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Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Admits To "UFO" Technology Cover-Up [Whistleblower Testimony]

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 01:59 AM
When a guy goes on a radio programme and has the ability to tell all publicly for free but instead says "read my upcoming book" then its a plug, plain and simple, no amount of "you don't know the character" matters.

The man is looking to make money, if he wanted to spread the word then the internet is open and waiting to hear but no, you must buy it...

Replace whistleblower with profiteer..

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:32 AM

reply to post by ImpactoR

Well just to give you more food for thought on the Interdimensional aspect. I can't spend too much time on this right now, so it will be sloppy and incomplete. But evidence suggests that species are connected via a morphogenetic field, likely through the DNA, which can account for how entire flocks of birds move at the exact same instant etc. A species-wide connection. In the fossil record, it has been shown that new species, or new traits, emerge quite suddenly. This again is probably related to the DNA and also wildcard in-fluxes of very high levels of cosmic rays etc. At some point our early human ancestors suddenly hit some critical mass and hooked-up into a radically new form of consciousness, which gave us religious, philosophical and artistic ideas. Many postulate that our encounter with psychedelic plants or fungi is what sparked this connection. Either way, this species-wide field of energy or connection, imprinting our DNA, is what proliferated this radical new form of consciousness in humans - worldwide, at the same time. The so-called 100th monkey effect.

The imagination, then, is actually a deployed field of energy that exists outside of the brain, but is likely filtered in through the pineal gland. So I am trying to set the groundwork for the notion of collective fields and what the Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, called "the collective unconscious". That there is a collective human unconscious where mythic images spring up in different cultures, as well as individual's dreams at night time and in daydreams or spiritual epiphanies. All different cultures have their own particular flavor and brand of spiritual images or archetypes. Only in modern times have we been so disconnected from our past spirituality that we are twisting in the wind and holding on to essentially unworkable religions and ideologies. They don't spark that connection in our mind/spirit any longer - for the most part.

So isn't it interesting that along in the 20th Century, as we are achieving space flight of our own and advancing more technologically, a new vision - this time of highly-advanced space beings - should emerge in the minds of our science-fiction writers, artists and every day citizens? Carl Jung wrote about the "flying saucers" as being a spontaneous, new archetype or mythology that is being born out of this collective field - the collective unconscious of the human species itself. It changes, morphs, evolves and adapts like a cosmic dream, and can actually create a "reality" of its own. This may involve REAL physical beings - either from the future or another timeline or planet - who knows? But the idea that John Alexander, Jacques Vallee, Carl Jung, Terence McKenna, Graham Hancock, John Mack etc etc give more credence to is this Interdimensional/Mythical notion I have clumsily tried to elucidate for you.
edit on 23-9-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

I am sure those who can travel faster than light can manipulate other forces much more efficiently than we.....
Interdimensional beings maybe, but creations of collective unconscious? I doubt it....
Radar,photo, and Trace cases point to a real and physical component here....
Should we be looking inward for ultraterrestrials?
Maybe, but lets solve the physical cases first.....s
edit on 24-9-2013 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by zetarediculian

It's quite incredible, isn't it? I find it so much more fascinating than the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, which so SO many people subscribe to. It is a materialist, linear obsession which motivates people like Stephen Bassett into demanding our political leaders to tell him what he wants to hear, even though he doesn't believe any of those agencies in the first place. Severe cognitive dissonance and thinking error.

Anyways, what you posted reminded me of an account of a shaman that the Harvard psychiatrist John Mack brought up in his seminal work 'Passport to the Cosmos':

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by stirling

I think anybody wanting more in-depth insight into the possible explanations for the UFO phenomenon should heed the psychedelic gnosis espoused by Terence McKenna in his groundbreaking lecture 'Shamanic Approaches to the UFO'. In this talk he breaks down 4 possibilities: Is it us? Have we been visited? Is there another tenant in the building we have been unaware of? Is this Timecraft (time travel)?

He does herald the work of Jacques Vallee and Carl Jung in the talk as well, and points out that Jung "understood very clearly that saying that something is a denizen of the psychic realm, no way precludes it's also having efficacious force in the physical realm - through the phenomenon which he called 'synchronicity'. What this basically means is that the psychic realm and the physical realm are connected and that the genuine UFOs transcend all categories - gravity, space, time, mind and matter.

In McKenna's book, following his own UFO contact experience, he strongly suspects the UFO technology seen is a ripple on time, or a time mirage, of a future human technology. That a future technology can interact with a human mind in the past suggests a type of Artificial Intelligence. People who study A.I. always discuss some inevitable moment when the exponential acceleration of computational technologies reaches a Singularity where something profoundly unexpected will emerge from the process. Some hints that support this theory or point of view are the allegations of the Rendlesham witnesses who touched the UFO/craft and got a download of 0s and 1s which subsequently revealed that "they" were time travelers.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:08 AM

Currently our dark magician occult shadow military has conducted all out warfare on humanity, nuked the oceans and poisoned everything and are in the process of killing all the dolphins and whales, total annilation seems to be taking place. I hope we get intervention and soon.
edit on 23-9-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Me too Unity, but I hope its intervention with the GOOD intent..

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by corsair00

Quite simply anyone who is government or close to it and says its really GOV craft is BS'ing everyone, it would be much better to say "yeh its government craft" and have poeple think its all good no scary aliens and no secrecey appart from millitary craft, everybody gets back on the governments side and chills out, but, its not, any decent non religiousley influenced scientist can say out of the infinant mass of the universe and all the trillions on galaxys and so forth that the chances of alien life a rather high, not all aliens are walking mutilating monsters, not all even walk, talk, fly or have contact with earth, they all come in differents forms and evolution, we, humans are aliens, a new study found bacteria and microbes in the upper atmosphere which could prove we orriginated from space anyways, alien intervention or not! im just so sick of people saying its all a myth its all a pysopp and so forth or aliens are a coverupp for government activity, please, honestly, thats just another perfect way for the government to keep the public distracted, and as far as im concerned anyone who charges a fortune for a book is a shamm, anyone who makes resonable evidential and well backed information avalable to the public is more convincing then those who hide all the secrets in their books and have a catchy line to make peope buy it.

When will we see a full on disclosure? a person who is undeniably telling the truth? who knows, i know that asliens, ufos AND government coverupps are REAL! but you know what, im not going to read anymore on Greer being a fraud a puppett and the government using aliens as a coverup, that would just make them look more guilty, but yet again these days who knows how far they will go, the US GOV made them selves look bad enough with syria and the Russians beat them to the punch and made them look like war mongers. so who know how much the GOV cares for the repp even if they look bad, they used to be focused on getting everyone on their side so they could start wars.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 08:35 AM

Well, I spent 4 years at Cheyenne Mountain as a Space Intel Officer with USSPACECOM J2X/MJ, and David Icke is convinced that I'm a Venusian lizard too. The problem with space stuff is that it really is classified tighter than a crab's ass, so speculation runs wild. Pick up a copy of my 2013 _MindWar_ on Amazon to see just how real the Twilight Zone really is.
reply to post by corsair00

Great...someone else telling tales for the sake of selling a book. Got'cha.

edit on 24-9-2013 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 10:43 AM

don't let his simple sidestep fool you, "Oh, we're not Satanists anymore. We worship Set!" Set is the Egyptian Satan. He's the god of darkness and chaos, the manifestation of evil who murdered Osiris and sexually abused the child Horus.

Nonsense. Download a copy of my Black Magic and see Chapter #2: "Ancient Egypt and the Original Priesthood of Set". Originally Set was a beneficent stellar god who had nothing to do with evil [or the later death-worshipping Osirian cult which misrepresenting him as an evil antagonist to Osiris, Isis, and Horus (who was also revised into their "son")]. The Temple of Set has no interest in the Osirian corruptions, and reveres Set in his original, true identity.

As for the original 1966-75 Church of Satan, its concept of that being was also quite different from the evil monster of Judæo-Christian superstition. Download and read my historical work The Church of Satan and see for yourself.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by zetarediculian

There is certainly lots of evidence to show that in the early days of so-called anti-gravity craft, the late 1940s and early 1950s, the scientists and people involved originally planned to utilize the enigmatic and unknown nature of the technology for very specific political purposes. From the moment humans began to experiment with advanced technology, the impulse to use it to inspire awe and mystery showcases the trickster-like impetus behind the development. I believe the genuine phenomenon that hooks into the collective unconscious, feeds fantasies and mystery into the populace - to give us hope that there is a higher intelligence and other life outside our planet to assuage us of our cosmic loneliness. But I think it also filters in ideas and breakthrough insights into the minds of our scientists - to plant the seed that will eventually lead to the very technologies that are the genuine UFO phenomenon itself. It is a type of time-loop, where an aspect of the future, or something outside of linear time, interacts with the past.

But in the beginning stages of it, we are talking about metal ships and regular human beings on Earth who got a hot technology on their hands. One of these scientists who was onto this anti-gravity development in the early 1950s, Agnew Bahnson, wrote a science-fiction novel in 1952 (the same year as the Washington DC UFO flap) where he lays out the story of a German scientist, an American entrepreneur and an American military man. The German scientist came up with a working flying saucer, funded by the entrepreneur and Military man. They came up with a plan to use the mysterious device to trick the world's population into believing in space people who have come to warn the planet to stop war. They devised strategies to drop pamphlets over Moscow and other cities and sat around watching the fall out of their benign deceptions. The German became increasingly interested in using a more sinister and scary deception to fool people. They had a secret spot in the deserts of New Mexico to hide the craft. In the story, the Military man flew the UFO over Washington DC and then in the days following, after an enormous uproar in the intelligence and military world caused by the sighting and tracking on radar of this unknown craft, the Military man sat in on the briefings and pretended to be as surprised as the rest.

What makes this science fiction story so interesting is that Agnew Bahnson was connected to the development of anti-gravity technology with the renowned T. Townsend Brown. But he also developed similar humanitarian interests as showcased in his book and was quite vocal about his work. He was also connected to people in the Intelligence and Science and Technology divisions of the government - namely Dr. Gordon Gray, who served in the White House under President Eisenhower. Dr. Gray held a special discussion and study group at the National Security Council. What can be gleaned from all of this is that Agnew Bahnson fictionalized a true story. In his novel, the American entrepreneur and Military man eventually steal the blueprints for the technology, fearing the ever-sinister motives of the German scientist, and hand them over to the American Air Force.

It is worth noting that a year after publishing this rare science-fiction novel, 'The Stars Are Too High', Agnew Bahnson died in a plane crash in what appear to be mysterious circumstances.

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:35 PM
On ETs, space stuff, government conspiracies, and PSYOP generally ...

A few years ago the Woods, a couple of very nice gentlemen who run the Majestic Documents website, sent me a set of all the docs and asked for my evaluation. Unfortunately all of them were immediately evident as forgeries, most glaringly because of the classified information marking errors, but for many other reasons as well. I couldn't find a single doc in the entire bunch that didn't have a red flag. I later discussed this with Stan Friedman, who wrote his TopSecret/Majic book on the subject. He wondered if the docs had been some kind of government PSYOP stunt to deflect and ridicule UFO researchers. I said that I didn't think so, because, frankly, if we in PSYOP had been tasked to do something like that, we'd never have made any of those mistakes. I could easily have produced a flawless version of them.

I later corresponded with the creators of the short-lived but very fascinating television series Dark Skies, which is now out as a DVD set. If you haven't seen it, I think you'd find it very creative and thought-provoking. For the record, I decline any comment on whether there is any truth to it.

On the subject of interstellar travel, it's important not to ignore the realities of the laws of physics - except, of course, in science-fiction entertainment. Thus in Star Trek everyone walks around on the Enterprise as though it has Earth-gravity, all the visited planets have Earth-atmospheres, and everyone in the universe speaks [or at least telepathically thinks] English. Isaac Asimov was a friend of mine, and of course he was both a great sci-fi yarnspinner and a brilliant scientist. He certainly knew the distinction between the two.

So in UFO explorations, all I am suggesting to you is to use Occam's Razor when considering "wild" imaginative speculations. There are lots of dingdongs out there who are not as painstaking about all this as Isaac or myself. Look for the most possible and practical explanations.

Anton LaVey wrote a number of rituals for the Church of Satan, some serious, some humorous. It was a fun church in addition to being a sincere one. In one of them the celebrant was presented with a magnifying glass "for detecting imperfections in society" and then a can of black spraypaint "for immediately covering up any inconvenient imperfections".

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 02:56 PM


don't let his simple sidestep fool you, "Oh, we're not Satanists anymore. We worship Set!" Set is the Egyptian Satan. He's the god of darkness and chaos, the manifestation of evil who murdered Osiris and sexually abused the child Horus.

Nonsense. Download a copy of my Black Magic and see Chapter #2: "Ancient Egypt and the Original Priesthood of Set". Originally Set was a beneficent stellar god who had nothing to do with evil [or the later death-worshipping Osirian cult which misrepresenting him as an evil antagonist to Osiris, Isis, and Horus (who was also revised into their "son")]. The Temple of Set has no interest in the Osirian corruptions, and reveres Set in his original, true identity.

As for the original 1966-75 Church of Satan, its concept of that being was also quite different from the evil monster of Judæo-Christian superstition. Download and read my historical work The Church of Satan and see for yourself.

Being as you are here, I would like to ask you about the work of Aleister Crowley.
Are you or was you ever a fan of his work?
Didnt he say that his work "The Book Of Law" was the channeled words of Set?
Is the OTO a part of the PSYOPS umbrella?

Did you found the church of Set while you were a practicing satanist?
EDIT: OK disregard that question, I have been reading through some of your links.

And was the whole church of set an MK ultra style psyop?

Being as MK ultra is now declassified Im interested in what you may be able to share on the subject.

But honestly, Im amazed that you are here to defend/explain yourself, and its invaluable to me to be able to talk to you as the quite frankly "amazing" claims and rumours that precede you, either true or untrue, require clarification, and Im very interested in hearing your side of the story.
I will take my time and go through some of the material you have linked.
Asimov was my first favorite author, before Arthur C Clark, when I was around 12 years old.

With your history in psyops and misdirection please forgive me if I wonder if what you are saying is the truth. But I will listen to what you have to say.

edit on 20139America/Chicago09pm9pmTue, 24 Sep 2013 16:24:12 -05000913 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 05:31 PM
To The Gut:

It is good to see you back in active!
I am honored by your invitation to an exchange of ideas although I am not as knowledgeable as you and the others (by a wide margin as you will soon find out. Also my english is shameful).
I´ll just try to do my best and keep up with you all.


Thanks to corsair00 for creating such a thread were people can discuss this subject with an open mind.

Firemoon made a post were he refered to nordic mythology and its influence on generating some archetypes.
Very recently CirqueDeTruth made a thread here on ATS (on another forum) about that topic. You can read it here:

I´ll be back! (just try to imagine that Schwarzenegger accent)

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by The GUT

He would probably cop to some form of Luciferian philosophy if honest, however.

This question is probably better directed at Mr. Aquino, but I'm curious if you know "which" Lucifer?

Lucifer the bad/devil/etc from biblical lore?

Lucifer the good and/or grossly misunderstood - also from various biblical sources?

Or Lucifer the soul entity, vis a vis the Hidden Hand writings?

Or perhaps something else entirely?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 08:21 PM


don't let his simple sidestep fool you, "Oh, we're not Satanists anymore. We worship Set!" Set is the Egyptian Satan. He's the god of darkness and chaos, the manifestation of evil who murdered Osiris and sexually abused the child Horus.

Nonsense. Download a copy of my Black Magic and see Chapter #2: "Ancient Egypt and the Original Priesthood of Set". Originally Set was a beneficent stellar god who had nothing to do with evil [or the later death-worshipping Osirian cult which misrepresenting him as an evil antagonist to Osiris, Isis, and Horus (who was also revised into their "son")]. The Temple of Set has no interest in the Osirian corruptions, and reveres Set in his original, true identity.

As for the original 1966-75 Church of Satan, its concept of that being was also quite different from the evil monster of Judæo-Christian superstition. Download and read my historical work The Church of Satan and see for yourself.

All right, I will take a look, only to show that I'm not close-minded and reactionary. I do know that many Satanists claim that Satan isn't an actual being, and that the point of Satanism is self-deification, self-actualization, and self-worship. (Why evoke gods then, whether they are real or imaginary? Why not just put a mirror over your altar and be done with it?) Seems like the left-hand path is chock full of energies, beings, gods, spirits, dread lords, etc., and some of them are dark and require you to protect you blame us for calling them demons?

posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by maquino

Anton LaVey wrote a number of rituals for the Church of Satan, some serious, some humorous. It was a fun church in addition to being a sincere one. In one of them the celebrant was presented with a magnifying glass "for detecting imperfections in society" and then a can of black spraypaint "for immediately covering up any inconvenient imperfections".

A ritual work in progress...

What do YOU find to be an inconvenient imperfection in society?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:42 AM
Like I said in the other thread,

"it hurts the brain to read so many different theories mixed with disinfo, lies, fiction, myths, etc. From aliens such as Alpha Draconians, from: Sirius, Orion, Pleiadeans, Arcturians, Galactic Federation of Light and the space brothers, to The Rosewell Alien Interview according to which:

'The "Old Empire" priests managed to corrupt the concept
of individual immortality into the idea that there is
only one, all-powerful IS-BE, and that no one else is or
is allowed to be an IS-BE. Obviously, this is the work
of the "Old Empire" amnesia operation.

to religious views, according to which the aliens are demons of deception who try to take you away from following God, for example (Bo_Xian's thread):

An overview of the spiritual messages of UFO critters . . .

“…sought to find a rationale for the reason that might lie behind such visitations in his excellent book Intelligent Life in the Universe. After critically analyzing a number of possible motives, he stated quite bluntly: “One of the primary motivations of the exploration of the new world was to convert the inhabitants to Christianity. Can we exclude the possibility of an extraterrestrial evangelism?” pp203-204 THE ANDREASSON AFFAIR


QUOTES from the critters:

--an “other dimensional,” dream like quality . . .
My wife’s paper . . . about fallen angels . . .

To Ancient Aliens and their spaceships described in the Bible...

to now Jaques Vallee and the Interdimensional aspect and his theories

If you are saying that this universe is nothing but a desert of uninhabited planets on which we are the only living beings.. this is a very bad way to think.

From all the nonsense that exists about the topic, I am seeing some common areas, where these theories overlap:

- There are beings who can change the dimension (switch from 3D to some other), the vibration on higher frequency as a form of existing on these other reality
- They have technology (aircraft) with highly advanced technology
- They could still be located In other parts of the Universe - some star system, that doen't mean of you go the Pleiades or Sirius and if any planets are found there, they will be all inhabited - more like they will be invisible as they will be existing there at some other dimension

I still don't see why do all these theories exclude the possibility of advanced civilization IN SPACE

From 'Aliens are demons who make deception to take you away from God' - darn it the Christians and their theories... to the believers in dimensions.

Why do you never accept the possibility of some race out there in space? Why?


posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by ImpactoR

There are in fact UFOs that have been videotaped in space by NASA, and I intend on sharing what I consider to be definitive proof of this. Much has been said about the infamous Tether Incident and other events captured on very expensive and sophisticated cameras that can look into the UltraViolet Spectrum. David Sereda has very carefully deconstructed these images and shared his findings in his classic video 'The Case For NASA UFOs', which was presented by the actor-comedian Dan Aykroyd.

But a very spectacular event from more recent times has received very little attention, and I think it may be some of the best UFO footage ever captured. It is from NASA - STS-116. In the video, you are seeing a darkened Earth in the bottom right corner, and what had been recently-installed solar panels for the International Space Station on the left. Two glowing orbs/craft are seen in the distance at the beginning of the sequence, but they soon come all the way to the opposite side of the solar panels, seemingly investigating them. In space, on a NASA mission, you can see a very large and very bright Unidentified Flying Object, under intelligent control and definitely not space junk, fly right up close and caught and specifically FOLLOWED by the cameraman. It is quite compelling...

p.s. Please forgive the fact that it is presented by Jaime Maussan. It is genuine footage, however.
edit on 25-9-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:56 AM
Wow, lot's of stuff I'd like to address. I'll try to get to everything in a somewhat cogent manner...

Apparently, I need to read Forbidden Science II. Never knew Puthoff and Vallee were acquainted. Puthoff was a Scientologist and the Uri Geller case is another classic example of govt/intel associations with Ufology and occult/paranormal. I know lots of people think of Geller as a con-man, but I think there's more to this story than a simple grift. Geller seems more like an unwitting dupe of sorts.

I say "inter-dimensional" for lack of a better term. I prefer ultraterrestrial, but the idea is that these intelligences exist on a different frequency than we. It's as if our brains are radios and we're all tuned into the same station. There are always other stations being broadcasted, but we rarely listen in because it takes some external factor to change the station, maybe a warp/surge in the electromagnetic field. I'm reminded of a guy that used some kind of EM headgear to reproduce alien-like encounters as debunking proof. My response was, "My gods man! You've discovered how to perceive them without the use of drugs/meditation/ritual!" Also, sightings near power lines, during earthquakes, near ley lines, during intense meditation, siezures, etc.

I don't exclude the possibility of physical beings in solid ships from another planet. It just seems highly unlikely based on the majority of the available evidence. Just the variety of ET's alone would cast doubt on this I think. If not, then that means we've been visited multiple times by dozens of races. I also have doubts regarding the ubiquity of the grey-type beings. I have a feeling that the wackier cases from the early days are under-reported either by the witnesses or investigators or both. It seems that a lot of the nuts and bolts folks are hell-bent on proving it right, regardless.

Also, physical evidence doesn't exclude a non-physical source. Ghost hauntings, poltergeists and psychic phenom can alter the physical environ and similar phenom have to be known to plague contactees/abductees.

II think it's possible that these beings are communicating with us from a distant planet via telepathy/remote viewing/astral projection. There also seems to be a degree of hypnotism involved with many cases. It could be that the non-stealthy blinking flashing lights are triggering a trance through a post-hypnotic suggestion. Could military intel have their hands on such technology? Are some abductees actually info couriers for terrestrial black-ops (and part-time sex-slaves)? Could it be that the ufonauts have given this to gotvs and are in cahoots and/or manipulating them as well? Have I already mentioned "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" episode of the X-FIles? Should I ask another question???

BTW, I'd recommend reading The Satanic Bible and The Devil's Notebook before making a statement re: The Church of Satan - Levay's COS anyways. Anton Levay was a pretty funny guy. Only person I know of who started a group for people who would never join a group! He was an ex-carny and knew how to reel in the marks and rubes.

Good stuff going in this thread!

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:11 PM

reply to post by ImpactoR

There are in fact UFOs that have been videotaped in space by NASA, and I intend on sharing what I consider to be definitive proof of this. Much has been said about the infamous Tether Incident and other events captured on very expensive and sophisticated cameras that can look into the UltraViolet Spectrum. David Sereda has very carefully deconstructed these images and shared his findings in his classic video 'The Case For NASA UFOs', which was presented by the actor-comedian Dan Aykroyd.

But a very spectacular event from more recent times has received very little attention, and I think it may be some of the best UFO footage ever captured. It is from NASA - STS-116. In the video, you are seeing a darkened Earth in the bottom right corner, and what had been recently-installed solar panels for the International Space Station on the left. Two glowing orbs/craft are seen in the distance at the beginning of the sequence, but they soon come all the way to the opposite side of the solar panels, seemingly investigating them. In space, on a NASA mission, you can see a very large and very bright Unidentified Flying Object, under intelligent control and definitely not space junk, fly right up close and caught and specifically FOLLOWED by the cameraman. It is quite compelling...

p.s. Please forgive the fact that it is presented by Jaime Maussan. It is genuine footage, however.
edit on 25-9-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

That is the first time i have watched that video and it has me totally gobsmacked , unknowns showing intelligent control, observing/investigating these solar panels , woh..., just woh.... and to think no human mental discrepancy's, misconceptions ect the ET hypothesis is a valid one, as in those cases that have occurred in the skies of earth with unknowns showing signs of intelligent control, picked up on multiple radars ,witnessed by multiple witnesses and investigated by air force fighter jets its beyond me why or how the POSSIBILITY of the ET origin is rejected by those who cannot account for such cases and the one in the video in your post.......

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:19 PM
Michael, you speak of "ethics" in MindWar but I confess I can find little of it in your assertions therein. At least to my own understanding of the word.

In addition, I note here on the boards your strong opinions and adjectives about various folks beliefs while it appears you have some pretty far-out faith-based beliefs from mythology (Set for example) yourself and have partaken in quite a bit of "roleplaying" over the years.

I note that there is nothing inherently wrong in playing "dress up," or cultivating a "satanic" look, or attaching to whatever fantasy/mythology strikes one's inner-nerd, but I do find it somewhat of a bore when a fanboy of one mythology makes fun of another.

Which Pic Would a Mother Prefer?

Could you please explain to us the Order of the Trapezoid and the Wewelsburg meditation? Further, just what, exactly, do you find fascinating about Nazi culture/philosophy?

...But unsettling questions remain concerning this organization. It harbors a subgroup, the Order of the Trapezoid, which is dedicated to Nazi occultism.

Aquino is known to have participated in black magical rituals at Wewelsburg Castle, set up as a place of occult working for the SS by Heinrich Himmler.

Aquino counts Nazi occultism as one of his chief interests, and the heraldry and symbolism of the SS is one of his favorite topics of discussion. These facts would seem to indicate, at least on the face of them, that Aquino is sympathetic to Nazism.

Aquino himself will neither confirm or deny this. He refuses to answer questions on his feelings about the ethical quality of Nazism or the reality of the Holocaust. He will say only that the general consensus against Nazism in the West today is the result of the victors writing the history books. If pressed on the subject, he becomes hostile, but remains uncommunicative.

In his materials for the Order of the Trapezoid, he is somewhat more overt in his sympathy. Consider this passage from "Order of the Trapezoid - Statement":

"Crucial also to German Romanticism were the concepts of _dynamism_ and _life-worship_. The former term represents an urge towards constant movement and evolution, whether intellectual, artistic, or social. [...]

The uncanny attraction of the Third Reich - Nazi Germany - lies in the fact that it endorsed and practiced both dynamism and life-worship without restraint and to a world-shaking degree of success."

As he will not in public debate, Aquino also discusses here his trifling criticisms of Nazism:

"Just as the Third Reich's dynamism got out of hand, leading it to embark on irrational and destructive foreign invasions, so its life-worship - which could have been a truly evolutionary synthesis of the most sublime concepts of Hegel and Nietzsche - became perverted into crude xenophobia, hatreds
built upon superficial notions of 'race', and ultimately a maddened stampede towards a Wagnerian _Goetterdaemmerung_ in defiance of a return to rationalism."

Apparently, the only flaw of Nazism was that it took its great ideas too far. Aquino thinks of Nazism as a wonderful movement that went wrong. Therefore, it seems fair to refer to him as a Nazi sympathizer, though perhaps not as a Neo-Nazi.

In the same file, Aquino states that "social discretion" is needed in a member of the Order of the Trapezoid. Those of us who have discussed the subject with Aquino in public are well aware of the nature of this "discretion", and would describe it instead as "evasion".

Aquino is a military intelligence officer by profession. What he refers to as "discretion" is more commonly known in the intelligence community as "plausible deniability". This is the principle that, when carrying out a covert action, one should always make sure that the avenues are open to a plausible denial of involvement.

In this case, "discretion" or "plausible deniability" means that a member of the Order of the Trapezoid would not state in public any straightforward sympathies for Nazism; instead, he must use ambiguous
language which could readily be identified by fellow sympathizers, but which would not be amenable to a short proof of sympathy.

A careful investigator can find an undeniable pattern of involvement, but most people will never pay enough attention to the investigation to notice its results. It takes more than a fifteen-word "text bite" to prove involvement -- Aquino will never say "Heil Hitler, the greatest man of our age" any more than Reagan will ever say "I knew and approved of the sale of arms to Iran" -- so it is unlikely that the facts will ever achieve wide circulation...

Michael Aquino on Wewelsburg

edit on 25-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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