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Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Admits To "UFO" Technology Cover-Up [Whistleblower Testimony]

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posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 04:00 AM
Just got a heads-up on this thread; what fun! Looks to me like just about everything that could be said has been said, so what can I add? Well, a few comments that occurred to me as I read ...

(1) Why did I write MindWar (the 2013 book)? Go to its Amazon page, use the "look inside" feature, and read my Preface; that pretty well explains it.

(2) Did I write MW for money? Every other work of mine has always been available as a free ebook from one of my two webpages, or MW was an entirely different kind of project: I wrote it for PSYOP and politico-military circles within various parts of the government, and they got it electronically for free. Since I take the Constitution seriously when it says We The People are sovereign in the United States, and since MW constitutes a major reconceptualization of how the US goes about war, I also felt it should be publicly available. So I published it through Amazon at a price only slightly over its cost, and it's less on Kindle and free through the KindlePrime system. Since it took me over a year to do, including expensive research, I'm satisfied that I'm not exploiting anyone. And of course no one's forced to buy it either.

(3) If Douglas Dietrich's a liar, am I goint to sue him? In civil suits, judgments are monetary awards. If the individual is without significant assets, a suit would be a pointless expense. Indigent cranks love nothing better than to be sued for the fun and publicity of it, which is why I don't gratify them. When I first learned of Dietrich's BS about me a few days ago, I sent his agent an eletter saying knock it off or I'll do an asset search, then if he's worth it, indeed sue him. So far I see nothing to indicate he's worth it. But as I've read more of his stuff, it's also obvious that only someone of intelligence equal to his would take him seriously.

Bottom line: Dietrich never had anything to do with me, within or without the Army. And of course there was never any "satanic ritual abuse" at the Presidio in 1987; the whole thing was a scam. Go to my page and download the Presidio Summary .pdf if you're curious. As for all of DD's non-Aquino claims, just ask him to produce photoscan documentation of his orders, assignments, clearances.

(4) John Alexander? Also a retired Army officer with an extremely distinguished record (and fellow Special Forces). A gentleman of honesty and integrity, not to mention a very nice guy. The original of the George Clooney character in The Men Who Stare At Goats. As revealed in his UFO book (just search for his name on Amazon to find it), he also founded the actual version of the legendary "Majestic 12". He's best known for his several books advocating nonlethal weaponry and tactics, but probably more so now since he's hunting ETs, which he's having fun doing worldwide.

(5) Did the Nazis have antigravity technology and build flying saucers? A little Googling should suffice to show you that there were a great many experimental aircraft programs underway, overseen by both the Luftwaffe and the SS. It's a good job they lost the war before some of this stuff became operational; then it was a PaperClip feeding frenzy to see whether we or the Soviets could scoop up more German scientists. And to think that when I was a kid watching him on TV, I always thought von Braun was a Walt Disney sort of educator!

Anyway I'm currently very much interested in the "Bell", and have asked friends in Germany and elsewhere to see what they can dig up. Good stuff in Nick Cook's The Hunt For Zero Point and Joseph Farrell's The SS Brotherhood of the Bell despite its kinky title and some gonzo stuff mixed in. I go into this a bit more in my review of John's book, but we're not talking "straight antigravity" here, since no one knows what gravity is, much less how to counteract it. Rather some very advanced applications of gyroscopics, which in effect "overpowers" it. Problem, as I detail in my MindWar book, is the simultaneous generation of extremely strong EM fields, which the human body does not like.

(6) Are ETs real? As I've said, my years as a Space Intelligence Officer with U.S. Space Command were classified, so my mouth is zipped. Sorry. John was not a Space Intel geek, so ask him.

(7) Am I a good guy or a bad guy? Well, check out my Vitæ on my webpage. Lots of respectable institutions with which I've had years of close involvement, such as the University of California and the Defense Department, have credentialed and recognized me as a good guy. Read my various ebooks and MindWar and see for yourself what I have to say about ethics and my own personal experiences. Then make up your own mind.

(8) Am I an NSA general? Nope, Lt. Colonel, PSYOP, USA-ret. I've worked in various areas of the Intelligence community, but not much with NSA. At joint gigs the NSA guys always wear dark suits, sit together in the back, and never smile. I suspect they're zombies but can't prove it. The really fun mad scientists are all over at DARPA.

I don't think I missed anything, but if I did, feel free to ask, and I'll try to check back here if I can figure out how to navigate the latest ATS system.

Michael Aquino

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 06:12 AM
Just to be clear guys, there is plenty of evidence that some other beings might be around (dimensional, ET, terrestrial older inhabitants - I don't care which of them), and around that some man-made technology could have been reverse engineered from some foreign craft.

Claiming that every single case is man-made is not only wrong, it defies even logic. Do you think your body would survive such incredible speeds? How would you explain all the stories in history of people claiming contact with other beings? All these were just stories? You know about the Lovelock cave giants that were just a myth, looked like it was actually real. How would you explain the evolution of the human mind, while every other single species remained with the same animal mind with not even slight progress from the dinosaur eras?

The possibility of intervention is likley, nowadays we do know that the military are like 30 years ahead in technology and a lot of cases may be coming from them, but that still does not dismiss all that exists about it.

Any books that claim that everything was about man-made technology, that every single witness who saw humanoids, symbols and things like that and is involved into some COVERUP (yep even many civilians involved in such coverup and disinfo?) - whoever thinks that is not thinking clearly and is spreading lies..

Also if there is any foreign ET technology envolved, rest assured, Russia, China and some other countries do have things either. I have asked many times the question of why so endless talk about aliens - just to brainwash people to believe such things visit the Earth as a form of disinformation? Ok then explain to me the questions of mind evolution, things in history that defy the idea of 'humans made it themselves' or even some specific recent cases. Why waste so much energy into disinfo for like 60 years, it's like beating a dead horse?

Plus, I do not see how all Sci Fi is made to indoctrinate people when even without such nonsense conspiracy claims of creating Star Trek and such just to mislead people into believing UFOs are aliens, people are curious to know what is in Outer Space, thus movies make such ideas and open the imagination. In no way does this act as a control of the human mind to think that UFOs are aliens, so that the humans never suspect the UFOs are MILITARY technology.

If that is the case, it clearly doesn't work. I am aware that most likely a lot of the UFOs are military, though there still remains the possibility of some not being man-made.

Plus, a lot of documents still remain classified, the public evidence is not enough but the still hidden one?

Though I do not doubt some people like Betty and Barney Hill could have been hired simply to spread disinfo and keep the myth of UFOs. Either way, this does not help people thinking these aircraft are not military. Cause a lot of people now suspect military cover-up

Which raises the question - where? How did you think of such technology? The Nazi? Didn't you get help from someone? Otherwise, I know MIND control projects like in Montauk were done, there is no doubt, though I still don't see how this defies the possibility of established contact with other beings.

I remember Werner von Braun and the statement he madein private 'we got help from.. Them'.
edit on 23-9-2013 by ImpactoR because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by maquino

Assuming this really is Michael Aquino, and I assume that it is, thank you for posting your response. Direct from the "horses mouth" so to speak.

You seem like a very interesting and intelligent guy.

Your "I am not telling" response about aliens in admirable. I am, however, a believer, based on the overwhelming evidence that exists. I wish you could share more, but do understand.

Curious, would you be worried about your life, if you said too much about it publically?

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by okamitengu

You're right, it was a bad moment and I was cranky. Generally speaking, I find alien/UFO and conspiracy theory people very annoying. And yes, I am one of them - to a certain extent. I just find that my points of view are never understood, so it does get frustrating after a while. The alien thing is believed like a religion and nowadays that belief has taken on an enormous materialistic bent, thanks to shows like Ancient Aliens. I do take issue with that, and I think I am justified for being cranky about it.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by corsair00

All these ex- black ops, JPL, Nasa astronauts, Pseudo scientists etc. write books.
And most of their stories contradict each other.
So who do you believe?
I believe that because most of these alphabet/ scientific agencies are so heavily compartmentalised that one group is not aware of what another group is studying or working on.
But the bottom line is they are in it for the bucks.
Hoagland has a book coming out soon, they all have new books coming out sooner or later.
And our minds will be opened up to more information / disinformation and we will still be no closer to the truth of what our purpose on this ball of mud is.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by kudegras

In the Western world, books just so happen to be the best format to share information. It doesn't necessarily mean that anyone with a book is only doing it for the money. In the academic world of getting a PhD and all of that, writing a thesis and publishing a book is part of the deal.

As for the UFO/conspiracy world and all of their books - yeah, most of that is for money and/or disinformation. A lot of people who have spent enormous amounts of time on a passion of theirs, whether delusional or actually worthwhile, eventually decide to write a book and try to make a living sharing their research. I am thinking now of people like Richard Dolan and others. For people like Dolan, many could argue that it is very worthwhile information. But for every 1 good UFO book, I reckon there are another 20 really useless ones that help proliferate absolute garbage on the subject. I am actually fairly skeptical about most of it.

Nowadays I tend to favor the more esoteric approaches to the subject. The work of Jacques Vallee is where I would suggest the real truth is on the UFO matter. And he does believe in ancient alien sightings as well, but he also has mentioned many different times that he has obtained evidence in his research to suggest many big UFO events were actually deliberate hoaxes on the part of a mysterious covert agency. In fact, he even believes that the infamous Rendlesham incident was a PsyOp and has published this.

I also would recommend the newer work of Graham Hancock - highlighting the "supernatural" aspects of our shamanic roots. He believes that the origins of human consciousness were sparked by contact with non-human intelligence in altered states of consciousness. Whether that be by psychedelic plants and fungi found in our early environment, or by types of trance and sensory deprivation as experienced in deep caves, where the first hints of human development, in the form of awe-inspiring cave art, was first discovered.

The UFO material that focuses on more macabre elements, like cattle mutilations and abductions - those, to me, are highly suspect of PsyOps.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by maquino

Thank you very kindly for your post. You are always very candid and generous with what you share here on ATS. I found your review and recent goings-on with Douglas Dietrich interesting enough to start a thread about.

It would be great to hear you do a show with Art Bell, now that he is back on the air. Not sure you would be into such a thing...

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by maquino

(5) Did the Nazis have antigravity technology and build flying saucers? A little Googling should suffice to show you that there were a great many experimental aircraft programs under way, overseen by both the Luftwaffe and the SS. It's a good job they lost the war before some of this stuff became operational; then it was a PaperClip feeding frenzy to see whether we or the Soviets could scoop up more German scientists. And to think that when I was a kid watching him on TV, I always thought von Braun was a Walt Disney sort of educator

Firstly thanks for coming on to discuss this all in person and I'm assuming this is the real you. One of the biggest myths propagated about the Nazis is that, it was a wholly top down driven state where, people only worked on that the Nazi party deigned was important. In actual fact and you can google this, part of the reason the Nazis lost the war was because "big business" in Nazi Germany was forever wandering off and doing its' own thing rather than, as was the case in Russia, Britain and the USA, the government had virtually 100% control over what big business did. You had the likes of Porsche making turrets for the King Tiger and then demanding the military bought them with absolutely no contracts for the work. That's why the latter King Tigers came with two different makes of turret, that's how powerful private enterprise was and how, in effect, impotent the Nazis were in the face of it. Blohm Voss, who the Horten brothers worked for, simply made the flying wing with no government contract for it because they thought they knew better than government did and they assumed that, if they could make it work then they would be given contracts over the likes of Heinkel.

There's much made of how one of the Horten brothers left for South America and then the Nazi UFO proponents leave it at that as if he mysteriously disappeared. Again, utter moonshine, he was involved in a financially disastrous attempt to build a large freight carrying airframe. There's nothing secret about his activities at all and he did not "vanish".

I'm sorry however, the fact is that , the whole Nazi UFO agenda only really hit the news after the vast majority of those who could just turn round and say. "It's hogwash" had conveniently died, leaving a information vacuum into which ran a shed load of writers eager to exploit the weakness. One can only speculate why Nick Cook, who has access to a rake load of people who do know what's what, would choose to listen to a load of whibble merchants about the whole Nazi technology thing.
edit on 23-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by FireMoon


Would you be so kind as to provide more details about that Royal Flying Corps sighting of 1915 (the one of a lit train)?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by corsair00

And Jaques Vallee talks about how UFOs are military-coverup but then again mentions some other kind of beings, how is this any more valid?

Ok let's see this person and what his main aideas are:

Vallee, who holds a master's degree in astrophysics and a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University, was an early scientific proponent of the theory that UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships. His first book, Anatomy of a Phenomenon (Henry Regnery, 1965), argued eloquently that "through UFO activity … the contours of an amazingly complex intelligent life beyond the earth can already be discerned."

But by 1969, when he published Passport to Magonia (Regnery), Vallee's assessment of the UFO phenomenon had undergone a significant shift. Much to the consternation of the "scientific ufologists" who had seen him as one of their champions, Vallee now seemed to be backing away from the extraterrestrial hypotheses and advancing the radical view that UFOs are paranormal in nature and a modern space age manifestation of a phenomenon which assumes different guises in different historical contexts.
In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Vallee posits the idea of a "control system." UFOs and related phenomena are "the means through which man's concepts are being rearranged." Their ultimate source may be unknowable, at least at this stage of human development; what we do know, according to Vallee, is that they are presenting us with continually recurring "absurd" messages and appearances which defy rational analysis but which nonetheless address human beings on the level of myth and imagination.

"When I speak of a control system for planet earth," he says, " I do not want my words to be misunderstood: I do not mean that some higher order of beings has locked us inside the constraints of a space-bound jail, closely monitored by psychic entities we might call angels or demons. I do not propose to redefine God. What I do mean is that mythology rules at a level of our social reality over which normal political and intellectual action has no power…."

Well it's a complete distortion of reality, either way I don't see why the extraterrestrial part is excluded. SOme beings could likey be ET
edit on 23-9-2013 by ImpactoR because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 09:09 AM

reply to post by FireMoon


Would you be so kind as to provide more details about that Royal Flying Corps sighting of 1915 (the one of a lit train)?

Thanks in advance.

My apologies if you've tried googling as it was actually in 1916 that the incident took place. Britain's first military encounter?

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by ImpactoR

It is called the Interdimensional Hypothesis - as opposed to the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. Notice how the former is actually significantly more profound than the latter. It does not diminish the awesomeness of the phenomenon in any way, shape or form. But if you want space aliens in metal ships from Zeta Reticuli, then that is your prerogative. But the very fact that you and many people actually believe that will actually have an overall impact on the phenomenon itself, according to the Interdimensional Hypothesis. I really do think this stuff goes over most people's heads, as I've stated earlier. But that's okay...

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by ImpactoR

By the way, in case you are a young newbie to this, Jacques Vallee is actually a preeminent scholar and researcher on this subject and was actually depicted as the French scientist in Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". He was best friends with J. Allen Hynek, of Project Bluebook infamy, and has close ties to Colonel John Alexander. He even wrote the introduction to Alexander's book, that was the subject of this OP.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by maquino

Man I love it when the actual person the threads about chimes in and
has been a LONG time member of ATS.

Well said Michael. Thanks to Michael and OP for giving my brain
something to obsess about for the next week !

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by corsair00

Looks can be deceiving. I am not new to the ufo topic, regardless of my join date which is not even my first account.

I've read from various other sources about the dimensions, 4th 5th ... 7th, the vibration into higher frequency but these topics alone are too alien for the reality we live in, thus why ET seems more logical than dimensional. Only time will tell..

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:56 AM

The problem with space stuff is that it really is classified tighter than a crab's ass, so speculation runs wild. Pick up a copy of my 2013 _MindWar_ on Amazon to see just how real the Twilight Zone really is.

And Greer.......sad, how sad

Another old timer thinking of their retirement pension...making up bs to make money.

Lets be real, people who work with the super secret stuff NEVER talk. This is just entertainment badged up as real life.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by ImpactoR

Well just to give you more food for thought on the Interdimensional aspect. I can't spend too much time on this right now, so it will be sloppy and incomplete. But evidence suggests that species are connected via a morphogenetic field, likely through the DNA, which can account for how entire flocks of birds move at the exact same instant etc. A species-wide connection. In the fossil record, it has been shown that new species, or new traits, emerge quite suddenly. This again is probably related to the DNA and also wildcard in-fluxes of very high levels of cosmic rays etc. At some point our early human ancestors suddenly hit some critical mass and hooked-up into a radically new form of consciousness, which gave us religious, philosophical and artistic ideas. Many postulate that our encounter with psychedelic plants or fungi is what sparked this connection. Either way, this species-wide field of energy or connection, imprinting our DNA, is what proliferated this radical new form of consciousness in humans - worldwide, at the same time. The so-called 100th monkey effect.

The imagination, then, is actually a deployed field of energy that exists outside of the brain, but is likely filtered in through the pineal gland. So I am trying to set the groundwork for the notion of collective fields and what the Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, called "the collective unconscious". That there is a collective human unconscious where mythic images spring up in different cultures, as well as individual's dreams at night time and in daydreams or spiritual epiphanies. All different cultures have their own particular flavor and brand of spiritual images or archetypes. Only in modern times have we been so disconnected from our past spirituality that we are twisting in the wind and holding on to essentially unworkable religions and ideologies. They don't spark that connection in our mind/spirit any longer - for the most part.

So isn't it interesting that along in the 20th Century, as we are achieving space flight of our own and advancing more technologically, a new vision - this time of highly-advanced space beings - should emerge in the minds of our science-fiction writers, artists and every day citizens? Carl Jung wrote about the "flying saucers" as being a spontaneous, new archetype or mythology that is being born out of this collective field - the collective unconscious of the human species itself. It changes, morphs, evolves and adapts like a cosmic dream, and can actually create a "reality" of its own. This may involve REAL physical beings - either from the future or another timeline or planet - who knows? But the idea that John Alexander, Jacques Vallee, Carl Jung, Terence McKenna, Graham Hancock, John Mack etc etc give more credence to is this Interdimensional/Mythical notion I have clumsily tried to elucidate for you.
edit on 23-9-2013 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 11:19 AM


reply to post by Unity_99

Aquino was the one who references the Nazi Germany roots to antigravity research.

As for the rest of you - just nevermind. Watch your Ancient Aliens with a stiffy and forget about it...

talk about getting all cranky when things dont go your way.
no one will be happy to read your threads if this is how you relate to dissent of your thesis.

sad little person

Seriously and sincerely...

Can't we all just get along? Can't we agree to disagree?

Does everything have to come down to a battle of ego/id superiority?

C'est la vie...

- SN

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 11:32 AM

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 11:34 AM

reply to post by SadistNocturne

That's an....interesting....white....square...


- SN

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