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The concept of Hell

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:59 PM

TextThe word Hell, Arabic Jahannam, is derived from the Arabic word Janna, which means paradise and the Hebrew Gahanna which means Garden
So hell is derived from the word Paradise. This means Hell is a corrupted paradise.

reply to post by Willtell

@ Willtell

Are you sure that you have a handle on your so called science? Hell was thought of centuries before your Muhammad or your newly founded religion of your science of understanding that which you have nothing substantial. The word Hell has nothing to do with Arabic originality. In fact the word hell and its meaning is derived from the Aramaic/Hebrew rendition of Gehenna which is in Sheol. It is the Greek rendition of the Hebrew origin.

Paradise was Gan Eden on this earth till it was taken from the Adamic seed and placed in the third heaven which is outside of this universe. Science believes that this universe is still expanding and that it is expanding into an unknown realm which the Hebrew bible calls the third heaven or celestial substance. This paradise is now located in the third heaven and in the kingdom of Heaven called New Jerusalem. Hell is still located in this earth in a realm called Sheol It is not related to your paradise whatsoever.

Your rendition of hell is about as far removed as is the author of this thread.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:04 AM


@ Laz
Reading your reply to cross is somewhat nonsensical and double talk at the best. Cross did not state that the lake of fire was hell. What he did say was that the lake of fire proves to him that there is pain and suffering at the end of this age. Another point to consider, that you have not revealed, is that if this entire universe is destroyed by fire, which is scriptural, then your so called grave will also be burned up. So either way (hell or grave) is a loser. By the way Laz, how do you get out of that grave or do you? And then what happens after you crawl out of that grave? Do you stand in mid air? The reason I ask is that the entire universe will be gone. Kapoot, nada. I have been waiting for you to finish your eternal message.

Seede, I was tired when I wrote to cross, but even so, your dismissive "...somewhat nonsensical and double talk at the best." is offensive. I'm even more tired of such.

The Scriptural basis of the cosmos being destroyed by fire is a bit thin - even for this Earth, the elements melting with fervent heat meaning the whole world is burned up, is a stretch, IMO. Anyway, my grave, and yours, being cast into the Lake of Fire covers the issue, and we will be long out of said graves by the time that happens. What happens then? Stand in mid air?? Read your Bible, it spells it all out, and no, the universe well be here, only to be replaced by a new one at some undetermined time.

To finish my eternal message, the millennium will end, we get access to the new heavens & the new earth, Jesus hands the Kingdom over to the Father, and God becomes All in all.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:31 AM
It doesn't make sense; it's not reasonable.

A person has70-80 years average on this earth. He does some bad things, even against the will of God. But he's punished for eternity for some things he did over a very short 75 years while in the flesh on earth?

It's not rational.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 10:26 AM

reply to post by freedom7

Is the literal fire and brimstone concept of Hell being an endless torture chamber for all of eternity valid?

The Bible does not state anywhere that man will burn in hell forever, this is brought on by the church to instill fear.

Can you address Matthew 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 10:29 AM

It doesn't make sense; it's not reasonable.

A person has70-80 years average on this earth. He does some bad things, even against the will of God. But he's punished for eternity for some things he did over a very short 75 years while in the flesh on earth?

It's not rational.

That's why we ask for forgiveness... God will forgive us if he have a repentant heart.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 11:15 AM

re: "That's why we ask for forgiveness..."

Would a person first have to believe that a supreme being exists? If the answer is yes, what is the person suppose to do since a person can't consciously CHOOSE to believe things?

edit on 16-9-2013 by rstrats because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 12:06 PM

It doesn't make sense; it's not reasonable.

A person has70-80 years average on this earth. He does some bad things, even against the will of God. But he's punished for eternity for some things he did over a very short 75 years while in the flesh on earth?

It's not rational.

That, sir, is one of the most telling arguments against Eternal Torment, aka Damnationism. If you read the Law God gave to Moses, one of the principles you will find in it is limited punishment. Civil punishments were not open-ended, but set, and criminal punishments were limited to death, not death + torture. Debt too, was limited to the period remaining until the next Jubilee, at which time all debts were wiped out and everyone who had been impelled to sell himself and/or his family into slavery, went home free and free of debt.

In like manner, when the Great Jubilee arrives (last trumpet) with the return of Jesus the Christ, we all go home free, and without debt (sin). Temporal sins in no way deserve eternal (open-ended) punishment, nor does God's Word, properly interpreted, say such. Even those who are thrown into the Lake of Fire (second death) do not stay there forever, for as the first death comes to an end, so does the second. We know this because Death and the Grave are both thrown into the Lake of Fire. Further, the last enemy to be overcome is Death, so that also tells us that the second death is not final. What is final is that God will become All in all, and that means that NO ONE can be dead and in Hell anymore.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 02:07 PM

Seede, I was tired when I wrote to cross, but even so, your dismissive "...somewhat nonsensical and double talk at the best." is offensive. I'm even more tired of such.

reply to post by Lazarus Short

@ Laz

What I wrote was the truth. You are trying to convince people that the bible is all wrong and that Lazarus Short is correct. I have pointed issue after issue and scriptural fact after fact of what is taught by the apostles of Jesus only to have almost all ignored by your nonsensical offensive attitude. You continue to insist that hell is the grave when hell is represented over 23 times in the NT alone and by 6 different Apostles. You insist that somehow the Apostles and the hundreds of bible scholars as well as translators who have agreed one with the other are dead wrong.

Showing you that the first Christians in the Jerusalem church were Hebrews and that the entire liturgy of that congregation were Aramaic/Hebrew with no Greek or Roman influence whatsoever. The Apostles and first congregation preached and taught in Aramaic/Hebrew and the word or your rendition of hell did not exist with the Christian concept of grave. Hell is a Greek concept which was introduced much later in the first century and the Hellenized Greeks had no influence in the first christian church of Hebrews whatsoever.

This is what offends me. That you insist that your rendition of death is being put in the ground and the spirit returning to someplace that you have no idea where it goes. You insist on not showing your entire concept of the after life and denigrating all authority of the Apostles of the bible except the few verses that you select to embolden your own concept of death. The Hebrew scriptures are numerous in showing that there is a underworld called Sheol and within that Sheol is a Gehenna where unworthy conscious spirits are imprisoned. You insist upon using the Greek to bolster your account when in fact you should be using the Aramaic/Hebrew concept of the true teachings of the Apostles and Christ Jesus. That is what offends me.

You teach others to believe your untrue rant that all spirits return to God upon death and that is 100% wrong according to Jesus' doctrine. A dead soul's spirit never loses consciousness and if unworthy of the kingdom of God, is contained in the underworld of Sheol. At that time it will never return to God. It has been judged and sentenced immediately after death and imprisoned till it is cast into the lake of fire. You can wish till your dead but that will never change the truth of the bible. You are skating on very thin ice and you don't realize it. So if I offend you then so be it. I would rather offend you than know that you have not entered the kingdom of God with your false teachings.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 02:29 PM
You have to go back beyond the Council of Nicea for the origins of our modern concept of Hell. Hell is a concept derived from the writings of Osirus as a fiery purgatory that evil ones go to after they die.

In the Council of Nicea under Constantine, the heads of the churches came together and decided on the divinity of Jesus Christ and the first concept of a fearsome and jealous God and Heaven and Hell were introduced. They also set aside many of the writings as unfit to be included in the historical document we call the Bible today.

Look into the Gospel of Thomas and other books that were tossed from the bible. There is much in them to explain many concepts we are still trying to wrap our minds around today. Some of that information fills in some huge gaps in our knowledge very neatly and explains a lot of interesting concepts that are largely fringe concepts still today.

Interesting stuff to research, those books written out of the bible. Have fun looking into it as it rocked my entire faith system and helped me to include many useful and interesting concepts into what I believe today.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:34 PM

reply to post by Lazarus Short

Quote "If you read the Law God gave to Moses, one of the principles you will find in it is limited punishment". Unquote

* You cannot show the punishments of the laws which God gave to Moses with out understanding the oral Torah and you will certainly not see oral Torah in the Hebrew bible that you have. There is a limit on punishment while the soul is alive but that does not apply to the conscious spirit that is in Gehenna. There you will find eternal damnation and discomfort till Gehenna (Greek rendition is called hell) is thrown into the lake of fire.

Quote "In like manner, when the Great Jubilee arrives (last trumpet) with the return of Jesus the Christ, we all go home free, and without debt (sin). Temporal sins in no way deserve eternal (open-ended) punishment, nor does God's Word, properly interpreted, say such. Even those who are thrown into the Lake of Fire (second death) do not stay there forever, for as the first death comes to an end, so does the second. We know this because Death and the Grave are both thrown into the Lake of Fire. Further, the last enemy to be overcome is Death, so that also tells us that the second death is not final. What is final is that God will become All in all, and that means that NO ONE can be dead and in Hell anymore". Unquote

* Temporal sin is a church concept and not taught by Jesus or the Christian Jerusalem church. Temporal sin requires a purgatory and that is not to be found in the true doctrine of Jesus. Death of the soul is a permanent effect and will never be repeated. Once the soul returns to its terrestrial elements it will never rise again from this earth. Gehenna (Greek rendition is hell ), is not a permanent prison for the unworthy spirits. It will eventually be thrown into the permanent place of the lake of fire. Once the spirit is thrown into the lake of fire it is forever the death of the spirit and will remain in the lake of fire forever. Just as the soul dies in this terrestrial world, so the spirit of that unworthy soul dies in the celestial world of the lake of fire. Both death and Gehenna (Greek rendition is hell ) will perish in the lake of fire. Naturally there will be no more death and there will be no more Gehenna. The manuscripts clearly state that this shall be forever and not temporal as you theorize.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:28 PM

Fear is a great method of control. There is absolutely no basis in reality or logic for a place like hell, and it is a conversion tactic to make people believe the unbelievable, period.

If you believe in a place like hell, you are afraid of the idea of going there. The only reason people believe Christian doctrine is because of the consequences that a place like hell brings. That's a fact.

You're one of many who say there is no logical place for Hell to exist, but Jesus portrays a logical afterlife which is the dead are placed nearer or farther from God by their disconnect from Him, Abraham being closer, across an unbridgeable divide, and those farther from Him suffer.

It is the absence of God which is life, death is Hell, they are one in the same. The second Death is annihilation all together.

When God forgets all iniquity, those who are sin will perish away.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:06 PM


Fear is a great method of control. There is absolutely no basis in reality or logic for a place like hell, and it is a conversion tactic to make people believe the unbelievable, period.

If you believe in a place like hell, you are afraid of the idea of going there. The only reason people believe Christian doctrine is because of the consequences that a place like hell brings. That's a fact.

You're one of many who say there is no logical place for Hell to exist, but Jesus portrays a logical afterlife which is the dead are placed nearer or farther from God by their disconnect from Him, Abraham being closer, across an unbridgeable divide, and those farther from Him suffer.

It is the absence of God which is life, death is Hell, they are one in the same. The second Death is annihilation all together.

When God forgets all iniquity, those who are sin will perish away.

What is this little, complicated game?...seemingly perpetrated by the Almighty, perfectly loving God, that begets his/her 'children', to then 'annihilate' them, his/her own progeny for 'disobedience' when the mandate of FREE WILL (as gift) is freely given, and then is 'time-stamped', compartmentalised (christian adherants would like to believe this was so - the feeling of self-importance is one of the 7 deadly sins, but let's bypass that) populated (with the mandatory arch-villans)...all wrapped up in neat box that can only be opened by not practicing FREE WILL?...this version of god sounds like the 'fair-weather' god...and in a dynamic that embraces the procedural nonsense of at least 2000 years of but One interpretation, it is the only thing that makes sense...and that would be a grand assumption...

Hell, and denizens (whatever fanciful name or terrible personality you could clothe them/it in) are real, by dent of FREE WILL is the creative principle in action...interpreting it backwards, one misses the feedback-loop corrections that would remove the extraneous turnoffs to macabre carnivals filled with fire and horned ringmasters...but, some seem to love circuses...and evil clowns...


posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by freedom7

I think hell is more of a consequence such as if you murder someone you can go to jail for life but the reason why the jail in the after life has to be so much harsher, is because this life is easier.
Think about this is not our land our air or water, we are taking these resources from the earth. Nothing actually belongs to us not even our kids or our parents, they all die and go to grave.
Since there is a creator of the heavens (dimensions), the sun , the earth, the water, food. He must have control of our lives and deaths. So if the most just deems a person too wicked who are we to say thats wrong especially if we know exactly what that person has done
For example lets say we This person who has control over peoples lives, basically like a president, tyrant, pm, w.e
This person is so full of himself that he orders executions on whim, spends the citizens taxes on his selfish desires, evict people and tear down homes and ultimately oppress them. If that person dies the way hes living i don't think that person is going to greeted pleasantly when he enters his or her grave.
Hell must exist to punish the oppressors and those who rebel against good. Ceasing to exist would be a blessing than to face what one sows.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 05:43 PM



Fear is a great method of control. There is absolutely no basis in reality or logic for a place like hell, and it is a conversion tactic to make people believe the unbelievable, period.

If you believe in a place like hell, you are afraid of the idea of going there. The only reason people believe Christian doctrine is because of the consequences that a place like hell brings. That's a fact.

You're one of many who say there is no logical place for Hell to exist, but Jesus portrays a logical afterlife which is the dead are placed nearer or farther from God by their disconnect from Him, Abraham being closer, across an unbridgeable divide, and those farther from Him suffer.

It is the absence of God which is life, death is Hell, they are one in the same. The second Death is annihilation all together.

When God forgets all iniquity, those who are sin will perish away.

What is this little, complicated game?...seemingly perpetrated by the Almighty, perfectly loving God, that begets his/her 'children', to then 'annihilate' them, his/her own progeny for 'disobedience' when the mandate of FREE WILL (as gift) is freely given, and then is 'time-stamped', compartmentalised (christian adherants would like to believe this was so - the feeling of self-importance is one of the 7 deadly sins, but let's bypass that) populated (with the mandatory arch-villans)...all wrapped up in neat box that can only be opened by not practicing FREE WILL?...this version of god sounds like the 'fair-weather' god...and in a dynamic that embraces the procedural nonsense of at least 2000 years of but One interpretation, it is the only thing that makes sense...and that would be a grand assumption...

Hell, and denizens (whatever fanciful name or terrible personality you could clothe them/it in) are real, by dent of FREE WILL is the creative principle in action...interpreting it backwards, one misses the feedback-loop corrections that would remove the extraneous turnoffs to macabre carnivals filled with fire and horned ringmasters...but, some seem to love circuses...and evil clowns...


Free will is not mentioned explicitly in the Bible, and is more complex, considering we obviously don't have "free will" because if we did we could do whatever we wanted to do. Laws of the Universe constrain our will at the very least.

I think, however, on the topic of Hell, it is interesting to note that Dante made the point (probably taken from some older scholar) that the outermost circle of Hell is where humans can go and have the ability to live however they want, whatever their minds can conceive, but they are limited to only their imaginative capabilities.

The point of this, is even mankind's paradise, whatever we can think of, pales in comparison to God's prepared home for all those who choose to reconcile their differences with Him.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:46 AM


reply to post by Lazarus Short

Quote "If you read the Law God gave to Moses, one of the principles you will find in it is limited punishment". Unquote

* You cannot show the punishments of the laws which God gave to Moses with out understanding the oral Torah and you will certainly not see oral Torah in the Hebrew bible that you have. There is a limit on punishment while the soul is alive but that does not apply to the conscious spirit that is in Gehenna. There you will find eternal damnation and discomfort till Gehenna (Greek rendition is called hell) is thrown into the lake of fire.

Quote "In like manner, when the Great Jubilee arrives (last trumpet) with the return of Jesus the Christ, we all go home free, and without debt (sin). Temporal sins in no way deserve eternal (open-ended) punishment, nor does God's Word, properly interpreted, say such. Even those who are thrown into the Lake of Fire (second death) do not stay there forever, for as the first death comes to an end, so does the second. We know this because Death and the Grave are both thrown into the Lake of Fire. Further, the last enemy to be overcome is Death, so that also tells us that the second death is not final. What is final is that God will become All in all, and that means that NO ONE can be dead and in Hell anymore". Unquote

* Temporal sin is a church concept and not taught by Jesus or the Christian Jerusalem church. Temporal sin requires a purgatory and that is not to be found in the true doctrine of Jesus. Death of the soul is a permanent effect and will never be repeated. Once the soul returns to its terrestrial elements it will never rise again from this earth. Gehenna (Greek rendition is hell ), is not a permanent prison for the unworthy spirits. It will eventually be thrown into the permanent place of the lake of fire. Once the spirit is thrown into the lake of fire it is forever the death of the spirit and will remain in the lake of fire forever. Just as the soul dies in this terrestrial world, so the spirit of that unworthy soul dies in the celestial world of the lake of fire. Both death and Gehenna (Greek rendition is hell ) will perish in the lake of fire. Naturally there will be no more death and there will be no more Gehenna. The manuscripts clearly state that this shall be forever and not temporal as you theorize.

Now, if you really think I am theorizing, consider that Death and the Grave (my take on it) are thrown into the Lake of Fire. We both seem to agree on that, at least on the Death part - Grave or Ghenna, it may not make a lot of difference. However, consider that if Death is thrown into the LoF, and there is no more Death, how then can souls/spirits still be dead? It makes no sense to me, and it seems to be the crux of the matter.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:37 AM
Research these terms used in the bible, once you figure out what they all mean then your understanding of the
concept of hell should be clearer, and this dogmatic teaching of Christendom should be clearer to you.

Lake of Fire

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 02:31 PM

Text From what I have researched, the concept of Hell as we know it today was never understood by the apostles around Jesus's time and shortly thereafter. In fact the word "Hell" from what I have read I actually translated as "Hades" Hades simply meant "death".
reply to post by freedom7

The concept of hell depends upon your belief. The Roman Catholics as well as some others believe that the soul (body) dies and the spirit is purged from sin by purgatory if their (church) requirements are met.

The era of the ministry of Jesus to His death was the era of transition from the old covenant to the new covenant. Under the old covenant (prior to the doctrine of Jesus) the Jews who believed in an afterlife, believed that all Jews (collectively) were held in Sheol which was the netherworld of this earth. Within this place called Sheol were several divisions of separation of bad spirits and good spirits. The good spirits were kept in Paradise called "Abraham's Bosom" while the bad spirits were kept in a separate place called Gehinnom ( Hell in Greek). Prior to this belief, all Hebrew souls were kept together in Sheol collectively.

Under the New Covenant of Christ Jesus we see a different aspect of containment of souls. As Jesus died, His death ushered in the establishment of the New Jerusalem (Spiritual City of God ). Within hours of His death He resurrected the righteous spirits from Abraham's Bosom into the Kingdom of Heaven (New Jerusalem). Resurrection simply meant that the ones in Abraham's Bosom were already judged and were allowed to enter the heavens of God into the City of New Jerusalem. Here they are allowed the celestial raiment as well as their new names written on a stone of purity. They eat and drink the fruit and water of life forever.

Those who remain in Gehinnom (Hell) are naked spirits which means that they are unclothed without the celestial garments and are waiting for the last day when they are cast into the lake of fire. Any spirit that is in Hell or Heaven are conscious spirits that have already been judged. Otherwise they would not be in either place. There are some rabbinic teachings that do believe that there are seven divisions of Hell and that purgatory is for one year of punishment and then the spirit is released to live without further punishment. This belief spilled over into the Catholic belief.


Text Ecclesiastes 9:5 ► For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

The above quote is understood, by me, as to say that: yes, the dead do not know anymore of this life simply because they are now in the celestial realm and yes they have no more reward or for that matter any more judgment from this life. Most of the dead are soon forgotten in this world by the living and that portion is true also. I do not read any more into this statement than what I believe is intended by the author. I do not believe that this pertains to a unconscious spirit or a sleeping soul. The spirit is never unconscious in death. The body is unconscious as a body but the spirit is judged and sentenced immediately after death. That is the difference between rabbinic philosophy and the doctrine of Jesus.


Text I believe in the bible, I believe in Jesus Christ as God and one may say I'm not credible if I don't believe in Hell but believe in Heaven- my response is that is a conditioned response and tradition to believe you cannot have one without the other. But God actually makes it clear when you read between the lines, that Hell is an eternal death/ annihilation- meaning once you die without repentance and acceptance of Christ you simply cease to be.

You are trying to rationalize God and that cannot be done. You say that you believe in the bible and then you say "but"-- There are no buts in the bible. You cannot pick and choose what you want the bible to say. You can not bargain with God and you cannot read between the lines.

Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Isa 66:24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

The new age concept of the Creator is that He is all love and would not punish people as the Prophets and Apostles have written. Not true at all. God is both hate and love and this is written throughout both the Hebrew and Greek bibles. If God was all love then He would not have a Hell or Gehinnom or even a need for Sheol or the grave. Jesus teaches Hell and He teaches His Kingdom of Heaven both. That is His doctrine and that doctrine is also His Father's doctrine.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:38 PM
Hell is the worst pain you have ever encountered forever. Its nothing to do with anyone else.

Best be nice and righteous.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by FreeMason

"Free will is not mentioned explicitly in the Bible, and is more complex, considering we obviously don't have "free will" because if we did we could do whatever we wanted to do. Laws of the Universe constrain our will at the very least. I think, however, on the topic of Hell, it is interesting to note that Dante made the point (probably taken from some older scholar) that the outermost circle of Hell is where humans can go and have the ability to live however they want, whatever their minds can conceive, but they are limited to only their imaginative capabilities. The point of this, is even mankind's paradise, whatever we can think of, pales in comparison to God's prepared home for all those who choose to reconcile their differences with Him." Quote FreeMason

Physical laws of the physical realms...but we are not, in esse, physical... will is actually quite a simple concept...but granted, layered with the amateur Icers hand, from a recipe book that (in your esteemed opinion) does not mention it specifically, the free will cake looks like it may have been done by a 3 YO...

Imagination, utilises free will to create places, things, situations...this is not exclusive of the realms of the non-physical...and the created domains are built upon by the thoughts of any who would subscribe to them...and they are given the opportunity to partake of that creation, according to the free will mandate...the limit of the imagination?

'All who reconcile thier differences with him'?

If you subscribe to the view that you did not choose to be born (as I pointed out in my original post), where is the love in subjecting 'your children' to a torment which could land you in a 'real' hell for, throw your child (who cannot swim) into a lake to fend for themselves, most probably dying in the process?...and let them die 'Swim dammit, swim!'...sounds like Love to me (not)...and a fairly convoluted process to achieve a result, brought to you by an Almighty mind?!


posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by freedom7

The Hell myth described

The Hell myth is something different than the Satan myth, but they (over time) became strong connected. The Hell myth initially has its origin from Tartarus and also became connected to the alien Hades. Later the alien court (The heavenly court) also became an important part of the Hell myth(s).

The best description of the “heavenly court” is found in the third book of Enoch (The Hebrew version). It pretty much describes an alien system of court that functioned almost exactly like our modern systems do today. This court had a Judge, an accuser (Samael), and a defender, and the handling of documents and evidence as well as saving records of the cases for later use seems to have been handled just like they handle cases today. The judges are described as being dressed in white capes, and they also wore large white wigs (like they do in English courts today). The court that is described in the book of Enoch was located and held aboard an alien spaceship or (spaceship -lander module), which in this time period was located in the alien earth base referred to as The garden of Eden, where it served as habitation and science station for the alien colonists at the time.

In this court alien criminals were either proven guilty (condemned to Hell) or proven not guilty (could remain in Paradise). According to myths , this court weighed their good deeds against their bad deeds and thus they were sentenced. This is of course not true , but that’s how myths later have been born out of this court. Egypt is a good example of this weighing of a persons deeds. They did this by weighing the hearth of the deceased. In reality the court of the alien was based on evidence just like to today.

However. Should an alien be found guilty , they were sentenced to jail or death. This happened in a underground or subterranean facility on the earth, controlled by the alien called Hades. The facility also functioned as a large laboratory and it was in this facility that all kind of experiments with organic life forms took place. In Sumerian texts it is controlled by Enki , and the facility are in these texts referred to as The Apsu. This facility thus became and important part in later hell myth(s).

But Hell had initially another meaning. Because one of the most severe punishment that an alien could receive from the alien court was to be condemned to live on Tartarus. (Cast down to Tartarus). Tartarus was the name the aliens used on the Earth. In the very early stages of Earth colonization, the surface of earth was probably pretty harsh. It probably looked very much like the surface of Mars , stoney , sandy ,desolated and hot, with lots of volcano activities and hot springs around. It doesn’t take much for an alien at that time to associate such conditions with some kind of living Hell, and a fate worse than death. As a large group of the Satan’s was the first to suffer such fate , the race of alien Satan’s thus became close connected to the hell myth.

In summary all these things eventually (and over time) gave birth to the hell myth that is still alive in our times. Christianity (AND other religions) has later sadly used this myth to scare and control people. One can always argue that such things are done for the better good (like Americans today defend their spy programs), but eventually such methods will always backfire. This is sad, as Christianity (in my view) is a religion that eventually adds to the good.

In order to describe Paradise , and the myths connected to it, i would have to come back later.

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