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Something big to happen Sep. 13th

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posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:40 PM
What if we are in the end times? We can all feel that we are on the precipice of something big, and the high strangeness of the last couple of weeks in politics has only strengthened that feeling. A lot of people are confused as to why this attack on Syria is such a priority. It seems like the president and many other high level politicians are willing to throw away all the political capitol they have spent decades cultivating, for something that is hugely unpopular on both sides of the political line. Why is that, and why now?

Well I think the answer to this question may lie with none other than the Pope. Why the Pope you ask, well do you remember how strange it was when Pope Benedict resigned, didn't you find yourself asking what the heck this is all about? There is confusion as to why Pope Benedict was resigning, originally saying it was because of his advanced age.

Pope Benedict -- who turns 86 in April -- said he had come to the certainty "that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry."

Six months later he apparently tells a different story as to why he resigned.

Breaking his silence for the first time since he became the first pope to step down in 600 years, the 86-year-old reportedly said: "God told me to" when asked what had pushed him to retire to a secluded residence in the Vatican gardens.

The question is why didn't he say what the real reason was all along, was he was compelled to do so by unknown forces?

All of this brings us to the point of the op, What if there is a supernatural force "God", who gave the Pope and the Global Elite an ultimatum to right the ship, or in just six months time it would be handled for them. Maybe the Vatican decided to comply, but the Global Elite did not. It has been very interesting to see Pope Francis and how much effort he has made to change his church, even putting his own safety on the line to do so. The Global Elite on the other hand have double downed on their treachery and destructive ways. I believe this could be the reason they are so desperate to start this WW3 scenario, it's their last push to shift the balance of good and evil in their favor(not that it actually would).

I chose Sep.13th as the date of this event only because it is six months to the day from when Pope Francis was elected. Obviously there is lot of speculation with this prediction, and as such the specific date isn't exact. I think the general time frame is solid, I have also been hearing a lot about the beginning of October as well. Now remember the reason I am thinking about this date range is because of Obama's persistence to push forward come hell or high water. Sep. 13th is also four days after Congress reconvenes, depending on the time it takes them to vote on a Syrian resolution, the 13th might be the day that Obama acts on his own.

The world has woken up collectively over the insistence to invade Syria, maybe that is what was needed to have a supernatural intervention. We can now collectively see the dark forces at work, on a scale that history has never seen.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:45 PM
Well it is Friday 13th so any friggatriskaidekaphobics may well agree with you. I certainly think the world is on the brink of a serious international crisis, but I can't see the Pope having much influence at all these days.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by twfau

It's important to remember the Vatican's intricate relationship with the Illuminati, and their historical use of evil for power and profits. That's why they matter.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
What if we are in the end times? We can all feel that we are on the precipice of something big, and the high strangeness of the last couple of weeks in politics has only strengthened that feeling. A lot of people are confused as to why this attack on Syria is such a priority. It seems like the president and many other high level politicians are willing to throw away all the political capitol they have spent decades cultivating, for something that is hugely unpopular on both sides of the political line. Why is that, and why now?

Well I think the answer to this question may lie with none other than the Pope. Why the Pope you ask, well do you remember how strange it was when Pope Benedict resigned, didn't you find yourself asking what the heck this is all about? There is confusion as to why Pope Benedict was resigning, originally saying it was because of his advanced age.

Pope Benedict -- who turns 86 in April -- said he had come to the certainty "that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry."

Six months later he apparently tells a different story as to why he resigned.

Breaking his silence for the first time since he became the first pope to step down in 600 years, the 86-year-old reportedly said: "God told me to" when asked what had pushed him to retire to a secluded residence in the Vatican gardens.

The question is why didn't he say what the real reason was all along, was he was compelled to do so by unknown forces?

All of this brings us to the point of the op, What if there is a supernatural force "God", who gave the Pope and the Global Elite an ultimatum to right the ship, or in just six months time it would be handled for them. Maybe the Vatican decided to comply, but the Global Elite did not. It has been very interesting to see Pope Francis and how much effort he has made to change his church, even putting his own safety on the line to do so. The Global Elite on the other hand have double downed on their treachery and destructive ways. I believe this could be the reason they are so desperate to start this WW3 scenario, it's their last push to shift the balance of good and evil in their favor(not that it actually would).

I chose Sep.13th as the date of this event only because it is six months to the day from when Pope Francis was elected. Obviously there is lot of speculation with this prediction, and as such the specific date isn't exact. I think the general time frame is solid, I have also been hearing a lot about the beginning of October as well. Now remember the reason I am thinking about this date range is because of Obama's persistence to push forward come hell or high water. Sep. 13th is also four days after Congress reconvenes, depending on the time it takes them to vote on a Syrian resolution, the 13th might be the day that Obama acts on his own.

The world has woken up collectively over the insistence to invade Syria, maybe that is what was needed to have a supernatural intervention. We can now collectively see the dark forces at work, on a scale that history has never seen.

thoughtful post, J

yes you may be right.... - if the vatican knows so much, it certainly knows that something s up - and Benedict just May have had enough conscience left, as to not wanting to be part of what is coming
......lets hope it went like that.

yes i agree with the hostile takeover , as you described, of That other power
- besides, the vatican knóws she is about to be vanished
since she is the 'king of the north', destroyed from within by 3 powers

perhaps sept 13...... - perhaps sept 19, Trumpets

thanks for the OP

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
What if we are in the end times? We can all feel that we are on the precipice of something big, and the high strangeness of the last couple of weeks in politics has only strengthened that feeling. A lot of people are confused as to why this attack on Syria is such a priority. It seems like the president and many other high level politicians are willing to throw away all the political capitol they have spent decades cultivating, for something that is hugely unpopular on both sides of the political line. Why is that, and why now?

Why NOT now? You chose a single event that is popular in the mas media and made that the focal point of your prediction?

What about some months back and the Boston bombing? Or a few years back and Iraq? Or Afghanistan? Or Iraq again? Or 7/7 ? Or 9/11? Or Korea? Or WW2? Or WW1?

Why are you singling out this one, very transient event and deciding THAT is some indication of something "big"? This sort of thing happens ALL THE TIME. Syria, is nothing new. It's not an indication of something big - it's just yet another sad story that plagues an immature, uncivilised portion of the world - hell, ALL of us in the world for that matter.

Just because Syria is the current flavour of the month is no indication of something around the corner. You only feel that way because it sits on your mind, I assume, and you're trying to make sense of it.

But nothing "big" is coming. Syria, Israel, Iran or any of those draconian societies and their medieval methods of human governance are not an indication of something "Big". They've always been like that and they most likely will be for a long time to come.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by noonebutme

Two main reasons why.

1. The collective consciousness of the planet has never been so resolute against a war.(support for war in Iraq was 70%)

2. The ease of which a conflict could escalate up to Russia and China's direct involvement, ie thermo nuclear war.

ETA: Even the Vietnam war started with 61% support link
edit on 8-9-2013 by jaws1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

You're joking, right?
Russia and China will not intervene, they want Mid-East oils as bad as the US.
There will be no nuclear war, the same damage can be done with a fuel air bomb
Obama has lots of those in the arsenal and will probably use them to take out government troops

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Cynic

If they won't intervene then why does Russia and China both have warships in the region. You have no clue how easily this could go South.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

For show.
They will not attack.
Simply sabre rattling.
No news here, move on.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Cynic

Do you have some information to share that proves Russia won't get involved? Tell me when the last time US, Russian relations were so poor.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

The relations are not that poor. Russia still allows the US to have a supply route through Russia for the war in Afghanistan

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by jaws1975

In what way are they two different reasons?
If God says to you "You must resign because you are too old", that can be reported EITHER as "I resigned because I was too old" OR "I resigned because God told me to", but these are not two different reasons- just two different ways of describing the same reason.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by DISRAELI

The thing for me was the breaking of 600 years of precedent. Popes don't just quit on the job, they are usually elected when they are old, so being old is a non factor. Imo

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by ZeussusZ

The relations are poor, you don't call the US Secretary of state a liar if things are good.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 07:38 PM
This is why i love ATS...... Every month or so i see a new thread with a new prediction of doom! or significant events sometimes these predictions are very specific sometimes they are about as vague as Nostradamus but they always turn out to be Untrue....

Eventually one of these predictions will by nothing more than luck come true, when that day comes i will open myself a bottle of whiskey and celebrate the utter randomness of the universe......

however if your prediction does come true i will be the first to admit that you called it and i was wrong... i just hope the big thing that happens is santa comes early because i am honestly sick and tired of the bloodshed and violence in the world...

Until then i send you positive vibes

edit on 8-9-2013 by Ph03n1x because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
reply to post by noonebutme

Two main reasons why.

1. The collective consciousness of the planet has never been so resolute against a war.(support for war in Iraq was 70%)

2. The ease of which a conflict could escalate up to Russia and China's direct involvement, ie thermo nuclear war.

ETA: Even the Vietnam war started with 61% support link
edit on 8-9-2013 by jaws1975 because: (no reason given)

**cough, cough** World War I

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Tinkerpeach

We might not take the third secret of Fatima seriously, but I think the catholic Church does. In its Divine dogma, It was supposed to be released in 1960...but was delayed until 2000, but then only in a sanitized version. Perhaps that's the reason Ratzinger left it to a younger man.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by anonentity
reply to post by Tinkerpeach

We might not take the third secret of Fatima seriously, but I think the catholic Church does. In its Divine dogma, It was supposed to be released in 1960...but was delayed until 2000, but then only in a sanitized version. Perhaps that's the reason Ratzinger left it to a younger man.

An alleged sanitary version, the Vatican says it is the actual statement written down and given to them. People don't want to believe it because it basically shows the three secrets to be nothing of any consequence and were hoping for a divine ideology or prediction sent from God himself.

Instead they got the ramblings of a bunch of kids who probably saw a bunch of swamp gas and passed out from the fumes thinking that the divinity had touched them.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Tinkerpeach

Honestly, in my opinion the world was not at all as war weary then as they are now.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 09:49 PM
Well you could add to that the mystery of why the government has spent millions, maybe even trillions of dollars on survival items, then decide it can't afford the upkeep of the space telescopes, so they are going to shut them down at the same time they are expecting the largest, brightest comet in known history to pass us by in November.

I can't help but think about the movie "Melancholia".

There is so much happening in our tiny world right now, that you just can't keep track of it all. A friend of mine told me just last Friday that between the threat of war, with a quarter of the sun going dark, a Jupiter sized comet threatening to strike our planet, and all the craziness going on on our planet, he is afraid and not sure who our what to believe any more.

I told him as I will tell everyone; now is not the time for fear. Now is the time to be "smart". We have never been promised a tomorrow. Enjoy every second you are blessed to have received. Be every vigilant. Remain calm. Try to fill your days with goodness and light but prepare for the hurricane of the century.

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