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Something big to happen Sep. 13th

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 12:13 PM
Something bad will happen within the next few days... I AM CERTAIN OF IT (along with several highly qualified, important people).

Some good stuff will happen as well, but the majority of stuff will only have relevance to a few and will just seem like noise and biz as usual to everyone else.

Some people's world will end when a loved one dies, some will lose everything in a fire or flood, some will lose a job and will watch their family do without the basic necessities of life, etc.

Not to be too snarky... but really, let's try to focus more on making this flawed world better a little at a time for the people in one's general area.

Edit: Not to say that solid info about earth-shaking events wouldn't be appreciated, like huge troop movements, mad evacuation of certain sensitive offices, big-wigs all taking unplanned vacations, etc. That info is actionable! Vague unease is the human condition, though.

edit on 9/11/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Revelation 17:8
Refered to seven kings, five has gone one is and not (not died) and when the seventh come he'll last a short time and then the eighth arrives he'll be one of the seven (short version).

If you consider about the resignation of the last pope, Could he'll be the eighth king?

Stay alert to Francis

BDW "Francisco I" He take this name not about Francisco de Asis but "Francisco Javier" one of the Jesuist founders.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Silicis n Volvo

Nations say many things for news service, propaganda and at the UN. Realistically as a rule of thumb saying you "oppose war" is what every nation does... while planning for it.

Do you follow Chinese news? Here are some recent headlines

(Reuters) - Chinese state media on Monday blamed Syrian opposition forces in unusually specific finger pointing for training Muslim extremists responsible for the deadliest unrest in four years in China's far-western region of Xinjiang.

An official Chinese newspaper said fighters from the ethnic Turkish Uighur minority were recruited to join Sunni rebels in Syria. The Global Times, based in Beijing, said at least two separatist groups linked to Al Qaida were coordinating the trip from China to Syria. “After receiving orders from Al Qaida, terrorists from China came to Syria to meet with jihadists already on the ground before forming groups on the front lines,” an unidentified Chinese official told the newspaper on Oct. 29.

Now at face value, it would seem that the US and Nato is supporting one side and Russia and China the other.

Realistically however, Russia has Islamic issues in Chechnya, China has Islamic issues on it's Western front, And well we have them too...

So here you have the 5 members of the UN security council taking various sides in the region, all share a common interest in the regions Oil, all share a common interest in keeping Islamic fundamentalism under control.

What I ask is "IS THIS WAR REAL"

No I don't expect China to turn on Russia either in all reality. I'm just posting above what "any sensible military siding from China would be in a US vs Russia scenario" sides in some muslim conflict? very contrived if you ask me, war is about "WHAT I GET" in exchange for this action. Realistically China would gain nothing from war with the USA and loose much, however siding with the USA the land grab would be immense and a victory much easier.

Therefore, I must conclude.... this is all contrived, much deeper than some silly rebel training which for all intents and purposes be crushed by china in weeks if they choose, really ask yourself what goes on anywhere in China, China doesn't know about... the simple answer is nothing, if there wasn't some collusion to allow the rebel training while turning a blind eye as a pretext for this standoff with the USA.


Why such a big deception?

The answer is in front of our faces if we look outside the box...

NWO, the five nations that run the UN security council are to a degree in cahoots, the "war" is with Islam in general, the oil is to be "assured" of always reaching the East. Religious govt in general is what is under attack.

Am I the only one here that feels... this Putin Obama thing looks like "acting" the intense stare momentary the rest rather friendly?


Every single nation on the road between China and Europe is NOW OCCUPIED by one nation or another sitting atop the UN

China will shortly have "Boots on the ground" in Syria, on paper the whole thing is division, but realistically the entire Middle East has been invaded by the nations controlling the UN security council.

Was it not Kissinger who said "The people would ASK for the intervention"

Good cop bad cop, in Eastern Europe US was good cop in the ME now Russia and China.... Meanwhile bit by bit Nations around the world LET IN one side or the other by ASKING.

Riddle me this... while this all goes on, The EU, Russia, China, America all move to a global system of socialist/capitalist values... if you side with the west, you have lessening freedoms, more socialism, if you sided with the East more Capitalism etc... in reality, all five members (the EU represented by France and UK) are economically and politically coming to an almost identical global system and hence inevitably anyone under any side will reach the same place.

Let's say war breaks out...

Who really suffers? Syrians... Iraqis, Iranians etc, etc et al, maybe it doesn't matter who wins? So long as, the powder keg is dissolved, the male death toll in "the region" is massive, Israel is gone, Tehran is gone and ANY member of the UN security council in charge of the rubble when said and done is the actual goal.

I have proposed that... The USA is supposed to loose this fight

Look at Russia, Europe is unified isn't it? The big bad bully of Russia led to an open invitation for western intervention across Europe, the wall fell, The Soviet Union collapsed... Did it?

Did the streets run red with blood? OR did Russia having played it's part get 20 years for infrastructure?

Maybe in massive debt, having used our technology (conveniently shared with Russia and supposedly pirated by China) to soften the entire region (maybe with a last super blow of destruction) maybe it's our turn having done our bit to "recuperate" with no actual or little harm done stateside...

Chinese boots as far west as Syria... without a shot fired? Convenience if your real agenda is a global order and the root is the UN

And they are ASKING to be "invaded" in this manner aren't they?

1000 Chinese marines?

To in the end protect what? Particularly IF this all turns hot... the hundreds of thousands of workers who will come to do cleanup duty and never leave?

Every Nation in the ME has UN security council member boots on the ground now, the regions people are scared, if it goes HOT the only result of Nation and culture will be the loss there of for the nations who's soil it is actually fought on.

Is this not the globalists real goal? Surely the US can not physically "occupy" the area... but China demographically surely can.

edit on 11-9-2013 by penninja because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

well,i guess ONLY the POPE & the POPE alone,knows why he first i thought it was "strange"..but,i thought,well popes do not,i believed him.,but i guess there will ALWAYS be someone who thinks somebody ALWAYS has an ulterior motive for

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:34 PM

reply to post by darkbake

Revelation 17:8
Refered to seven kings, five has gone one is and not (not died) and when the seventh come he'll last a short time and then the eighth arrives he'll be one of the seven (short version).

If you consider about the resignation of the last pope, Could he'll be the eighth king?

Stay alert to Francis

BDW "Francisco I" He take this name not about Francisco de Asis but "Francisco Javier" one of the Jesuist founders.

Well if we are talking about Seven Kings, how come seven? I do admit that the seventh lasting a short time and the eighth coming in to replace him is interesting?

I personally like Pope Francis, although he could be the last pope, I don't see him being an enemy of humanity.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by aries58

God telling him to probably means it was his intuition at work in layman's terms. Being the pope, he may have been educated enough in prophecy and church history to notice something and connect the dots, although it would have been complicated, if not impossible, to explain.

I'm pretty sure he has a good reason, whatever it is, and by good reason I mean it is definitely a sign of something and will probably become obvious at some point in the future.

The Catholic Church has access to a lot of different texts and such, and they have to maintain canon, being the official church - the others are spin-offs.
edit on 11-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by darkbake

That's what is confusing about Benedict's comments, he said that he had a mystical experience. Now the question is does a strong intuition make for a mystical experience?

For example, I had a strong intuition to write this thread, but I would absolutely not classify it as a mystical experience.
edit on 11-9-2013 by jaws1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by penninja

ok. I dont know enough to argue against that
you explained it well and I cant help but agree

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by jaws1975

That is a good point, actually thanks for that, I did not know he had a mystical experience... I think your intuition was legitimate, a mystical experience is an entirely new realm of legitimacy, however.

What I want to know is:
How do I protect myself spiritually in the coming times? Which are pretty much here already. I can feel it.
edit on 12-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by jaws1975

How did you come up with September 13th? Six months from when Pope Benedict resigned, right? How did you come up with the six months? Where did you get the Seven Kings from? Were the last seven popes significant?

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Revelation 17

Aramaic Bible in Plain English

8.- “The Beast which you saw, existed and is not, and is about to come up from the Sea, and is going to destruction.
And the inhabitants on Earth will marvel, whose names are not written in The Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see The Beast which was, and is not, and is approaching.”

9.- “Here is the meaning for one having wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains, upon which The Woman sits.”

Seven hills (mountains) ROME where the woman (the whore) "the church"

10.- “And there are seven Kings; five have fallen and one is, and there is another not yet come, and when he comes, a little remaining time is given to him.”

The seven kings (from the Lateran's treatise)
Pius XII, Joanis XXIII, Paulo VI, Joanes Paulo I, Joanes Paulo II, Benedictus XVI, Francescus I ...

First five have fallen
Pius XII, Joanis XXIII, Paulo VI, Joanes Paulo I, Joanes Paulo II

and one is
Benedictus XVI

and there is another not yet come, and when he comes, a little remaining time is given to him.
Francescus I

11.- “And The Dragon, and The Beast which it brought and is not, also is the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to destruction.”

Benedictus XVI

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by darkbake

To your first question about spirituality, my perspective isn't looking at what's to come as a doomsday scenario. I feel like we have to hold on to truth and love, and let the matrix of lies disintegrate. It may be bumpy for a bit, but ultimately we will be set free.

As far as the date goes, all I can say is after meditating and contemplation, the idea of my op hit me. Not sure why, cause I hadn't been thinking about the subject. The date was something that I saw in my minds eye at the time. I know I have set myself up for ridicule if the day comes and goes, but it wasn't meant to be a hard date like 12/21/12. I apologize if the thread title is misleading because of it's specificity, I tried to open up the date range a bit in the op.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by penninja

I agree with you, penninja - the US is set up to loose - the USA has to be destroyed, and the politicians (both dems and repubs) are on board with this.

NWO - one currency, one "religion" that will not be christian/jewish/islamic.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by darkbake
Look and see what this pope is doing - there was an article today where he says "don't worry if you're an atheist, you don't have to believe in God to go to heaven"

This is supposedly the world leader of a christian religion - He's about to go all pagan on us and lead the one world religion - which will be based on "mother earth - Gia".

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Happy1

I thought that was a very curious statement by the pope, just adds to the list of strange things going on right now.

Do you think that the one world religion is a good thing?

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

No - I don't think forcing anything on people is a good thing. But, like everything to do with the NWO, it will "look good" to everyone who isn't clued in - and then it will turn very ugly, in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:34 PM


Originally posted by trinityalways
reply to post by jaws1975

S & F Sept is a huge month for a lot things coming to pass for sure! I would try and explain but most will just shoot me down and I have more pressing matters to tend too..


been shot down all my life .. and some still fear that I'm still here..

even on this forum .. *grin*..

take a shot.. I'd like to hear .. don't live in fear what others say.. the truth WILL win

Outgoing DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano Warns of ‘Serious’ Cyber Attack, Unprecedented Natural Disaster Aug 27th 2013
Moon (3o degees) and Sun out of their natural orbit

NASA sends rocket to the moon Sept 7th 2013
America’s LARGEST ROCKET LAUNCHED AUG 28TH 2013 CARRIES A SINGLE SATALITE INTO POLAR ORBIT!! Why the huge amount of rockets..hummmm

Damascus will be destroyed in one night. Isaiah 17:1 & Jerusalem people he will destroy it because of its corruption Matt 27:3-10 also Luke 9:28 is parallel with this event. Also the Dead Sea scrolls # 8 is in parallel with this also.

Earthquake vid 9.7 california prediction Oct 3rd

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:58 PM
Three days ago I had a dream, that North Carolina was atacked with a nucular bomb. The dream was very vivid, and it was this month. I'm no prophet, and don't want to be. So whats my point? I think all of us can hear and see things we can't explain. Some do see the truth, some don't, but when one shares what he believes to be the truth thier is a better chance than not he will be wrong. True prophets are right ALL the time and are hard to find. Thanks for the read.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:19 PM
is this not like the same thing with 2012? remember how everyone was talking about something big happening on that date? how peculiar that you cannot find those people any more...

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by jaws1975

well today is the day!

I hope nothing happens im going to London for the first time ever tomorrow!

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