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Ted Cruz Filibuster Obamcare has started!

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posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 03:56 PM


What news source do you think presents things with absolutely no bias or spin of any kind? I'm curious to know..............

Are those the two choices? Either find news sources that show "absolutely no bias or spin" or happily eat huge piles of dung and just pretend it is factual news?

I start with a story...then check NPR, The Hill, The National Journal, CNN, Politifact and Fact-Check..then dig for actual source material and transcripts..followed by discarding anything that doesn't hold up to scrutiny and confirming anything that does.

Starting with, Drudge, CNS News or World Net Daily has little use to me because finding facts beneath the BS is too much work.

For example:
Here is the claim from Drudge you are defending

According to the news (Drudge etc) Obamacare is about to kick 500,000 kids off health care because parents will make too much to get free care and too little to afford to get insurance with the cost doubling or more up to $15,000 for some families per year.

Which is WRONG....The actual headline when tracked down to the original article?

It could leave up to 500,000 children without coverage

LEAVE them without coverage...Not KICK them off of coverage they already have.

These are kids already do not have coverage as it stands!

They are not being kicked off coverage!!

Why would they STILL not have coverage? Does the law deny them coverage???


• Kids may not receive Medicaid or exchange coverage if their parents aren't eligible and, therefore, don't know to check.

• Undocumented immigrants may not learn their children are eligible for insurance.

The law has already helped children, Alker said, because it "stabilizes Medicaid and CHIP," the insurance program for children.

However, 70% of uninsured kids are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP, but they're not all enrolled, she said.

"There has to be a lot of outreach and education about the importance of getting health care," she said. "These kids could enroll today."

No kids are getting kicked off their coverage...this is actually complaining that not ALL kids WHO ARE ALREADY UNINSURED will figure out how to get coverage!!

See how frustrating it is to have to dig through spin and BS fronted by Drudge and others...linking to one mutated article, citing another mutated article...all for Right Wing spin purposes...and when you reach the bottom of the BS find the original source said nothing of the sort.

Original article USA Today here..

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Children by themselves are *not* eligible for benefits (like Medicaid for example) if their parents are not eligible, even if parents don't make enough money to pay.

It could leave up to 500,000 children without coverage and cost some families thousands of dollars.

A so-called "family glitch" in the 2010 health care law threatens to cost some families thousands of dollars in health insurance costs and leave up to 500,000 children without coverage, insurance and health care analysts say.

That's unless Congress fixes the problem, which seems unlikely given the House's latest move Friday to strip funding from the law, which is also called the Affordable Care Act.

Congress defined "affordable" as 9.5% or less of an employee's household income, mostly to make sure people did not leave their workplace plans for subsidized coverage through the exchanges. But the "error" was that it only applies to the employee — and not his or her family. So, if an employer offers a woman affordable insurance, but doesn't provide it for her family, they cannot get subsidized help through the state health exchanges.

'Family glitch' in health law could be painful

Thread for discussion;

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 04:22 PM



reply to post by freedom12

Its all "Green Eggs and Ham" apparently .

US Senator reads Dr Seuss during filibuster

A US Senator has read a bedtime story to his young daughters at home during a televised filibuster speech that lasted more than 13 hours.

Perhaps Dr Seuss's really does have the inside curve on Obamacare.
edit on 25-9-2013 by Pinkorchid because: (no reason given)

Does anyone else see the irony of reading a story about one who completely opposes green eggs and ham, but in the end decides to try them out and ends up loving them, while filibustering about an Act he is opposed to, but has not experienced in reality yet?

Not really at all, considering they are exempt from it.

I offer this from my very own Federal employment newsletter, just arrived today:

Affordable Care (Obamacare) Act Reminder
With the initial Affordable Care Act health insurance enrollment period set to begin October 1, there still seems to be some confusion among federal employees and retirees regarding the relationship between that program and the FEHB.Those eligible for FEHB coverage remain eligible for it, and the Obamacare startup – assuming it survives a congressional Republican effort to stop it -- will not affect them with this limited exception: members of Congress and their personal staffs (although not other legislative branch employees) will have to leave FEHB and get their health insurance through the exchange system or through another source such as a spouse's employment. That involves only a small part of the FEHB population, although a highly visible one. Other FEHB-eligible persons are free to leave FEHB if they wish but it is not expected that many if any will do so; instead, the focus for them will remain on the regular benefits open season for FEHB that starts November 11.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 04:38 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

Children by themselves are *not* eligible for benefits (like Medicaid for example) if their parents are not eligible, even if parents don't make enough money to pay.

"eligible"...again we are talking about kids that don't have coverage now. And yes...If the family/parent has insurance then the children are covered. If they don't they are required to get it...if they can't afford it, they get subsidies...and apart from all of that CHIP covers kids.

It is about awareness, not lack of available coverage...



Just wacko BS world with the GOP lately...
edit on 25-9-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:54 PM


This is a bailout for the health insurance companies, make no mistake about it!

The framework was written by an x-female health insurance executive, so of course they are going to protect the industry that supports them and their cronies.

"x-female"...are you saying that she had a sex-change operation?

If not...then why is her gender relevant?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:02 PM
Well while everyone was watching this, Kerry signed the UN arms trade treaty.

Always watch what the other hand is doing.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

and I am seeing a lot of reports where peoples insurance will be skyrocketing - one family in KC tripled.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:53 PM
So after 21 hours of pleading his case; Cruz votes with the Democrats on the spending plan?

Only in America. Like I posted earlier in the thread. Both sides are the same, it's just political theater.
edit on 25-9-2013 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:18 PM
The government already has a setup for this. If someone's kids aren't eligible for medical coverage because of a pre-existing condition then the government will help so long as the parents meet within the poverty guidelines and it's a case-by-case basis. So if someone gets denied, they are given the opportunity to present their case and explain why they need it.

If a family can financially afford the health costs then let THEM pay for THEIR requirements. If they can't, then the government has various programs that they can apply for. Is it MY fault or my neighbor's fault that such family did not know about these programs? No. Perhaps the government could advertise itself more OR let non-profits do it since they do a good job already. Someone's ignorance should not be a burden to everyone and unfortunately the liberal mindset is to spread the wealth so everyone is equally poor until there's no more money and Obamacare is a very dangerous thing.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:32 PM
Free healthcare= we will continue to force gmo foods down your throat
Free healthcare= we will strengthen our control over keeping cures from the poor, because were not making enough money because people who have money go someplace that has cures and with free healthcare we still get into their pocket book
Free healthcare = diminished advances in general care and facilities and the ability to deny that we pump toxins into our populace with defunct pharmaceuticals and pollution
Free healthcare= a good idea but hardly a safe bet at our current state of affairs when greedy and the needy receive diametrically opposed resources .
Stop making us into a commodity!!!! Give us proper food , the truth, cures, and education for everyone,,, then mabye it'll be a good time for it, but not now. Free healthcare is stealing from my table- no jobs-no hours ,, rather die than get free health care if I'm left with nothing else. Start enforcing the fact that care can not be refused and ammend the laws to allow for free screenings and preventative care ( a lot cheaper and creates real jobs) a lot needs fixing .. I'm just saying

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:55 PM

reply to post by freedom12

Its about damn time people stand up to this monstrosity of a tax played as a "bill".


Just how is this a tax. All the premiums go into the pockets of BIG INSURANCE COMPANIES.

Oh if you don't pay for your own insurance - then you have to pay a fine. That must be it. All the 'self-suffiiency' types that don't want to have insurance have to pay a fine. Oh - sorry - a tax.

Have at it fellows. Im pleased you all have affordable health insurance through with your well-paying jobs, but what happens when you get injured or sick and can no longer function at your well paying job

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by FyreByrd

Just how is this a tax.


The Supreme Court said it is.

And they said how and why.

Find it and read the conclusions.

And look !!

edit on Sep-25-2013 by xuenchen because:

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:06 PM
Well at least it tells everyone who should be the next President.

That is all I have to say about it.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:16 PM
I wonder if the ATS Democrats who are defending this will actually have the balls to speak up if rates skyrocket once this thing get going.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:18 PM
He's gonna get a bladder infection.... and need Obamacare to see a good urologist.

Just because its interesting and any time the IRS is mentioned I reflexively vomit..

“These women just want to take care of the elderly poor without being forced to violate the faith that animates their work. The money they collect should be used to care for the poor like it always has -- and not to pay the IRS,” he said.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:33 PM
I'm gonna assume most of you complaining about the "Affordable Care Act" which is it's real name, not "Obamacare" , are super wealthy CEO's or come from rich families.

Because if you turn off your cable news, and stop listening to the idiot next to you, and do some actual RESEARCH, you'll find that this will actually help MOST OF US.

Not free hand-outs, not lower quality care, just MORE AFFORDABLE CARE.

It's easy to get the info, and sign up for it...whaddaya know, the FED's finally made a system EASY TO NAVIGATE! Easier than the DMV.

This website is easier than a 3rd grade textbook to understand. Have at it.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:50 PM
Oh and since most of you on here want to cry, b!tch, and moan about everything under the sun. Here is some more GOOD NEWS about the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare to the idiots that like to change names to things they don't understand and fear.

Turns out the premiums are going to be EVEN LOWER THAN THEY EXPECTED!

hhmmmm see what a little research does? For a bunch of paranoid people, you really don't do your homework. Most of you just regurgitate what you've been spoon fed by the paid messages on TV.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by JRockABM

Ill call it Obamacare just like I called Romneys version Romneycare. Take a pill or something to calm yourself... I swear. Its a thread about healthcare/tax VS penalty... not pooping on jesus, burning flags, or killing kitties. No reason to get so darned uptight and insult people. Some are for it and some arent .

Im so sick of this them VS us nonsense.. No wonder the scary TPTB/illuminati/banksters/boogie man put prozac in the water supply... damn broad brush folks en masse lately.. rawr.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by JRockABM

Yes of course. Of course.

The average silver plan will carry a $2,550 deductible and $30 primary care co-pay,

while the typical bronze plan will have a $5,150 deductible and $39 co-pay,

according to Avelere Health. The firm looked at policies in six states that have released detailed data.

This takes off like a lead balloon !!

OOps !!

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by JRockABM

Yes. Easy to understand.

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