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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: qmantoo

based on the Siemens/Areva/U.S.military/NRC/Nuclear power industry/Japanese "government" and Tepco's obvious collusion and constant outright lying and characteristic obfuscation, I doubt ANY nuclear scientist or researchers feeding their families while getting paychecks from any entity controlled or funded by them is in any position to make ANY evidence or statement public that is (contrary) to, "'being a team player"...other wise the funding to feed the kids dries up.

perhaps we should include the world wide data base of the increase of infectious disease as an 'effect' indicator of a research project.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: TheWetCoast
a reply to: Silverlok
The SFP of Reactor #3 blew to pieces but the core did not. ...

That's how several stories ( floors) of thousands of tons of steel in the form of cranes , superstructure, and masonry got pulverized twisted and bent BELOW the pool ? Oh and that whole pesky thermal pattern that three respect to the 'core' and torus...
edit on 23-8-2014 by Silverlok because: because to is not the

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: wishes
It has become obvious constructive discussion in this thread (and the Japan forum generally) has become unproductive and a pain to try and get anywhere for obvious reasons. Instead of simply contributing information it has become such that everything posted that is non-supportive of anothers view is mocked, chided, told to get informed and overall - in my opinion - managed to kill them. The lack of contributors that once regularly participated and the pervasiveness of these 'anti' posts throughout this forum is a testament to this.

The search for truth and discovery is no longer allowed without being met with resistance and mockery every post of the way - is a much too immature and exhausting format to try and continue. Thank you to all you original contributors and those who hung in there for a couple years! I too am fading well into the background and will leave this forum for Tepco's unquestioning believers

It is naive to believe the governments and nuke industries are transparent and disclose 'truth'. They have managed to put most people to sleep and be dependent on them for literally our lives. It is easy to pick a side and only give credibility to those who lend their credentials to it, it is not so easy to make an effort to truly follow the information - wherever it leads. Except for a scant few independent researchers, we are dominated by what they want us to believe. Most people cannot even fathom the depth of their lies (normalcy bias) - is easier to believe what they say.

Fukushima is a catastrophe like no other - it takes the cake hands down and the Canadian and US governments are in on the cover-up. Of course they don't want people to know how bad it really is - that's why Tepco started crying about needing privacy for 'safety and security' reasons and of course there it is, all nicely bundled into their official, white-washed releases.

Thank goodness I'm not the only person who sees a real problem and sees through their cover-ups - I'm grateful for those of you here who also share the same conclusions even though we're in a teeny tiny minority.

Just for fun I leave with Harvey Wasserman's latest post which no doubt will be shredded because he too believes Fukushima, indeed, is a huge radioactive problem being denied and downplayed and totally lied about:

50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst from Fukushima

Fukushima’s missing melted cores and radioactive gushers continue to fester in secret.

Japan’s harsh dictatorial censorship has been matched by a global corporate media blackout aimed—successfully—at keeping Fukushima out of the public eye.

But that doesn’t keep the actual radiation out of our ecosystem, our markets … or our bodies.

Speculation on the ultimate impact ranges from the utterly harmless to the intensely apocalyptic .

But the basic reality is simple: for seven decades, government Bomb factories and privately-owned reactors have spewed massive quantities of unmonitored radiation into the biosphere.

The impacts of these emissions on human and ecological health are unknown primarily because the nuclear industry has resolutely refused to study them.

Indeed, the official presumption has always been that showing proof of damage from nuclear Bomb tests and commercial reactors falls to the victims, not the perpetrators.

And that in any case, the industry will be held virtually harmless.

Cheers! sometimes come true. there are stalwarts out there that know what they are doing ,and that doing is more than equal and opposite to the pathetic efforts to the trolls that have no other energy or effectiveness but to try and undermine this thread/meme and the undeniable science and information it contains....I ask you not for faith , but for courage and strength, be the change you want in the world , because this thread ( minus it's #bags/trolls/shills) already has been

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Silverlok

Just a note of thanks for all those continuing to document the most horrific and nearly eternal catastrophe of time. You have grateful readers.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: DancedWithWolves
a reply to: Silverlok

Just a note of thanks for all those continuing to document the most horrific and nearly eternal catastrophe of time. You have grateful readers.

I second that. Well done to all.


posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 10:11 AM

The real question remains: how much radiation is affecting every living thing on the planet, as the Jet Stream continues this worldwide dispersion each and every day?

The music’s over for the nuclear industry
. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima have savaged the myth of "too cheap to meter" and 'environmentally friendly' power, and the utilities are now forced to become de facto spent nuclear fuel storage sites, perhaps forever, as there is no permanent storage facility even being considered at this time after the Yucca Mountain $9 ($11?) Billion debacle.

Here'a a little-known follow-up to the USS Reagan Fukushima 'rescue fiasco' and subsequent filing of numerous sailors' lawsuits.

Hanford takes this fiasco a step further by implicating the military in nuclear skullduggery with the knowledge recently coming to light that hundreds of Navy reactors have been dumped at Hanford along with the contaminated equipment removed from the USS Ronald Reagan after the Fukushima contamination.

Despite its bloated defense budget, the Pentagon is continually misappropriating the fiscal resources of the DOE, which, by law, must dispose of nuclear-contaminated military hardware. Funds that could otherwise be allocated to replacing the storage tanks at Hanford are being spent on burying submarine reactors.

Aha! At last, the nuclear submarine graveyard has been unearthed. It appears Hanford, along with the continuing mess known as WIPP, have become 'substitute Yucca Mountains.'

Anybody want to hazard a guess as to where the 10,000 tons (annually) of high-level radioactive spent fuel from Navy nuclear assets are currently stored?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is facing a radioactive mess of waste, fraud and mismanagement at every level. Could it be that an end to nuclear tyranny is directly linked to the revival of genuine democracy?

And what happened to that $25-30 Billion Fund that we, the American taxpayers (and every energy user) have been paying every year for decades? You remember, the one to fund the 'final resting place' for the few hundred thousand tons of high-level waste right here in America?

A deadly sinister and cynical force within America’s political establishment, economic elite and scientific elect is desperately trying to prevent Americans from recovering this nation’s foundational values of civic duty, ethical responsibility and common sense. And those tentacles reach every aspect of our fragile society, including penetration of all social media...even here at ATS.

This travesty must be understood as to the possible ELE implications and dealt with immediately.

There are now two broad paths before us: the unsustainable nuclear train wreck that is currently forced upon us which will ultimately lead to disaster and the sustainable one we must strive for which can lead to life and prosperity for all in a nuclear-free world.

Unfortunately continuing government cover-ups, intelligence agency sabotage, nuclear industry greed, national media collusion and suppression, and malevolent special interest group agendas continue to exasperate existing problems and create new ones rather than provide solutions.

If permitted to continue unabated, the ultimate end game is a dead planet.

We must also strive for deeper insights into ourselves and each other, as well as the mutual recognition of our shared past, current mutual interests and common future. In so doing, we will be poised for a major leap in the evolution of humankind which will be used to literally save the world from the continued nightmare of nuclear energy.

The burden therefore falls on the shoulders of grass roots citizen activism to overcome these continuing nuclear crises. EARTH AID - The Concert to Save All Life On Earth is dedicated to the creation of an interactive worldwide multi-media event to raise awareness about the challenges and solutions associated with nuclear energy.

Expect us, as we are you.

Guess Who's_In_Charge_Of_Guarding_U.S._Nuclear_Power_&_Weapon_Sites

American supporters of Israel were delighted to learn that an Israeli company, Magal Security Systems, owned in part by the government of Israel, is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.

What this means is that the government of Israel will have control over the security of America’s nuclear weapons.

At the moment, Magal has four U.S.-based subsidiaries: two in California, Stellar Security Products, Inc. and Perimeter Products Inc., as well as the New York-based Smart Interactive Systems, Inc., and the Virginia-based Dominion Wireless, Inc.

Happy hunting, ATS Investigators!

BTW, do not confuse this company with the other Israeli security firm that Jim Stone contends that placed a mini-nuke in a 'gun camera'… all this also in PART ONE.

Peace Love Light
Liberty & Equality or Revolution

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: Purplechive
Making Sense Out of TEPCO Data


The purpose of collecting data is to turn it into useful information.

August 23, 2013 Unit 3 Temps:

August 23, 2014 Unit 3 Temps:

The "TE-2-3-69H1" RPV Vessel Wall Above Bottom Head -- (see diagram):

Appears to be almost entirely unchanged in temperature reading in one year comparison.

So what does this tell us?

- Purple Chive

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 02:12 PM
Howdy Folks...

Bitch and moan.

Re-post information and grievances.

Our collective, exemplary minds need to go beyond this.

So very grateful to all of you on this thread...a very erudite bunch of folks!! Please...let us start extrapolating a solution.

- Purple Chive

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Purplechive

Yes, solutions is the obvious direction to go and here the circle begins anew. Why is the nuke industry, Tepco and the Japanese government not screaming for all the most brilliant minds around the planet to come help solve this problem? Why are other governments not screaming at the nuke industry, Tepco and Japan to bring in international help?

What can us peons do about any of this but sit by and discuss its unfolding? While I have no doubt there are things going on behind the government scenes beyond our knowledge, what we do see for the most part is most governments turning a blind eye on this and simply upping acceptable radiation limits.

I don't understand nuclear energy - my simple mind says to bury it in zeolite and dirt and somehow plug whatever ways it is leaking into the ocean from below. My simple mind says instead of building an ice wall to stop fresh water flowing through and coming out contaminated to build a trench and redirect the water. Doing something, anything is better than doing nothing.... They've got thousands upon thousands of bags of contaminated soil stacked everywhere... why are they not 'buried' in a huge pit and covered? Why is the contaminated water not being pooled somewhere and mixed with dirt/zeolite instead of sitting in leaking barrels? Why aren't they making and erecting some kind of dome for the entire site? Oh yeah, I forgot - they think it's salvageable??? How stupid do they think we are? (redundant question, lol).

There is no explanation for not dealing with this other than letting it go on purpose. How are we supposed to deal with that?

Is great to hear from everyone and good to know you are all still hanging in here
Thank you all for your great and ongoing contributions!

edit on 28-8-2014 by wishes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 04:51 PM
actually when u dump that much waste into the Ocean,, that Flash event out in the Oceanmm followed by strange orange/red glow,, could have been a criticality event,,

if it was a blue flash,,,

well there is a lot of Hydrogen atoms around,,,

edit on 8/28/2014 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Silverlok
a reply to: qmantoo

based on the Siemens/Areva/U.S.military/NRC/Nuclear power industry/Japanese "government" and Tepco's obvious collusion and constant outright lying and characteristic obfuscation, I doubt ANY nuclear scientist or researchers feeding their families while getting paychecks from any entity controlled or funded by them is in any position to make ANY evidence or statement public that is (contrary) to, "'being a team player"...other wise the funding to feed the kids dries up.

perhaps we should include the world wide data base of the increase of infectious disease as an 'effect' indicator of a research project.

Yes, I tend to agree - anyone who relies on funding is easily controlled. Actually when it comes down to it most of us are easily controlled (and manipulated). I want/hope/look for 'good news' about Fukushima, but I want it to be real. And while it may be that radiation levels are low in more places than not currently (depending on where samples are taken), this has just begun in terms of it 'ending' and effects take time to show up.

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: wishes

well unfortunately there is that Ebola mutating more rapidly than expected,,, of course it is,, old work is based on now incorrect BACKGROUND radiation fig.
so,,,anyone good at math?

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 05:21 PM
The NRC's lack of a timely response on the nuclear dangers in California has become the impetus for an Associated Press report and now hearings. Fukushima would seem to suggest the fears are valid.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A senior federal nuclear expert is urging regulators to shut down California's last operating nuclear plant until they can determine whether the facility's twin reactors can withstand powerful shaking from any one of several nearby earthquake faults.

Michael Peck, who for five years was Diablo Canyon's lead on-site inspector, says in a 42-page, confidential report that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is not applying the safety rules it set out for the plant's operation.

The document, which was obtained and verified by The Associated Press, does not say the plant itself is unsafe. Instead, according to Peck's analysis, no one knows whether the facility's key equipment can withstand strong shaking from those faults — the potential for which was realized decades after the facility was built.

Continuing to run the reactors, Peck writes, "challenges the presumption of nuclear safety."

Peck's July 2013 filing is part of an agency review in which employees can appeal a supervisor's or agency ruling — a process that normally takes 60 to 120 days, but can be extended. The NRC, however, has not yet ruled. Spokeswoman Lara Uselding said in emails that the agency would have no comment on the document.

No comment isn't real reassuring coming from the NRC.

Following the AP report, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee announced it would hold hearings into how the NRC has handled Peck's recommendation. Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat who chairs the panel, said in a statement she's alarmed his report has lingered at the agency for a year. "The NRC's failure to act constitutes an abdication of its responsibility to protect public health and safety," she said.

The disaster preparedness of the world's nuclear plants came into sharp focus in 2011, when the coastal Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in Japan suffered multiple meltdowns after an earthquake and tsunami destroyed its power and cooling systems. The magnitude-9 earthquake was far larger than had been believed possible. The NRC has since directed U.S. nuclear plants to reevaluate seismic risks, and those studies are due by March 2015.


posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 05:21 PM
Deleting double post.

edit on 28-8-2014 by DancedWithWolves because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: BobAthome

Can you elaborate on what glow you are speaking of? In order to get a nuclear chain reaction you need an extremely pure moderator. Like crystalline graphite or very pure water or heavy water. Ocean water is no where near pure enough not only does it have sodium and chlorine ions in it but it also has a plethora of other dissolved mineral. Also the amount of fissile material needed or better yet the density of the fissile material is way more than you would find in the ocean. Think about dissolving a couple thousand kg ( and Im being generous, I'm still working on the numbers) in 17,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water. How concentrated is that solution going to be?

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: BGTM90

I believe he means the glow being discussed on ATS in this thread.

posted on Aug, 28 2014 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: BGTM90

based on an even flow or dispersion,, unfortunatetly there exists ocean currents,,im sure u have heard,,its an Elphant load , of wate every day, since it started,, even today,,,thats a lot of concentraded, not dispersed, waste,,

kind of like when they used too allow open sewers, into the Ocean,,didnt work after a while,,,

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: BobAthome

Ok. . . It could be 1,000,000 elephant loads of water per day. That figure has no meaning beside being volume of water. You need isotopic concentrations. I never understood why people use volumes of water leaked. It just distracts from the real issue of isotopic concentrations You could have 1 gallon of water with 1,000,000Bq or you could have 1,000,000 gallons with 1Bq. Lets dive into your criticality in the ocean theory though. You are right that radio-isotopes are not evenly dispersed in the Pacific thats why I used a number that was an order of magnitude smaller than the actual volume which is 1.7X10^17 gl but lets look at the ocean currents theory. You would need to some how manage to concentrate fissile material into critical mass. Critical mass by the way is 19 g/cm^3 for 239Pu and 20 g/cm^3 for 235U. That type of density is only possible in crystalline structures and has to be in a perfect sphere in order to have the correct geometry for a neutrons to be able to sustain a chain reaction. Now you could use a moderator such as water to slow the neutrons down so you don't need as high of a density or perfect geometry. But these moderators have to be extremely pure and can not contain large amounts of neutron absorbers. Chlorine is a pretty good neutron absorber. Basically its extremely difficult to get a nuclear chain reaction. You need to get all the variables right or it won't happen.
edit on 29-8-2014 by BGTM90 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:02 PM
Is anyone familiar with how often Tepco is making these images available? These are dated so perhaps I am just missing the 2014 handouts.

Unit 3

Is IR photography shared each time it is utilized?

Unit 2

edit on 29-8-2014 by DancedWithWolves because: fixed image

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: DancedWithWolves

Sorry I'm of no use with these things, hopefully someone else will jump in :-)

On another note.....
TV director to cover Fukushima thyroid cancer and nuclear industry “commit suicide”
Iwaji reporter “commit suicide” by 9/1/2014.

He was a TV director of a News program, Hodo station (TV Asahi). This 3/11, he covered thyroid cancer found among Fukushima children. He’s also known to have covered the dominant situation of regulators and manufacturers involved in the promotion of nuclear power called “Nuclear village” and also the actual situation of decontamination in Fukushima prefecture. None of the details are announced but the police only reports it was a suicide. Another Japanese journalist, Imanishi, who was a friend of Iwaji director wrote in his blog that they have just talked about the next project to do together, he cannot believe Iwaji commit suicide.
(Personally I'd wager his 'suicide' was .... 'assisted' ... for daring to talk about Fuku repercussions)

And like we don't know it's already 'bad' (understatement of the millennium)...
15 Billion Bq of Tritium flows to the Pacific every single day / Tepco under-reported 1/15 at press conference

15 Billion Bq of Tritium flows from Fukushima plant area to the sea every single day. Tepco reported it in the handout submitted to Fukushima fishery cooperative on 8/25/2014. In the press conference of the same day, Tepco announced it was 1 Billion Bq, which is 1/15 times much as the actual amount. It is not clear if Tepco tried to under-report it intentionally or not. Tritium cannot be removed by any of the purification systems of Tepco.
Yes, I'm surrrre their under-reporting was not intentional....

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