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colbe, I'm afraid I'm going to have to "confess" that I'm not going to be converted to RCC tonight (or ever!). I quote to you scripture and you quote to me catholic sayings.
There were many more but I had so many tabs open that my computer crashed. None of them were bible verses, just blog sites from Catholic sources starting at about page 22 or so.
I trust the pure, unadulterated word of God. I quote to you biblical verses and you quote to me some Catholic guy saying something or another. Not quite the same, eh?
I have searched the word of God on the question of RCC (and many other issues) long ago and often check my current understanding in case my beloved Yeshua has something new to reveal to me. I can not stand by RCC even though many beloved Christians are trapped by it's heresies. Everyone is where they need to be for the will of God to be executed.
As far as the definition of faith, I'll go with the biblical version: Douay-Rheims Bible
Now faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not.
I trust that Yahweh is in control. I've said my piece and I'm done. God's blessings to those who walk in the light of God's Word (Yeshua).
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady
Yes, I agree. I once had a nun (sister Bertina) who told me that my mother was a whore and was never coming to get me so I punched her in the face. She reared back and told me that the one unforgiveable sin was to strike a nun (it's not, I looked it up) and that I was going to hell for all eternity for striking her. Coincidentally I got chicken pox a few days later with 104+ temp and hallucinations and was left by the nuns to fend for myself at 9 years old. Not even a glass of water left by my bed. No guardians at all to watch over me . I forgive them all for their ignorance but I learned that "Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven." Douay-Rheims Bible
You shall know them by their fruits.
I've seen and researched the 'fruits' and decided that I will not be numbered among them. Douay-Rheims Bible
Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will of God, commend their souls in good deeds to the faithful Creator.
I commend my soul to Yahweh, not to men. I apologize for nothing (at least not to mankind).
Douay-Rheims Bible
But God is true; and every man a liar, as it is written, That thou mayest be justified in thy words, and mayest overcome when thou art judged.
If God cannot stand me (because I have sinned) why does He speak with me?
Because he knows you have been chosen by him...a sheep..not a goat. Not necessarily for everything you do..but for the destination..where you will wind the end.
Thanks to all for their posts.
You know, the first split second reaction on the emotional level is to think cool... im special...
But then, I know exactly what I am... if we were having a race to who was the worst of mankind, Id be in the running... I am not anything to be proud of, not anything special, certainly not anything good.
The Protestant messages (prophecy) have NEVER said Jesus is coming to reveal ~ all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ one time as your personal Lord and Savior no words to confirm this is God's one true message of Salvation.
You say that the sin is on Adam and Eve and that you didn't do anything deserving of Gods' wrath? We are all born of Adam and Eve. Their sin is comparable to a genetic disease. It's passed on to all the descendants. Even if a child is raised well, taught to never lie, steal, deceive or commit any "sins", the child will still sin. Some more than others, some less. But still, ALL have sinned and all will sin. It's in our very makeup as a human. Since one man sinned, bringing the whole world that followed (as his descendants) into sin, it was fair and right that only one man should pay for that sinful nature.
God is not what religion has taught us. He is not a vengeful bully looking to smite us for the least provocation. He had/has a life of beauty and purpose to share with us but we're not quite worthy yet. We're still in training. He's patient.
There is probably a reason the term was bestowed "as a nickname", then.
Does not change the point.
That's twice now that you've disputed a commonly used term, even by Catholics, because it's not "official".
Ok so the bible stating that a son is not held responsible for the sins of the father doesn't apply to Adam and the rest of the human race. Adam was cast out. His sons were born cast out. They were born in and remained punished for Adam's sin.
Note, in this excerpt, how Adam, the one who dwelt in “Eden”, is automatically taken to be symbolic of the individual soul, not as a historical figure, Ephraim says, “From the height of Eden, the Adversary cast me down”, not Adam. He is speaking of the souls descent from the eternal realms into the hell of this world. (Reference Gospel of Jesus, by John Davidson HERE. Page-392 onwards)
Adam and Eve don’t exist; it’s a creation myth, i.e. allegory.
That's very possible, and while I don't see giving everyone the same chance as the original as being that big of a deal for god that may be true.
Well it may be that God only wanted to have to deal with the problem once instead of 20 billion times.
Not to come across as combative but no. I say that because god created evil, in turn causing or downfall, so no it was not set up in any way so we could all be winners. Like you point out later in your reply "I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." it wasn't set up so we could all be winners. Now you can of course make the argument that we have the potential to be and I won't argue that point, but our creation was set up for failures to be included in the equation.
He set it up to play out where we could all be winners with Him.
Ok so the bible stating that a son is not held responsible for the sins of the father doesn't apply to Adam and the rest of the human race. Adam was cast out. His sons were born cast out. They were born in and remained punished for Adam's sin.
I think actual existence for the purpose of the discussion would be irrelevant to the message that it portrays.
It will take some time to digest the links so I cannot comment on them at the moment.
C: So you can discuss Adam and Eve, but no one else can, is that it?
You say that the sin is on Adam and Eve and that you didn't do anything deserving of Gods' wrath? We are all born of Adam and Eve. Their sin is comparable to a genetic disease. It's passed on to all the descendants. Even if a child is raised well, taught to never lie, steal, deceive or commit any "sins", the child will still sin. Some more than others, some less. But still, ALL have sinned and all will sin. It's in our very makeup as a human. Since one man sinned, bringing the whole world that followed (as his descendants) into sin, it was fair and right that only one man should pay for that sinful nature.
reply to post by OpinionatedB
You know, the first split second reaction on the emotional level is to think cool... im special...
I tend towards not thinking much through on an emotional level. I have learned that this can leave one very vulnurable to being mislead.
The Word states come let us reason together. It does not say let us emote together.
I will put this in a more recognizable perspective.
Let us "Tabloid" together. This is not found in the Word.
But then, I know exactly what I am... if we were having a race to who was the worst of mankind, Id be in the running... I am not anything to be proud of, not anything special, certainly not anything good.
Exactly correct. This is also my understanding of people.
So why would we be able to know what we know about the Word and what it states or teaches us?? How can this be so if we are the worst of mankind??
Watch this by Colbe...
The Protestant messages (prophecy) have NEVER said Jesus is coming to reveal ~ all you have to do is accept Jesus Christ one time as your personal Lord and Savior no words to confirm this is God's one true message of Salvation.
I know no such thing. I must not be Protestant!!
What I know is that Chosen people do not choose ..they are chosen..but God does the choosing.
God makes us acceptable. We do not accept...we are accepted in the Blood. Made acceptable by and for His will..for His reasons/purposes. But God does His work in us to make us acceptable, Make us accepted in the Blood.
To my knowledge none of the apostles chose..they were chosen by Him. want to talk about a miracle...that God would take a bum like me..a stiffed necked rebellious individual and teach him to turn about and go the other way from my previous walk on this earth. Why would God take a bum like me and put His name on my lips daily?? a miracle.
As to the zombie business..I have no clue about it and am not a fan of any of the plethora of Zombie movies and such so popular today.
If I want zombies I watch people coming into work on Monday Morning after a roudy hard weekend. Plenty of them to be found on Monday Morning.
I have no desire to be a zombie..the Hollywood type nor of the two legged wildlife attempting to zombie their way back to work on Monday morning.
I do not live a movie and television life ..though I watch movies and some tv..not much but some. The problem is finding decent movies to watch. I've watched two of late..both of them Robert Redford movies. "The Horse Whisperer" and "An Unfinished Life." I found both of them to be pretty good...particularly An Unfinished Life.
Yes..I try to separate from Evil..also from most of two legged wildlife. Come out from amongst them and be ye separate sayeth the Lord.
Who has time, sorry, I can't reply to all these, my sentences split up. Why do people not keep posts together and reply underneath, then others can see the original in context? Underline what you wish
to comment on....
Read Daniel, the "continual sacrifice and the "abomination of desolation" are repeatedly stated together.
The "abomination of desolation" happens when the anti-Christ attempts
to abolish the most Holy Eucharist.
Satanists mimic the Holy Mass with their Black Masses and they steal consecrated hosts to desecrate
because Satan believes in Our Lord's presence in the Eucharist. He knows where the greatest grace
is given.
The East followed Rome, the Holy Father until the split. Yes, Jesus established the Roman Catholic Church.
By her authority we know the teachings of Christ.