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Catholic Hatred. (Impossible Thread, Episode #2)

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posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Yes, I agree. I once had a nun (sister Bertina) who told me that my mother was a whore and was never coming to get me so I punched her in the face. She reared back and told me that the one unforgiveable sin was to strike a nun (it's not, I looked it up) and that I was going to hell for all eternity for striking her. Coincidentally I got chicken pox a few days later with 104+ temp and hallucinations and was left by the nuns to fend for myself at 9 years old. Not even a glass of water left by my bed. No guardians at all to watch over me . I forgive them all for their ignorance but I learned that "Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." Douay-Rheims Bible
You shall know them by their fruits.
I've seen and researched the 'fruits' and decided that I will not be numbered among them. Douay-Rheims Bible
Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will of God, commend their souls in good deeds to the faithful Creator.
I commend my soul to Yahweh, not to men. I apologize for nothing (at least not to mankind).
Douay-Rheims Bible
But God is true; and every man a liar, as it is written, That thou mayest be justified in thy words, and mayest overcome when thou art judged.
colbe, can you, from the pure word of Yahweh, dispute ANYTHING I've said? Not some RCC site but from the word of God? Anything at all? Not from the Pharisee-like religiosity you spout but from the bible? Anything? Do you have any links or sources to dispute the pure word of Yahweh? Since you haven't gone to any biblical references to dispute anything I've said, only RCC sources, I assume the answer is "no".

Douay-Rheims Bible
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to that doctrine which is according to godliness,
Douay-Rheims Bible
But this I confess to thee, that according to the way, which they call a heresy, so do I serve the Father and my God, believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets:

Darby Bible Translation
(which have indeed an appearance of wisdom in voluntary worship, and humility, and harsh treatment of the body, not in a certain honor,) to the satisfaction of the flesh.

Darby Bible Translation
(which have indeed an appearance of wisdom in voluntary worship, and humility, and harsh treatment of the body, not in a certain honor,) to the satisfaction of the flesh.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And many shall follow their riotousnesses, through whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

I rest for the evening. Good night to all.

edit on 7-1-2014 by whitewave because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:06 AM

colbe, I'm afraid I'm going to have to "confess" that I'm not going to be converted to RCC tonight (or ever!). I quote to you scripture and you quote to me catholic sayings.
There were many more but I had so many tabs open that my computer crashed. None of them were bible verses, just blog sites from Catholic sources starting at about page 22 or so.

I trust the pure, unadulterated word of God. I quote to you biblical verses and you quote to me some Catholic guy saying something or another. Not quite the same, eh?

I have searched the word of God on the question of RCC (and many other issues) long ago and often check my current understanding in case my beloved Yeshua has something new to reveal to me. I can not stand by RCC even though many beloved Christians are trapped by it's heresies. Everyone is where they need to be for the will of God to be executed.

As far as the definition of faith, I'll go with the biblical version: Douay-Rheims Bible
Now faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not.

I trust that Yahweh is in control. I've said my piece and I'm done. God's blessings to those who walk in the light of God's Word (Yeshua).

What are you talking about, you just repeatedly posted Scripture from the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible, the first Bible that you can read, the DR is the English translation of the Latin Vulgate, the first Bible. The Bible is a Catholic book but you do not understand this yet.

I know I can't convert you, you profess repeatedly Bible Alone as your authority but there is more and
the Bible says the Church is our authority not the Bible (1 Tim 3:15).

I shall offer a rosary for your intention. I realize I can't convert you, people are hard to change but God's
grace can change us.

Sincerely, I think you are very sweet. Let me share again, history repeats itself, not many people
believed the prophets, examples in the written Word. In my reading for fifteen years the messages given the prophets of our time, Protestant and Catholic, neither one says Our Lord is returning soon to approve of, sanction the destruction of Roman Catholicism and God's Truth it is whatever you wish to believe (Protestantism).

The Protestant messages (prophecy) have NEVER said Jesus is coming to reveal ~ all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ one time as your personal Lord and Savior no words to confirm this is God's one true message of Salvation. The Protestant messages never name a specific denomination, non-denomination so we can know. If one of them was true, why wouldn't God's prophets tell us? And never, never has a Protestant message from Heaven said Roman Catholicism will be no more.

It is THE exact opposite. Our Lord has said in Protestant messages , "I am going to have ONE Church, there are new things to accept, I will have a unity of belief, accept the Ancient." It is Jesus' gentle loving way of preparing Protestants to accept the faith, Roman Catholicism when they are shown it in the worldwide divine "awakening." The "awakening is in Scripture, read Revelation 6:15-17 and 1 Cor 3:13. Read further in 1 Cor, chapter 3, "like in a mirror", I think is 1 Cor 3:18. God is going to show every soul on the earth their life in review during the "awakening." 1 Cor 3:13 describes the "awakening." And those verses in Revelation, all of us but a few holy people will wish to hide for the rocks to fall on us when we see our soul as God sees it in the "awakening." Prepare for this "awakening" with a daily prayer life and so important, true repentance and confession of your mortal sins to God now!

I shared with Neno, three and there are more current messages to PROTESTANT prophets about the
Eucharist. How could that be? Our Lord is getting specific.

Believe, I wish, well, remember for right now.



1 Tim 3:15
But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the CHURCH of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:20 AM

reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Yes, I agree. I once had a nun (sister Bertina) who told me that my mother was a whore and was never coming to get me so I punched her in the face. She reared back and told me that the one unforgiveable sin was to strike a nun (it's not, I looked it up) and that I was going to hell for all eternity for striking her. Coincidentally I got chicken pox a few days later with 104+ temp and hallucinations and was left by the nuns to fend for myself at 9 years old. Not even a glass of water left by my bed. No guardians at all to watch over me . I forgive them all for their ignorance but I learned that "Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." Douay-Rheims Bible
You shall know them by their fruits.
I've seen and researched the 'fruits' and decided that I will not be numbered among them. Douay-Rheims Bible
Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will of God, commend their souls in good deeds to the faithful Creator.
I commend my soul to Yahweh, not to men. I apologize for nothing (at least not to mankind).
Douay-Rheims Bible
But God is true; and every man a liar, as it is written, That thou mayest be justified in thy words, and mayest overcome when thou art judged.


So, all the sisters that took care of you were horrid? I don't believe this. You can offer THAT sister's meanness, her unlove to God. Seee...offering your suffering to God is what Jesus did, the meaning of pick up your Cross. Do you realize we can offer ALL our crosses of our life (large and small) to God in prayer. He can help save souls with this offering. Whenever St. Francis was persecuted, he told a companion, "this is Heaven", St. Francis believed God could use his suffering.

You do the same, repeating, you must offer the sufferings of your life in prayer to God, don't forget. Okay?



Good deal, still mentioning the Douay-Rheims.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 05:50 AM


If God cannot stand me (because I have sinned) why does He speak with me?

Because he knows you have been chosen by him...a sheep..not a goat. Not necessarily for everything you do..but for the destination..where you will wind the end.

Thanks to all for their posts.

You know, the first split second reaction on the emotional level is to think cool... im special...

But then, I know exactly what I am... if we were having a race to who was the worst of mankind, Id be in the running... I am not anything to be proud of, not anything special, certainly not anything good.

And that is what makes this seem the lie.

Yet, I was in the presence of God. That is something I cannot deny... I know who He is, I was in His presence, and it is still so utterly amazing it brings me to tears, even though it was so many years ago, it was like yesterday.

My husband told me before about the elect, and you say the same words..but.... knowing who I am, exactly, its.... nonsensical.

I know you say blood, but then you read that one persons posting about the zombie apocalypse meets God thing, and the christian desire to be a zombie... and all one can think is that is so wrong, and so evil. You simply have an innate desire to protect yourself from such evil...And even knowing that this extreme is not representative of all of Christianity... its still very frightening... it burns in your brain...

Its just... confusing.
edit on 7-1-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB


You know, the first split second reaction on the emotional level is to think cool... im special...

I tend towards not thinking much through on an emotional level. I have learned that this can leave one very vulnurable to being mislead.

The Word states come let us reason together. It does not say let us emote together.

I will put this in a more recognizable perspective.

Let us "Tabloid" together. This is not found in the Word.

But then, I know exactly what I am... if we were having a race to who was the worst of mankind, Id be in the running... I am not anything to be proud of, not anything special, certainly not anything good.

Exactly correct. This is also my understanding of people.
So why would we be able to know what we know about the Word and what it states or teaches us?? How can this be so if we are the worst of mankind??

Watch this by Colbe...

The Protestant messages (prophecy) have NEVER said Jesus is coming to reveal ~ all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ one time as your personal Lord and Savior no words to confirm this is God's one true message of Salvation.

I know no such thing. I must not be Protestant!!

What I know is that Chosen people do not choose ..they are chosen..but God does the choosing.
God makes us acceptable. We do not accept...we are accepted in the Blood. Made acceptable by and for His will..for His reasons/purposes. But God does His work in us to make us acceptable, Make us accepted in the Blood.

To my knowledge none of the apostles chose..they were chosen by Him. want to talk about a miracle...that God would take a bum like me..a stiffed necked rebellious individual and teach him to turn about and go the other way from my previous walk on this earth. Why would God take a bum like me and put His name on my lips daily?? a miracle.

As to the zombie business..I have no clue about it and am not a fan of any of the plethora of Zombie movies and such so popular today.

If I want zombies I watch people coming into work on Monday Morning after a roudy hard weekend. Plenty of them to be found on Monday Morning.
I have no desire to be a zombie..the Hollywood type nor of the two legged wildlife attempting to zombie their way back to work on Monday morning.

I do not live a movie and television life ..though I watch movies and some tv..not much but some. The problem is finding decent movies to watch. I've watched two of late..both of them Robert Redford movies. "The Horse Whisperer" and "An Unfinished Life." I found both of them to be pretty good...particularly An Unfinished Life.

Yes..I try to separate from Evil..also from most of two legged wildlife. Come out from amongst them and be ye separate sayeth the Lord.


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by whitewave

No worries, we all have lives away from here.(at least I hope so)

You say that the sin is on Adam and Eve and that you didn't do anything deserving of Gods' wrath? We are all born of Adam and Eve. Their sin is comparable to a genetic disease. It's passed on to all the descendants. Even if a child is raised well, taught to never lie, steal, deceive or commit any "sins", the child will still sin. Some more than others, some less. But still, ALL have sinned and all will sin. It's in our very makeup as a human. Since one man sinned, bringing the whole world that followed (as his descendants) into sin, it was fair and right that only one man should pay for that sinful nature.

Ok so the bible stating that a son is not held responsible for the sins of the father doesn't apply to Adam and the rest of the human race. Adam was cast out. His sons were born cast out. They were born in and remained punished for Adam's sin. So my reasoning would be that Adam be punished, his sons should have had the option of the garden as they were not deserving of that punishment. So yes one man should have payed for it and that man should have been Adam. From there we all have a choice in life I agree, but we start life in Adam's punishment which is in direct conflict with biblical teaching. By allowing us to be born without it on our heads things may or may not have been different for many we cannot make that call. But, by allowing us to start life being punished for Adam's sin starts our deck short and (for me) causes issue with some doctrine.
*****not quoting the next cpl paragraphs to conserve space****
Addressing the anti-god sinful nature part, reading through Gen and the creation story, until the snake caused the issue man and woman didn't have this. I'm making that assumption since God strolled around the garden and talked with Adam. With that in mind I see no reason to assume that everyone from then on had to be sinful and anti-god from birth. Not arguing if we are or not just stating that it didn't have to be that way. But, looking at the story, apparently there was something there or their choices wouldn't have been what they were correct? I personally don't believe a sinful nature is genetic or passed on somehow. If I meet god and he asks if I am a good guy, according to his scripture, nope, no argument here.
***Letting us chose for ourselves kept us from being robots or Gods' pets. We are free will agents freely choosing the very best. It was also a clever way for God to trap Satan and defeat him. *****
My opinion, there is absolutely no reason that we would have to be robots or pet's and retain free will. Saying so puts a limitation on the ability of god. Also, causing the downfall of the entire human race to trap Satan? If this deity just spoke the entire universe into existence it actually depresses me to think that it was necessary to go that way. Even when I was a christian I kept looking at that idea and going....Seriously???? You had to allow that after just speaking to create everything? That has never made even the tiniest of sense to me.

God is not what religion has taught us. He is not a vengeful bully looking to smite us for the least provocation. He had/has a life of beauty and purpose to share with us but we're not quite worthy yet. We're still in training. He's patient.

Religion has never really taught me anything I prefer to read it for myself and make my own mind up. The records we have, if they are to be believed, God is vengeful, very much so. And he did alot of smiting for reasons that escape me. I don't comprehend why he would create something to make it suffer when it could have been done differently without all the needless bloodshed and suffering the human race has endured. But that's just my opinion of course.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and I hope you don't take anything I have said as coarse in nature as that's not my intent.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

There is probably a reason the term was bestowed "as a nickname", then.

Of course there is. Because people (in both the Catholic Church and outside of it) cannot seem to grasp the difference between the Catholic (big "C") church and the catholic (little "c") church. They are two entirely different things.

Does not change the point.

That's twice now that you've disputed a commonly used term, even by Catholics, because it's not "official".

Of course it "changes the point", and the reason that I refute those who confuse, intentionally or otherwise, applied or casual names, with official names, is because words matter, and when we abuse words in order to make a point that is invalid, it is a disingenuous argument.

In 1053, by all accounts, there was one Christian church, the Catholic Church. In 1055, by your reckoning, there were two Christian churches, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Orthodox Catholic church, but that isn't the case, there was the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Catholic Church (neither of whom is the "catholic church".) As another example, during the Civil War, there were the Confederate States of America and the United States of America, there wasn't the Confederate States of America and the "Northern United States of America".

That's what Colbe and others mean by the Catholic Church being the "remnant church" -- it is what remains after those who disagreed with it, generally over political matters, left. It is not, in my opinion, the "true church", I think that, if it ever existed (and I'm not sure that it matters,) it ended prior to 1054, and it is definitely not the catholic church, which is the body of all believers, but it does have a deeper connection to the Apostolic Age than, say, the Baptist or Lutheran churches do.

I know that that concept has no value for your "me and my Bible" perspective, but for those of us who trust in theology and the teaching of the church, it does, so dishonestly diminishing the historical perspective for the sake of an argument is something that we reject.

edit on 7-1-2014 by adjensen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:25 AM

When any ex-Catholic posts on this thread and shows us their wounds we aren't helping to heal their wounds when we deny they are real, minimize them or in any way defend the actions of the person that hurt them. I do not think you did this directly, but if I was ww I would perceive your response as un-empathetic. Imagine how you would feel if your someone called your Mum a whore. Would you be able to respect that person's authority after they told you you committed an unforgivable sin? I would have been out the door myself.

When someone walks away from the Catholic Church I really want to know what lead them to it. This is crucial.

The best communication happens when we share on the feeling level which she did. In turn, we should let her know we see her wounds and do not discount them. If we don't understand and acknowledge the wounds she has, why in the name of Love would she want to listen to anything we have to say.

Yes, pray for the nun. If she treated one child that way, imagine how she treated others.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 10:58 AM

Ok so the bible stating that a son is not held responsible for the sins of the father doesn't apply to Adam and the rest of the human race. Adam was cast out. His sons were born cast out. They were born in and remained punished for Adam's sin.

Adam and Eve don’t exist; it’s a creation myth, i.e. allegory.

Note, in this excerpt, how Adam, the one who dwelt in “Eden”, is automatically taken to be symbolic of the individual soul, not as a historical figure, Ephraim says, “From the height of Eden, the Adversary cast me down”, not Adam. He is speaking of the souls descent from the eternal realms into the hell of this world. (Reference Gospel of Jesus, by John Davidson HERE. Page-392 onwards)

Adam represents ‘Universal Man’ as every individual Soul. Adam was given a helper and companion Eve = the mind principle. Man is made up of mind, body and soul (for reference see E.S Drower’s PDF “The Secret Adam” HERE.

Of course everyone might not agree with this, so I always give a link to my study....

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by drivers1492

Ok so the bible stating that a son is not held responsible for the sins of the father doesn't apply to Adam and the rest of the human race. Adam was cast out. His sons were born cast out. They were born in and remained punished for Adam's sin. So my reasoning would be that Adam be punished, his sons should have had the option of the garden as they were not deserving of that punishment. So yes one man should have paid for it and that man should have been Adam. From there we all have a choice in life I agree, but we start life in Adam's punishment which is in direct conflict with biblical teaching. By allowing us to be born without it on our heads things may or may not have been different for many we cannot make that call. But, by allowing us to start life being punished for Adam's sin starts our deck short and (for me) causes issue with some doctrine.

Well it may be that God only wanted to have to deal with the problem once instead of 20 billion times. We all have the same choice to choose the One Who Is Life everyday but we make other choices instead. Christ is the only one to have ever lived a sinless life. When Adam sinned, it was catastrophic. An entirely new law came into being-the law of sin and death. But, like in the garden of Eden, there is another choice. The book of Romans states

King James Bible
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Addressing the anti-god sinful nature part, reading through Gen and the creation story, until the snake caused the issue man and woman didn't have this. I'm making that assumption since God strolled around the garden and talked with Adam. With that in mind I see no reason to assume that everyone from then on had to be sinful and anti-god from birth. Not arguing if we are or not just stating that it didn't have to be that way. But, looking at the story, apparently there was something there or their choices wouldn't have been what they were correct? I personally don't believe a sinful nature is genetic or passed on somehow. If I meet god and he asks if I am a good guy, according to his scripture, nope, no argument here.

There is NONE good, no, not one. (Romans 3:10). If we were not born of Adams sinful nature you'd think there might be at least one righteous person that God could call "good" but nobody's managed to nail it yet. God had all of eternity past (before creation) to consider how to set up the world. He set it up to play out where we could all be winners with Him.

My opinion, there is absolutely no reason that we would have to be robots or pet's and retain free will. Saying so puts a limitation on the ability of god. Also, causing the downfall of the entire human race to trap Satan? If this deity just spoke the entire universe into existence it actually depresses me to think that it was necessary to go that way. Even when I was a Christian I kept looking at that idea and going....Seriously???? You had to allow that after just speaking to create everything? That has never made even the tiniest of sense to me.

Before I became a Christian I had a similar question to yours. I remember thinking that I had God pinned down with my logic (go ahead and laugh about it, I do) when I said, "If you're so good and you created everything, where did evil come from?" Then I found the answer in the bible:
King James Bible
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
When I asked "why?", I found this:
King James Bible
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Kind of Gods' way of telling me that it was all above my pay grade, I guess. Still, we won't always be ignorant of the whys and wherefores of Gods' mysterious ways. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (from I Corinthians, chapter 13)

Religion has never really taught me anything I prefer to read it for myself and make my own mind up. The records we have, if they are to be believed, God is vengeful, very much so. And he did a lot of smiting for reasons that escape me. I don't comprehend why he would create something to make it suffer when it could have been done differently without all the needless bloodshed and suffering the human race has endured. But that's just my opinion of course.

Searching out the scriptures with prayer and openness to Gods' speaking is the only way some of us ever learn anything. (referring to myself, of course). My Yahweh is very patient and kind but firm in His dealings with me. I don't claim to understand all His ways and workings but I trust Him. He's never let me down even though I've let him down plenty of times. I believe He has our best interests at heart even if we don't really know what IS in our best interest.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and I hope you don't take anything I have said as coarse in nature as that's not my intent.

You've been very civil and pleasant. It is always a pleasure to discourse with thoughtful people who are also passionate about important matters. Thanks for putting up with me.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by chiram

Adam and Eve don’t exist; it’s a creation myth, i.e. allegory.

I think actual existence for the purpose of the discussion would be irrelevant to the message that it portrays.

It will take some time to digest the links so I cannot comment on them at the moment.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by whitewave

Well it may be that God only wanted to have to deal with the problem once instead of 20 billion times.
That's very possible, and while I don't see giving everyone the same chance as the original as being that big of a deal for god that may be true.

He set it up to play out where we could all be winners with Him.
Not to come across as combative but no. I say that because god created evil, in turn causing or downfall, so no it was not set up in any way so we could all be winners. Like you point out later in your reply "I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." it wasn't set up so we could all be winners. Now you can of course make the argument that we have the potential to be and I won't argue that point, but our creation was set up for failures to be included in the equation.

I've had many troubling questions when it comes to the subject of god. My primary has always been why create something knowing you will have to destroy it yet claim to be loving? The proverbial lego hiding in the carpet while I'm barefoot.

For Colbe......You say the bible is a catholic book. It's a catholic compilation, it should be considered as such. The books included themselves and the message in them have no need to include catholic dogma to exist just fine on their own. No offense just saying I think to much credit is given to where it's not deserved.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by colbe

So, all the sisters that took care of you were horrid? I don't believe this. You can offer THAT sister's meanness, her unlove to God.

Yes, ALL the nuns I dealt with were Attila the Nun (except one). I was/am ambidextrous so when my right hand would get tired from all the writing we had to do, I'd switch to writing with my left which got me a prompt whack across the knuckles for using "the devil's hand". How horrifying! I have a devil's hand? I laugh about it now but at the time those sexually-repressed, black-robed vultures were scary as hell.

Do you realize we can offer ALL our crosses of our life (large and small) to God in prayer.

Offering you up now, Colbe.

He can help save souls with this offering. Whenever St. Francis was persecuted, he told a companion, "this is Heaven", St. Francis believed God could use his suffering.

I believe in the bible when it says to "give thanks in all things" and Matthew 5:11-12 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

You do the same, repeating, you must offer the sufferings of your life in prayer to God, don't forget. Okay?

Why are you talking to me like I'm 3 years old?

Good deal, still mentioning the Douay-Rheims.

I quote it to you because it is the only version you accept. Don't really read it myself.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by adjensen

Thank you for the response. I think it is an interesting topic since many Christians view meditation to be "bad" in some shape or form.

Yet, Catholicism specifically talks about it in the catechism. That said, it seems exceedingly rare to find a Christian who is educated on meditation through the church itself. Does this happen at all?

Even with ADD, aspergers, or anything else.. meditation is entirely possible. Not only that, you are doing it all of the time anyway. Just have to line up your perception of things to what is happening in and around you. It is simply conscious recognition and awareness of what/who you already are continuously. Eastern religions focus on it very in-depth, but I do not feel that is necessary due to its simplicity. Its not easy though, and being constantly mindful seems to be like a muscle that has to be built up over time. And as "it" gets stronger, we can start to see ourselves doing things that we never thought about.

Anyway, thank you for the response

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by drivers1492

Ok so the bible stating that a son is not held responsible for the sins of the father doesn't apply to Adam and the rest of the human race. Adam was cast out. His sons were born cast out. They were born in and remained punished for Adam's sin.

C: Adam and Eve don’t exist; it’s a creation myth, i.e. allegory.

I think actual existence for the purpose of the discussion would be irrelevant to the message that it portrays.

C: So you can discuss Adam and Eve, but no one else can, is that it?

It will take some time to digest the links so I cannot comment on them at the moment.

C: The links have been provided for not only you, but for whoever else is interested. Thank you.
edit on 7-1-2014 by chiram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by chiram

C: So you can discuss Adam and Eve, but no one else can, is that it?

I'm really not sure where your getting that from me saying......Drivers:
I think actual existence for the purpose of the discussion would be irrelevant to the message that it portrays.
I'm not following you there since all I said was the story, whether real or event or not, has a message behind it. If it happened or not the message stays the same.
I don't tell anyone what they can discuss. That's the whole point of discussion. I present my idea's and thoughts and you present your idea's and thoughts.

I have no need to be combative about things in my discussion nor direct someone else to not discuss whatever they would like.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by drivers1492

C: My post was originally meant for Whitewave (below) excuse me, got a little confused, but it would still be relevant to the story

You say that the sin is on Adam and Eve and that you didn't do anything deserving of Gods' wrath? We are all born of Adam and Eve. Their sin is comparable to a genetic disease. It's passed on to all the descendants. Even if a child is raised well, taught to never lie, steal, deceive or commit any "sins", the child will still sin. Some more than others, some less. But still, ALL have sinned and all will sin. It's in our very makeup as a human. Since one man sinned, bringing the whole world that followed (as his descendants) into sin, it was fair and right that only one man should pay for that sinful nature.

C: Adam and Eve don’t exist; it’s a creation myth, i.e. allegory

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:09 PM

reply to post by OpinionatedB


You know, the first split second reaction on the emotional level is to think cool... im special...

I tend towards not thinking much through on an emotional level. I have learned that this can leave one very vulnurable to being mislead.

The Word states come let us reason together. It does not say let us emote together.

I will put this in a more recognizable perspective.

Let us "Tabloid" together. This is not found in the Word.

But then, I know exactly what I am... if we were having a race to who was the worst of mankind, Id be in the running... I am not anything to be proud of, not anything special, certainly not anything good.

Exactly correct. This is also my understanding of people.
So why would we be able to know what we know about the Word and what it states or teaches us?? How can this be so if we are the worst of mankind??

Watch this by Colbe...

The Protestant messages (prophecy) have NEVER said Jesus is coming to reveal ~ all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ one time as your personal Lord and Savior no words to confirm this is God's one true message of Salvation.

I know no such thing. I must not be Protestant!!

What I know is that Chosen people do not choose ..they are chosen..but God does the choosing.
God makes us acceptable. We do not accept...we are accepted in the Blood. Made acceptable by and for His will..for His reasons/purposes. But God does His work in us to make us acceptable, Make us accepted in the Blood.

To my knowledge none of the apostles chose..they were chosen by Him. want to talk about a miracle...that God would take a bum like me..a stiffed necked rebellious individual and teach him to turn about and go the other way from my previous walk on this earth. Why would God take a bum like me and put His name on my lips daily?? a miracle.

As to the zombie business..I have no clue about it and am not a fan of any of the plethora of Zombie movies and such so popular today.

If I want zombies I watch people coming into work on Monday Morning after a roudy hard weekend. Plenty of them to be found on Monday Morning.
I have no desire to be a zombie..the Hollywood type nor of the two legged wildlife attempting to zombie their way back to work on Monday morning.

I do not live a movie and television life ..though I watch movies and some tv..not much but some. The problem is finding decent movies to watch. I've watched two of late..both of them Robert Redford movies. "The Horse Whisperer" and "An Unfinished Life." I found both of them to be pretty good...particularly An Unfinished Life.

Yes..I try to separate from Evil..also from most of two legged wildlife. Come out from amongst them and be ye separate sayeth the Lord.


"The Protestant messages (prophecy) have NEVER said Jesus is coming to reveal ~ all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ one time as your personal Lord and Savior no words to confirm this is God's one true message of Salvation."


You take my one sentence and post it, a person can't see my entire post in context. I was saying and I have many times, the non-Catholic Christian messages (prophecy) do NOT say Our Lord is returning to proclaim non-Catholic Christianity is the way, that it is the Remnant.

Our Lord is gently and kindly saying, He is going to ask (free will) you to become Roman Catholic. Disagreement will continue here so remember, okay? When God shows you, everyone in the world, you'll know it is Him.

love and God bless you,


posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:23 PM


Who has time, sorry, I can't reply to all these, my sentences split up. Why do people not keep posts together and reply underneath, then others can see the original in context? Underline what you wish
to comment on....

I'm sorry, colbe. I have to respond in this way so that people can see what it is I'm responding to without having to search through a post to puzzle it out.

Read Daniel, the "continual sacrifice and the "abomination of desolation" are repeatedly stated together.

The Abomination of Desolation is specific to the Temple Mount. Do you only commit eucharist on the Temple Mount?

The "abomination of desolation" happens when the anti-Christ attempts
to abolish the most Holy Eucharist.

Not unless he tries to disrupt it when it is being committed on the Temple Mount. Anywhere else he tries to disrupt it does not meet the criteria to be an "abomination of desolation". Now, if you tried to do it on the Temple Mount nowadays, the antichrist would have to stand in line behind the Waqf to disrupt you. I'm pretty sure the Waqf would disrupt the heck out of you for it.

They aren't very well known for entering Catholic Churches and pestering you over some crackers and wine, though.

Satanists mimic the Holy Mass with their Black Masses and they steal consecrated hosts to desecrate
because Satan believes in Our Lord's presence in the Eucharist. He knows where the greatest grace
is given.

Of course they do. They do it, however, to get your goat, not because they believe in any "presence" - and you've got to admit, it works pretty well for them, doesn't it? If they really believe that is "where the greatest grace is given", they'd be chowing down on it without the desecration, now wouldn't they?

edit on 2014/1/7 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 03:29 PM


The East followed Rome, the Holy Father until the split. Yes, Jesus established the Roman Catholic Church.
By her authority we know the teachings of Christ.

The term "Holy Father" is sacrilege when applied to any other than God, and most certainly so when applied to a mere fallible man.

The only thing the Roman Catholic Church has authority to teach is the teaching of the Roman catholic Church.

We know the teachings of Christ by Christ's authority.

I do thank you, however, for supporting my point that there is a Roman Catholic Church. See? We CAN work together!

edit on 2014/1/7 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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