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Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow
Some time ago, when I was 21, I was in the States and i met an old lady, maybe 60+. Without much conversation with me, she stated suddenly " You feel very old, I do not understand how but you feel old, much older than what i've seen..." . I couldn't tell her anything since she didn't really ask me anything - that is the way of free will.
I have known of this since I was a young man. So you do understand what I was saying when I said age was not relevant.
There are old souls and I can tell them immediately which was why I said I could not tell how old you were unless I met you.
Many on this earth that I have met are young, but a few have age beyond their years.
Originally posted by kennyb72
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow
After reading more of your replies I have arrived at the conclusion that you are genuine with your intentions although I feel you are misguided in some respects. The esoteric teachings which you are very loosely interpreting do have an elements of accuracy in them so please accept my apologies if I have maligned you.
The fact that the mods placed your thread under puns and jokes lead me to draw my conclusions with a biased perspective.
I do have issues with members who present themselves as guru's and with that prejudice in mind I have provided links to accurate Pythagorean esoteric knowledge (my previous post) with which to fully understand the truth of reality.
This source is probably the easiest to understand outside of the Hindu Vedas, Chaldean Cabala and predates Rosicrucianism by many hundreds of years. If you get time I recommend you study them to fully appreciate the subject in sharper detail.
Incidentally, Unless you have subjective consciousness in your causel envelope and full objective consciousness in your mental and emotional envelopes, I am afraid you still have a number of reincarnation ahead of you. Not to worry though, the way things are going we could have a few thousand years break before we have to return again when things have settled down a little.
Much love
Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow
Sorry but I can't be as eloquent in my question as others on ATS so I will get to it.
Why do we as a supposed intelligent species continue to kill each other and if we are made in the image of your creator does this creator then condone our actions and if it does not then what purpose does this creator serve ?
Thanks ahead of time for your response.
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by Serdgiam
About entropy. Yes, but entropy is not a good word in my opinion and it may intend to mean many things. I saw entropy in this case to mean only the change and reshaping of things. In space/time, this would occur in a linear fashion due to the nature of space/time - space is voluminous and time is linear.
You can see the difficulty of using language.
About the beings in the center of the galaxy. It may be seen as a paradox, again. Everything IS possible for them, in infinity - meaning that they have the capability to do anything, hence why there is no such thing as impossible. However, since they represent and are the free will of the galaxy, they would choose out of their own free will and this of the galaxy itself(same things for them) not to go against their own free will. In effect, their way of thinking would not let them do it but they do have the capability. You probably have understood what I meant in the first place. The lack of clarity comes from the nature of this information and the limited understanding and tools we have.
You cannot see a black hole since it does not let out any light. You can only see an illusion of nothingness that is in reality everything, as it is onenness. It is getting confusing, I know but currently I cannot find another way to express it.
The thing going back to onennes or to something that is everpresent everywhere has been situated in an illusion before doing so. The going back to onennes may be likened unto become aware of everything (thus becoming everyhting) again.
Originally posted by PuterMan
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by PuterMan
Hello my dear brother/sister,
I have not classified everyone as confused. I said that there is much confusion in the world. Everyone of us has been confused many times in a given life.If you had read carefully, you would notice that I am presenting an oportunity for those that are interested to ask.
You stated
I have also painfully noticed the incredible amount of confusion there is in people in general
We saw great darkness and confusion coming from the hearts and minds of this planet’s beloved spirits
Now whist I do agree that is not actually stating everyone, it could be construed to encompass the greater proportion of the people.
And now, in your reply, you generalise again
Everyone of us has been confused many times in a given life.
Can you state that? No. I do not believe you can.
But onwards to other things. I note that you deliver a suggestion of out of world origin, yet attempt to prevent any discussion of this by asking that we not question it on the pretext that it would elevate you to messianic stature.
To that, first I would say you are obviously delusional about your presumed status. If you are not prepared to deliver on your credentials why should anyone give any credence to your utterings? It is a bit like someone saying "trust me, I am a Doctor.". You are not a Doctor unless you have credentials that state such, and even then I for one would be very disinclined to listen. Having credentials does not make you credible.
Secondly are you assuming that something messianic, in other words a religious epithet, means something to everyone? Frankly that makes you more unbelievable to me just as it would if you claimed you were The Lord Jesus Christ or a Prophet.
In my world, one of facts and not fantasies rightly or wrongly I expect statements to be backed by provable fact. I would not accept an earthquake analysis without knowledge of the person delivering and/or details of the source of the data, and I would expect to be able to reproduce the results of the data for myself. It is what we on this world call science.
Good luck with your wanderings, and you may 'enlighten' some. I will not be one of them as I prefer facts founded on reality.
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by Serdgiam
Hello my dear friend,
I really hope you are not looking to me for any answers because I do not have them. I am totally fallible and have much to experience to understand truly the things we are discussing. I am not an authority, nor a guru, nor a messiah nor a wise person. People asking me questions and totally accepting my answers as truth would not be beneficial for any one of us, I feel.
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
Hello my brother or sister,
The issue with official contact has created a great stir and controversy in the recent history of this planet. This is due to many reasons but let me list the most important ones.
The great increase of the so-called UFO activity during the 40's and 50's continuing through now has created an awareness shift on the planet. Its primary purpose was to create a feeling of mystery and awe at the Creation. It was also aimed at creating a desire in those that have the eyes to see to seek the purpose of the phenomenon, thus accelerating their journey towards completing the lessons of the current density. It is a type of contact in itself but is created in such a way, as to have no tangible proof about it. This enables those that do not want this knowledge and seeking to not pay attention to it, dismissing it as "crap" and not real. However, those had the affinity towards this type of knowledge had the opportunity to seek it further by examining the phenomenon. This is a very good example of being of service with respect to the free will of the entire planet.
Unfortunately or fortunately, the phenomenon itself was hijacked by the powers of this world. They used it to create even further confusion and in this way decreasing its effectiveness. Also, what they have done is create movies and books having the almost general concept of "any civilization from space that can reach us would be so powerful that the only thing it may want from us is enslavement or the planet, or both".
Conditions such as these have created a great variety of feelings toward contact. Thus, a great part of the planet does not want contact at all and fears it or does not believe in its viability at all. Now, you may begin to understand the reluctance of our brothers and sisters of the stars to make official contact. It will be the greatest violation of free will currently possible.
I hope this explains both your questions. Forcing is not desired, thus we are not officially contacted yet.
Thank you for this oportunity.
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
My dear brothers and sisters,
I have been reading the ATS forums for about 4 years now and it has been a very interesting journey,,,
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
I will be honest.......
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
My purpose in starting this thread/dialogue is to present a similar opportunity as my beloved brother HiddenHand did. I would offer myself to attempt to answer any of your questions, if I feel that they are posed with a true and opened heart,
Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
I would like to offer a few guidelines, or rules, if you will, in order to have as positive and as constructive a dialogue, as we can have. Here they are:
- I will offer no proof of who I am and of the things that I will say