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Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

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posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

Wow, nine stars for that petulant emotional outburst. Its a sign of the times I guess, objectivity and adherence to facts is a dead art. Almost as dead as the land of liberty, freedom, justice and "the American way".


That was especially profound. Good job.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by frazzle

Congratulations! This whole thread reminds me of 'debates' I have been in with my cousin. His idea of winning a debate includes belittling his 'opponent' and considering the debate a win for him because he talked the loudest and longest. When the opponent simply gets tired of listening to the SAME argument being presented over and over with a TOTAL DISREGARD for other evidence that has been put forth, walks away, he announces " I WIN".

So, YOU WIN even though NO ONE has said this wasn't an atrocity. Congratulations! This atrocity has been reduced to blaming and finger pointing and name calling. (Liar! Petulant!)

Thanks a lot for reducing my ancestors plight by INSISTING a comparison to other atrocities.
edit on 6-8-2013 by Khaleesi because: spelling

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Khaleesi
reply to post by frazzle

Congratulations! This whole thread reminds me of 'debates' I have been in with my cousin. His idea of winning a debate includes belittling his 'opponent' and considering the debate a win for him because he talked the loudest and longest. When the opponent simply gets tired of listening to the SAME argument being presented over and over with a TOTAL DISREGARD for other evidence that has been put forth, walks away, he announces " I WIN".

So, YOU WIN even though NO ONE has said this wasn't an atrocity. Congratulations! This atrocity has been reduced to blaming and finger pointing and name calling. (Liar! Petulant!)

Thanks a lot for reducing my ancestors plight by INSISTING a comparison to other atrocities.
edit on 6-8-2013 by Khaleesi because: spelling

I've got a cousin like that, too. His debates are also a series of really loud zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's and he always figures he wins them.

But you? When you get tired of listening to the same arguments "over and over" with total disregard to the evidence presented, why don't you just stop clicking on the thread and adding more zzzzzzzzzzzz's with no substance? No one's holding a gun to your head or forcing you to ignore the evidence presented showing WHY your world is collapsing around your ears, you can walk away. So why do you insist on making yourself more miserable, why don't you just walk away and call yourself the winner? Nobody's stopping you.

BTW, your ancestors "plight" is over, they're dead, they no longer HAVE a plight. You do.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by frazzle

Wow, nine stars.....

Where's the relevance?

for that petulant emotional outburst.

It was neither petulant nor overtly emotional.....and it could hardly be described as an 'outburst', merely a response to another members post.

I find it quite ironic that you accuse me of being 'emotional' whilst completely ignoring the tone of the post I was replying to.

The fact that YOU chose to label it so rather than comment and reply to the points raised speaks volumes.

Its a sign of the times I guess, objectivity and adherence to facts is a dead art.

Many 'facts' have been posted during this thread, most of them nothing more than unsubstantiated, and again quite ironically, emotion driven assumptions.
Very few 'facts' have actually been established other than a hell of a lot of Native Americans died, most due to disease and many due to various atrocities and acts of 'war' carried out by various nations and groups.

One of the few other 'facts' established is that none of this constant finger pointing or playing the blame game will do anything whatsoever to help, enable, assist or empower Native Americans today.

Almost as dead as the land of liberty, freedom, justice and "the American way".

Not being American I've never aspired after 'The American Way' or 'Dream' and I can't really comment on whether 'the land of liberty, freedom and justice' is dead or if indeed it ever really existed other than as some sort of illusory ideal - perhaps something better suited for a thread all on it's own.


That was especially profound.

What is perhaps more 'profound' and certainly more revealing is that you chose to comment on that rather than the rest of my post.
Cherry picking?

Good job.

Not really, accumulating stars or winning debates are not the reasons I have been an active member for over 6 years now, (not that I think I've 'won' anything).

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

Very few 'facts' have actually been established other than a hell of a lot of Native Americans died, most due to disease and many due to various atrocities and acts of 'war' carried out by various nations and groups.

No, the most and many of it has not been established in any sense of the word. Remember ~ no one was counting the dead or recording causes of death.

When one poster claimed alcohol, the Iroquois and/or epidemics were the guilty parties in one specific instance of dead Indians, it came to light with the mere click of the mouse that it was actually the militia that had murdered them in cold blood. But we should just blow on by that single misrepresentation because all the rest of them, like the one that goes "most of the Indians died of disease" is the bona fide truth. This is known as a comfortable generalization that has become a convenient conventional wisdom. Wanting to believe it is all it takes to make it true, even if it isn't.

One of the few other 'facts' established is that none of this constant finger pointing or playing the blame game will do anything whatsoever to help, enable, assist or empower Native Americans today.

Yes, a lot of what I say probably does come across like that although that's not my primary goal. Rather I would like to see the American people AS A WHOLE stop with the finger pointing at made up enemies and back away from the collective defensive posture and start looking to themselves for the solutions.

I guess the operative phrase here would be "physician, heal thyself" which alludes to ability of physicians to heal sickness in others while not always being able or willing to heal themselves, or the cobbler wearing the worst shoes because he is too busy worrying about other people's feet to look after his own.

The fact is, non Indians are no better placed than they are anymore and there can be no enabling anyone else if we can't even enable ourselves. American Indians (all of those I know hate the term native American, most prefer to be called by their tribal affiliation) would be fine if the American government (BIA) would just back off and allow them the freedom to BE who they are. And you know what? So would we if the same types would get their grubby regulation and thought control mitts off us. That has always been true.

Everybody's an amateur psychologist, I know, and I may be all wrong about this, but in my opinion the people who resent this topic the most are the ones who feel the deepest soul wrenching sense of wrongness about that part of our history. And I couldn't blame them for worrying that expressing it would make them outcasts, this thread alone is evidence of that sad truth.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

You may be surprised but I actually agree with most of what you say. Granted in my OP I said "the worst", I should have said "One of the worst". And that is only the ones we know about. Out of the many people I have met, Americans are some of the most decent ones.


Why don't you do something about "my President and his buck-buddies" doing this, "robbing us, you and me"? Why do you let them "treat us the very same way... we can barely afford to live anymore"? (Notice, I am one of the 'you and me')

Honestly? I'm a kid. I haven't yet figured out a way to manifest a huge revolution... but believe me, when I do, I'll be on the top of the world, leading the rebellion through the gates. But thus far, the best approach I can come up with personally is handing out DVDs of wake-up documentaries and spreading the word the old fashioned way. I haven't got the money to pay off my car right now, much less make it to the Bilderberg meetings like I want to.

It seems to me that opening eyes is the strongest move I can make right now.

Don't you have the power to do something, given that we live in a democracy? Who do you think I point the finger at?

We're all born with the right of freedom. Governments be damned.

reply to post by frazzle

I mostly enjoyed the heck out of that commentary. The good, the bad, and the ugly, that's who we were then and that's who we still are. Unfortunately, as you say, the bad and the ugly seem to be the determining factor in almost every case because the good won't lower themselves to the same tactics used by those others. Denying the earlier determining factors seems to be where we're stuck, and no we can't change them now, but we can try to understand them and learn from them because what we've been doing isn't working. Killing threads and avoiding talking about it won't change anything.

Sure. I only said I wanted the thread to die because so many America-hating threads have been popping up lately. Its like being fed emails about "whats trending now." Its quite annoying.

Obama is only "guilty" because he's the face we can see, but he didn't shoot the holes in the bottom of our boat, the holes were already there. Unfortunately, like so many others before him, he and his ADVISORS are doing their best to keep anyone from plugging the holes or building a better boat. Its the system that's drowning us. But we LOVE our system. To death.

I don't. And Obama is a victim of brainwash and cognitive dissonance if I ever saw one. Someone sitting on a throne so massive can't possibly comprehend or care for real problems, so in order to keep himself and his family safe, rich, and fed, he'll do whatever the suits tell him when they whisper in his ear.

I don't hate Obama, I pity him, because he's a puppet.

ALL citizens of the world are a little guilty for turning the other cheek (not just American citizens, ALL citizens). But they can only be held so accountable. They've been psychologically geared from the start to bow to authority without question, and its a rare few who break the conditioning of their own accord.

The real problem is much deeper and much more complicated than "America is bad."

The reason folks are getting a little defensive over America is because the title if this thread implies an attack on the American people, and that does not open a real topic for discussion. That breeds grudges and biases, which is what's currently flooding this thread.... another reason I said I wish this thread would die.

It seems all objective thought has vanished from the minds of those debating here.

Pro-America or not, all of us here need to calm down.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Honestly? I'm a kid. I haven't yet figured out a way to manifest a huge revolution... but believe me, when I do, I'll be on the top of the world, leading the rebellion through the gates. But thus far, the best approach I can come up with personally is handing out DVDs of wake-up documentaries and spreading the word the old fashioned way. I haven't got the money to pay off my car right now, much less make it to the Bilderberg meetings like I want to.

It seems to me that opening eyes is the strongest move I can make right now.

Why? Do you really think it requires a revolution or rebellion? Are we not a free country with free elections?

You know the story of Joan of Arc, right? She was a 17 year old peasant girl who led the French army to defeat the British and recapture their country. Nothing's impossible.

Do you have an online link for the wake-up documentaries?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

You’re a kid???? Let me be the first to say you’re way ahead of the game. You may not be all the way there yet, no one is, but you’ve got a good start and you're paying attention.

Just to clarify, I’m not interested in holding anybody accountable for anything, even if that were remotely possible. I’m more interested in people holding themselves accountable without force or coercion, but with the understanding that they don’t always know what’s true and what is not, or what’s just politically expedient. But finding that truth is imperative, even though its often a harsh thing.

I don’t think anyone has said here that “America is bad”, only that the American system has unquestionably done and is doing bad things, often against the wishes and better judgment or knowledge of the American people, just as it happens in any other nation or empire on earth. The reason no one has ever been able to stop any of the bad acts is because we’ve all been so carefully taught not to ask questions and, as you said, to always bow to authority and to follow instructions and orders.

So you’re absolutely on target on the dangers of bowing to authority, that’s more likely to get people killed than just about any other thing they could do ~ I’d even go so far as to say that has been the single greatest cause of violent death since civilization began and probably well before that. And you don’t have to be the one doing the bowing to be the one who ends up dead, but doing it won’t protect you, either, so why do people do it?

Confederate soldiers captured by the north bowed to authority to avoid dying of disease, starvation and hypothermia in Union prisons. It was either die in prison or go hunt Indians. Here is a brief excerpt on one single prison release.

“Secretary Stanton, in an interesting telegraphic correspondence with Governor Tod, of Ohio, on September 9, 1862, stated he believed "there is reason to fear that many voluntarily surrender for the sake of getting home. I have sent fifteen hundred to Camp Chase and wish to have them kept in close quarters and drilled diligently every day, with no leave of absence." Governor Tod, the same day, suggested that these paroled prisoners awaiting a declaration of exchange, be sent to Minnesota to fight the Indians, and Secretary Stanton immediately approved the suggestion.

Also, do you know the consequences to the tribes that came from the Dawes Act? Tribal affiliation is, by law, based on blood quantum so you could be 100% Indian, but from various tribal bloodlines and not have the required quantum of any one of them to be included.

Then comes federal recognition. There are somewhere around 100 unrecognized tribes in the US. Do you know the consequences of non-recognition for people of these tribes who are denied legal status?

Both Dawes and federal non-recognition are silent forms of an ongoing genocide and no one even knows its being done.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 12:36 PM
Sorry but I still have to give "the worst genocide in history" to the Communists. Once Stalin started to set up his collective farming scheme untiold millions of people (we never will know the true number) starved to death. Anyone who complained about it...or were simply related to someone who complained about it...wound up in a prison labor camp where millions more people died.

Then Mao Tse Tung, not to be undone, installed his Cultural Revolution in China, displacing millions and forcing peasants to produce industrial good of poor quality while inducing more famines and more political persecution.

Then Pol Pot, not to be undone, installed his "Year Zero" policy in Cambodia which murdered literally 25% of the population and brought it back to the stone age for decades. Centuries of culture, music, art, literature...all gone. I used to work with one woman who came from Cambodia. She was a teacher but she had to pretend she was an illiterate farmer because they were killing everyone with an education. Her cousin was studying to be a doctor in France when he came to power, and the Pol Pot government flew him back to Cambodia specifically just to kill him. To this day she still has no idea what happened to her husband.

Don't even get me started on North Korea.

This of course isn't to play down the seriousness of what happened to the American Indians, but to say they were the WORST genocide in human history is being pretty ignorant of human history.
edit on 7-8-2013 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Sorry but I still have to give "the worst genocide in history" to the Communists. Once Stalin started to set up his collective farming scheme untold millions of people (we never will know the true number) starved to death.

Then Mao Tse Tung, not to be undone, installed his Cultural Revolution in China, displacing millions and forcing peasants to produce industrial good of poor quality while inducing more famines and more political persecution.

Then Pol Pot, not to be undone, installed his "Year Zero" policy in Cambodia which murdered literally 25% of the population
25%? That's nothing.

85% + is what we did. We are known to do a thorough job. Nobody can beat us.

In terms of absolute numbers maybe you are correct with Stalin and Mao. Then we rank "only" third. Still pretty good, I'd say.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by frazzle
I don’t think anyone has said here that “America is bad”, only that the American system has unquestionably done and is doing bad things, often against the wishes and better judgment or knowledge of the American people, just as it happens in any other nation or empire on earth. The reason no one has ever been able to stop any of the bad acts is because we’ve all been so carefully taught not to ask questions and, as you said, to always bow to authority and to follow instructions and orders.

Yes, it bears repeating that Americans in general are fine people in my view also. The "system" is the government. It is highly unlikely that Stalin acted on the desire of the Russian people. So why do people "play along" when the governments decide to slaughter a large portion of their own population?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Then Pol Pot, not to be undone, installed his "Year Zero" policy in Cambodia which murdered literally 25% of the population and brought it back to the stone age for decades. Centuries of culture, music, art, literature...all gone.

Not to be outdone ... small pox blankets for the Vietnamese people .. the gift that keeps on giving.

The figure today is greater than 3 million Agent Orange victims in Vietnam, including children of the second and third generations.

But don't worry, the makers of agent orange have the US government tucked snugly in their pocket for spraying America's farms and fields with their tasty concoctions. You know what's really ironic? If Americans start dropping dead from the food grown in poisonous fields, they will have died of disease, just like the Indians. ETA: And the medical community will be mystified. Unknown causes. Its probably already happening.

And they're all set to have a second go at the Vietnamese people.

Monsanto, Agent Orange Creator, Returns To Vietnam
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Monsanto ready to sell GM crops and weed-killing chemicals in Vietnam; Many outraged

I suppose we could talk about Mai Lai, which the US dubbed a “rogue” incident and, profanely, an “American tragedy” (the cover headline of Newsweek). Only one of 26 men prosecuted was convicted and he was let go by President Richard Nixon. An estimated 50,000 people were killed there alone by American troops, mostly in what they called “free fire zones”.

Oh poor us, we had such a terrible tragedy.

But at this point I will have to agree with so many who claim that the Indians did, in fact, die of a terrible disease (since that's what this thread is about). All of them succumbed to the disease called greed. Or in the words of the Lakota, wasicu.

Wasicu is a derogatory word the Lakota used to refer to the white man. The literal translation is "fat takers" or "the fat eaters," which was a reference to the white man's greed and wanton disregard with preserving the earth's resources for the next seven generations. This was a foolish thing to do, and the Lakota word for crazy actually means foolish, so perhaps that is how the popularity of the phrase "crazy white man" came about. Wasicu also means any "greedy person," regardless of whether or not they are white.

edit on 7-8-2013 by frazzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman

Yes, it bears repeating that Americans in general are fine people in my view also. The "system" is the government. It is highly unlikely that Stalin acted on the desire of the Russian people. So why do people "play along" when the governments decide to slaughter a large portion of their own population?

Why? Just guessing, but maybe because until its them being slaughtered its somebody else's problem? And as long as they're on the winning side they think they're safe? I don't know, I'll never understand it.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman

Originally posted by Metallicus
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't feel guilty.

You should be sorry. We are talking about millions of people killed, entire civilizations wiped out, by your ancestors and mine.

And you don't even ask yourself why?

Maybe you have never been on the "other side" of history.

I am proud of my Cherokee, and Scotch Irish heritage. I have relatives who look Cherokee, but I do not. So, should I hate myself, or identify with my Cherokee side, and blame people for something they had nothing to do with?

Heritage is full of good, and bad. Just like the humans who have shaped it. You have good and bad. From every swing of the pendulum, back and forth, on that scale. But, in the end, we are all human. Instead of blaming everyone who is American, and not Native American, how about you simply learn from the past, and not judge people who are different. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, how about you look to how far human beings have come.

One of the things I have learned, for myself, is that I am human. I am not Scottish, or Cherokee. Yes, that is part of my heritage. Yes, I am very proud of them both. Yes, both sides have done good, and bad things, historically. However, the link here is that we are all human. We are all the same. Splitting people up, is just what those that control how you think want you to do.

Don't fall into this predictable cycle of self-loathing, simply because your ancestors did something bad. They probably did 100 times (and I am speaking to your own direct ancestors) more good things than bad. 100 times more good people than bad, existed, in your lineage.

We are no different. I do not care what your heritage is, or what you look like. We are all human, and have the same, good and bad, in all of us. Don't single any one culture out. Learn from the bad, and promote the good aspects of all who live today, and in the past.

We are just that...only human.

edit on 7-8-2013 by Catacomb because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Catacomb
I am proud of my Cherokee, and Scotch Irish heritage. I have relatives who look Cherokee, but I do not. So, should I hate myself, or identify with my Cherokee side, and blame people for something they had nothing to do with?

Heritage is full of good, and bad. Just like the humans who have shaped it. You have good and bad. From every swing of the pendulum, back and forth, on that scale. But, in the end, we are all human. Instead of blaming everyone who is American, and not Native American, how about you simply learn from the past, and not judge people who are different. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, how about you look to how far human beings have come.

One of the things I have learned, for myself, is that I am human. I am not Scottish, or Cherokee. Yes, that is part of my heritage. Yes, I am very proud of them both. Yes, both sides have done good, and bad things, historically. However, the link here is that we are all human. We are all the same. Splitting people up, is just what those that control how you think want you to do.

Don't fall into this predictable cycle of self-loathing, simply because your ancestors did something bad. They probably did 100 times (and I am speaking to your own direct ancestors) more good things than bad. 100 times more good people than bad, existed, in your lineage.

We are no different. I do not care what your heritage is, or what you look like. We are all human, and have the same, good and bad, in all of us. Don't single any one culture out. Learn from the bad, and promote the good aspects of all who live today, and in the past.

We are just that...only human.

I'm really getting tired of this. How many pages in this thread have you read? One?

On each page I repeat this is not about blaming. I did, again, one hour before your post.

I simply look at history and everybody (almost) accuses me of blaming. What is this? Maybe some point in the future, they will require DNA testing to determine your heritage. That is not what I am hoping for, it is what I am afraid of.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Catacomb

However, the link here is that we are all human. We are all the same. Splitting people up, is just what those that control how you think want you to do.

I don't see self loathing, I see regret that people have BEEN split up by stereotyping. That's the problem. But we aren't all the same, thank god. We aren't mirror images of each other and that's something to appreciate and celebrate, not to fear and resent.

Back in the day it was the Indians. They looked different, they lived different, they worshipped different deities and they scared the **** out of people

Today its Muslims. They look different, they live different, they worship Allah instead of "God" (I've been told that in the original Aramaic of the bible God was called "el al" which is a lot closer to Allah than it is to God) and they scare the **** out of "some" people. They've not attacked us, they're just different.

ETA: Oh, I left out the land and the oil aspects of our "abject fear". Motive.

edit on 7-8-2013 by frazzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by frazzle
Why? Just guessing, but maybe because until its them being slaughtered its somebody else's problem? And as long as they're on the winning side they think they're safe? I don't know, I'll never understand it.

I didn't speak up when they came to get the mentally deranged, I didn't speak up when they came to get the Communists, I didn't speak up when they came to get the religious people, I didn't speak up when they came to get the dark skinned. Now that they are coming for me, nobody is left to speak up for me.

edit on 7-8-2013 by ThinkingHuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Why? Do you really think it requires a revolution or rebellion? Are we not a free country with free elections?

Eh. I don't think elections make as much of a difference as we'd all like to think.

You know the story of Joan of Arc, right? She was a 17 year old peasant girl who led the French army to defeat the British and recapture their country. Nothing's impossible.

She sounds like a badass. But I don't have a war like that to fight... not yet. See, with the advancement of technology and society comes the advancement of war tactics and manipulation. The war here is more psychological than it is physical, as of now. That might change in my life time, and it might not. No one is to say, yet.

Do you have an online link for the wake-up documentaries?

I recommend State of Mind, a brand new documentary, hot off the press. Just google search for conspiracy documentaries, they're everywhere. Terrorstorm, Endgame, Wake up Call, etc.

reply to post by frazzle

You’re a kid???? Let me be the first to say you’re way ahead of the game. You may not be all the way there yet, no one is, but you’ve got a good start and you're paying attention.

I'm not that young now. I just turned 20. But I woke up at age 14, and at age 15, I made my own website and started a little club of other *awake* people around my age I recruited from school. Mostly, we just met up in my basement and updated each other on stuff once a week or so while my mum was at work, or planned things... prepping things, etc etc. It was awesome, really had it going, until I turned 18 and they all graduated and moved on with their lives, then it fell apart.

We woke a lot of folks up in school, though.

Now, I'm a lone-wolf DVD giver and keyboard warrior. Until I move back home in a few months, closer to other freedom fighters. I'll go from there.

Just to clarify, I’m not interested in holding anybody accountable for anything, even if that were remotely possible. I’m more interested in people holding themselves accountable without force or coercion, but with the understanding that they don’t always know what’s true and what is not, or what’s just politically expedient. But finding that truth is imperative, even though its often a harsh thing.

I understand. Its really not your intentions I had any problem with, its the "We hate America" bandwagon itself... meh. They'll die out, like any other fad.

I don’t think anyone has said here that “America is bad”, only that the American system has unquestionably done and is doing bad things, often against the wishes and better judgment or knowledge of the American people, just as it happens in any other nation or empire on earth.

But saying "Your ignorance is expected, because you're an American." is a little offensive and bias, isn't it? I know you didn't say that, but still.

Both Dawes and federal non-recognition are silent forms of an ongoing genocide and no one even knows its being done.

I didn't know any of that. And you're completely right in saying everyone needs to wake up to it.

But people insulting me, because I'm an American citizen, NOT because I actually played a part in this tyranny, is unacceptable, and people who do this generally provoke me to tune out of whatever argument they're making.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

I'm really getting tired of this. How many pages in this thread have you read? One?

On each page I repeat this is not about blaming. I did, again, one hour before your post.

I simply look at history and everybody (almost) accuses me of blaming. What is this? Maybe some point in the future, they will require DNA testing to determine your heritage. That is not what I am hoping for, it is what I am afraid of.

ATS could open a booming timber industry with all the logs that are needing to be pried out of people's eyes.

And they ARE coming for us. Everyone knows why history repeats. The shrill denial that what was done to others is already being done to them is stunning.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
1) I don't think elections make as much of a difference as we'd all like to think.
2) I recommend State of Mind, a brand new documentary, hot off the press. Just google search for conspiracy documentaries, they're everywhere. Terrorstorm, Endgame, Wake up Call, etc.
3) its the "We hate America" bandwagon itself... meh. They'll die out, like any other fad.
4) But saying "Your ignorance is expected, because you're an American." is a little offensive and bias, isn't it? I know you didn't say that, but still.
5) But people insulting me, because I'm an American citizen, NOT because I actually played a part in this tyranny, is unacceptable,

1. Then continue that thought. If elections don't make a difference then what do you want? Revolution or rebellion? I may agree with you, I just want you to tell me, so that I can agree or disagree.
2. Thanks for the pointers.
3. If there is a "We hate America" bandwagon, I haven't noticed it. I only see a "If you criticize American history you're Un-American" bandwagon. I find THAT offensive.
4. If you believe I said "Your ignorance is expected, because you're an American", or even implied it, please tell me where, and I will recant or clarify.
5. I hope you don't believe I insulted you, or American citizens in general. I am one of them, btw. I repeated this again several times on this page alone.

You are, just as much as I am, stating that Americans need to be made aware of something they are not aware of. Are you not? And you are making an interesting point, you called the time period during which we had the wars against Natives a "tyranny". Did you do that intentionally, or did I misunderstand?

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