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My name is John B. Alexander, Ph.D. I’ve researched many controversial topics. Ask me anything

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posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:52 AM

Welcome to ATS!

Nice of you to come by and spend some time with us here. Unless of course you are already an active member.

In all your studies you must have learned quite alot. So with all that experience and knowledge you have, how do you personally think/believe this place works?
This place being existence. Is there a spiritual side of things? A life after death? Are we capable of things we can not imagine? Again, just your personal viewpoint is fine. I am not looking for facts or evidence. But I do like "collecting" points of view.

You may go as in depth as you please, or keep it as simple as you please.

All in all, your general perspective of being and existence.

I suspect one with your experiences would have a very interresting answer to this.

Sorry, this is a "what is the meaning of life" type question and philosophers have filled volumes attempting to answer that. Think each life is a personal journey to resolve those answers

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Hello and welcome to Thank you for taking the time to deny our ignorance.

My question is simple: not many of the AMA guests have been willing to be entirely forthright with their suspicions and educated guesses regarding the nature of UFO's and their apparent origins as determined through devoted studies...such as those studies may be, given the nature of the subject material. Would you be willing to offer your personal insights, such as impressions you've gotten during your years of investigating these phenomena? Do the findings seem to mesh with any known model of physics, or do they seemingly operate under a completely different class of material interaction? Is it predominantly military testing? Or is the alien theory a more fitting hypothesis? The biggest question is the nature of these occurrences and whether we're being played for fools by ambitious officials or being protected from a knowledge we deserve to possess. Maybe that's presumptuous on my part. Do you think, if aliens do exist, we deserve to be told?

Anything you can tell us is appreciated.
edit on 30-9-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:55 AM
Welcome Mr. Alexander, and thank you for sharing your time with us.

One question: What is your opinion on the ufo's seen by many people, and chased by the Belgian military in 1989? Were they military craft, or something else..
edit on 30-9-2013 by soulwaxer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:56 AM
Mr. Alexander it states you were a ex Green Beret in Vietnam do you know anything about the UFO sighting that happened in June of 1966 also the crashed of a ufo in Vietnam in 2008

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:58 AM
Do you believe that there is life after death, and possibly God?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by JohnAlexander

Hello sir and thank you for your time!

The question I would like to post is in regards to an earlier response you had about consciousness effecting future and prior events.

Me and a group of people I work with just did an experiment with this and got very interesting results. We did the experiment as close to a scientific model as we knew and could.

Anyhow have you ever seen anything that sticks out as an underlying ability in ( perhaps certain) people or groups that account for unexplainable phenomena??

Perhaps hauntings or certain ufo sightings being nothing more than a manifestation of the observers ?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:59 AM


Read your book UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities and although the jury is still out on some things I have to admit I think you covered the UFO subject quite comprehensively! I’m conducting an amateur UFO study of my own and your book has given some valuable direction!
Anyway to the questions which I have two if you don’t mind. But feel free to awnser one if times a issue.

1)In your book you state the US defence department or intelligence community although intrigued unofficially have little interest officially as they declare UFO not a threat. Surely unless you know what they are and what there purpose is having unidentified aircraft or entities should be considered a possible threat, especially as they can see to render both conventional weapons nuclear arsenals useless? Plus if an enemy of the USA or it allies ever produces an unconventional aircraft what stops it from just being written off as a UFO and ignored?

2) Any good pointers for an amateur investigator in the UK?

Thanks for your time!

edit on 30-9-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

The reason I state that the USG (and MOD) generally don't care is that these events are so rare as to to fall off the scope. There is no doubt there have been significant events. You saw some of those in the book. The problem for UFO groupies is that that they pile them into a single file file and it looks like a lot. When you amortize the sightings over more than half a century and the entire world you see just how rare they are. Of course ubiquitous sensors have provided more incidents. Digital photography has made fakes more prevalent.

Nick Pope has put out some pretty good material and there have been a few good cases in the MOD files that were released.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Mr. Alexander, some people claim that NDEs are simply a physiological manifestation of the brain's shutting down at the point of death. Have you seen any evidence that refutes this claim, and if so, what was it?

Thank you!

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:02 PM

welcome to a.t.s mr alexander what about the shamans did you find most unusual that they told you and what did they use as a agent was it tobacco or mushrooms or were they natural interested as i have read the cosmic serpent

The shamans in Northern Mongolia did not use any enhancements - save maybe a little vodka. We have been in other areas that do use a variety of substances.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Welcome, Dr. Alexander. It's fantastic to see you here at ATS.

(edit: oops, one question per post! I've removed the extra questions to post later)

1. (a) Do you believe that intelligent alien beings have visited Earth? If so, what is the most convincing evidence you are aware of that could change a sceptic's perception?
(b) Do you believe that the well-known TR-3B craft (as featured in my avatar picture) could be man-made, military craft, and that the military / secret services exploit UFO mythology to to cover up advances in technology?

Many thanks, and I look forward to any response.
edit on 30-9-2013 by subby because: (no reason given)

Of course the photo you use is a known fake. That was not discovered until a couple of years ago when the individual came forward and confessed. As for big tri's, I recommend Dave Mahler's new book on the topic. I did a foreword for him. Given the length of time they have been around (before modern aviation) that sort of eliminates humans.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:06 PM
Hello John,

Welcome to ATS & Thank you ! for taking your time to reply.

I have a series of questions:

1.Does the government have a beam on every individual who is more then what we would call (Human capabilities beyond the normal subconscious levels) ?

2. Why do most that experience non-Earth or dimensional contact experience the high frequency tone ?

3. When an individual practices what we would consider super abilities. Why do they experience the physiological symptoms ? Such as vibratory sensation at the top of head that then moves into the middle of the section of the brain resulting in a foreign sensation.

4. What is the usual age ? When a child is sensitive to outer influences does he or she develop things like premonitions, slight telekinesis, weather manipulation in certain emotional stages and physical contact.

5. What was the reason behind the 5 billion dollar investment into the Mali uprising ?

6. Is it true ? That the Egypt night time uprising that occurred 3 - 4 weeks ago was funded by the Brotherhood to regain control of Egypt after the leak between them and Obama floated to the surface.

7. What is the protocol CVX5333, CXV53 or CXV33 ? I don't remember the sequence correctly should be one of those 3.

Anyway I guess that is enough questions for now & I hope you won't skip them hopefully get a reply soon.
Thank you in advance take care.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:07 PM

Always loved that cartoon. Many questions here. Blue Book was exactly what the USAF wanted. Make the problem go away. DOD does defense/security. The question to Condon was threat, not reality of UFOs. Since there has not been an invasion by ET, he seems to have been right (partially). As for Blum, he stated more than he knew. Even heard he got the topic wrong as Hersch had pointed him toward RV not UFOs.

So if I were to read between the lines. I take it when you say, "DOD does defense/security. The question to Condon was threat, not reality of UFOs." That you are indicating the intelligence community never employed any of the bigger guns (e.g. MASINT systems) because they didn't think tracking unknowns (and therefore of unknown defense concern) was enough to warrant the manpower and cost?

If you could comment more explicitly on this section below (I understand if all you can say is no comment). I would appreciate it. As is, the answer sounds like a resounding "no."

I am curious to what extent you participated in MASINT/ARGUS related operations, and whether you are aware if data fusion systems were ever crossed over to look at the UFO problem. I understand you can't talk about intelligence systems in detail. However I would appreciate if you could address whether you know of any automated tracking system like Hessdalen, Project Pennine, or UFO Capture in use (past or present) by the DoD to try and grab multiple source inputs to better figure out what people are seeing.

Thanks for the reply John.

edit on 2013-9-30 by Xtraeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:08 PM

reply to post by supermarket2012

As for my question:

In your personal opinion, do you believe our government, or any faction within our government, has more knowledge on the UFO phenom, or possible ET intervention in our past or current history, than the average person who has researched the topics on their own?

Also, in your opinion, do you believe the Roswell, New Mexico crash was a weather balloon, an ET craft, or a UFO?

The sort answer is no. People in the USG have the same rumors as as you do. Roswell, I've addressed in some detail in the book and it always gets me in trouble with the true believers. IMHO it was ours, not ET.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:08 PM
Welcome to the site John. The SSE sounds like a fun group of individuals. I wonder if any of them are members of ATS so they can get ideas.
edit on 30-9-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:09 PM
Thank you kindly for your time here to answer questions -

After all your worldly travels, what places would you say are best to learn from indiginous elders/shamans who have a long, traditional history and why?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:09 PM


The reason I state that the USG (and MOD) generally don't care is that these events are so rare as to to fall off the scope. There is no doubt there have been significant events. You saw some of those in the book. The problem for UFO groupies is that that they pile them into a single file file and it looks like a lot. When you amortize the sightings over more than half a century and the entire world you see just how rare they are. Of course ubiquitous sensors have provided more incidents. Digital photography has made fakes more prevalent.

Nick Pope has put out some pretty good material and there have been a few good cases in the MOD files that were released.

Thanks for the response. That seems logical. But with the USA and USSR nuclear arsnal being Compromised as rare as that was I would have thought it would have propelled the issue to number 1 importance as you cant really get more Compromised than that unless a UFO landed and took the president/Russian Premier !

Last queation if I may and one you might not be allowed to comment on which is fair enough. You said in the book that the goverment took advanatge of the UFO craze and used it to help hide the B2 and F117 before its existance was declasifed. Would the goverment use that same trick again with another craft in development or game changer?

O and a sneaky little extra queation but in my own investigation we plan on doing some feild work over the next few years in hopes of maybe getting some photos. Any way we can take them in a way we can 100% prove they are real and not written off as impossibe to tell hoaxs?
edit on 30-9-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:11 PM

I am wondering if you have any experience with TMS or transcranial magnetic stimulation, the type of technology used by Michael Persinger aka "the god helmet?" Specifically if you yourself have used it or if you analyzed data gathered while someone used such a device.

I have met Perisnger, but not tried the helmet. However, the work Bob Monroe was doing was quite similar. He was a personal friend and I did use his system.

The bigger question is a chicken and egg one. That is, did the device cause the experience or just facilitate it happening.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:13 PM

Hello John,

Do you know if remote viewing has been used along with cyber warfare to accomplish goals?
(For example in a case like Stuxnet)
If you don't know of any cases, what are your thoughts on combining the two?

Thanks in advance for your answer!

Bottom line is they don't mix - not to mention the USG no longer has an internal RV capability.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:15 PM


I am wondering if you have any experience with TMS or transcranial magnetic stimulation, the type of technology used by Michael Persinger aka "the god helmet?" Specifically if you yourself have used it or if you analyzed data gathered while someone used such a device.

I have met Perisnger, but not tried the helmet. However, the work Bob Monroe was doing was quite similar. He was a personal friend and I did use his system.

The bigger question is a chicken and egg one. That is, did the device cause the experience or just facilitate it happening.

Could you provide more information on your experience and how you felt about it?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:15 PM



reply to post by greencmp

Hi John
Thankyou for your time and responses.

What have you seen/experienced that convinces you that we are being visited by ET/ID's?

Who are they?


Have no idea. Believe the ETH is too simple and does not match observations. I can't answer whom where, or why - and they may be the wrong questions.


What does match observations in your opinion? What is your best take on the origin of the strangest and clearly physical UFO's?

As I state in the book, we are not even at the point of asking the right questions - and I don't know what those are yet. Until we allow the best and brightest to work the problems, we'll not get there. As of now, it is not career enhancing for scientists to play with UFOs.

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