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A "Wanderer" Speaks Out - Q and A on universal questions

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:29 PM
Hello wanderer

I would like to know when we humans make official contact with aliens

Can we, or will we, ever learn to time travel

What is my dogs name ?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Paradigm_Shift

Hello my dear brother/sister,

The questions you would like discussed are very extensive and I would ask you all to be patient because I attempt to answer intelligently and with attention towards the question. To be honest, I am falling behind on replying. I did not expect such interest and good questions. I will do my best to keep up the tempo as much as I can because here, it is 1 in the morning already

As I have mentioned before, the current density in which we are is the density of the choice or the "fool" - "the fool having to choose without full knowledge in which way to continue the journey of seeking the self through the next major set of lessons". The current, so called "3rd" density is over on this planet and will remain only in potential for the future time/space of the planet after a certain period of balancing and adjustment. The planet and our star system, due to natural cycles of the galaxy, has already entered a new porion of space/time within the galaxy, this enabling her to activate the next major density of experience and understanding - 4th density. However, only those that are of sufficiently high understanding of the lessons of the previous density would choose to enter it, through their own free will - the Harvest.

The choice made in the previous set of lessons is in general between preferring to be of service to your other selves, seeing them as being yourself and serving yourself, seeing yourself as something other than the self that has to be dominated for the benefit of the self. Those that have made the choice through patterns of incarnations that have allowed them to gain sufficient understanding to make that choice will stop incarnating in 3rd density and will start the lessons of 4th. The interesting thing with this movement is that planetary consciousnesses of different major choice will become separated and the planet itself will become of positive or negative vibration. In this way, dramatically increasing the efficiency of seeking due to the entities on one planet being of very similar vibration.

The 4th density positive, when fully activated and well advanced, would seem to be an extremelly harmonious and balanced place. All entities would be fully telepatic, this enabling them to more easily see their onnes. The complete forgetting after incarnation is no longer in effect but a partial one is present. The entities occupying such a world and such bodies, due to having much greater awareness of the universe, are able to communicate with it on a much more consciouss level. All this has the purpose to enable 4th density entities to be of much greater service to other selves and increase their understanding of themselves through serving the other selves, for the benefit of the other selves.

The 4th density negative is much the opposite in most respects excluding the general way of seeking the self. As the negative path is based on separation and domination of others that are not seen as selves, there is a constant struggle for power over others. The entity that is most able to dominate polarizes the most towards the negative. At some point in the development of 4th density negative, the entities realize that the best way to seek the path of self service is to unite in one purpose - to dominate other planetary civilizations for the benefit of self.

The major densities can be numbered from 1 to 7, as 8 being the entry back into the one and into another creation.

I do realize that there is much more to be said about these questions. If you would like, please ask further and more specifically.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Kalmah

My dear brother,

We are a complete image of the Creator, a hologram (sth that contains the whole) manifested within this Creation. In effect, we are the Creator, one with him/her. When we die, we do not leave third density but enter the planetary portion of time/space that is within 3rd density. We do not become one in self - conscioussness with the Creator but become much more individuated due to having complete knowledge of all the incarnations in 3rd density. We continue seeking the One/ourselves, by planning our next lessons within another incarnation. When we are done with the 3rd density lessons, we simply go to the next set.

When the time comes for you to have gone through all the densities of the current Creation, the rejoining of the Creator will not be you losing your own individuality but gaining the whole individuality of the whole Creation. It is an expansion and not a contraction, if that would help you imagine it.

Thank you for asking this.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow

BrotherOfSorrow, thank you for taking time to share any input you can on the questions asked.

1-Are there multiple CREATOR Creations from this Star system?
2-Is this Star system an area in contact with EA*RTH some of the beings there?
3The Pleiadians interpreted Group are said to need to have conscious request for their supports from here to there. But the Consciousness of a Planet species requesting must be collectively requesting together somewhat to send the Vibration/message in order to show true need of assistance requested... How true is this information to you?

Do the GREY have OVERWATCH of this Sphere interpreted as EA*RTH or ANOTHER group?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by Paradigm_Shift

Hello my dear brother/sister,

The questions you would like discussed are very extensive and I would ask you all to be patient because I attempt to answer intelligently and with attention towards the question. To be honest, I am falling behind on replying. I did not expect such interest and good questions. I will do my best to keep up the tempo as much as I can because here, it is 1 in the morning already

Thankyou for answering. There was another list of questions I asked on the other page, but I am sure you will get there soon!

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
The planet and our star system, due to natural cycles of the galaxy, has already entered a new porion of space/time within the galaxy, this enabling her to activate the next major density of experience and understanding - 4th density. However, only those that are of sufficiently high understanding of the lessons of the previous density would choose to enter it, through their own free will - the Harvest.

Will there be any visible signs we are entering the 4th dimension. What will these be like?

Also, can you explain the Harvest in basic terms. What happens? Have you experienced a harvest before?

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
Those that have made the choice through patterns of incarnations that have allowed them to gain sufficient understanding to make that choice will stop incarnating in 3rd density and will start the lessons of 4th. The interesting thing with this movement is that planetary consciousnesses of different major choice will become separated and the planet itself will become of positive or negative vibration.

So, if I make the right choices, the next time I die, I will move to the 4th Dimension?

Does that mean the Harvest only occurs to people once they are dead, and therefore their soul can then enter a 4th dimension life form?

Or will the harvest occur in in space/time, on earth at some point in the future?

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
The 4th density positive, when fully activated and well advanced, would seem to be an extremelly harmonious and balanced place. All entities would be fully telepatic, this enabling them to more easily see their onnes.

Do we have human bodies in the 4th Dimension? What do the "entities" look like? Are they physical in nature?

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow At some point in the development of 4th density negative, the entities realize that the best way to seek the path of self service is to unite in one purpose - to dominate other planetary civilizations for the benefit of self.

How do the entities in 4th Dimension negative escape and move to positive.

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrowThe major densities can be numbered from 1 to 7, as 8 being the entry back into the one and into another creation.

Could you describe the densities from 1-8?

What do the entities look like? What does each density aim to achieve? What is the challenge at that density?

Thanks for your time!

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:58 PM
What relation do the freemasons have with saturn?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Paradigm_Shift

Hello my friend,

Another extensive set of interesting questions. It is very interesting to note that most people ask questions of a very advanced type. This meaning that the civilization we live in has reached a very pivotal moment and many many people are really ready to go forward, initiating a new world. It will be difficult but the transition we have entered will be a very great opportunity to be of service to self or other selves. It is always difficult in transition, it is like the birth of a problematic child, at least in our case

1) A social memory complex is an entire planetary entity that has become harmonious in thought sufficiently to be able to share with itself the whole experience of all the entities comprising the planet. This dramatically increases the ability of any one of them to be of service.

I do belong to one. You should understand, that within 3rd density, the ability of anyone to remember is very limited. It can only be increased with meditation and other similar methods of going within - best done from a very young age. The veil is so great due to the principle of the 3rd density lessons. Even if one succeeds to penetrate it, he/she can still be blocked by its higher self if not supposed to know it. This being said, my own so-called "remembering" is more like a rediscovered "understanding", very limited at best. For example, it is very difficult to remember specifics about higher density life. There are only thoughts, a certain kind of knowing, understanding and very strong emotion that is left. It is extremelly difficult to explain.

2) There are many, many councils of Elders. However, the one that you are most probably referring to is the group of 6th density beings that represents the conscioussness of our sub-Creator, the Solar System. You may liken them unto the ultimate authority in our star system. However, their service and purpose is to make sure that all the Laws of the Creation are kept and the free wills of the entities of the star system is honored.

3) It is possible to be born in 3rd density with partial amnesia, if i may say so. The amnesia usualy becomes full after a certain age if extensive medidation from a very young age is not conducted.

4) Time-space has many levels in itself. When we die, we go into time-space of the current density of this planet. It is local. Time-space is not the Creator but a creation, the reciprocal of space-time. We keep our individuality but perceive the onnes much more easily.

5) Dreams are the entering of the consciousness in a specific astral level for the purpose of learning, evaluating, seeing from another angle or sinking in the experiences from the previous days. It is also one of the ways in which the integrated spirit within the body to be able to contact portions of time-space more easily.

6) The advancement of an entity is not tied to the planetary cycle. The entity may leave at will when no longer needing the lessons of the planet. The Earth cannot repeat 3rd density since the galaxy itself has initiated the activation of the next density on the planet. However, we as creators, can choose to repeat the 3rd density on another 3rd density planet.

7) There have been negative entities trying to create a negative earth experience from the start of 3rd density. Such are the principles - equal oportunity for expression of understanding must be presented to all sides. The stopping of such entities is unnecessary since it does not concern the personal development of any of us. Trying to stop them would only create disbalance within your own seeking my brother. If you are ready for positive understanding, you will go where you need to be.

I hope I have answered intelligently your questions.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:15 PM
Hello, could you please quote the person that you are responding to as I am only reading your posts, thank you in advance.

Occult symbols are everywhere, often hidden in plain sight (ie..dollar bill, dc obelisk). Is the purpose of this a cosmic legal loophole to not infringe on our free will, given that one could choose to investigate their meaning and be able to connect the dots or not? This question also applies to false flags and how there always seems to be a crumb trail(9/11,Benghazi), which one could deny or investigate.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by seasoul

Hello my dear brother/sister,

I've been replying to the posts in the order of posting so far. I do not want to neglect anyone because the questions are all interesting and challenging to answer well. Also, I have been doing this without stopping for 8 hours now and I will have to rest. This will be the last answer for today.

The question is quite clear, I hope
. When one commits suicide, it is difficult to forgive itself for ending the planned lessons prematurely and loosing an oportunity. With this condition, the self needs a special sort of balancing and learn/teaching in order understand how to correct this illusionary self-perceived mistake. However, the journey you are referring to is identical in many respect for both types of departure.

There is no contradiction. The choice to slightly change the journey is made by the self, out of its own free will.

I cannot express how thankful I am for the questions you all posed. I will do my best to continue tomorrow. However, please note that I will start with the next questions so that people that post now and after will wait much, for which I apologize.

Good night to all of you.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow

this post absolutely blew me away! and sent me on a search.
from 1974 to 1976 i kept a dream journal, i found that the more i kept track..the more i remembered.
i found the book and found the picture i was looking for..a picture from a dream.
it is a cone shape divided into 7 segments, at the wide end i drew a circle and labeled it 8.
for some reason i have the circle split in half, two segments.
this is strangely close to what you are talking about i think.
i have the picture labeled "dimensions" but have never really known what it meant.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:36 PM


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:51 PM
I intuite that our present state of shared reality is liken to a extremely sophisticated computer game if you will. Each of us a rhizome or piece of God/Jah/ the Creator experiencing our life, our individual unique frequency. In this way, the Creator experiences its Creation. I have the feeling that we are close (humanity) to moving up to the next level in the game. I feel that we are in the last room and have but one more secret to find to unlock the door to the next level. Wanderers are here to raise the overall frequency to the tipping point.

1. Are we indeed near the tipping point?

Please comment. I am greatly appreciative to you and all the blessings that the Cosmos bestows up me. PEACE.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by iLoGiCViZiOnS

Hello my dear brother/sister,

A very interesting post, one that I have expected and it's strange it didn't happen earlier. I would like to ask you 3 questions and would be very happy if you answer as I'm sure the answers will be very interesting.

1) Why do you think I need help and with what exactly? Help because your clearly lost in your endeavor here.

2) How do you know that my life has gotten off track? Does anything you've read in this thread imply it? When people's lives get off track they seek other avenues to fill the void that has been created. ATS is a great avenue for these types people because ANYTHING is possible......even though its not! Also EVERTHING in this thread that you have said tells me that!

3) How can you be sure that this is not my way and what do you actually think my way is now? Because I know you know the truth and are just seeing how far you can take this. Sure you will get people take the bate can find those people in abundance here on ATS or anywhere for that matter. However responsible people don't take advantage of those types of people.

Actually, the 3rd question is 2 questions in one so I apologize for the miscalculation. If you could do what you claim you wouldn't be making silly offense just saying!

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

Again I hope you find your way Brother

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:04 PM

Be careful of what you think. I was thinking how interesting it would be for a 4th + density entity to be on ats, and, here you are.

I am 75 and when I started my journey I was about 20. I chose Science of Mind as my base.
I had a dilemma in that there were too many choices. I had to have a standard in order to choose the right path for me. It was, If the material coming to my attention did not help heal fear and or promote Love then I did not consider it worthy of my full attention or acceptance. This standard has served me well.

I have been blessed with the writings of Seth, Course in Miracles, Ra, and so many others and of course, the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes.

I have remembered past lives, glimpses, and realize that we grow. Period. No need to wonder if we are meeting a standard as we have an eternity to achieve our full potential.

Thank you for sharing.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:07 PM

Or have you just read conversations with God ?
reply to post by cody599

You know I was just thinking, here's another knob head that's got his hands on a copy of conversations with god, and at the end of the day posts on websites trying to sound like the character he imagines himself to be in his imaginary mind movie "Conversations with god".

"Lo brothers sisters ask me anything, except anything that would require me to provide anything remotely like evidence, because this would mess up the free will thing for you"

This is becoming so tiresome on ATS, every so often up pops another plonker with a big secret he can;t tell you or the Jjuju don't work. It is so sad that there are so many gullable cretins that falll for it time and again.

Get a grip people !!!

We've heard it all before !

"Jesus loves you but you can't see him so you must have "FAITH" or he won't answer your prayers ie don't ask for proof or it'll mess uo the free will thing.

" I am Colonoid from the fourth dimension, ask me anything you like, but there is a lot that I am not allowed to tell you because you are not ready for information that your not ready for, but trust me I am Colonoid.

"Of course Santa is real honey, your just not allowed to see him or the magik won't work"


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by iLoGiCViZiOnS

Why not let the man attempt to help other people? Why call him out, as if he's doing a disservice? Besides, who put you in charge of determining which of life's "tracks" are right or wrong? I'm not saying he's right, but if his intentions are truly to help people and not to deceive them, wouldn't that be considered more "right" than "wrong?"


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:12 PM

edit on 26-7-2013 by ChristianJihad because: double post

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by ElOmen
What relation do the freemasons have with saturn?

Better question:

Who doesn't have a relation with Saturn??

I'm going to say no one.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow

Sure yeah you can ask anything you want to know.

If I don't have a good answer I will at least offer some sort of decent quality speculation.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow

Your posts resonate with truth.

I've always wrestled with this question of suicide vs natural death. It's been a reoccurring theme throughout my life.

You probably had to go out on a spiritual limb in order to answer it, and for that I'm very grateful.

I asked for help, and you responded with compassion and courage.

A thousand thanks, for sharing the esoteric knowledge and wisdom.

edit on 26-7-2013 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

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