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A "Wanderer" Speaks Out - Q and A on universal questions

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:51 AM
A few more questions How much truth could be seen in this:

What Dreams May Come

Also Bohm's discovered in his nuclear research that atomic levels seem much akin to a screen, a plasmic screen or even one could say, a film. He surmised that this universe was a reflection or projection from a Higher Realm, so that it would have been created, or formed, in perfection. This of course suggests duality is not negative, harm is not coded as a necessity. For we're a tad off on the perfect reflection part the school could/should have symbolized with better choices, as the neutral "on" switch for the reflection was perfect.

While our bodies may be a part of the film strip, or hologram, or screen, or plasma, is the spirit something else, and larger than this universe, inserted in? I've been shown a dream lab, and relate alot of this to dreaming, a projection or slice of consciousness entering in.

edit on 26-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

Hello my dear brother/sister,

Thank you for this wonderful question. Our understanding of the law of non-resistance is quite similar. If you resist anything, you invite it to happen to you again and again, until you learn the lesson and move on.

All these people that advocate resistance have their part to play in this theatre and they are doing it very well. They are just expressing their own understanding of how things should be.

Thank you my brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

1) I am neither special, nor superior to anyone. I am just at another point of the journey. Every person is at a unique phase of understanding the self. Most people on this planet, at this time have spent most of their incarnations here.

2) We all eventually come to the same realizations looked at from a unique perspective. There are many at this time/space on this planet that have similar and greater understanding than i do.

3) Yes. The way of seeking does not matter. It only matters to you.

4) I do not understand your question completely. Could you please rephrase it.

Thank you again my brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:04 PM
Thanks for your reply. I noticed Rapha edited his post. I'm bringing this to your attention because I'm interested in the answers as well. Everyone is asking great questions.

Originally posted by Rapha

There is much that I can say here.

What is the meaning for the 11:11 Wake-Up Call ?
In what way is this new age religion going to play out in the coming months ?
edit on 26-7-2013 by Rapha because: Added question

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Hello my dear brother/sister,

Thank you for the very real remarks. Anything can be construed to mean pretty much anything. If I have misled you, I do apologize. If you read the introduction closely, you will notice that I have stated exactly what I offer and exactly why I will not offer any proof of anything. It is up to you to decide on the validity of the information.

Also, you may ask me of my origins, and I will tell you as much as I know.

Not everything means something to everyone. However, even if the free will of 1 of us is violated, the free will of all of us is - we are one.

In your world, many people expect many things and they are often surprised or unhappy of what they find.

Although I truly appreciate you input, there is a feeling of slight anger, attempt to debunk and general negativity. I would like to ask you this - If you have such feelings towards this type of information, why do you participate in the thread after reading what I had to say in the beginning?

Thank you my dear brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
reply to post by cody599

Hello my dear brother/sister,

Most so-called channelings are quite distorted, unfortunately. If you would notice, there are so many different channels, beings and so on with quite conflicting information. There are 2 main reasons for that: 1) distortion from the channel's mind due to great desire to produce a specific kind of information 2) the lack of proper training of the channeler to discern between the different vibrations of beings, thus opening the door to being "polluted" by an unwanted entity.

I have heard of the "Andromeda Council" from the internet, however, I am not personally aware of anything about it. There are many groups of planetary conscioussnesses.

Thank you my dear brother/sister.

Thanks for the reply

That would be brother when you've earned enough respect to call me that

Although I find it strange that you comment on something you admit to not being "personally aware of"

I have heard of the "Andromeda Council" from the internet, however, I am not personally aware of anything about it

Hmmmmmmmmm let's try a different track

Did all the people that died and were persecuted in wars and leave families broken choose to do so ?

Or have you just read conversations with God ?


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow

Although I truly appreciate you input, there is a feeling of slight anger, attempt to debunk and general negativity. I would like to ask you this - If you have such feelings towards this type of information, why do you participate in the thread after reading what I had to say in the beginning?

No BrotherOfSorrow, you are incorrect. Do not measure me by the criteria you may apply to others. There is no anger, nor any attempt to debunk. I have stated my position that I work with fact and I accept no testimony at face value. I hope we have established that.

So, bearing in mind that I do not have such feelings as you ascribe to me, I participate in such threads because I am always interested in other viewpoints and I have never in my life said to anyone that they are wrong in what they believe.

Each person is entitled to their own beliefs and as far as matters of an ethereal nature are concerned, which encompasses religion and higher conciousness etc, I do not believe that anyone has the right to deny another's beliefs in these matters. None can prove one way or another that they are correct. It is as I believe you stated a matter of faith.

However, by the same token none has the right to force their beliefs on another. I am not suggesting that you are ding such just in case you misunderstand what I am saying.

Everyone has the right to determine the veracity of your communications for themselves. I shall watch this thread with interest, but I will ask just one question.

How to you justify non disclosure on the grounds that it would infringe free will when it is not possible to make a reasoned judgement without possession of all the facts?


Not everything means something to everyone. However, even if the free will of 1 of us is violated, the free will of all of us is - we are one.

Just to add that you are not wrong in that but I suspect that my reason for saying that is not yours. None the less we are all one.

edit on 26/7/2013 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hello my dear brother/sister,

I apologize for the delay but it is not easy to keep up with the questions for which I am actually very grateful. I also had to watch this clip. What is shown in this part of the movie can be real for anyone that has enetered the time/space part of our Creation, usually after physical death. It is a place that thoughts become things much more easily. As to exactly "how much" truth there is in the clip, only you can decide.

An exellent example with suggestions about the atomic levels. The space/time part of the Creation (physical space) was and continues to be created from the time/space part thus time/space can be seen as more "real" than space/time. Space/time is reciprocal and in the same time analogous to time/space both places having no meaning without the other.

The Creation is divided into structures, every galaxy being 1 local creator, every sun being one sub-creator or sub-logos and so on. Every Creator chooses the unique patterns of learning for its locality using the basic laws of creation. Thus, nothing is really, bad or good. There is only love in every expression, in every creation. We are the creator trying to go back and become totally one again. What we see on the journey is of our own making.

The spirit is The Creator or more closely a hologram of the Creator, a part of him/her. It is not higher, it is just the creating principle or that which expresses the will of the Creator within the Creation.

Thank you for the great input and questions my dear brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Kalmah

Hello my dear brother/sister,

Thank you for the warm words and interest. I hadn't noticed that Rapha had edited his post and I am thankful for this information as well. I would suggest that if anyone forgot to ask something to just post another post.

The meaning for any synchronicity such as seeing "11:11" somewhere is that it is sign post, if you will, suggesting that something important for you has happenned or you have just thought something very important for you. However, synchronicities can have various meanings. I would suggest that if any synchronicities start happenning to you more and more often, it is just a suggestion to you that you are on the right track.

As I said in the beginning, I cannot and will not attempt to make any prophecies for objective reasons. This is not my purpose. All I can say on this subject is that the New Age Spirituality movement (I would not call it a religion) is an effect of the dramatically increasing level of conscioussness vibration on this planet, at this time/space.

Thank you my brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by cody599

Hello my dear ...... friend,

Thank you for the questions and input.

All beings in the One Creation choose what to happen to them. So, in general, the answer to your question is "YES".

No, unfortunately I have not read Conversations with God.

Thank you very much my friend.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:43 PM
I'm enjoying this thread.

Usually I'm skeptical when people make threads like this, but your answers are very similar to my beliefs, so you must know what you're talking about

-Does everything happen for a reason?

-How does someone violate another's free will?

-Do we literally manifest our life through the law of attraction?

-Is ET life/contact a positive thing for humans?

-Do ghosts exist and can they manifest themselves in any way?


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by PuterMan
I participate in such threads because I am always interested in other viewpoints and I have never in my life said to anyone that they are wrong in what they believe.

Each person is entitled to their own beliefs and as far as matters of an ethereal nature are concerned, which encompasses religion and higher conciousness etc, I do not believe that anyone has the right to deny another's beliefs in these matters. None can prove one way or another that they are correct. It is as I believe you stated a matter of faith.

Its for those very reasons that I love threads like this! Someone basically coming on here and asking others to explore their perspective is really quite a cool thing. "Debunking" is a bit of a silly notion in that context. Usually there is some condescension involved, large amounts of bickering, and more.. but hey, thats in every single thread in existence really.

I think people are too quick to dismiss or accept something at face value all dependent on whether or not it applies to their current foundational bias. Its amazing how much people tell about themselves without even noticing it, isnt it?

Threads like this are basically an open opportunity to see how another views the world. Parts will be accurate, other parts wont be, but overall it is a learning opportunity (as is everything).. Its kind of like an interactive book in the vein of the Choose Your Own Adventure series. Fiction or non-fiction, you are almost guaranteed to be entertained! There is even the chance of learning something in the process.

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
The Creation is divided into structures, every galaxy being 1 local creator, every sun being one sub-creator or sub-logos and so on. Every Creator chooses the unique patterns of learning for its locality using the basic laws of creation.

Would you mind going into this a bit further? Who/what is the galactic leader in the milky way here and where might they reside? Maybe an even better question is "how" do they reside?
edit on 26-7-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:47 PM
I don't see things as you in some areas, but there is no point in getting too locked into spiritual debates, for its like opening a door, and to me the more doors are open, the better earth is for it, providing this is not about expressing harm as a legitimate path, which is the major flaw in HH material and even under the hood on Law of One. For that is truly taking the long painful way home. The soul/consciousness progresses and grows with more love, more compassion, more refining higher mind, and pulling away from the base animal instincts and what material covets, which includes, anger, out of balance sexuality, greed, reacting or harshness, apathy, and tendencies to have power over others. These need to be refined and overcome for Source/God/Consciousness to grow bigger. And lack of this, giving into less love, more machine than man, reptilian brain, ruthless, aggressive behavior, reduces and makes smaller, Consciousness/Source/God. God is only Goodness and cannot give anyone contracts to harm in order to progress.

They're doing that on their own, basically serving AI more than Consciousness.

So I don't agree with or follow LofO or HH.

From that school of thought, one could say, the world's mismanagers are only Loving you when they prepare fema camps and terrible experiments. This is only Love.

Its no such thing!

But those are the draw backs I see Also in that, programming of any kind, is usually a trap. Going within and connecting to our bungee cord, our inner workings, pineal, for example, thalamus, emptying our minds and being still, being water.....this is how we re-establish our Love and Wisdom guides if you will and gain enlightenment.

They're being tested as well.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Hello again my dear brother/sister,

I apologize if I've shown a lack of sensitivity/understanding of what you were saying.

I shall attempt to answer your very perceptive question. The principle of following another's Free Will is to always attempt to be aware of the other's true desire/request/question/so on. I am offering my entire understanding to anyone who asks the right question, with enough dept and intelligence to encompass most that he/she desires answered. Thus, basically I try to "feel" what the person is asking in reality and what and how to say something in order to be of service. As you have noted, it is a tricky and difficult thing to do. I hope I am and will be proficient enough to do this.

Your reason for saying that may well not be mine as well.

It is a true pleasure to communicate with you as your statements and questions are very good.

Thank you again my brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Progression of Consciousness/Spirit/Soul, or regression. The two laned highway. They're not equal paths. and the regression does not contract to Progression. For Kindness would do no such thing.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Euphony

Hello my dear brother/sister,

Thank you for the kind words, I'm enjoying the thread as well since I feel a general positivity about it.It is up to each of you to decide whether I'm right or wrong.

I shall attempt to answer your questions to the best of my ability:

1) Everything does happen for a reason, there are no truly random occurings.

2) There are many ways to violate another self's Free Will. The general principle is, as I have already suggested, that you should always try to understand what exactly the other self is asking of you and not what YOU want him to ask of you. A good example is " I'm doing what i think is best for someone, regardless of his/her will because I know better", thus depriving him/her of the beauty of seeing the unraveling of his/her own doings.

3) Yes, our lives are mirrors of ourselves, or more closely, mirrors of what we need to experience thus, always choosing, by our actions and thoughts and intentions, what will happen to us.

4) Contact with ET life can be positive or negative, if you will. The life itself is the Creation, therefore neither positive nor negative but only the infinite and undiferrentiated love of the One Infinte Creator.

5) What you call ghosts exist. Yes, they do manifest themselves in many ways. They are simply very few of our brothers and sisters who have chosen, through their own free will, to remain in the astral planes between space/time and time/space after death.

Thank you for the very good questions.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

Hello my dear brother/sister,

I shall attempt to answer your question with pleasure.

The Milky Way galaxy is one Creator or from the greek, Logos. The Galaxy itself is quite alive. Every sun, every planet, every particle is alive and is an expression of the Creator. There is no leader - we are one. There are many, many advanced, if you will, civilizations residing in all the densities of the One Creation. For more information on this topic, please ask further.

Thank you my brother/sister.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:13 PM
I'm very intrigued my friend. Here's a few more..

-How did everything begin?

-What's the ultimate goal of everything and why?

-I have always had a feeling that musical vibrations were somehow special; are they special? If so, in which way?

Thanks for the input!

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by BrotherOfSorrow

Friend is good

And a good answer. You do realise you've set yourself up here don't you ?

I've been here 8+ years and seen these threads crash and burn more times than I care to remember

Good luck my friend


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by BrotherOfSorrow
The Milky Way galaxy is one Creator or from the greek, Logos. The Galaxy itself is quite alive. Every sun, every planet, every particle is alive and is an expression of the Creator. There is no leader - we are one. There are many, many advanced, if you will, civilizations residing in all the densities of the One Creation. For more information on this topic, please ask further.

Leader was perhaps the wrong word..

In our body, we have our central nervous system which controls the overall functions and cycles of the rest of the body. They all work in unison; individual but not separate. Each part of my body is an active structure within the whole, but the overall system is sourced in the patterns originally set forth by the CNS.

In this way, where would the CNS be in the galaxy? Meaning, if this galaxy is a creator in an anthropomorphized sense, where and how does the brain reside? Or, is the ideology of "as above, so below" not applicable in your perspective?
edit on 26-7-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

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