posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 12:48 AM
I guess, since I believe very much in personal freedom, I wouldn't say that polyamory should be illegal and perhaps people who participate in it
should be...either respected for the choice or at least it should be tolerated. Understand, I like most everyone (it's my nature) but I don't always
agree with people's choices lol
My personal view: throughout human evolution, humans have mated. If we ran around on each other and the bond between man and woman (both singular) did
not hold up, then we never would have survived. Man would work hard and risk his life to provide while woman would stay home and manage their gathered
resources and look after their young. This was an important bond, even from a spiritually-removed, scientific perspective, as it allowed families to
be raised to survive the challenges so that we could evolve into what we are today (and we still have much evolving to do!)
Of course, times change. It became common through much of the world (and still is in many places) for children to be picked for arranged marriages.
Such couples would be matched by whatever points their parents felt important (good genes, money, social standing, connections, etc.) From the ideals
of Chivalry, poets (Romantics) dreamed of an idea called True Love, and in ballads and folk tales honorable knights would have elicit affairs with
other women. The idea of True Love was born: choosing the partner you desired, not the one you were assigned. So you see, we evolved from: A.
Mating with 'whoever' and through pregnancy being forced to couple to survive at puberty to: B. A comparatively civilized system of arranged
marriage, to: C. The concept of True Love (marriage by choice.) One might argue that polyamory may be the next step, but I'll disagree with
for reasons below.
I am a Romantic and so, for me, polyamory would never work. I am the loyal, honorable type who enjoys a sacred bond to a special lady and I feel a
great comfort in that private union between two souls. I can see the obvious appeal of polyamory from a certain level, but just because one desires to
smash a rival's window or smack a loudmouth in the face doesn't mean that it's a good idea to carry it out. You might find yourself regretting it.
We as human beings are complex creatures with many different parts (or "millions of voices," some might say) and you must learn which to listen to
and which to ignore. “Stupid mistakes” have ruined good marriages, business partnerships, friendships, you name it. When trust and secrecy are
betrayed, there are usually consequences.
Through the evolution of animal mating to arranged marriage to True Love, one thing has remained: coupling. We naturally couple. It is what human
beings do, sexually. Some will always deviate from the norm and always have, but this doesn't change what is normal and healthy for most people.
I realized recently that it is in our human nature to explore, accomplish or serve some sense of greater purpose. When we don’t, the passion in the
heart turns to an empty void and the person feels “hollow” inside. What follows is usually either depression and/or self-absorption, indulgence,
slothfulness. I have been guilty of either when I have “lost my way” as an inspired artist, sometimes overeating on ‘comfort food’ or watching
way too many movies day and night. For others, it’s sex. But it’s an attempt to fill that void with something that makes you feel happy. This is
merely treating the symptom, not the problem.
We must feel a genuine, heart-felt obligation to something; be it a cause, a role or even a job, or passion dissipates into emptiness. When we have
it, we are so inspired and can accomplish great things. When we don’t, we forget ourselves and indulge thoughtlessly.
Bear in mind, this is my view as a Romantic. I believe in rights and freedoms and if three people enjoy their triangle, who am I to judge or
interfere? I do have my opinions however and they go beyond what is right for those involved. What about children? Children have always needed
parents. And of course, sometimes a parent dies and one manages alone, or a child is raised by multiple parents and turns out fine. But this is not
always the case, as it normal for a child to have father figure and a mother figure to look up to and to learn from, as well as to learn about how a
relationship (between man and woman) functions.
Personally, I see polyamory as a further loss of our real human structure: the family. This “home” has existed throughout our evolution as human
beings and I see dire consequences if polyamory should become the norm.
Clearly for some, ‘love’ is merely a relationship (companionship and sex.) They never seemed to discover the True Love that poetic hearts
understood. This is up to them to discover though and I’m honestly not interested in judgment here. We all have our shortcomings, eccentricities,
etc. I just can’t agree that it’s a good idea, all things considered.