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Strange object hits wind turbine 2009.Similar object photographed 5000 miles away July 2013.

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by canDarian
He was doing Yoga.

You would expect a lot more detail if the object was within 9ft of the lens

No you wouldn't. It would be out of focus, ergo, no detail. Couple that with a slower shutter/ISO and you can add some blur to that focus. In any case, we can't inspect he EXIF data without access to the original image. While we can't really prove either way, I think the most sensible option is to run with the likeliest scenario.


lol it's a freakin iPhone they aint using shutter speeds and over exposures an yadda yadda,the subject is focused at 9ft if a smaller object appears at 9ft it would appear much more focused,if thats a 2 in sq bug it would be massive in the photo.if it was anywhere closer then say around 7ft yes it would be blurry,but much larger.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by canDarian

Ok. You win.
A large object that no one noticed because they were so impressed with the guy doing handstands on the rock.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by canDarian

Ok. You win.
A large object that no one noticed because they were so impressed with the guy doing handstands on the rock.

LMAO ok so now your going that route,your reasoning is that a smaller object that's closer is more visible then a large object in the distance,it's not even an argument it's just a waste of time as both would be equally hard to discern.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by canDarian

People don't notice bugs much...until they show up in a photo.
Especially when there's a guy doing a handstand on a rock.

Large octopus shaped UFOs on the other hand...

edit on 7/26/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by canDarian

People don't notice bugs much...until they show up in a photo.
Especially when there's a guy doing a handstand on a rock.

A large object farther away would appear the same size as a small object close up why would a bug be less noticeable if they appear the same size lol,I feel like your using the Chewbacca defense on me.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by canDarian

Because people don't notice bugs because we see them all the time.

Large octopus shaped UFOs on the other hand...

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:49 AM
They are the same size by perspective what you say now makes no sense.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:18 AM
If that is a bug as claimed, then what bug? because i ain't seen a bug like that before.
It looks metallic with one eye and dangly legs, i sure would like to see something in nature like it.

Kinda surprised people ain't said it's a ROCK.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 04:06 AM
Occam's razor.

It's a bug, or a balloon..

Not an alien space craft
edit on 26-7-2013 by Nomad451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 04:26 AM
Following thread with psp in bed. No pictures in psp. DAMN. Had to see it

At computer now.
Found this here...

Taken from this vid...

UFO shapeshifter --- Shot with a Canon 600D (T3i) on auto settings with a cannon Zoom Lens 90-300mm.
First I thought it was a bird, where I thought the "tentacles" where the "feet" of the bird.
It was circling like a "bird of pray" at approximately 200- 300 meters or so.
It seems it was circling "nose" inward... After I started taking pictures it left over the roofs of the houses


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 04:26 AM


posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by Snaffers

Conclusion he's using a TP lens.

But I'm sure someone is going to say it's a flying June bug...

@ 600 to 900 ft there is noway he could get that camera to draw out that detail from that distance if it was an insect,so that isn't an insect,not a bird,not a plane I don't see a giant S anywhere.

I like it.

edit on 26-7-2013 by canDarian because: Rabid JuneBug Attack!

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by Snaffers

That looks even more like a bug than the one in the OP

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by roughycannon
reply to post by Snaffers

That looks even more like a bug than the one in the OP

If this was shot from 600 ft it's absolutely impossible for it to be a bug,you would be talking about a bug that is just massive and deserving of it's own thread lol.

edit on 26-7-2013 by canDarian because: Nibiru Sighting

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:43 AM
The thing is behind the guy on the rocks imo & that's no way any bug from this planet. You might not notice the huge UFO with legs if it was that far away & if you weren't looking for it. They seemed to be focusing on what they were doing not looking in the sky for UFOs I would think.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Most likely Im wrong but it does look like its behind. Not only that but with it being out of focus and moving so fast that its only there for a split second if it was a bug and closer then wouldnt there be major motion blur?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:05 AM
Very similar object seen for many years.

Notice anything there ,idk maybe a ringed eye?

edit on 26-7-2013 by canDarian because: Devil Made Me Do It!

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:32 AM
End of September 2009 in Washington State, Pierce County, I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience with a UFO with tentacles.

Here is the MUFON report I filed. You can look up this historic MUFON report yourself:

Long Description of Sighting Report Large UFO with very bright light illuminating entire object (brighter than a star) caught my eye while I got up to get a drink in the kitchen. I put my glasses on and saw it hovering below the tree line with tentacle looking lights dropping from it. The craft bobbed slowly up/down, side/side. I have a pair of night vision goggles and went to get them to take a close look at the craft. When I returned, it had moved into the trees. I waited a bit and it bobbed back into my non-obstructed vision. I looked through the goggles and that is when I really saw the tentacle looking lights dropping from the craft. Needless to say, I had a difficult time returning to sleep after seeing that!

This craft wasn't very large, it was hoovering approximately 500 feet (I'm not good with distances) above the ground in-between 2 huge trees (trees in Washington can get 200 feet high or more). It was illuminated so bright, very white light, not yellow like you would see with man-made lights. I could see tentacles hanging down with round bright balls of light, brighter than what was illuminating the craft. The tentacles didn't seem rigid, but flexible.

When I looked, I was shaken with fear so intense, I knew instinctively the craft knew I was seeing it and in my head they told me they were scientists looking for specimens. I had a feeling that they might be friendly, but I was still scared out of my mind. I tried to force myself to continue looking, but it was like I was looking at something I shouldn't be seeing as I couldn't understand it. I ran to my bedroom and put my two big dogs (mastiff and great dane) inside. I locked the door. I tried to stay up, but got very tired. I awoke, to dried blood out of my nose. Never before, besides maybe being a kid, had I experienced a nose bleed. I was exhausted the next day as if I stayed up for 2 days straight. Very different type of tired.

I reported this event to MUFON. Received a call 1 week later from Bigalow Space Agency Bigalow
They asked about the story and said they wanted to fly to our property from Vegas where their company was stationed. They then had to cancel as another incident took precedence.

This was an incredible experience. I continued having extremely odd dreams after that about entities/UFO's that would push or offer intense answers to the universe in my brain, so much, it would take my breath away. It felt almost like a religious experience.

I know this might sound insane. I can assure you, I'm very sane, educated professional with a family. I felt as though I couldn't really share these experiences with my family, although of course my husband heard about them non-stop when they occurred. The information they would offer was normally when I was away from the house for the night, camping in our travel trailer.

As I type this it sounds cliche, but all of it is very true.

It was almost like I could instantly sense ships in the sky if they were there. I could walk outside, get a sense they were there, and instantly look in the direction they were. This was common (not nightly, but maybe half a dozen times in 1 year). I ended up buying military night vision goggles and was able to clearly see the craft. One time, I saw 2 alien entities in a ship. That had to be the most weirdest, scariest vision I've ever seen in my life.

Thank you OP for posting about a ship with tentacles in Auburn, WA which was only 12 miles from where I lived in Puyallup, WA.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by canDarian

A tumbling wasp probably swatted away by someone off camera.

Perhaps we could call it Waspra!

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by curiouswa
End of September 2009 in Washington State, Pierce County, I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience with a UFO with tentacles.

Here is the MUFON report I filed. You can look up this historic MUFON report yourself:

Long Description of Sighting Report Large UFO with very bright light illuminating entire object (brighter than a star) caught my eye while I got up to get a drink in the kitchen. I put my glasses on and saw it hovering below the tree line with tentacle looking lights dropping from it. The craft bobbed slowly up/down, side/side. I have a pair of night vision goggles and went to get them to take a close look at the craft. When I returned, it had moved into the trees. I waited a bit and it bobbed back into my non-obstructed vision. I looked through the goggles and that is when I really saw the tentacle looking lights dropping from the craft. Needless to say, I had a difficult time returning to sleep after seeing that!

This craft wasn't very large, it was hoovering approximately 500 feet (I'm not good with distances) above the ground in-between 2 huge trees (trees in Washington can get 200 feet high or more). It was illuminated so bright, very white light, not yellow like you would see with man-made lights. I could see tentacles hanging down with round bright balls of light, brighter than what was illuminating the craft. The tentacles didn't seem rigid, but flexible.

When I looked, I was shaken with fear so intense, I knew instinctively the craft knew I was seeing it and in my head they told me they were scientists looking for specimens. I had a feeling that they might be friendly, but I was still scared out of my mind. I tried to force myself to continue looking, but it was like I was looking at something I shouldn't be seeing as I couldn't understand it. I ran to my bedroom and put my two big dogs (mastiff and great dane) inside. I locked the door. I tried to stay up, but got very tired. I awoke, to dried blood out of my nose. Never before, besides maybe being a kid, had I experienced a nose bleed. I was exhausted the next day as if I stayed up for 2 days straight. Very different type of tired.

I reported this event to MUFON. Received a call 1 week later from Bigalow Space Agency Bigalow
They asked about the story and said they wanted to fly to our property from Vegas where their company was stationed. They then had to cancel as another incident took precedence.

This was an incredible experience. I continued having extremely odd dreams after that about entities/UFO's that would push or offer intense answers to the universe in my brain, so much, it would take my breath away. It felt almost like a religious experience.

I know this might sound insane. I can assure you, I'm very sane, educated professional with a family. I felt as though I couldn't really share these experiences with my family, although of course my husband heard about them non-stop when they occurred. The information they would offer was normally when I was away from the house for the night, camping in our travel trailer.

As I type this it sounds cliche, but all of it is very true.

It was almost like I could instantly sense ships in the sky if they were there. I could walk outside, get a sense they were there, and instantly look in the direction they were. This was common (not nightly, but maybe half a dozen times in 1 year). I ended up buying military night vision goggles and was able to clearly see the craft. One time, I saw 2 alien entities in a ship. That had to be the most weirdest, scariest vision I've ever seen in my life.

Thank you OP for posting about a ship with tentacles in Auburn, WA which was only 12 miles from where I lived in Puyallup, WA.

That is incredible!

And no,TY for sharing.

The only reason I posted this was because I saw something like this a few years back,your experiences are almost the same minus the blood and instead of vivid dreams I now have zero recollection of my dreams,which is odd because I was an avid Lucid dreamer.

I am curious did you get a sense of what they looked like because I did and what I saw idk if my brain was trying to make an image I could comprehend or if this is what they actually looked like,needless to say I couldn't make heads or tails out of them.

I really do applaud you for your telling your story,takes a lot of courage.

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