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Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

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posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman
If you are disputing my numbers and you don't give yours - you have NO credibility.

Your thread has no credibility and not historically accurate as to who was involved and when.

I noticed you didn't bother to acknowledge the request made to clarify as again when, where and by whom.


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by pryed -eyed-one
If that diddnt happen then a different set of events would have led up to a different present. That's all.
The present creates the past

This makes me weep. "The present creates the past" All those history lessons wasted on you.

"That's all", only a different set of people alive. Ask the people's parents or children if they agree.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by spirited75
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

there is a current genocide in America on the unborn
to the tune of about 90,000,000 dead.
do something about that as it concerns the present and the future and not the past.

Doubt that you will admit that an unborn child can be killed though, right?

Ya know, that question makes we wonder if some pregnant women, particularly the indigent, are being threatened on the QT that a refusal to have an abortion will result in the loss of their Medicaid or with the removal of their other children from their custody. That's how it was done with so many Indian women and it worked really well, so if it isn't happening that way with our "underclass ladies" I'd be surprised. After all there are some well heeled movers and shakers who want the population reduced by 80 - 90 percent and that number would have to include white people.

But we won't call it genocide, okay?

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman
Then why don't you correct the numbers for me? What are your numbers?

What was it, an accident?

No it's called historical accuracy and context...

Here I'll do your work for you..

From your link.

You should start here ----> European Colonization of the Americas

First colonization
British colonization
Couronian colonization
Danish colonization
Dutch colonization
French colonization
German colonization
Norse colonization
Portuguese colonization
Russian colonization
Scottish colonization
Spanish colonization
Swedish colonization
Colonization of Canada
Colonization of the USA

Then while your head is spinning read up on ---> Disease and indigenous population loss

The European and Asian lifestyle included a long history of sharing close quarters with domesticated animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, and various domesticated fowl, which had resulted in epidemic diseases unknown in the Americas.

Thus the large-scale contact with Europeans after 1492 introduced novel germs to the indigenous people of the Americas. Epidemics of smallpox (1518, 1521, 1525, 1558, 1589), typhus (1546), influenza (1558), diphtheria (1614) and measles (1618) swept ahead of initial European contact, killing between 10 million and 20 million people, up to 95% of the indigenous population of the Americas.

The cultural and political instability attending these losses appears to have been of substantial aid in the efforts of various colonists to seize the great wealth in land and resources of which indigenous societies had customarily made use.

And finally, I recommend watching the following video since reading may not be your strong suit

edit on 3-8-2013 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

If you are disputing my numbers and you don't give yours - you have NO credibility.

Your thread has no credibility and not historically accurate as to who was involved and when.
No numbers to counter. Why? Attack the messenger when you're not able to respond to the issue?

Btw, you weren't able to understand, but the thread is NOT about the numbers.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:47 PM
The contention about "technically it wasn't Americans" is just silly, and it is a straw-man argument. Europeans became Americans, period. And further, the genocidal policies continued through American history all the way up to 1925 when the last official "kill or capture" policy had been lifted in the Southwest. Regardless of if it was "the worst genocide" or who did it, it was/is a massive tragedy and there are some very real and inescapable facts that no one can deny. Americans of today live a privileged life BECAUSE that happened, just as with African Slavery. For that reason alone, we all share a piece of responsibility and compliance. It is no different when you say "It wasn't me who did it" on this issue, than it is for the child of a man who murdered your entire family and stole your land to say "It wasn't me who did it" when authorities attempt to reclaim your land for you. The fact is, the child of that murderer inherited land that was illegitimately and unjustly acquired through the use of violence and theft, just as you have.

People love to own the privilege their heritage provided, but hate to own the injustice that privilege was birthed out of.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:48 PM
A huge portion of the natives died from disease due to a lack of immunity.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

No it's called historical accuracy and context...

You seem to have a morbid fascination with the numbers of dead Indians over a five hundred year period and you demand to know exactly how many died from disease or old age or in fire fights or unadulterated murder. And yet no one can even say FOR SURE how many people we've killed in Afghanistan or Iraq or Yemen or Libya or any of the other current genocides.


For instance, it would have been really hard to count the dead Indians at Sand Creek since "Chivington's volunteers" returned afterwards only to kill the wounded and to mutilate and burn the bodies. They weren't interested in COUNTING the bodies, but you can bet none of them died of disease, or old age.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

First colonization
British colonization
Couronian colonization
Danish colonization
Dutch colonization
French colonization
German colonization
Norse colonization
Portuguese colonization
Russian colonization
Scottish colonization
Spanish colonization
Swedish colonization
Colonization of Canada
Colonization of the USA

Now I get it, you're blaming the Danish and the Couronians for the American Native genocide.

Anything to shift blame away from the the US.

The "war on terror", or the war on anything, is so much less credible after I read your nonsense.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by frazzle
You seem to have a morbid fascination with the numbers of dead Indians over a five hundred year period....


Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
No it's called historical accuracy

Every single one of them ended in Victory for the US forces.

Chickamauga Wars 1776 - 1794
Northwest Indian War 1785 - 1795
Tecumseh War 1811 - 1811
Seminole War 1817 - 1818
Arikara War 1823
Winnebago War 1827
Black Hawk War 1832
Florida War 1835 - 1842
Cayuse War 1847 - 1855
Pitt River Expedition 1850
Apache Wars 1851 - 1900
Puget Sound War 1855 - 1856
Rogue River Wars 1855 - 1856
Seminole War 1855 - 1858
Yakima War 1855 - 1858
Navajo War 1866
Paiute War 1860
Dakota War 1862
Colorado War 1863 - 1865
Snake War 1864 - 1868
Connor Expedition 1865
Red Cloud's War 1866 - 1868
Comanche War 1867 - 1875
Modoc War 1872 - 1873
Red River War 1874 - 1875
Great Sioux War 1876 - 1877
Nez Perce War 1877
Bannock War 1878
Cheyenne War 1878 - 1879
Sheepeater War 1879
White River War 1879 - 1880
Ghost Dance War 1890 - 1891

I listed them because reading may not be your strong suit also.
All of them under American Presidents.
Give me your numbers.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman
Now I get it,

Anything to shift blame away from the the US.

The "war on terror", or the war on anything, is so much less credible after I read your nonsense.

Game. Set. Match

Now you've exposed your Agenda.


posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Yeah yeah yeah

"America" committed the worst genocide in world history...

Then just post US history as proof and then elude to they being US caused, meanwhile all the death caused by all the countries in the New world North, Central and South America get ignored of which your own link shows that 95 % were killed by disease

edit on 3-8-2013 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by frazzle
You seem to have a morbid fascination with the numbers of dead Indians over a five hundred year period....


Americans committed the worst genocide in world history

You don't have to yell, we can hear you just fine. So tell us, which one genocide was "THE WORST IN WORLD HISTORY" in your opinion. Spit it out.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by noxvita83

I am not attempting to "blame" modern day Americans, I was merely remarking upon some of the contemptuous remarks made by Americans - but perhaps I didn't make my point very well.

The UK has a shameful record in many countries - for example Kenya. I don't feel personally guilty but I do feel guilty as a citizen of this country as to what was done in our name, regardless of the fact that it was long before my time. I understand and acknowledge it was bad even though I was not directly involved and nor was my family - but I don't effectively shrug my shoulders and attempt to dismiss the whole thing. That was the distinction I was trying to make.

It's like saying should the Japanese still bear the guilt for war crimes committed during the Second World War, or should the Germans for the Holocaust? Where as the Germans have largely come to terms with the Holocaust and acknowledged it and their role in it the Japanese still dispute or deny many of their actions during the war, which causes anger and resentment among other East Asian countries such as China and South Korea.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

my, my, you've certainly set the "Sane" foaming at the mouth
look at all th denial and shadow projection

of course the real disease that wiped out all those natives has a name
[the word is related to Wendigo]

Forbes writes, "For several thousands of years human beings have suffered from a plague, a disease worse than leprosy, a sickness worse than malaria, a malady much more terrible than smallpox." Indigenous people have been tracking the same "psychic"[ii] virus that I call malignant egophrenia for many centuries and calling it "wetiko," a Cree term which refers to a diabolically wicked person or spirit who terrorizes others. Professor Forbes, who was one of the founders of the Native American movement during the early sixties, says, "Tragically, the history of the world for the past 2,000 years is, in great part, the story of the epidemiology of the wetiko disease."[iii] Wetiko/malignant egophrenia is a "psychosis" in the true sense of the word as being a "sickness of the soul or spirit." Though calling it by different names, Forbes and I are both pointing at the same illness of the psyche, soul and spirit that has been at the root of humanity's inhumanity to itself.

pt II

The origin of wetiko is the human psyche. Psychologically speaking, shadow projection is at the very root of wetiko disease. Shadow projection is a process in which we split-off from and project out our own darkness onto others. It is our misguided attempt at a ‘final solution' to the problem of the evil within ourselves which actually deprives us of the capacity to deal with evil. Projecting the shadow opens up the door and invites in the vampiric entity of wetiko to make itself at home in the most intimate spaces of our own psyche. It is through the dynamic of shadow projection that the wetiko bug digs in and entrenches itself within our psyches, where it is then able to commandeer the executive function of the psyche to its own ends. When we project the shadow, we unwittingly become a conduit for evil to possess us from behind, beneath our conscious awareness, and to act itself out through us. When there is mutual shadow projection between individuals, groups or nations, each side has an unconscious investment in the other playing out the projected evil so as to prove their own self-righteous innocence, a dynamic which becomes self-reinforcing and continually feeds the polarization in the field. Shadow projection, as it collectively plays out en masse on the world stage is an outer reflection of the initial process within ourselves of our be-night-ed effort to exterminate our own darkness (please see my article Shadow Projection: The Fuel of War). When shadow projection happens en masse, it is as if the archetype of evil emits its toxic radio-activity underground, through the shared unconscious of the collective, and manifests collectively as destructive psychic epidemics.

however I regret to inform you it's the british who hold the record,

These are just the figures of the British-man-made famines, it does not include the Epidemics induced by Famines, Anglo-Indian Wars, Indians killed fighting for the British, Freedom Fighters martyred by the British.
If all these are included the figures reaches over 1.8 Billion mark (ignored by Anglo Media)
but don't worry, americans [especially WASP's] are putting all their efforts into breaking it.
starting with africa

but pay no heed to my words as I am quite "Insane"

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Are you really trying to deny that one of the goals of the early American government was to completely wipe out the natives and push west?

Are you trying to deny that Washington (our beloved founder) thought of the natives as animals that should be slaughtered?

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Every single one of them ended in Victory for the US forces.

I guess that doesn't say much for US forces if, as a few are claiming, 95% of the opposition was already dead from disease. People want things both ways.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:10 PM
At the end of the day what is gained by this thread?

"You killed millions more!"

"No you killed millions more!"

We can't have a proper discussion because one side just descends to wanton criticism of Americans and then American posters just resort to blame-shifting, denial or excuses...
edit on 3/8/13 by Kram09 because: typos

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:12 PM
If we continue to reflect on the past we will never look onto the future. In the OP post you are suggesting we are somewhat responsible for our past. I live in the South does that mean I am responsible for slavery? Hint: I was born in 1990

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