posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 05:53 AM
Atiyah had volunteered to travel to Afghanistan to fight against its Soviet occupiers in the 1980s, while he was still a teenager.[8] He was reported
to have met and served under Osama bin Laden at that time. The Washington Post reported that another prominent Libyan exile, Noman Benotman, he was
sent to Algeria in the 1990s to serve as an envoy to a group they said was then known as the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). He told the Washington Post
that the GIA was suspicious of him, held him captive for months, and were considering killing him. He escaped with other captives, after five months
of captivity, and, according to Benotman, "He had a very bad experience, and I think is still having nightmares about it."
Al-Rahman was killed by a CIA drone on August 22, 2011.[9][10] Zawahiri confirmed the death of al-Rahman in a video on December 1, 2011.[11] Al-Rahman
was previously reported dead in October 2010.[12]
At present he is the president of Quillam Foundation in London. He has appeared on many TV channels as an expert in Terrorism and the Middle east,
more recently as the expert on the Arab Spring and its effects; despite working with Saif ul Islam Gaddafi to free his comrades from the notorious
prison named Abousleem. At the time of the start of the Libyan uprising, he was in Tripoli meeting with Saif Gaddafi with the supervision of the
British Government, calling some of the rebels 'Al Qaeda' operatives pointing to Mokhtar Belmokhtar as he had information during the Libyan uprising
that some Islamic hardcore militant had entered Libya, He was right at the end.
American Government is so corrupt it isn't funny I am really quite surprised "The Lightning from heaven" Barrack OBama hasn't started drone
striking Christian Schools.
Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Look up Hebrew Lightning from heaven or whatever is Barrak o~Bama
Put on the Armour of Light.