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Japan declares 'nuclear emergency' after quake - PART 2

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by matadoor

The basements of all the buildings are full of highly radioactive water, so nothing or no one can get even close to where the cores are to take a pic, anything that tries isn't going to make it very far.

This vid shows the camera view, under water, within the TMI reactor. Don't tell me they cant video the Fuku cores, or at least the basement. Of course it will be pitch black down there, perhaps they haven't figured out how to get around that problem yet.

TMI-2 Clean-up Highlights Program

Was TMI a movie script?
It 'melted down' 12 months, to the second, after it was started up, just as predicted 14 months earlier.

Was Three Mile Island an accident?

And now they have called in one of the fraudsters from TMI to oversee Fuku operations. Nah, I'm not suspicious at all.
TEPCO invites U.S. nuclear expert to address Fukushima nuclear issue

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:30 PM
How about just releasing the photos and footage that make radiation VISIBLE they have had from day 1? Is anyone aware if this footage/images have ever been released? It is way past time.

Israeli firm’s cameras recording Japanese nuclear core

As the world continues to gaze with concern at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, hi-tech security cameras installed by an Israeli defense firm are recording events at the troubled core from an insider’s vantage point.

The Arava-based Magna BSP company, which specializes in producing and installing stereoscopic sensory and thermal imaging cameras, had been contracted to place cameras around one of the plant’s six cores – the core that has been experiencing explosions and overheating.

Speaking to The Jerusalem Post on Monday, Magna’s head, Haim Siboni, said the thermal cameras also had the ability to detect the presence of radioactive clouds in the air, but added that Magna had not been able to gain access to the images recorded by the cameras at this time.

“Because we are using these special cameras, we can also identify radioactive clouds, due to the spectrum that our cameras can sense,” Siboni said.

Although Magna is able to gain remote access to its computer system, which receives the cameras’ images, Siboni said his company had not yet been authorized to do so.

“We have not been allowed to take control remotely yet,” Siboni said.


This report is from March 15, 2011....

Roll that beautiful bean footage....

edit on 11-9-2013 by DancedWithWolves because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by GaryN

the first Camara who looked inside was in 1985 and the first Sample was taken a Year later

The Accident happened in 1979!

(6-7 Years and the Remove of the Fuel started 1985-86)

Wiki Source:
edit on 11-9-2013 by Human0815 because: clarification

edit on 11-9-2013 by Human0815 because: Remove but not Dismantling, Sorry!

edit on 11-9-2013 by Human0815 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Human0815

He said "So how come we have absolutely no images of inside of any of the reactors, or from the basement of the building? "

The videos shot from "inside" the reactors, when they were done, showed almost nothing useful, basically empty space. I've yet to see a single pic or video of the corium(s). And none of the pictures on the tepco link show what Gary asked for.

They can't take pictures in the basements any more, they are flooded with highly radioactive water.

So, no, your link does not answer his question.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by matadoor


Ah, so desu ka

From Chernobyl we saw nearly nothing until the fall of the Iron Curtain
and Of the Soviet Union,
i am nearly sure that i do not saw "the Elephants Foot" until a Report
afair from the German Television, in the middle of the Nineties!

Please ask yourself why we should Risk the Life of the Workers in Fukushima,
what is the Benefit of such a Action
and why should we satisfy the Voyeurism of a few People

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Human0815

In order to get a camera into the basement, they would need a radiation hardened submersible, equipped with cameras, and then tethered to someone who would be controlling it. I doubt that it could be wireless for several obvious reasons.

That person would need to be either no where near the steps or whatever entrance the unit would take going it, OR be inside a massively radiation proof structure.

Once all of these are in place, then they might be able to see what is in the basement.

I'm not aware of any case where anyone has ever had to do this before.

BUT, having said that, there have been several nuke accidents involving submarines, and I am sure that our navy most likely has exactly what is needed for this, it's just that everything is so top secret that they don't want anyone to know they have them.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:20 PM

reply to post by matadoor


Ah, so desu ka

From Chernobyl we saw nearly nothing until the fall of the Iron Curtain
and Of the Soviet Union,
i am nearly sure that i do not saw "the Elephants Foot" until a Report
afair from the German Television, in the middle of the Nineties!

Please ask yourself why we should Risk the Life of the Workers in Fukushima,
what is the Benefit of such a Action
and why should we satisfy the Voyeurism of a few People

I just re-read this post and am more angry than at any other time being on this thread.

"what is the Benefit of such a Action
and why should we satisfy the Voyeurism of a few People "

You have lost all of my respect, with that one line.

The entire PLANET is at stake here, this isn't some random request of a frivolous nature, like asking someone to secretly record their sister in the can, we NEED TO KNOW WHERE THE DAMNED CORES ARE.


You can not make this sound like there isn't a valid reason why we should not DEMAND these answers.

Tepco caused this disaster, let Tepco tell us where the cores are, by PROVING IT.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by matadoor

Not even 1.000 Days (916 Days) passed since that Day and we should not hurry!

I don't agree that Tepco caused this Accident, or let me say:
"Manslaughter- Yes but not Murderer"!

And we saw Pics from the Basement the Torus and the Inside as well.

Yes, Tepco is in plight to do the best and i am sure that the Workers there
do their best, to show the World Pictures of the Core is not that important,
much more important is that we get more Alps,
that we stabilize the Cooling and that we find Ways in how we handle
the Groundwater

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by DancedWithWolves

Tanks for that, wasn't aware of those cameras.


They can't take pictures in the basements any more, they are flooded with highly radioactive water.

Applications include:

Nuclear fuel pool
Reactor vessel
Tank and vessel
Manless entry in confined spaces
Steam headers
Sumps and manifolds
Snubber(s) and hanger(s)

I don't think there is any technical reason why we can't see exactly what is happening in there.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:08 PM


reply to post by matadoor


Ah, so desu ka

From Chernobyl we saw nearly nothing until the fall of the Iron Curtain
and Of the Soviet Union,
i am nearly sure that i do not saw "the Elephants Foot" until a Report
afair from the German Television, in the middle of the Nineties!

Please ask yourself why we should Risk the Life of the Workers in Fukushima,
what is the Benefit of such a Action
and why should we satisfy the Voyeurism of a few People

I just re-read this post and am more angry than at any other time being on this thread.

"what is the Benefit of such a Action
and why should we satisfy the Voyeurism of a few People "

You have lost all of my respect, with that one line.

The entire PLANET is at stake here, this isn't some random request of a frivolous nature, like asking someone to secretly record their sister in the can, we NEED TO KNOW WHERE THE DAMNED CORES ARE.


You can not make this sound like there isn't a valid reason why we should not DEMAND these answers.

Tepco caused this disaster, let Tepco tell us where the cores are, by PROVING IT.

You know that is rude.

1: The planet is not at stake at the moment, the radiation in sea water reaching around the pacific is not statistically that high, this has been gone over before.

2: WE NEED TO KNOW... what in hell are you going to do about it? Who is WE? Some one in here is in a position to offer up Billions to help if you were to see something you do not like? If there is a need to know basis that actually MAKES a difference to any of the rest of us please let me know.

3: He's right in his follow up, going too fast can make it all WORSE, accidents can happen, priority no 1 is to stop the leakage, not to look at anything, this is sort of a first, containment of a China syndrome, the no 1 priority is to stop escape of radiation, I don't think it makes a damned bit of difference to the planet IF this mess actually melts it's way into the planets core so long as you find a way to prevent leakage into our Biosphere, sealing the surrounding land and water tables and of course guarding against any kind of upward atmospheric release is what matters, your going off wanting to know where this is and that is when he is absolutely correct in course of action at the moment...

where is it... on it's way to the freakin planets core over god knows how many years most likely... there you know do you need a picture? Plan for the worst case scenario it can't be stopped contain the radiation first.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 06:11 PM
As many pages as have been written, some of this may be repetition but if someone still wonders why they can't just be "shut off" then it bears repeating. (It most certainly was NOT a dumb question)

Admittedly, I'm a layman but some of this can be put in easy to understand language. The MSM (imo) should be ashamed of how they've ignored and downplayed the whole situation. A woman at work asked me, "If it's as bad as you say, why aren't we hearing about it?" I gave her some links to video of the dairy farmer they call The Last Man in Fukushima Daiichi.

There are a lot of folks out there totally unaware of even the basic...

1. The term "Spent Fuel Rods" is an, imo, intentional misnomer. A spent rod is at its most radioactively dangerous and undependable when it is moved to the pool.

2. For reasons that escape me, the spent fuel pool is on the 4th floor.

3. The recent news coverage has given the impression problems have popped back up. The reality is that it has NEVER been returned to a controlled state.

4. The reactors are only a few feet about the water table. Makes me wonder what happens when the cores reach that depth.

Instead of spending so much time and money on Climate Change, I would have that Climate Death merited a unified, international response.

My gut feeling is that life as we've known it has already begun the process of changing forever.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:33 PM
Mods. I found my picture bank but "upload images" doesn't bring new pics in. What gives? The "preview" of our posts before we hit "reply" doesn't seem to work either.

From April 29th 013.
A map showing the water table pooched.

A great doc.

"Moreover, EPA’s leadership abandoned the historic model of a specialized public servant who seeks to fairly administer the law and has instead embraced a number of controversial tactics to advance a secretive agenda," the report said.

Gee, their wall is disolving. I wonder why? lol→-abandoned-data/

Looks like another early film of the building of fuk.

This is from April 5th, 013.
"Workers at Tokyo Electric Power Co. removed spent nuclear fuel housed in a common storage pool at the Fukushima power plant and moved it to a temporary storage depot on the plant site, TEPCO said April 4.

TEPCO said the spent fuel was moved to make room for more spent fuel assemblies during decommissioning work. The emptied space will receive fuel assemblies from the No. 1 through No. 4 reactors."

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:25 AM
Disinfo is most effective when agents use half-truths, vague truths, and contradictory evidence. There are folks who want to downplay, confuse and de-rail any discussion about FUKU. If they can get us bickering they win. If they can get people to believe it's not so bad, that brave folks are doing brave things to save us (shhhh, go to sleep, it'll be ok) they win because the game is your attention.

As for the workers, well "brave" Yakuza gang members recruited to shovel (unbenownest to them...right) hot dirt at FUKU for the equivalent of $2K per week because no one else will are attempting to do some good, maybe, but it's more likely these kids are too young to know what's good for them or don't care.

Those naive enough to believe that Tepco is doing ANYTHING but protecting their stockholders as long as possible simply needs to look at the duct-tape. Any real fixes, if the damn thing could have been "fixed" which it can't, wouldn't look like this. Believing the "offical" reports, or anything from Tepco is sticking your head up your &*@ in willful ignorance, but spreading their BS info as some kind of "truth" ... well you might as well slap a Tepco logo on your forehead.

Crime syndicate cashes in

No surprise the game is expiring, as it surely would, but that doesn't matter. We're over-ionized, and I guess that was the point!

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:33 AM
Want to post this from enenews (here) which appears to be a backup plan B if their Fuku Plan A does not work for some reason or if we find a way to mitigate the effects of it.

August 23, 2013 at 4:47 pm Log in to Reply

I found/posted a while back following article and it needs a repost:

Deep below the beds of Siberia's giant man- made Lake Karachai, a thick layer of highly radioactive salt in the underground water supply is leaching its way, slowly but surely, towards open rivers and ultimately the outside world.

Lake Karachai, in the Chelyabinsk region, has served as a dump for liquid radioactive waste formed by the Mayak Production Association. The Mayak facilities, located near the city of Chelyabinsk, was the largest production site for weapons grade plutonium in the Soviet Union during the Soviet era.

The 'plume' of salts, irradiated by decades of top secret Soviet era nuclear waste dumping at Lake Karachai in the southern Urals, is creeping its way through rock and soil at a speed of 80 metres a year. At present it is within 1.5 to 2 kilometers of the most dangerous zone.

Fed by a lake as radioactive as the cloud of debris that shadowed Europe after the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, if the plume reaches the River Techa and the Arctic, the effect on the precious eco- systems of Western Siberia and further afield could be devastating..

August 23, 2013 at 4:47 pm Log in to Reply

..Yuri Vishnevsky, head of Russia's nuclear inspectorate, Gosatomnadzor, warns that the build-up of radioactive waste under the lake threatens ''nuclear catastrophe on a global scale''.

He estimates that the five million cubic metre plume, 100 metres under the lakebed, also threatens the Siberian Tobol, Irtysh and Ob river systems.

''If the plume reaches this system, Western Siberia and the Arctic Ocean will be polluted with radioactive waste, triggering a global disaster within ten years, where international intervention may be required,'' Vishnevsky says. ''No technology is available now to keep the plume in place.'' http: //www.

Looks like a pincer movement from both top and bottom to me.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Wertwog

I found much more Disinformation from all the Pseudo-Blogs
than from any other Sources like Tepco
and i would be a bit careful with your PreJudice
because it could be that you use the whole Time a Source
that is at least a bit Strange,
the same is valid for Arnie, Busby and Caldicott,
the last two have dirty underpantsu for sure!

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Human0815

I found much more Disinformation from all the Pseudo-Blogs
than from any other Sources like Tepco

Human, I have returned to this thread after a long time gone. I find this post most disturbing.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have been here long enough to know the difference between the information presented on this "Pseudo-Blog" and the lies and disinformation "leaked" by Tepco. That has been this sites unfaltering course to carefully weed through the "emissions" from them. And I might add a good job done by many.

That you should make a statement like that in light of this makes your credibility highly suspect.

Please convince me and others this is an emotional response from others "critical" admonitions and not just more Disinformation. You are going to need more than "Pseudo-Evidence" to back it up.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 09:56 AM

Tepco Adviser Promoted Fukushima Water Dump to Ocean in Op-Ed

Irradiated water at Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501)’s Fukushima plant will probably have to be dumped into the ocean after contamination is brought to safe levels, an adviser to the company’s water management task force said.

The ocean release will be necessary because water can’t be stored in tanks indefinitely at the Dai-Ichi station after being used to cool the plant’s overheating reactor fuel, Lake Barrett, a former official with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, wrote in a Sept. 9 opinion piece posted on the website of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
The article by Barrett, who’ll be advising the utility known as Tepco on water management at the site, could offer clues to its strategy for handling the 338,000 metric tons of contaminated water stored in more than 1,000 tanks at the plant. That amount is increasing by about 400 tons a day.

“Spending billions and billions of yen on building tanks to try to capture almost every drop of water on the site is unsustainable, wasteful, and counterproductive,” Barrett wrote. “I see no realistic alternative to a program that cleans up water with improved processing systems so it meets very protective Japanese release standards and then, after public discussion, conducts an independently confirmed, controlled release to the sea.”

Bloomberg Source:

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by intrptr

Sumimasen o kudasai,
but i exclude ATS from this
because we collect mostly the Information only
and "do not create" Hoaxes, Hypes or/ and Disinformation!

But what read just in the last Month in the Pseudo-Blogosphere is crazy,
or better it is stupid.

Headlines like: "Fukushima Plant abandoned", "Core is boiling the Ocean"
or "Radiation killed 3.000 Babies" are the real Distraction and not a single
Poster with a different Opinion!
edit on 12-9-2013 by Human0815 because: spelling

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 10:17 AM
Guys and gals. You're wasting your time on H-815.
I figured him out over on the radiation watch thread [013] in March. [page 8] He had posted another one of his "Look how low the rads are here" videos, after months of not posting, with this caption....

"The Levels here in the West of Tokyo are nearly back to the normal, on the surface"
My response:
"So when they were high you didn't test or film? Some people look not to find it, I guess."

He never responded.
This person has boots on the ground and could have been invaluable in helping to get children evacuated from hot areas. He could have given tepco multiple black eyes and done some good in his homeland. Instead he sits around preaching the word of tepco handouts, as if they were gospel and waiting for levels to drop so he can film and report everything is fine. What's that tell you gang?

I see the mods have not answered my questions yet. Oh well, maybe they are trying to iron the bugs out of this new format.

"problem #2 in this process, getting the fuel out of Unit 4 is a top priority I have, but it’s not going to be easy. Tokyo Electric is portraying this as easy. In a normal nuclear reactor, all of this is done with computers. Everything gets pulled perfectly vertically. Well nothing is vertical anymore, the fuel racks are distorted, it’s all going to have to be done manually." dio
The full interview is here
I personally thanked Libbe for hammering the CDN food inspection idiots. They are taking Japan's word for the levels of the food coming to Canada instead of testing.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 10:29 AM

reply to post by DancedWithWolves

"Maintaining stable reactor cooling is really only relevant if the nuclear fuel is still in the reactor. It isn't."

This is so strange. The cores are gone, yet they still pour water into the reactors? What are they cooling? One has to wonder if they are not making more of a mess of the situation by doing this, if there is only remnants etc. and no cores?

If the cores are gone they are gone, there is no way anyone is going to climb down x number of feet and carrying them up, one at a time at any point before they hit their final destination. With no cores at all, and an admission this is the case, one has to wonder why they should not fill the whole thing up with concrete? Making endless amounts of radioactive water is insane, pouring it into the sea is criminal, doing this to save face cannot be described.

That about sums it up. Water tank farms are the sign they really have no plan beyond-- Pouring water into the "bottomless" reactor wells, pumping the rising water from basements into onsite "storage" tanks and building endless tank farms to contain that water.

I read or heard somewhere that they are at 90% of storage tank capacity for the site.

They wouldn't be storing it if it wasn't dangerous.

What do they do when they run out of space to store this water?

Oh, the whole-site bathtub wall theory.

Then that can fill up and run over, too.

Considering the half life of the new periodic chart soup bowl they got going there, their "plan" ought to see them through at least ten more years of "pseudo- containment".

Then they can build an elevator to space and pump the water into low earth orbit.

The cores are still there below the reactor wells. Having consumed most of their fissile fuel in the corium stage of melt down, the "elephants foot" mass of melted fuel though no longer molten, is still highly radioactive. Way to hot to approach directly.

I am not comparing the Chernobyl melt down to Fukushima in all aspects here, just the one part that shows the slug of solidified fuel in the depths of the reactor building and how dangerous it is to approach, let alone do anything about. I know respected, informed members are aware of this, just bringing it to show some who might need the information. At the end they mention 10,000 "R" per hour. Thats 10,00 times the lethal dose.

Has anyone else noticed YouTubes over the last few pages are "removed by user" (sorry about that) or "an error occurred in playback. Try again later"?

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