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reply to post by JohnAlexander
Welcome Mr Alexander,
I ask everyone this, given half the chance. Do you believe aliens walk amongst us? Have you met any?
I know they do and I have to live my life as normal as possible with that knowledge.
WE'll agree to disagree then. I do not think ET is here.
Last year, an episode of Jesse Ventura's 'Conspiracy Theory' aired which showed an interview between Ventura and yourself which highlighted Bigelow Aerospace, MUFON and Skinwalker Ranch. You admitted on the show that you were the one to help set up having FAA UFO reports sent directly to you. It was also revealed that Robert Bigelow has bought into MUFON, which is a public enterprise devoted to tracking UFO sightings. The question has hung in the air as to exactly why you and Bigelow are so interested in gathering and keeping this data private.
Recently, your friend, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, has gone on the record to state that the source of the UFO sightings mentioned in your book 'UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, Realities' are of covert, top secret aircraft that just so happen to be in the classic design of "flying saucers". The same type of craft which are often sighted at places like Skinwalker Ranch - which is private land owned by Robert Bigelow, of Bigelow Aerospace.
Is it possible that there is a very good reason for the enigmatic secrecy, such as a genuine ET threat that you are protecting the public from finding out about and working on behind the scenes? A hint or clue will suffice.
reply to post by Bybyots
Which leads me to a question that I wanted to squeeze in, what do you now about the narrative weapons, based on computational linguistics that DARPA has been developing?
Nick Pope has put out some pretty good material and there have been a few good cases in the MOD files that were released.
I see there's a pic of you and Nick Pope on your website. I suspect you have been given the same brief as Mr. Pope and it goes something like this-
Look, they know there's something there. THEY KNOW. So it is unrealistic to try to get them to believe there's nothing there. We tried that before and it failed. So here's what you do. Say there's something there but be vague. Don't go into detail. Just wave your arm around and say 'Something but we dunno what'. Keep it simple.
See ya...edit on 30-9-2013 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)
Nick and I are personal friends. Our experiences are very similar and we agree on almost everything. In the book I cover some of his work, especially who his father was. Nobody had connected those dots before.
Ok, I'm only being half serious, pulling your leg. But if you think there is no military/government knowledge about these things I have to conclude that you are not in the loop. There's government and there's government, not everyone knows what goes on. Your credentials are impressive and you are probably sincere but do you have clearance for all levels of the military? All? All levels of government?
reply to post by JohnAlexander
Hello Doctor, thanks for posting.
It sounds like you've done a lot of work at high levels in intelligence circles and so on. I've always wondered about what this is like, because I've heard two pictures of it: The first picture is that the high tech intelligence community really is just sort of a social network, in which the major players are professors at universities, industry people, etc. doing classified as well as open work, and while it is cutting edge, its maybe a decade ahead of the stuff civilians have. The second picture is that its all about underground labs, with breakthroughs by people who we will never hear of because they work in such secrecy, and its actually many, many decades ahead of what civilians see. Which is the more accurate picture of the high tech intelligence scene?
Thanks for sharing.
Your chosen ATS profile picture surrounds you with what looks like prayer flags. If they are supposed to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom, why would you still promote non-lethal violence?
reply to post by JohnAlexander
I have recently read reports stating that body bags and supplies are being shipped into PR.These reports have been confirmed by Military and Medical insiders. The government of PR first denied the report and then retracted. I work with many people from PR.Apparently the folks on the Island are starting to freak out.One of my co-workers approached me this morning to ask me if I know anything about a meteor that was going to hit the Atlantic and create a 200 FT Tsunami, wiping out PR and much of the East Coast. - See more at:
reply to post by JohnAlexander
Hi John, Welcome to ATS!
My question are about remote viewing & similar phenomenon.
What is the strangest or most important thing you got out of being involved in such work?
Is there any eye opening visions or things viewed that you know of that changed your perception of the world and man kind's future?
reply to post by JohnAlexander
Thanks for your reply.
Thinking SNAFU and FUBAR are similar observations ??
reply to post by JohnAlexander
I've been there (the link that is) Which is why I had to ask if you knew, and would be willing to explain what the 1EB is all about. From there site (1EB: Commanders intent 2013):
Submitted by jim on Wed, 01/09/2013 - 19:05.
The commanders intent
The supreme objective in all operations is the protection of LIFEFORCE on planet earth and for all sentient beings.
A secondary but similar objective is the creation of integral omnicentric LIFEFORCE in people and groups of people.
The primary objective in our reconaissance and exploration is to seek spartan solutions from nature.
We favor natural security as national security is already oversubscribed.
We are continually preparing BIOFORCE OPNS and bIoregional recovery plans for use by traditional force structures.
All warrior monks are empowered to maintain the posture of victory when it comes to the repair of the BIOSPHERE. We strive to mainatin a state of wonder and seek excellence in all that we do to remain human. The camera and unwavering observation are our hallmark skill sets. When possible we call the stagnant forces into the most ethical actions they can manage.
The definitions of dark and light are not relevant. The super soldier seeks the side of the LIFEFORCE and uses proto-mythology and prospiracy techniques to inspire the most effective LIFEFORCE for all concerned.
The ultimate award in the New Earth Army is the Order of the Chrystal Covenant for evolutionary LIFEFORCE rescue and creation. In the end life in the universe is the key to all warrior adventures.
Special operations are constantly being created under the famed tradition of mon ki do. Where the
ultimate act is to seduce the problem into the solution using the problem force as the action agent. ie. remind Oil companies publically that they are liguid transportation companies and that fresh water costs more than oil. This frees up the natural energy solutions and feeds those companies who have slaved long and hard to bring us liquid resources we formerly needed.
In the modern context on earth …..Baiting, Ruses, Greenmail and other forms of creating an ethical vistories are on the books for further refinement. Often the action agent is the public so web related leverage is a common new toolset. THE EARTH IS ONE CULTURALLY UNIFIED WORLD get it!
Our think-tank the FIRST EARTH BATTALION continues to connect the warrior class worldwide to upgrade their thinking about all new campaigns. We encourage spin-off units by any name to engage the stagnant locations with LIFEFORCE operations.
In the end NATURAL SECURITY must prevail or our playing field will disappear.
It all looks like (to me at least, and if I'm wrong please correct me) an Eco-Extremist group mixed with new-age movement principles.
hello John.
a Breath of Fresh air!
thank you for coming here.
I can think of one question now, actually two rolled into one.
1...October 1st is tomorrow and the prediction sites are in the red line over how from october 1st, and for weeks later, there will be a zillion ways we all could die! quakes, meteors, flares, volcanoes....etc! I do not mean some little quake either: some huge Event is inferred! how about yellowstone blowing up soon? [question 1b.]
What are the possibilities the predictors will be right, for the next few weeks or even years?!
2....the Remote viewing community sees the Killshot coming, they have seen it coming, now, for years. a solar flare or some asteroid or ???. How "Right" are they? is there Something coming? they have missed, so far.
I can ask a third question too.
ww III. what are the chances of a World war III happening, within the next few years, with or without nuclear missiles?!
these are Interesting Times, John.
I was in the air force, myself, viet-nam era. a wonderful time in Japan. the Intelligence Community.
I agree with what you write of.
And i grit my teeth when ever i read of some fake UFO or faked happenings. this so unravels the trust of anyone examining a real Event. the world, and life, and the Mind, is a very very mysterious thing.
I am now 72 years old, and live in a independant senior home. there are people here who are sitting on the Bech just waiting for the undertaker bus to come by to pick them up.
I am playing Wizardry 8, now....Skyrim might be next.
I thank you again for coming by.....
That Killshot nonsense comes from Ed Dames, whom I've know for decades. Problem is he never admits to being wrong, and the some of the errors have been egregious.
reply to post by JohnAlexander
Sir, as one vet to another i thank you for your great service and thanks for being here.
I have felt the discomfort of some of the militaries non lethal weapons and have no doubt that turned to full settings and sustained exposure could cause some permanent damage and possibly death. It is most definitely a useful weapon.
Couple questions,
How close are we to lethal manpack sonic weapons.
How close are we on electro magnetic weapons, both man pack and platoon level mortar or unmanned protection zone weapons. The fact you could fire hundreds of rounds and basically put them in same hole is simply amazing and with little or no recoil.
You mention you saw some amazing unbelievable things, can you elaborate. Also, your knowledge of ET, are they here and helping us and if so why have they hid it from us for so long.
Again sir, thanks for service, would share a foxhole any day and be honored.
The Bot
Hello Colonel , I had to say it like that as because .. Well you were a Colonel and is a great pleasure on this site it shows how respectable this site is we really do appreciate your time
Question: (sorry if someone has already said this I've jumped the very last page)
You said you've travelled all 7 continents, Antarctica. May I ask what your business was there? You don't have to answer that obviously and also do you have any knowledge or have heard of UFO stories surrounding the frozen continent, operation high jump (I think) what was that about
Antarctica was a cruise and I highly recommend it. Amazing place- but try to get on a trip that allows you to go ashore.
Have never hear about operation High Jump.
Greetings, Welcome to ATS.
My question is:
When delving into subjects such as UFO`s or the paranormal,do you subscribe to the old adage: Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear?