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It is time to expose the secret societies

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posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 09:08 AM

reply to post by thruthseek3r

While I may not full agree with these page's they nevertheless show a growing trend against the masons

Repeating a lie does not make it truth. And while the Internet is a wonderful tool for communication, such repetitions give the mistaken appearance of numbers far in excess of what are found in real life. Web pages or sites aren't anything special these days.

and while I hold that most masons are innocent through ignorance it is a vile institution that hid behing good deed's and civic functions while it's main purpose was to maintain the position of the Hellfire club at it's upper echelon's.

And your in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of Masonry comes from......what exactly? Your years upon years as a member? Or Google searches with a predilection for those 'answers' which support your pre-existing opinion?

I know which I think is more likely. The hubris, it burns!


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 09:12 AM


reply to post by thruthseek3r

In any way, what you do is up to you, but here is my list of what I consider occult/witchcraft and which is I remind you forbidden by God.

And opinions are like *s; everyone has one.

Doesn't make yours special or even remotely correct.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 10:12 AM


The problem is not of being a freemason, it is the occult practices which are not from Christianity that are inviting demons into ones life such as the secret words, secret rituals, secret oaths and curses being placed on Mason's descendants.

Demons? Seriously? More Christian wacko nonsense. How could I possibly 'invite' something into my life that I do not believe in?

Who teaches you this crap?

Isn't what thruthseek3r said pretty much the same info in a chick tracts? I mean come on really curses and demon summoning you know the 2 things without absolutely no proof to back it up. If demon summoning can be done then why doesn't someone do it, they would become rich,famous, and be the first person with absolute proof of god and the devil

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 10:40 AM


Do as though wilt ??? For this will be the only law ?


Do you know what this means in the context of magick?

It most certainly does not mean 'do what you want', as so many tend to think...

EDIT: Aah, sorry, CIAGypsy, you gave a much more detailed explanation which I only read after posting this.

edit on 6/10/2013 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 10:56 AM

Isn't what thruthseek3r said pretty much the same info in a chick tracts? I mean come on really curses and demon summoning you know the 2 things without absolutely no proof to back it up.

I cannot imagine the mental state you have to occupy to believe in such ridiculousness. It is like living in a real world fantasy fiction novel.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 11:49 AM


reply to post by thruthseek3r

While I may not full agree with these page's they nevertheless show a growing trend against the masons

Repeating a lie does not make it truth. And while the Internet is a wonderful tool for communication, such repetitions give the mistaken appearance of numbers far in excess of what are found in real life. Web pages or sites aren't anything special these days.


Isn't it funny that people will believe a couple of websites that post this garbage with no proof but they refuse to believe the many, many posters who actually BELONG to the organization?

Oh yeah, it goes back to the theory that there is no point of falsification with a conspiracy theorist. Their belief system is incapable of acknowledging anything that may contradict itself. That would make it like a parasite really..... Hmm....

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Nothing wrong with Anarchy. I think you misunderstand it. It appears to be the best possible option if we want a fair and loving society.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 12:18 PM


Isn't what thruthseek3r said pretty much the same info in a chick tracts? I mean come on really curses and demon summoning you know the 2 things without absolutely no proof to back it up.

I cannot imagine the mental state you have to occupy to believe in such ridiculousness. It is like living in a real world fantasy fiction novel.

Haha very true! Maybe I'm a just a skeptic butthole but I couldn't image actually believing people could summon demons and issue curses to others. I think I'm living proof that curses are fake because if they actually work I'm sure a ex girlfriend of mine would of killed me by now!

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 02:51 PM

I was a mason in the uk for about 4 years. I joined because my Dad had just died and I was searching for answers.. but unfortunately I couldn't make it to the meetings and it was getting embarrassing as if I did attend I was often late.

What I saw were affectively business meetings in the sense that they discussed all of the good things they have done, money given to this and that..absolutely not satanic in any way shape or form, and if masons are led by satan then he sure has changed his tune and does only good things these days.

The members were the salt of the earth decent men that believed in truth and brotherly love.. is that really a crime??????

They really aren't so secret anymore, and much of what is done can be found on the official website or go to one of their open days where they openly answer questions and let you walk round.

All I can hand on my heart say is that I saw and heard nothing but good from the masons.

Oh and a rule is that you're not allowed to discuss work or religion.. So the idea you could say I have a ball bearing business and need to shift x amount and a brother will accept is a phalicy.

I am not saying they are bad man, but the issue is about the structure of 33 levels as well as the 6 hidden ones, which all contains secret rituals, oaths and curses being done upon them which will follow their ancestry as demonic spirits do go from father and mother to son and so on.

The issue is not of the flesh it is spiritual, this is what needs to be addressed. Anything that is worshiped other than God is to be condemned according to Exodus 20, but more precisely verse 3: "You shall not have other Gods before me."

Verse 4-6: “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 02:57 PM

reply to post by thruthseek3r

I agree with your stance however there very nature makes these group's enigmatic and exciting to some as well as making others feel self important, there intrinsic nature is itself not the fact at greatest fault but like any grouping of people such as politicians small groups alway's form within the greater group and pervert the original intent (assuming it to have a noble original purpose - which is a matter for other debate) and warping them into a power base to be used by socialy power hungry individual's, though for the most part all they really are is gentlemens drinking club's and the other secret society which forms internally among such grouping's is the real corruption and danger.

Still remember that about the time English Masonry was gaining a foothold many of it's most highly placed members whom were of the upper echelon's of the aritocracy were actually members of a neferious society of satanist's called the hellfire club and it dissapeared because they were able to hide it within this new secret society as well as being able to manipulate it to cover there indiscretion's.

Look at this from an american pastor whom was once a high ranking US mason. (pay special attention to the 33rd and supreme degree in this prayer of repentance as he wrote this knowing the secret's of the order's.

While I may not full agree with these page's they nevertheless show a growing trend against the masons and while I hold that most masons are innocent through ignorance it is a vile institution that hid behing good deed's and civic functions while it's main purpose was to maintain the position of the Hellfire club at it's upper echelon's.

There hold in britain and her colony's can be seen in such things as the masonic checkerboard on police hat's, now in a lodge this is a feature found on the floor with an eight pointed star in the centre so if you have seen this you know it is either an old lodge or has served as such as not all lodge are made visible.

They fall under the psychological profile of a cult, compare the initiation ceremony with the usual parphanalea of cult initiation so they can be regarded as a religion but how many member's would join if the knew the hellfire club connection.

edit on 5-10-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

Yes indeed I was aware about the hell fire club that it is a high echelon in the illuminati and or masonic system to certain extent, but certainly was not aware of it's true origin and so I thank you for this information.

This is a very good and input and many links which might take a while to look into but which I will for sure do in time

Great in put into the thread as most of the other posters, but not all seemed to be pro-masonic defendant and I thank you another time for that.

Might God bless you brother,


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:03 PM



Do as though wilt ??? For this will be the only law ?


Yet another quote taken out of context... People who know nothing about Thelema love to throw this quote out there like it gives the believer the right to do whatever they want, regardless of the consequences to anyone else.

The whole quote actually says

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.

Get that??? Love is the law, love under will. Not hedonism is the law. Not murder, rape, stealing. LOVE. The same type of LOVE that is taught in your church.

So what about the first part, right??? What does that mean to someone like you? Here's a good explanation:

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." and "thou hast no right but to do thy will."

Most Thelemites hold that every person possesses a True Will, a single overall motivation for their existence. The Law of Thelema mandates that each person follow their True Will to attain fulfillment in life and freedom from restriction of their nature. Because no two True Wills can be in real conflict (according to "Every man and every woman is a star"), this Law also prohibits one from interfering with the True Will of any other person. The notion of absolute freedom for an individual to follow his or her True Will is a cherished one among Thelemites. This philosophy also recognizes that the main task of an individual setting out on the path of Thelema is to first discover his or her True Will, giving methods of self-exploration such as magick great importance. Furthermore, every True Will is different, and because each person has a unique point-of-view of the universe, no one can determine the True Will for another person. Each person must arrive at the discovery for themselves.

"Love is the law, love under will."

This is an important corollary to the above, indicating that the essential nature of the Law of Thelema is that of Love. Each individual unites with his or her True Self in Love, and so empowered, the entire universe of conscious beings unites with every other being in Love. case you didn't understand that plain english...I'll make it even simpler. The quote is about personal (and spiritual) accountability. You are free to explore yourself. Your humanity, your spirituality, etc... Exploration of Self is not a sin. But you cannot interfere with the self-same right of another individual. To do so will create repercussions for you personally and spiritually.

And, before you ask, No....I am not a Thelemite.

In no way love was the law under Aleister Crowley it is almost funny to hear that. That man was a murderer and was of great evil because he become way too involved into the forbidden practices by God which truly is occultism and witchcraft.

I must although mention just in order to make remember to all posters that this thread was originally not to question, but a statement into which I mentioned that every secret societies should be exposed for what they really are. If they are good, let them be exposed, if they are bad, let them be exposed and if they are bad with a front of good deeds let them be exposed more than the others, this is what the thread was calling upon.

It was not an argumentation nor a search for anything, simply statements being put on what should happen to these secret societies, plain and simple.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:05 PM

I am not saying they are bad man, but the issue is about the structure of 33 levels as well as the 6 hidden ones...

Where do you get this from? Masonry has 3 degrees, the Scottish Rite, a side order, conveys the 4th through 33rd and most Masons never even join this group. What is the relevance?

Additionally, where are you getting this nonsense about 6 hidden degrees and if they are hidden how do you know about it? You need to start linking your sources instead of posting uncited garbage.

...which all contains secret rituals, oaths and curses being done upon them which will follow their ancestry as demonic spirits do go from father and mother to son and so on.

Huh? Are you saying people have a genetic predisposition to demonic possession?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

This is a little resume of why I included masonry in the secret societies. I am not saying masons are bad people, some might do very good deeds indeed and have a true great heart I have no doubt about that.

The real issue is as stated below the worship of pagan idols and or demons which are under to hand of Satan. Maybe not any of the ATSers here in this total website might have done any of this or are unaware of it, but in the higher echelon, this is what is truly happening and not only with masonry, many secret societies have the same problems.

Everything started with good deeds, but people were mislead by a corrupt leader and or individual inn the knowledge and abuse of it for his own advantage and or promise from the demonic spirits.

Worship does occur in Masonic Lodges. One of the primary purposes of Freemasonry is worship. That fact is clearly stated in the Declaration of Principles which is contained on pages 37-39 of the Indiana Monitor and Freemason's Guide. (To examine the source materials, see footnotes.) Masons worship a god which they call the Great Architect of the Universe. The symbol they have chosen to represent their god is the All Seeing Eye, which the Egyptians used to represent their pagan god, Osiris. Many Masons are well aware of the pagan connection. It is clearly stated in a number of Masonic Monitors. An example is found on page 116 of the Kentucky Monitor.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:22 PM

The real issue is as stated below the worship of pagan idols and or demons which are under to hand of Satan.

Considering that there is no worship taking place in a Masonic Lodge your point is irrelevant.

The below quote is taken directly from one of the worst Jesus-nutter websites on the planet, Ephesians, and is a direct scan from the Indiana Monitor a Freemason's Guide. Notice anything in the statement about worshipping demons or Satan? Or that it says we worship in Lodge? Thought not.

To that end, it teaches and stands for the worship of

edit on 6-10-2013 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer but at least he is not a Christian hypocrite

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:33 PM

Why would these evil people want to join Freemasonry? Even the most anti-masons agree the vast majority of Masons are good people so I don't see how they would gain anything.

The evil people are at the higher echelons which are to be unheard of and or unacknowledged as being ever real, this is part of the conspiracy, but I think Satan will still be taken back into the pit because he was not strong enough against God when he first rebelled, I doubt he will ever be for he is part of God which created him, this is important to be mentioned.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:48 PM


Trying to make ridicule of what I said does not anything the fact of what it truly is. Make your own research and you might find that there is some truth to what I said.

How do you 'research' and find 'truth' about Satan when he/it does not exist?

With my past experience of the occult, I can assure you he is very real. the spirit realm is very tricky because the spirits can shapeshift at will so Satan could take any form he would like too and you could not know how he really looks, nor any spirits/demons in his rank.

This is an excerpt from Mark 5 Verse 1-10:

1 They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.

2 When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him.

3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain.

4 For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him.

5 Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.

6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him.

7 He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!”

8 For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!”

9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”

10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.

Verse 9 Says:

Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”
Jesus here is talking to an impure spirit. He says his name is Legion for he and his lower rankings are many.

Now, according to wikipedia

A Roman legion (from Latin legio "military levy, conscription", from legere "to choose") normally indicates the basic ancient Roman army unit recruited specifically from Roman citizens. The organization of legions varied greatly over time but they were typically composed of up to 5,400 soldiers, originally divided into 10 maniples and later into cohorts each with 480 soldiers. Maniples or cohorts were divided into 6 centuries of 80 men each.

This is what is a Roman legion.

Now, I think this is a great indication that the wicked ones working in the spirit realms operate in groups and not in single individual. More over, it seems they are military, working like soldiers, maybe even are warriors. Remember the mention of the Fiery cherubim? It was not a description of a kind little flying angel with a bow, nor a little angel peeing near a fountain, certainly not.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:50 PM


The problem is not of being a freemason, it is the occult practices which are not from Christianity that are inviting demons into ones life such as the secret words, secret rituals, secret oaths and curses being placed on Mason's descendants.

Demons? Seriously? More Christian wacko nonsense. How could I possibly 'invite' something into my life that I do not believe in?

Who teaches you this crap?

It is not crap, the mere fact of allowing yourself into the 7 sins which I am pretty sure you are already aware of invite demonic spirits of the unseen. I must tell you that if you possess any psychic talents of some sorts, there are some demonic spirits in your life as humans are not supposed to possess such powers, fallen angels/demons do though.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:53 PM


reply to post by thruthseek3r

While I may not full agree with these page's they nevertheless show a growing trend against the masons

Repeating a lie does not make it truth. And while the Internet is a wonderful tool for communication, such repetitions give the mistaken appearance of numbers far in excess of what are found in real life. Web pages or sites aren't anything special these days.

and while I hold that most masons are innocent through ignorance it is a vile institution that hid behing good deed's and civic functions while it's main purpose was to maintain the position of the Hellfire club at it's upper echelon's.

And your in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of Masonry comes from......what exactly? Your years upon years as a member? Or Google searches with a predilection for those 'answers' which support your pre-existing opinion?

I know which I think is more likely. The hubris, it burns!


The only hubris I found within this post was of your saying in the way you builded your sentence in order to ridicule LABTECH767.

If this is not hubris/pride, please tell me what it is. I will pray to God for you so that you see the truth of what I discussed inside this thread.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:55 PM



reply to post by thruthseek3r

In any way, what you do is up to you, but here is my list of what I consider occult/witchcraft and which is I remind you forbidden by God.

And opinions are like *s; everyone has one.

Doesn't make yours special or even remotely correct.


I think you misquoted this post. My name was not to be included in the quote I think.


posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 03:58 PM



The problem is not of being a freemason, it is the occult practices which are not from Christianity that are inviting demons into ones life such as the secret words, secret rituals, secret oaths and curses being placed on Mason's descendants.

Demons? Seriously? More Christian wacko nonsense. How could I possibly 'invite' something into my life that I do not believe in?

Who teaches you this crap?

Isn't what thruthseek3r said pretty much the same info in a chick tracts? I mean come on really curses and demon summoning you know the 2 things without absolutely no proof to back it up. If demon summoning can be done then why doesn't someone do it, they would become rich,famous, and be the first person with absolute proof of god and the devil

Ahh asking for proof, if you seek the proofs they will come from what I know, but if you seek not to even allow the possibility of it being true then everything might play out to be against any proofs.

If you seek the truth like I did you will find it but I hope you might not take the same road I did.

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