I will demonstrate how burying yourself in one extreme does not remove the other. But if a balance is established between spiritual meaning and physical comprehension - if a truce is reached between metacognition and animalism, a truce that draws out the best of both - I would be perfectly happy with that.
edit on 2-10-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

This comes as no surprise, for the times, they are a changing.

In my personal opinion, Buddhism will endure because of it's open-endedness. I can't see Islam disappearing anytime soon because of the sheer number and dedication of it's followers.
What I foresee are new religions emerging. Some type of apocalyptic religion maybe, or surely the burgeoning tech, AI and transhumanism movements will be a catalyst for a new religion. Spirituality will endure and perhaps become some type of religion. Honestly I see a spiritual vacuum that does leave so many empty of a higher power, of any sort, not something everyone needs perhaps, but it does some(many) people good. I do not think religion is all bad, I think how it's followers behave is what can give religion a bad name, as well as how some leaders promote it. There must be tolerance, forgiveness and non-judgement or else there is hypocrisy. I can also appreciate the notion of no religion too though. Personally I like the Taoistic and Native American approach, the spirit in all things sort of thing.
edit on 2-10-2013 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:33 PM
So by 2041 everyone will be worshiping science or the leaders of the NWO? How cool. I am glad I won't be here.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:35 PM
I don`t particularly support religion but I don`t think I would want to live in a world that had no religions.
Most religions seem to be pretty benign, preaching love and caring,without that type of voice of reason what kind of world will it be?

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Why am I not surprised?

After all, isn't part of the NWO to have a one world religion?

How about the Georgia Guidestones, saying the same thing?

I am not saying I agree with some of the hypocrisy I see coming out of some folks mouths, while attending church every Sunday. However, I do believe that some people are religious to help them maintain some sense of morality in a world that has become more uncivilized than we were during the days of the Crusades.

My question is, "When TPTB, make it a criminal act to have faith in the religion of their choice,,, what will be the alternative that they have to force down our throats?"

Worship them?

Sorry, but whether I agree or disagree with what someone bases their religious faith on, if it makes them a better person or even makes them WANT to be a better person, I will gladly allow them to be the free human being that the Constitution of the United States of America grants them to be.

I would rather worship my toilet seat, as long as it makes me want to be a better person, than worship at the feet of those whom want to take away that right from others........

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

i,m not one for religion myself but to believe that it will be no more in basically 27 years is never going to happen,more chance of aliens landing in white house lawn and even then religion will still be going strong long after it.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:37 PM
I can't help but think of that Southpark episode that takes place in the future.... "Science damn you!"

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:46 PM

I don`t particularly support religion but I don`t think I would want to live in a world that had no religions.
Most religions seem to be pretty benign, preaching love and caring,without that type of voice of reason what kind of world will it be?

One that has people thinking for themselves. There is something to be said about organizations that want you to throw reason to the wind and blindly support them:

Atheists 'have higher IQs': Their intelligence 'makes them more likely to dismiss religion as irrational and unscientific'
Research found those with higher IQs more likely to dismiss religion

Read more: 2gcDNBlG4
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posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:48 PM
i highly highly highly doubt this! religions been around since dirt. maybe the atheist who wrote this article is feeling himself a little to much

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:52 PM
Because I was on my iPad when posting this it took me a few minutes to edit in my thoughts and links. The title came from the article which is a bit misleading. Rather than saying religion will go extinct it is saying that it will become the minority in developed nations. He ties it to economic equality and the trend that has already been observed however the trend in poorer nations especially where atheism is outlawed will continue on.

I disagree on his prediction at least on the date. Also there is a divide with what it means to be religious in the first place according to this.

. Report: Americans hold different views of what "religious" means

There is a lopsided divide in America about what it means to be a religious person, with a majority believing that it’s about acting morally but a strong minority equating it with faith.

Graphic courtesy Public Religion Research Institute
Nearly six out of 10 Americans (59 percent) say that being a religious person “is primarily about living a good life and doing the right thing,” as opposed to the more than one-third (36 percent) who hold that being religious “is primarily about having faith and the right beliefs.”

The findings, released Thursday (July 18), are part of a report by the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution that aims to paint a more nuanced picture of the American religious landscape, and the religious left in particular.

Robert P. Jones, CEO of PRRI, said that Americans’ two views of what makes a person religious harken back to the Protestant Reformation and to the Bible itself. .
.link .
edit on 2-10-2013 by Grimpachi because: Link

edit on 2-10-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:53 PM
link is the new god. oh god thats already taken. god damn it. damn evangelists..

Personally, religion is a con job that needs to go away. Spirituality is something else. You can believe in things. You can believe in a spirit. You can believe in the power of prayer. You can believe in good will creating good deeds. You can believe in being nice to people. You can believe in maybe not simply becoming worm food once you die. You can believe in something.. anything.

But to put it all in one box and call it god and that everyone else is wrong and going to hell. Or to say "I know you dont believe what I believe, but I'll pary for you as you walk your path to hades..." and assume the moral high ground over others.. That has to go.

it breeds ignorance, hate and oppression. It says it's all about love. but it's about loving what you want to love.

Like the religion of peace claims it's all about peace... as long as you're a member of the club. If you're jnot then you're part of the other club that is at perpetual war with it.

religion is noithing more than chains for your mind.

Spirituality or open belief in possibility, well that's entirely different.

I don't even consider myself an athiest. I don't believe for one moment that the possibility of god existing because some dudes a few thousand years ago were killed, is remotely valid. But I don't discount that something could be in reality that is unseen and knows more about us, than us of it.

If that is the case, it's not a good being nor is it all about unconditional love. It's about survival of the fittest, mother nature doesn't have favourites.

Sadly, religion will not be gone by 2041. The problem with this idea is it seems to forget that too many humans prefer being chained to god. It keeps them from thinking. It keeps them from living. It stops them from making deicions that affect them in a personal way. The will of god sure makes life comfy.

Bit like someone who obeys every single law no matter if that law is unjust and oppressive. "The law is the law."

edit on 2-10-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:56 PM
The emerging religion of Apple worship will take over, led by the iPriests and their transhumanist agenda...

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I think in fact there will be more religion, more worship and more ignorance in the future.
Mankind isn't growing and getting logical/ smarter, thus ripe for the picking of savy charlatans and cult organizers.

People are looking for answers and the phony religious types will be happy to provide them and make a few $$$ in the process.

Not really religion but the true believers won't care if it makes them feel better and be part of a group and accepted; the largest component of any religion.

edit on 2-10-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:07 PM

So by 2041 everyone will be worshiping science or the leaders of the NWO? How cool. I am glad I won't be here.

Well, you might be. Just imagine it.. you're an organ donor. You are hit by a truck.

and the rest is future history.....


posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Isn't that exactly what the Bible says is supposed to happen? Just because atheists are likely to become the majority doesn't make them right.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

That is like saying I don't want to live in a world without santa.

I mean, "He's gunna find out who's naughty and nice!" so be good kids, or your stockings are gunna be full of coal.

We have no problem growing up and losing that 'faith' yet we still manage to be reasonably nice sometimes. I think to hold morals to ransom, via god, is more a thing to overcome than to embrace.

We don't need chains to be good people. The chains just stop us from being bad. And even with them, more bad comes from those repressed folk than anyone else.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:17 PM

The emerging religion of Apple worship will take over, led by the iPriests and their transhumanist agenda...


part human, part machine. only it's not sewn into their flesh but held at chest height.

it replaces their communication. Their social interaction. The way they express themselves. It captures their world and displays it for other cyborgs to study. It tells them what is happening. It advises them of directions. It maps their streets. It searches their world.

and without so much as a blink of an eye.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:18 PM

reply to post by Grimpachi

Isn't that exactly what the Bible says is supposed to happen? Just because atheists are likely to become the majority doesn't make them right.

Which bible? There are many religious books with just as many scenarios. I am partial to Ragnarok.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by winofiend

We don't need chains to be good people. The chains just stop us from being bad. And even with them, more bad comes from those repressed folk than anyone else.


Those three sentences need to be written in stone!!!

No more thumbs up, so 5 Thumbs up for your words of wisdom!

Edit: You know, I have a word document that I copy words of wisdom that I really like. Thank you for giving me something more to add to it!
edit on 2-10-2013 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

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