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Ted Cruz Filibuster Obamcare has started!

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posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

I think I'll take my chances with reading the orignal. I don't trust most of those cats in DC, let alone a conservative media source. I also wouldn't trust Harry Reid or the president or any left leaning media sources to fill me in on the ins and outs of it. Too much partisan slant on either side.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:46 PM

reply to post by JRockABM

Yes. Easy to understand.

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Too funny unfortunatly.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:21 AM

reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

I think I'll take my chances with reading the orignal. I don't trust most of those cats in DC, let alone a conservative media source. I also wouldn't trust Harry Reid or the president or any left leaning media sources to fill me in on the ins and outs of it. Too much partisan slant on either side.

If you can do legalese go it for and share your thoughts here.
Getting a no spin opinion would be interesting.

I hope it is dismantled before you finish.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by freedom12

There is nothing these Republicans will not do to deny health care to American workers. When you are representing the Corporate Aristocracy that employs the workers you do what you can to de-regulate business and remove workers rights, benefits and safety measures because all these "savings" are money in your pocket.

This is how the rich get richer and why the poor stay poor. There are people like Ted Cruz working very hard against them.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

A major complaint is that the bill doesn't do enough for people and bows to the desires of the Corporate Medical Industry and Insurance Corporations too much but that is how they had to fashion it to get what members of the GOP they could on board. It is designed in such a way that it can be changed and a single payer or public option can be added. It can be modified but it was necessary to get kids on their parents plans, to stop insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions and insure people in the gap just prior to being eligible for medicaid and SS. The existing policies were killing people, literally, people were dying without medical care or options, they still are but this stems the flow of victims as planned.

Let's take away Ted Cruz's families health least if he is on the Federal Employee Benefits program. Remove it and let him buy his own.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:51 AM
If i was ever looking for where NEOCONs roost in ATS, i believe i found it here. It's always the same with this crowd. The failure of the past to address health care in America has wrought us to the abyss. All too many people drank the kool-aid supplied by the great "middle-mens club" and are too intoxicated to make logical decisions on their own.

In the "New Age" of the "New World Order" fiasco, where the elite abandoned American principles to pursue their global interests, Industrial manufacturing, America's golden ace in the hole dwindled to abysmal propositions. The "FREE" trade mantra led by the notable New World Elitists, Reagan, Clinton, Bush & co., and Obama as well as most of our "representatives" within both parties, assured the country that this plan, originating from post WW-II to the present, is the only way to ease America into the future.

Of course, people under the influence of kool-aid bought into the promises of these snake oil salesmen. Adding workers, union or not, to the list of radical liberal malcontents within their gun sights was necessary to pave the road to Bush Sr. vision of the new world order. However, little information regarding this scheme was offered initially and if/when someone asked questions that may illuminate the possibilities of such action often met with disdain and denial.

Only after Bush Sr's. New World Order vision, as it was now under major construction and more obvious, many notable nay-Sayers found more to criticize. Yet, despite recent elections, Americans who fear the obvious find little or no assurances that the future offers relief. Class warfare is at a all time high while people fight incessantly in political chat rooms, blogs and editorial pages in the Press. Which of course offer little or no positive feedback that will be utilized by our leaders.

It's no wonder why so many people find themselves marginalized and powerless in this democracy. They've awoken to the reality that jobs and gainful employment are on the chopping block. Mortgages at risk and the possibility of their children's higher education is threatened by exploding college expenses. The stature of the middle class is undermined and pensions look bleak. Wages are stagnant while top managers incentives are through the roof. We live under debt that can never be paid and If anyone believed our representatives work for us and ours, it's blatantly obvious they work for someone else.

Oh the "someone else" element. The unknown people who are our real leaders. Those who bankroll the snake oil salesmen who insist free trade will enrich America with new wealth and jobs that never materialize. Lets not forget them because they are the ones who we expect to have our interests in mind. Your economic situation may be on hold, but obviously they are making us safe from the universal boogy man. They are so diligent in their task of making us safe by erecting bigger govt. to the bigger govt., that they have no time and resources to expand the economy. However, they always have the time and resources to offer tax breaks to industry to off-shore their operations and safeguard low taxes for the one percent and their minions.

All the while, mind you, the past decades has shown us the existence of entities who are too big to fail. They, after all, operate under socialistic tendencies to be collective in nature and expect their loses, whether resulted from piss-poor management decisions or flat out fraud, are bankrolled by govt. with tax payers revenue to guarantee their future existence. Also they operate as good capitalist to fulfill their obligations of profit to themselves and stockholders with moneys that are private. They are also the ones who embrace the new world order as we know it and expanding themselves in the global environment.

To all who gives a damn, lets not forget this road to the NWO is marked with potholes of corruption and scandals where offenders are rarely investigated and rarely perform the perp walk. Often they are often rewarded for their ill-gotten gains while whistle blowers who expose the crimes often suffer the most. Now that you've seen a small glimpse of what many believe to be a fascist police state, with all their cameras on light poles, satellites and drones, ask Mr. Snowden what they are doing to your cell phones, computers and everything else of convenient tech. you purchase can be viewed by the "unknowns" to get all they can about you.

What does all this have to do with Obamacare you might ask? Everything! Problems do not come from the bottom up as many believe. Problems come from the top pentacle of the pyramid with their corrupt policies that make it to the bottom. The poor or working man had nothing to do with it. In all reality he, she or they are the victims of it.

However, affordable health care is a necessity. When you realize that a portion of your taxes can be paid to an non-profit organization to pay the country's basic health care costs and that doing so is not socialistic in nature as many may suggest. Actually it's prudent spending. Health care Ins. companies would have a place in the market to offer plans to cover any of the possible gaps from public care. The German system is a good system to follow.

Also, the lie that "all" govt. regulations are evil and thus must be eliminated is as i said...a lie. Strict regulations in the banking and Investment industry alone would not have allowed the largest theft of wealth in history witnessed over the past years. Strict govt. regulations would be necessary in health care to maintain quality especially when the public demands a high level of excellence.

Also, the public should demand a national trade barrier with strict regulations on tariffs on goods entering the country. This would bolster domestic manufacturing and provide jobs and reestablish the middle class. Manufacturing will require skill jobs rather than low paying clerk jobs that are seen today. Too few and lacking substance is the norm in America's reality for too many who deserve more. Providing the alternative to the current situation will increase tax revenue as well. Also, eliminating tax breaks to exiting industries and added to tariffs received would go far in creating a higher level of quality of life in America.

In other words, it's time to rethink and reevaluate the crap spewed by snake oil dealers. These are just a few of recommendations that would aid in our incline. Quit arguing and demand change for everyone. Don't allow these bastards take your rights and decide your destiny.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by thesaneone

I never thought we would get so screwed by our insurance company after so many years of paying premiums. And we are not the only ones. We just don't have loud voices, because after you go through something like that, all you have time for is to survive and try to keep your assets out the hands of medical creditors.

"Except for the Grace of God, there go I."

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:58 AM

reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Let's take away Ted Cruz's families health least if he is on the Federal Employee Benefits program. Remove it and let him buy his own.

If you had watched his filibuster you would have seen senator Durbin ask the senator what he qualifies and uses the government subsidy, his answer: "we do in fact qualify but we don't take advantage of the subsidy"(the 72% the federal government pays for)

Senator Cruz pays for his insurance like the American people do. Can't say the same for Durbin, Reid and co who are quite proud to have the best healthcare in the nation and don't care If you can't pay for yours as long as uncle Sam pays their 72%.
edit on 26-9-2013 by Shadowcast because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:14 AM
I woke up this morning thinking about this.

Wondering what it's like to be on your deathbed and have a chance to look back on your life. Somebody like Mother Teresa. I'm thinking you would think something like "I did all I could do. I championed the poor, I worked hard to help/feed those who couldn't help themselves." I'm not sure what exactly the thoughts would be, but there surely must be some kind of happiness coming from within, knowing you lived a life like that.

Then imagine being someone like teddie C. and his cronies, on the deathbed. Thinking they did everything they could do to punish the sick and poor, our veterans, all those who can't care for themselves properly due to low or no income. The punishment takes the form of hunger, and untreated illness. A cold wave comes over me thinking about it. Knowing that you lived a life like that.

Good lord, help us to not be like them.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by BellaSabre

Mother Teresa kept the poor in her home convent in abysmal living conditions despite receiving billions in donations, she's not quite the saint you paint her as just like Cruz isn't the demon you paint him as.

If the bill goes as planned many more people will feel that same burden of hunger you describe.tell me how all these poor and destitute are expected to pay for their plans? Not denying pre-existing conditions doesn't do you any good if you can't pay for it. They need jobs to make money and obamacare is destroying those jobs.

Senator Cruz will sleep easy knowing he tried and listened to the American people.

edit on 26-9-2013 by Shadowcast because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2013 by Shadowcast because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:22 AM

Here's What The Next Steps In The Government Shutdown Fight Are, And Why Ted Cruz Voted 'Yes' Today


posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Shadowcast

I know a great deal about mother Teresa. I've studied her at length. I won't go into a rebuttal here, because you obviously will say whatever you want, true or not. It is literally a thread on it's own. I am aware of her shortcomings, and the impoverished circumstances in which she worked.

I didn't paint anybody as a devil. If someone's actions tend to indicate such, perhaps you could give that some thought.

Just a thought about life, and how one chooses to live it. My point was the deathbed, and reflecting upon how one lived one's life.

That is all.

edit on 9/26/2013 by BellaSabre because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

From what I understand it is a flawed step in the right direction. What should have happened was that instead of trying to defund and fight the ACA, there should have been debate for changes to make it better. It seems like just another "it came from the whitehouse so screw it" situation. This was originally a republican idea, back in the 70s (I think?
). At this point it's useless to fight against it. We just need to let it go and amend it from there.

We are ranked 37th in the world with the whole health care thing so something has to change and no one else has come up with anything...but I will save my final opinion until after I read it

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by acuna

Never in American History has legislation that had widespread impact not been repeatedly tweaked and "fixed" by Congress as it is implemented.

Congress ALWAYS modifies and fixes large bills as they are implemented and passes sometimes 100's of minor tweaks.

The difference here is that with ACA/Obamacare, the GOP have refused to "tweak" or "fix" it in any way what-so-ever because they want it to fail or be repealed. Even simple oversights in wording that might save Americans more money if changed/tweaked...the GOP refuses to consider.

This is akin to a Apple being forced to release and sell the first Prototype iPhone they devised while at the same time being completely prohibited from improving upon it or fixing bugs.

Just another component of the "Damn the Country, Obama must fail" strategy of the GOP.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:37 PM

reply to post by freedom12

There is nothing these Republicans will not do to deny health care to American workers. When you are representing the Corporate Aristocracy that employs the workers you do what you can to de-regulate business and remove workers rights, benefits and safety measures because all these "savings" are money in your pocket.

This is how the rich get richer and why the poor stay poor. There are people like Ted Cruz working very hard against them.

This has to be one of the stupidest posts I've read on this website in a very long time. The only people that are making the rich richer is the liberal establishment headed by Obama and the Federal Reserve status quo. The only thing the establishment has done since his presidency is increase the income gap by providing bailouts to giant banks and created a bloated economic system which forces people who already have assets into the stock market.

I heard recently from a previous employer that they cut everyone's hours to 29 a week in order to avoid Obamacare penalties. This is a trend with tons of companies, people are making less and companies are forced to cut. I'm lucky because I now work at a company where I pay a very small amount per paycheck for benefits and we have enough extra capital to pay Obamacare penalties. If you think that companies are evil because they don't want to pay more in taxes then you are either a fourteen-year-old or so far gone that there is no helping you, we are already taxed to death. Any more issues with inhibiting employers leads to less employees, which leads to less spending and money floating around in an economy driven by consumption. But hey at least you'll still have some #ty free healthcare to make you smile. And another thing, it isn't free healthcare, it's paid for by hard-working people and insurance companies which are already having issues keeping up.

People like Ted Cruz want people to have more opportunity so they don't need free healthcare, they are able to provide for themselves by an employer that isn't being choked from their money by a federal government. It disgusts me to think that there are people out there who disrespect the small group of politicians that still believe we all deserve the opportunity to better ourselves through our own guise and not the tax-leech animals in Washington.

I suggest you shut off your television and do some actual research into who is being harmed the most by Obamacare. It is hard-working middle class people just trying to live their lives honestly, these are the people Cruz is defending and are in danger. Over 60% of Americans do not approve of Obamacare because it is harmful to an already crippled economy, and I hope before it's to late people like you realize the grave mistake you're making by supporting something so damaging to this life-support nation.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

You insulted your own intelligence by saying you didn't understand how to navigate that website. lol.

It's actually really easy, a child could do it.

For the others that are complaining about the cost, then stay uninsured! It's still cheaper than it was before, let's not forget...Obama wanted to make it even more inclusive and affordable but the Republicans kept sending it back until the bill looked like this!

Selective memory anyone? lol

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:47 PM
Yeah, the Republicans are comparing it to Nazi Germany...providing healthcare to tax payers.,p0,d1

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:50 PM
This circus is great comedy thanks to Colbert and Stewart.,p0,d1

Obamacare will pass, just like Obama got re-elected. Get over it.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Obamacare is a scam the biggest scam in the history of this nation, it will handle the working class to be mandated and taxed at will while the very poor can not be mandated and taxed but neither will receive subsidies and will not be able to pay for any insurance at all.

People needs to realized that in America nothing is for free and the nation is run by a corporate dictatorship that their only purpose is to profit from somebody else livelihood.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:21 PM

reply to post by FyreByrd

Just how is this a tax.


The Supreme Court said it is.

And they said how and why.

Find it and read the conclusions.

And look !!

edit on Sep-25-2013 by xuenchen because:

Not only is a tax but equally important its a bailout of insurance companies. It was well known that one-third of americans were uninsured because they were too poor and could not afford any health insurance.

Now with this continous recession people have even less expendable income and use that money for bare necessities. They dont want to pay insurance premiums for health, boats, cars, home, life policies, etc. I mean you simply cash your paycheck to pay your rent or mortgage, buy a used car and maintain it, buy groceries, keep your 5 year old clothes or go to walmart and buy new ones.

Of course car insurance is mandatory but I wonder how many people drive uninsured and will lose their home, car, life savings if god-forbid they injure someone severly or kill them in some accident. Small fender benders are no big deal.

The banks were lending money to low income earners because of easy credit. This bubble eventually crashed when real estate values went down and people stopped paying their mortgage. The banks had to foreclose if they had the titles but many were sold to subprime lenders and thus the foreclosures were stalled. THEN HERE COMES THE GOVERNMENT TO SAVE THE DAY FOR THE BANKS with quantitive easing executed by the federal reserve in secrecy.

The automotive industry also was suffering and needed bailing out.

6 trillions of quantative easing(bailouts) and nothing to show for it. Now we have the affordable care act to bail out health insurance companies.

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