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reply to post by crankyoldman
you paint a very dire..but realistic picture here.
i have wondered about who is performing these acts myself.
and what about all the smashed and broken ones?
cant just Hoover them up into a bag.
...hehe...that; IS what they have been doing and now they have lots and lots of dirty, dirty diaper bags that will not disappear and no one wants.
edit on 14-9-2013 by Silverlok because: perception
This thought is truly horrifying. It is a well known fact that groundwater in many US cities has all manner of meds in it - many take prosac even if they don't want to. So it stands to reason these irradiated boys at the TEPCO fun park are taking home some nasty stuff and dumping it, literally, in their home area, water etc. I know some will say, "they have proper gear" but we've seen photos to suggest otherwise. They're burning radioactive material, creating an endless supply of radioactive water, and sending home radioactive particles with the guys who volunteer for duty and lying about it all. Yet none of it is illegal. Not getting a dog a license is illegal, but none of this is a crime.
We should turn this thread into, find a silver lining. First to find a silver lining gets 5000 ats points.
there is no silver lining
the only thing close is that the tough survive..but unfortunately radiation doesn't choose falls on the just and the unjust alike ( meaning the "elite" think they have a tech solution equal to immortality or radiation immunity ..and given the recent advances in tech they may have )
When the No. 4 reactor at the Oi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukui Prefecture goes offline on Sept. 15 for regular inspections, all nuclear reactors in Japan will have stopped operations for the second time since the May-July 2012 period.
Within the government's response to nuclear power over the past 14 months, we see a glaring lack of clarity within the prospects for the government's energy policy. Radioactive water accumulating on the premises of the tsunami-ravaged Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant demonstrates that the nuclear crisis is far from being brought under control.
It is obvious, therefore, that the government should place priority on responding to the nuclear disaster over reactivating idled reactors across the country. Keeping this fully in mind, it is important to take this opportunity to reconsider Japan's overall energy policy -- and put efforts into fundamentally reforming it.
We have insisted that nuclear power plants should be permanently done away with as early as possible, because we believe it is extremely risky to keep them operating in this quake-prone archipelago.
The situation in Fukushima has shown the type of serious disasters that such a nuclear plant accident can lead to. Considering the accumulating radioactive water, the decontamination of areas tainted by radioactive substances, and the situation of those who lost their homes, jobs and farmland, the costs of such an accident are intolerably huge.
There is also no prospect for deciding how to dispose of radioactive waste, which only keeps increasing as long as nuclear power stations remain in operation. Continuing to operate nuclear plants accomplishes nothing beyond leaving a heavy burden upon future generations.
Thousands of anti-nuclear demonstrators rallied in Tokyo on Sept. 14, a day before Kansai Electric Power Co. was scheduled to shut down operations at the only nuclear power plant now online.
An estimated 9,000 protesters called for an extension of conditions under which Japan is not dependent in the least on nuclear energy.
The No. 4 reactor of the Oi nuclear power plant is scheduled to go offline late on Sept. 15 for a regular inspection. That would mean that all 50 reactors in Japan are idle.
reply to post by autopat51
Yip, very serious!
The US People are very good in forgetting their own Responsibility!
There is not much to do in Fukushima but we can do a lot to prevent
the next Disaster!
In the US we have as far as i remember ca 200 running Reactors
and all of them are very, very old and fragile!
There is not much to do in Fukushima
reply to post by Wertwog
I said it already a few Times: try to fight me with Facts,
but your way is a bit Cheap, or better Sheep!
You are not in the position to exclude Member and you are not
in the Position to decide for other People what is Propaganda,
the best it you stay quite or add something to the Topic!
For me Rt is the cheapest form of Propaganda and Blogs
as well as People who use this so called "Alternative Media"
as their Main Source are "in danger" because this Perma-Fear
will eat you alive,
Aha Ha Ha Ha Ha!... Oh, man you just know it's just gotta be bad when tepco is calling PM. Abe a bull$#%@ter. lol
Tepco admits to reporting false radiation levels for nearly 2 years at Fukushima
"inaccurate measurements were taken "
Can they take any other kind?
"TEPCO says the error was due to the wrong assessment of the impact of radiation in the surrounding area."
in February last year, HAARP managed to induce a strange bullseye pattern in the night sky. Instead of the expected fuzzy, doughnut-shaped blob, surprising irregular luminescent bands radiated out from the centre of the bullseye, says Todd Pedersen, a research physicist at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in Massachusetts, who leads the team that ran the experiment at HAARP.
The team modelled how the energy sent skywards from the HAARP antenna array would trigger these odd shapes. They determined that the areas of the bullseye with strange light patterns were in regions of denser, partially ionized gas in the atmosphere, as measured by ground-based high-frequency radar used to track the ionosphere2.
The scientists believe that these dense patches of plasma could be gas that was ionized by the HAARP emissions. "This is the really exciting part — we've made a little artificial piece of ionosphere," Pedersen says.
Observations of HF-induced artificial optical emissions at the 3.6 MW HAARP facility show unexpected features not seen at the previous 960 kW level. Optical emissions often form a bright rayed ring near the 10% power contour surrounding a central disk with a sharp edge near the 50% power contour. Artificial bottomside layers in ionograms and positive perturbations in total electron content suggest that the bullseye optical patterns are associated with localized enhancements in plasma density below the main F layer. Ray tracing shows transmitter power concentrates in an annular structure consistent with the optical observations. Estimated ionization rates are well within the power available from the transmitter and agree well with the observed intensity of N2+ 427.8 nm emissions. We conclude that the optical bullseye patterns are a refraction phenomenon and an indicator of ionization production within the transmitter beam.
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) research physicists and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division, working at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitter facility, Gakona, Alaska, successfully produced a sustained high density plasma cloud in Earth's upper atmosphere. "Previous artificial plasma density clouds have lifetimes of only ten minutes or less," said Paul Bernhardt, Ph.D., NRL Space Use and Plasma Section. "This higher density plasma 'ball' was sustained over one hour by the HAARP transmissions and was extinguished only after termination of the HAARP radio beam."
Maybe they need to aim H.A.A.R.P. in or around Fukushima....if it would even help in the slightest. Or at least have it ready to flip the switch maybe? Hey, it at least makes as much sense to talk about as using disposable diapers to sop up this mess. Yes?
The following I found interesting…and makes you wonder how we could figure out more about this so called radiation “trapping mechanism.”
The LDEF satellite provided the unique opportunity to investigate long-term radiation exposure of spacecraft materials in the low-Earth orbit (LEO) environment. These experiments were subjected to the space environment, neutron and proton fluence, and half of one solar cycle, from solar minimum to solar maximum. Dosimetric measurements, radiation effects and astrophysics were studied in these experiments. The LDEF Ionizing Radiation Experiments have impacted the scope and extended the knowledge of cosmic-ray research, radiation dosimetry, induced radioactivity, and radiation environment modelling. Overall, there were thirteen ionizing radiation experiments that were located throughout various LDEF trays.
In addition to anomalous cosmic rays, experiment M0002-2 also studies low-energy heavy ions that are trapped in the inner radiation belt. The trapping mechanism for these particles is not understood.
NASA's Long Duration Exposure Facility, or LDEF, was a school bus-sized cylindrical space experiment facility designed to provide long-term data on the space environment and its effects on space systems, materials, spores, and operations.[1]
It successfully carried science and technology experiments for about 5.7 years, that have revealed a broad and detailed collection of space environmental data. The LDEF concept evolved from a spacecraft proposed by NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in 1970 to study the meteoroid environment, the Meteoroid and Exposure Module (MEM).[1]
Does anyone know anymore about this trapping mechanism and what forces are acting on the radioactive particles that make them form into belts?
One more for the road...
Can they damn upstream and divert the flow from the underground river? Can we stop the 1,000 tons per day of flow that is becoming radioactive groundwater running through Fukushima and straight into the ocean? That is one reason I think we really need intel on where those three melted cores are. Is that flow
cooling those cores? If not, wouldn't it make sense to shut that flow down, as the ground is already turning to soup? more...can we spray some type of foam padding under that #4 spent fuel pool so that if it shakes, rattles or rolls there is a flexible platform that can help hold it up?
Time to refill my glass. I know Fukushima has been a devastatingly hard subject for many, many people to discuss...I just want to say thanks to everyone for continuing to try to understand the problems and any and all solutions that are devised as everyone works together.
Cheers all....thanks for everyone's contributions to this thread!