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Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Admits To "UFO" Technology Cover-Up [Whistleblower Testimony]

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posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:22 PM
Excellent thread. S&F. In whatever way, they make themselves known and I don't think there is any questioning that one might be true.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:43 PM

It's as if our brains are radios and we're all tuned into the same station. There are always other stations being broadcasted, but we rarely listen in because it takes some external factor to change the station, maybe a warp/surge in the electromagnetic field. I'm reminded of a guy that used some kind of EM headgear to reproduce alien-like encounters as debunking proof. My response was, "My gods man! You've discovered how to perceive them without the use of drugs/meditation/ritual!" Also, sightings near power lines, during earthquakes, near ley lines, during intense meditation, siezures, etc.

Much good stuff in your post, ultimafule.

One thing I've become convinced of is that the key to most our biggest mysteries are contained within the depths of electromagnetics.

Our government boys have certainly been extremely interested in the topic for at least the last 60 years. The field obviously has implications in everything from non-lethal weapons to human consciousness/PSI to mind-control to--most probably--the ufo phenomenon.

Puthoff, Scientology, SRI, etc are indeed interesting subjects to dig beneath the surface on. The remote viewers were classified as "Human-Use Experimentation" and there is evidence to suggest that they were "beamed" with various EM fields without their knowledge.

You would probably find the following books rather fascinating. While I don't totally agree with the author's overall premise, there is a wealth of information in them for further research and extrapolation.

Ufos Psychic Close Encounters: The Electromagnetic Indictment

Electric Ufos: Fireballs, Electromagnetics and Abnormal States

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by corsair00

I read it like this;

SOME UFO sightings and recordings may be of man-made craft.

SOME UFO sightings may be of man-made craft from an alternate dimension / timeline.

SOME UFO sightings may be of a non-terrestrial craft.

The point is, UFO's, irrespective of their actual origin, are a worldwide / orbital phenomena and are not solely located in or around the USA.

For 'secret black-ops' man-made craft, where those people tasked with developing such craft claim to be careful to not reveal the craft's location or base of operations...a LOT of sightings are hard to reconsile with this desire to preserve secrecy...iow, it's a pretty poor show of both security and secrecy to parade experimental craft and advanced propulsion systems as openly as seems to be the case with many UFO reports worldwide!

Secrecy involves hiding things and keeping them covert...hovering over a city for an hour or so in an advanced craft isn't very smart if secrecy is a goal.

And black-ops secrecy looks pretty silly as a valid explaination for ALL UFO sightings when we realise sightings of a similar nature have occurred throughout history and are certainly NOT a 21st century or a 20th century only phenomena.

Reports have been logged that date back hundreds of years, longer if incorporate ancient texts such as the 'Vedas', the Bible etc.

YES...some are without a doubt man-made, experimental craft being tested. Although as can be easily shown from credible ancient reports, these are probably more replication attempts, or approximations of aquired 'foreign technology' than anything else.

And for the record, i never buy anything that is shamelessly plugged, even if i did think it made rational sense in light of the myriad ancient recorded sightings, and well, frankly it doesn't.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 01:40 PM

reply to post by corsair00

I read it like this;

SOME UFO sightings and recordings may be of man-made craft.

SOME UFO sightings may be of man-made craft from an alternate dimension / timeline.

SOME UFO sightings may be of a non-terrestrial craft.

The point is, UFO's, irrespective of their actual origin, are a worldwide / orbital phenomena and are not solely located in or around the USA.

For 'secret black-ops' man-made craft, where those people tasked with developing such craft claim to be careful to not reveal the craft's location or base of operations...a LOT of sightings are hard to reconsile with this desire to preserve secrecy...iow, it's a pretty poor show of both security and secrecy to parade experimental craft and advanced propulsion systems as openly as seems to be the case with many UFO reports worldwide!

Secrecy involves hiding things and keeping them covert...hovering over a city for an hour or so in an advanced craft isn't very smart if secrecy is a goal.

And black-ops secrecy looks pretty silly as a valid explaination for ALL UFO sightings when we realise sightings of a similar nature have occurred throughout history and are certainly NOT a 21st century or a 20th century only phenomena.

Reports have been logged that date back hundreds of years, longer if incorporate ancient texts such as the 'Vedas', the Bible etc.

YES...some are without a doubt man-made, experimental craft being tested. Although as can be easily shown from credible ancient reports, these are probably more replication attempts, or approximations of aquired 'foreign technology' than anything else.

And for the record, i never buy anything that is shamelessly plugged, even if i did think it made rational sense in light of the myriad ancient recorded sightings, and well, frankly it doesn't.

Very ,very good points, it simply reinforces the reality that the ET hypothesis can never be ruled out, for one very valid point, we simply do not have enough data concerning those high strangeness cases that show signs of intelligent control to rule out advanced or off world technologies..

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Thanks for the recommendations. They sound like interesting reads, and cheap too!

I'm in the middle of Colin Wilson's Mysteries right now and he's saying that ley lines are actually underground streams. Lots of weirdness occurs near bodies of water as well. Also mountains and hilltops. I used to live in a stone house on top of a hill next to a stream and the entire family had experienced varying degrees of weirdness. I had multiple OBE's, saw UFOs and alien-like beings, ghosts, poltergeist activity and strange phone calls.

The leys could be analogous with the human lymphatic system. This is clearly related to the concept of chi. "Where the blood goes, the chi goes." Therefore, altering the breathing, heart rate and blood pressure would alter the body's EM field and trigger some kind of paranormal phenom. Or you could get that skull-cap machine and tune in without years of meditation. Man I really want one of those things!

Fascinating that you should mention remote viewers may have been beamed with EMFs. I tend to think this is what was happening to Uri Geller. He didn't seem to have control over his abilities and said as much. When Puharich (who happened to be an medical Army Officer involved with the CIA and Naval Intel) met Uri Geller, he hypnotized Geller at which point Uri started talking about a group of ETs calling themselves SPECTRA. SPECTRA then claimed affiliation with The Nine - another assembly of channeled non-human intelligences associated with a lot of influential movers and shakers behind the scenes.

Not trying to beat a dead horse here but: I don't doubt that physical aliens might exist. But it seems highly unlikely that most encounters are with physical beings. Like I said before, it could be that physical beings are using non-physical means to contact us. This makes much more sense than flying a ship millions of light years just to ask a farmer for a jug of water. And if the hybrid agenda is to be believed, then we also have to consider the fact that aliens with the tech to defy all known laws of physics are having trouble cloning humans. why the repeat visits over decades? Why not completely erase any memory of the abductions? Why make prophetic statements that only sometimes come true and feed people vague new-age feel good news of Space Jesus? There's clearly ulterior motives when you really start to dig deep and analyze multiple cases.

Now throw in PSYOP/terrestrial meddling and the plot thickens!

EDIT: From Puarich's Wiki

Two of the most famous of Puharich's over 50 patents were devices that assist hearing - the "Means For Aiding Hearing" U.S. Patent 2,995,633 and "Method And Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy" U.S. Patent 3,563,246". He was also granted a U.S. Patent 4,394,230 in 1983 for a "Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules." His research included studying the influence of extremely low frequency ELF electromagnetic wave emissions on the mind, and he invented several devices allegedly blocking or converting ELF waves to prevent harm.

edit on 25-9-2013 by ultimafule because: edit

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 02:53 PM
Soooooo credible witness's who see GIANT FLYING TRIANGLES FOOTBALL FIELDS IN LENGTH are all high on crack?! Yea..ok....idiot

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:48 PM

Fascinating that you should mention remote viewers may have been beamed with EMFs. I tend to think this is what was happening to Uri Geller. He didn't seem to have control over his abilities and said as much. When Puharich (who happened to be an medical Army Officer involved with the CIA and Naval Intel) met Uri Geller, he hypnotized Geller at which point Uri started talking about a group of ETs calling themselves SPECTRA. SPECTRA then claimed affiliation with The Nine - another assembly of channeled non-human intelligences associated with a lot of influential movers and shakers behind the scenes.

Got some ribs on the grill--and look forward to getting back here--but I thought I'd drop this off for now:

And Green was ALSO involved when CIA scientist Andrija Puharich brought Israeli super psi-guy Uri Geller to be tested at SRI. Puharich, you recall, is the man who lay at the center of the introduction to the world of “The Nine”, an alleged group of discarnate entities helpfully pointing us into the New Age. And without going too far afield yet again, I would say that it is not too speculative to call Puharich Ira Einhorn’s “handler.” Einhorn, of course, is near legendary for his networking abilities in service of (pick one) world transformation/the Bell Corporation.

I happen to think that much of the Remote Viewing program was less about psychic spying than it was about meme propagation, if not outright MKULTRA brain zapping of patriotic military volunteers. I think there’s no better illustration of that than this odd tale of some spooky events supposedly experienced by the scientists involved in testing Uri Geller. What you want to remember is that the most compelling and dramatic facts of the case (the code words, the one-armed man) come to us via the testimony of Dr. Green (given the pseudonym “Kennett” in this excerpt from Remote Viewers.) Also keep in mind that Targ and Puthoff had a background in cutting edge laser technology. Lasers, as you probably know, are what you use to make holograms.

One day in the lab, several members of the Livermore [LLNL] group were monitoring [Uri] Geller during a metal-bending session. They recorded him with audiotape, filmed him with videotape, and photographed him with a variety of still cameras, including one that was sensitive to thermal infrared radiation.

After the experiment they developed all the film and saw something very strange. The infrared camera had caught what seemed to be two diffuse patches of radiation on the upper part of one of the laboratory walls. It was as if someone had briefly shone two large heat sources, either from inside the lab or outside pointing in. The patches grew in intensity for a few frames, then over the next few frames diminished to nothing.

The Livermore Group were understandably puzzled over this, but it was only the beginning of the strangeness that would soon consume them. When they checked the audiotape they had made during the experiment, they found amid everything else a distinctive, metallic- sounding voice, unheard during the actual experiment but now clearly audible, if mostly unintelligible. All they could make out were a few apparently random words strung together.

I personally dig deeper into the subject here:

The Men In Black(OPs) The Aviary & UFOs

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how many "former" intelligence officers show up--and are even showcased here--peddling us the "truth." Ahem.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Michael, you speak of "ethics" in MindWar but I confess I can find little of it in your assertions therein. At least to my own understanding of the word.

Not sure if you're referring to the old 1980 paper or to my new book. There is extensive discussion of and emphasis upon ethics in the latter. As previously, the former was just an in-house staff study intended to goose the ass of a somewhat frozen PSYOP community after the whole Vietnam thing.

it appears you have some pretty far-out faith-based beliefs from mythology (Set for example) yourself and have partaken in quite a bit of "roleplaying" over the years.

I never "roleplay".

I note that there is nothing inherently wrong in playing "dress up," or cultivating a "satanic" look, or attaching to whatever fantasy/mythology strikes one's inner-nerd, but I do find it somewhat of a bore when a fanboy of one mythology makes fun of another.

Nor do I "play dress-up". And, as commented numerous times over the years, I have both a natural widow's peak and naturally-peaked eyebrows. Photos of me in robes are simply and unremarkably the ceremonial robes of either the Church of Satan pre-75 or Temple of Set post-75. The U.S. Army uniform is of course the U.S. Army uniform. Don't like my knees on the Rachane website, take it up with Scottish tradition.

Could you please explain to us the Order of the Trapezoid and the Wewelsburg meditation? Further, just what, exactly, do you find fascinating about Nazi culture/philosophy?

Download my Temple of Set and see Chapter #9 and related appendices.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:56 PM

I never "roleplay"...Nor do I "play dress-up". And, as commented numerous times over the years, I have both a natural widow's peak and naturally-peaked eyebrows.

Sure you do. Back to that in a minute.

I'm working here with conflicting emotions as regards both you and MindWar. For one, I've truthfully stated that I think the old Presidio/child abuse allegations against you and Lilith are without any real teeth.


Further, I find you to exhibit a rare and noteworthy intelligence. More so than Col. John B. Alexander in many ways. Although he's a worthy and powerful mage (even as is the burnt-out RAM--Richard--who seems more vital than yourself these days if the time I've spent with him recently is any indication.)

That you are obsequious and deferent to Col. Alexander somewhat puzzles me. You give him mind-blowing reviews for his book--and feature credit in MindWar 2013--and he doesn't really much acknowledge you or your work. You bow down low, in my estimation, and he seemingly pretty much ignores you. Hmmm. I'm trying to make sense of that.

It also seems, to your credit, that you've learned and adapted over the years some very admirable diplomatic skills when it comes to internet communications.

In spite of some of my reservations, I like and respect you in more ways than one. I'm about 70 pages in to the 2013 edition of MindWar and I've read the 80's version a few times over the years.

Just because the 2013 version is smoother (and impressively more in-depth) doesn't mean your philosophy and "prince of darkness" outlook has changed all that much. Just possibly, however, as befits a psyops guy, slicker. Maybe, maybe not…we'll see.

My Kindle copy--probably no fault of your own--is badly jumbled up. Footnotes intermixed with text copy. I've turned it in for a refund, but I will definitely repurchase because, even so few pages in, I find it well worth the purchase price.

Even the reasons I find it well worth the purchase price are conflicting. There's enough brilliance within, methinks, but I also proffer that one can learn a lot by reading between the lines of disinformation when one knows one's subject--and their allegiances--fairly well.

I will be, God willing, offering here, and elsewhere, a fairly comprehensive review of MindWar in the near future. In the meantime, maybe we could debate some issues here?

Certainly, I want to be a gentleman. Obversely, there are some issues I'd like to address that are in confrontation with some of your philosophies and assertions.

Btw, puhleeze, Michael, your widow's peak, eyebrows, and ceremonial gear aren't the sole expedient of genetics and the COS. Somewhat…maybe, but don't insult your intelligence by trying to insult ours. From your admitted fandom of Star Trek to your early fascination with LaVey, the coincidence and grooming are apparent.

Imo, a truly powerful Mage (and I know some…at least according to them and their following and/or book sales) doesn't make easily see-through excuses, they explain "why,"…or fade into the background and make meaningless abracadabra motions in the air. See a pattern here?




Jus' sayin...

Yes, you role-play…just as much as the Pope…or even myself at times. There's an issue of some Nazi gear/memorabilia that will be addressed as well---here or elsewhere on the boards. I question your respect of, and fascination with, the 3rd reich--not to demean--but for reasons that will be become more clear. For example: Your assertions as regards UFO technology. Maybe your opinions are influenced by your fascination? Regardless, I have much deeper and pertinent reasons for that line of questioning as regards the capability--or naive futility--of MindWar.

Anyhoo…earth-brother, you are without a doubt uber-brilliant and interesting. I applaud, and appreciate, yours and Lilith's advocacy for our animal brethren. To be fair in light of the photos above, this is a COOL pic, badass even, I dig it:

Kudos on Lilith, too:

Engage or dodge? Up to you. I will certainly give credit--as I have more than once above--where it's due. No quarter elsewhere.

edit on 25-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by K-PAX-PROT

Very ,very good points, it simply reinforces the reality that the ET hypothesis can never be ruled out, for one very valid point, we simply do not have enough data concerning those high strangeness cases that show signs of intelligent control to rule out advanced or off world technologies..

I think you are starting to come around. Of course the ET hypothesis can't be ruled out. At the same time neither can any other explanation for an unexplained encounter. Of course anyone can make up a psychological explanation that fits any given encounter but that isn't acceptable either. Understanding different angles and how people are capable of misperceiving can only help when looking at the subject. It doesn't mean it's automatically written off.

And you are absolutely correct with saying we don't have enough data. That is spot on. I personally find it very intriguing that the whole phenomenon could be some sort of mass something or other. That hasn't been shown either which does leave open other things.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:02 PM
In regards to the spiritual, religious, paranormal and UFO/ET phenomenon - including all of the wide varieties of differing opinions, beliefs and points of view - my conclusion about all of it can be summed up in an eloquent scene from Steven Spielberg's mini-series 'Taken'.

This point of view may be controversial to some, but I think it is quite all inclusive - and that's actually what I'm going for here...

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:19 PM

Very ,very good points, it simply reinforces the reality that the ET hypothesis can never be ruled out, for one very valid point, we simply do not have enough data concerning those high strangeness cases that show signs of intelligent control to rule out advanced or off world technologies..

I believe that most of us who have an interest in the ramifications inherent in the high-strangeness aspects of ufology certainly don't rule out intelligent life somewhere in the universe.

What we generally share in common, however, is an "arc" in our own journey for answers and the questions we now ask ourselves after many years of study in ufological matters. High strangeness is there…what do we do with it?

If we dismiss so-called high strangeness from all things ufological then, sure, the ETH reigns supreme. But experience and the preponderance of what Jacques Vallee referred to as 'absurdity" aspects demand attention as well when one is considering ALL possibilities. To not consider those reports puts the onus on the ETH crowd…not the openminded.

Jacques Vallee asks some darn good questions in his Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects

Col. Aquino, too, has raised some points here that are at least worthy of debate. What he hasn't--glaringly--suggested as of yet, is--Nazi-Bell worship aside--what do we make make of the reports garnered since recorded history?

Many of our so-called "ufologists" have failed us by not reporting the whole story. I wouldn't read a Stanton Friedman book these days if it were free. Well, except to critique it maybe.

High strangeness seems to be the norm rather than the exception. Even when we survey the nuts and bolts "craft" reports we get a dazzling and confusing array of descriptions!

The term ‘High Strangeness’ refers to those UFO cases where the witnesses do not merely claim to have sighted a mysterious light or unknown object which might have been an alien spacecraft, but also say that a variety of unusual things happened to them afterwards, such as poltergeist outbreaks in their homes, strange telephone calls, and visits from the ‘Men In Black’. You won’t find much about this in mainstream UFO books, but there is plenty of detail in the works of such writers as John Keel and Jacques Vallee. The question which is not often addressed is, are these cases aberrations, or typical?

Curiouser and Curiouser: ‘High Strangeness’ UFO Encounters

edit on 26-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:50 PM
I noticed Michael that you mentioned the TV series "dark Skies" and that there one might glean some nugget of information that might, in the great scheme of things, lead one to a greater understanding of what is going on, as it were.

I considered the fact that the character of Frank Back, one of the main protagonists and all round government guy wears a naval uniform and that naval officer ranks are often a cover from spies. After all, James Bond was a "Commander" by rank in the British Navy and Ian Fleming was dyed in the wool secret service in his background. I then pondered on how, Frank Back bares more than a resemblance to Frank Black erstwhile leader of the somewhat popular guitar combo "The Pixies" and how, on one of his solo albums he specifically wrote a song about the seminal TV series "The Invaders".

Were these nuggets to be studied further or was it somewhat more prosaic and hidden in clear view. Maybe the fact that the "Greys" have been reduced to the level of a "slave race" by the ganglions that infect their brains and that, there it is, the Greys are nothing more than mere servants? A warning to us that these v creatures are merely the mask for the power behind the throne that, the real Wizard of Oz is a wholly other intelligence. All good grist to the mill indeed and thne it struck me, there it was the secret you alluded to in your post and it's actually stunningly obvious.

It's there proud and loud in the shape of Jeri Lynn Ryan's chest. The anti gravity units are there and fully working in Jeri Lynn Ryan's chest and suddenly ,it all became clear. What would be the first thing America would do with anti gravity units? Use them in boob jobs of course.... after all, you can only pull so many 30 g turns and scare the natives, anti gravity boobs are a source of endless amazement and wonder.....

They came from the vast empty tracts of space, crashed their ship at Roswell and being humans, we took their vast knowledge, their unbelievably advanced technology and we used it to inflate women's chests.

edit on 25-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Wonderful to see you here
I took a little vacation... and come back to an old ghost from Offutt!

Interesting coincidence.
Im in the St Louis area now and just this week had a nice conversation with a mutual acquaintance between the old ghost and I. The conversation went into the previous earth and the destruction, suppression of the old tech ( and things thrown in the Caribbean ) among a bunch of other things to suppress one thing yet promote evolution/denial of previous civilization. It got into the interdimensional/terrestrial VS the extraterrestrial UFO visitation. Now the interesting thing was how all of this tied into psyops.. and the US. I have just been goofing off tonight and see this convo... how.. erm... fortuitous.

Im not real versed in this subject, just a nice coincidence and Im interested in your critique of this books info. This should prove to be a gnarly winter and Ill pick up the books you suggested to the previous poster.

Oh I almost forgot... Never bait trap with wolf to catch wolf.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 12:14 AM

Oh I almost forgot... Never bait trap with wolf to catch wolf.

Hey howdy! Would LOVE to hear more about that discussion here or in PM. Word.

Wolf? Me? I'm just a lil' squealing rabbit in a trap. Sharp teeth, though, if I can sink 'em. I always try to think big. Blame it on my ADD.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:57 AM

That you are obsequious and deferent to Col. Alexander somewhat puzzles me.

It puzzles you only because you are imagining it. John and I are old friends who like and respect one another, period. If and when he has any wish to comment about me, publicly or privately, he does so; and vice-versa. Neither of us feels any need whatever to "keep score". The Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) thought I would be a good person to review his UFO book, and I enjoyed doing it.

My Kindle copy [of MindWar]--probably no fault of your own--is badly jumbled up. Footnotes intermixed with text copy. I've turned it in for a refund, but I will definitely repurchase because, even so few pages in, I find it well worth the purchase price.

I'm sorry to hear that; haven't heard that complaint from anyone else so far. I don't have Kindle, so have only seen the printed version. One of the reasons that I kept the printversion in 8-1/2x11 was because of the numerous, and in some case extensive, footnotes, which became very difficult to handle when I tried a regular-book 6x9 size. Most of the notes are best seen together with the passages in question, so the alternative of a separate "Notes" section at the back of the book would have been unwieldy from my point of view. Kindle took my finished full-size .pdf and "successfully converted" it, but maybe all the notes affected this. Not sure if there's any way to deal with this; I'll ask the K-people about it.

Even the reasons I find it well worth the purchase price are conflicting. There's enough brilliance within, methinks, but I also proffer that one can learn a lot by reading between the lines of disinformation when one knows one's subject--and their allegiances--fairly well.

MindWar contains no intended disinformation; it's as straightforward as I could write it. My biggest problem was grappling with various concepts that are "at the edge of comprehension" for many people, while avoiding jargonistic talk that might make sense to me, but not to an "ordinary" reader. Remember, this is a book which I wrote to get ideas across to people in the Defense Department and other government offices and agencies; it's not something just for graduate students in philosophy!

Btw, puhleeze, Michael, your widow's peak, eyebrows, and ceremonial gear aren't the sole expedient of genetics and the COS. Somewhat…maybe, but don't insult your intelligence by trying to insult ours. From your admitted fandom of Star Trek to your early fascination with LaVey, the coincidence and grooming are apparent.

Sorry again, but my mother's widow's peak was even more pronounced than mine, and my eyebrows are there in my baby pictures, just a bit less shaggy. I liked Star Trek but was never a "Trekkie"; at that time in my life my favorite TV show was The Avengers, and I mowed a lot of lawns to earn enough to get a 1965 Lotus Cortina, which was as close as I could get to Emma Peel's Elan.
Anton had ordinary eyebrows, [obviously] no widow's peak, and of course I never had a goatee either.

Several people in Hollywood told me that the Damien Thorn character was modeled on me, and indeed the actors in the 2nd and 3rd films were awfully close for "coincidence", but who knows?

There's an issue of some Nazi gear/memorabilia that will be addressed as well

The only Nazi "memorabilia" that I ever acquired was an SS dagger originally belonging to Major General Theodor Wisch, which interested me because of its unique Runic decoration. At the time I was particularly involved in Runic studies. Later I gave the dagger to a collector friend as a gift. Look up Wisch on the web if you like; he was a very distinguished and gallant soldier, holder of the Knight's Cross.

I question your respect of, and fascination with, the 3rd reich--not to demean--but for reasons that will be become more clear. For example: Your assertions as regards UFO technology. Maybe your opinions are influenced by your fascination? Regardless, I have much deeper and pertinent reasons for that line of questioning as regards the capability--or naive futility--of MindWar.

There were many interesting things about the Third Reich, but because one studies such things historically and scientifically does not make one a Nazi stormtrooper. I am quite content that all of my writings substantiate this.

Kudos on Lilith, too.

Yes, it's one of those Jessica and Roger Rabbit things.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:20 AM

Yes, it's one of those Jessica and Roger Rabbit things.'re a lot of fun. I hate it when that happens.

I prefer bound books when I'm not planning on a review/critique. Otherwise, an e-book makes note-taking and quotations much easier. I admit that what I read of MindWar had me fairly transfixed. Probably not as 'above-the-reader's head' as you imagine it to be. Reel that ego in a bit big guy. Then again, it certainly doesn't seem to be light reading. Attention span required.

However, I will hold off on some of my deeper questions until I get a good copy of MW and I'm able to finish it...except for some minor and easily answered questions.

I still call bs on some of the above.

My question for the moment: You claim to uphold your loyalty to your Constitutional oath. Do you mean that? Alexander seems to hold a position more in line with globalism. The Colonel co-authored a paper with his son that advocates the continued blending of military and national/local police forces. Certainly NOT what our forefathers had in mind no matter what any corrupted law student/politico might twist it to mean.

Globalism sounds good on paper--much like democracy, communism, and socialism does--what do you think of it? Globalism that is.

And, to stay on topic: What do you make of historical, non-Nazi-based, non-black-ops accounts of the UFO phenomenon? Plus: Do I remember you critiquing remote viewing, btw?

edit on 26-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by ultimafule

ALIENS as a name is absolutely true. I see lots of people are attracted by the theories of Jacques Vallee and similar but you all do know, this is as much speculation as anything else.

IF there are beings who are able to change the frequency at which their atoms and particles smaller than the atom vibrate and the particles of their ships, and as such dematerialize or go outside the spectrum of visibility, appear and disappear, that does NOT make them any less alien.

How would one call a being that is from another universe bubble or plain of frequency, another planet and galaxy? It would still be ALIEN, anything outside planet Earth - no matter if another galaxy or also another universe plain, that still makes them ALIENS.

So far ALIENs is used as a name to represent another planet outside the Earth, the fact is - another planet in another universe still makes them alien.

So I don't know why people are scared to talk about Aliens when talking about such beings. Demons and Angels is not a way to describe something that comes out of this world, this is religious words and the idea they represent is completely different - as some satanic monsters from a burning world called Hell. No, this is not right.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by ultimafule

I think you have limited you options too much...

This makes much more sense than flying a ship millions of light years...

Aliens crafts do no automatically imply that sort of origin, if anything it should be one of the remotest hypothesis (if we discard specific causality, things like... they came because we where here, that only leads to discussions about how did they know we where here and even more complex sequence of logical steps, even about cost/benefit considerations about it).
edit on 26-9-2013 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by maquino

: "Ancient Egypt and the Original Priesthood of Set". Originally Set was a beneficent stellar god who had nothing to do with evil [or the later death-worshipping Osirian cult which misrepresenting him as an evil antagonist to Osiris, Isis, and Horus (who was also revised into their "son")]. The Temple of Set has no interest in the Osirian corruptions, and reveres Set in his original, true identity.

As for the original 1966-75 Church of Satan, its concept of that being was also quite different from the evil monster of Judæo-Christian superstition. Download and read my historical work The Church of Satan and see for yourself.

I had a read of your work and it's an entirely crank interpretation of the Cult of Set from start to finish, which i'm sure is of little consequence as long as there are those to be found dumb enough to be taken in by it, all just a facade.

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