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Presidential meeting with aliens at Holloman AFB and the choice.

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 04:02 PM
Why is the US Government running scared over Edward Snowden? Two things. It proves that there is a sinister side to the USA that frankly most people living in the USA are buring their heads in the sand about. Democracy is dying there. You are losing your freedoms. Anyway I am sure the CIA have very close links to the military Industrial Complex. And another reason for the US Government running scared is that Edward Snowden leaking information is for them bad enough but they are worried, damn worried that next time it could be a Cosmic Watergate level of leak which would totally stun the world. I do believe this is why they want Edward Snowden back so much and punish him so severely. It serves as a warning to those that want to unleash Cosmic Watergate to not do so or they will face a lifetime in jail.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

I'm going to disagree with you on this. If Snowden was a real threat, he'd be dead by now. The Alphabet Groups are just using him to distract us for what's going on (go see for yourself all of the stuff that's been going on since Snowden started talking about stuff we all already knew)

The issue with MIC is that I really doubt they have access to anything, other than pictures, alien. Not one faction within MIC has really popped up with anything fantastically new (in fact they seem to be doing the very opposite, and tend to suppress anything that is new).

Back on topic;

Project Blue Book, the FBI/UFO files, and whatever program the Naval Department was using back then clearly would indicate that whatever Alien treaty we had wasn't being followed by them at all.

If I had to guess at what happened I would bet money on whatever alien just wanted some kind of document (or whatever they call it) signed with a dominate Earth force on it to show that they have rights to the planet for whatever reason they want. This would explain why they tried to deal with the Nazi then after the war turned their eye towards America. This could also explain why countries that seem to be up and coming (like the former BRIC countries) had an increase in UFO activities in recent years.

So in the end I will have to say;
"Greys, Nordic, or Reptilian all are looking out for themselves. I'm sure as self-centered a species we may be, at least we wouldn't go fully back on any deal signed by an extra-terrestrial we might encounter."

I give you all for evidence for that based on some of the decisions we make here on Earth. Every country here has sided with the wrong side at one time or another, and in so doing we at least help that country out with something. Then when it starts to look bad for then, the supporting country will either end it's relationship with the host nation, or will "adjust" the terms of their alliance. It would seem that whatever alien race got the deal with us, they just hosed us over on the deal.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by abe froman

You're talking about the famouse Grenada Treaty, where Eisenhower supposedly went skiing in Aspen and then went to the dentist but he actually didn't go to any dentists and instead took part in this meeting. It is the first time I hear that actually this wasn't just a meeting of greys that stopped by Earth but a result of making a choice, that there was actually a choice between two races. The story seems decorarted, almost like a sci fi movie or a game.. there were games I remember where you would have to choose whom to side - one would offer you endless wisdom and knowledge others would offer you power and strength.

There may have been meeting of President but with who? It may have been some other political figure on planet Earth, nothing to do with any fabricated stories of aliens.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:56 AM
Presidential leaders today are nothing more than puppets with relatively low level clearance, and have little knowledge of the bigger picture known by the "other" government that really pulls the strings along with/or completely by the aliens. Sad part is, that we the people, have a voice to say NO..ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. But most don't.. they are so perfectly brainwashed, it's like a planet of cattle or zombies.

I put in roughly 100 hours of research a week, and have had my eyes well and truly opened. As in everything, we have to use discernment to ascertain what is the truth and what is BS or disinformation. For they are everywhere, even on/especially on ATS.

So my advice to truth seekers is to go with your inner voice.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:01 AM
Disclaimer: I´m just adding some gas to the fire!

Gen. Douglas MacArthur, after World War 2, said something like this: The next war will be a clash between universes.

One can argue that he was refering to the Cold War context, but some nutjob (like myself) can speculate...

And about those so-called Nordics...

So, they appear once, proppose a treaty, and since we didn´t bought it they just leave never to be seen (or heard or whatever)?
I must confess I find it odd for an "alien" civilization so concerned with our evolution to make such a peremptory visit (specially after travelling through such an empty universe).

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by ImpactoR
reply to post by abe froman

- one would offer you endless wisdom and knowledge others would offer you power and strength.

Endless 'spiritual' 'knowledge'. Shamans, churches, and cults also promise that

Fact is, someone that doesn't want to hurt you doesn't ask you to take away your only method of defense against them. If it was about protecting us, wonder why they didn't also demand we get rid of chemical and biological weapons? You know, the things that can also destroy all human life on this planet but are chemically and biologically unable to hurt things from other planets. And obviously ineffective against alien spacecraft.

If true, the Nordics were just trying to take advantage of a common defect in the human brain to screw us over. If true, fortunately there were some intelligent people in the negotiations.

This is all obviously a fairy tale. But the idea that our nukes could be legitimate defense also fits with the stories of UFOs shutting down nuke silos.

edit on 7/27/13 by RedDragon because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/27/13 by RedDragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:26 PM
If Ike really did meet the aliens during his vacation in Feb. 1954 to Palm Springs, it did not stop him or the USA from going forward with H-bomb research at Castle Bravo, on March 1, 1954.

Castle Bravo was the code name given to the first United States test of a dry fuel thermonuclear hydrogen bomb, detonated on March 1, 1954, at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, as the first test of Operation Castle. Source

If Ike was negotiating with aliens (of either race) in Feb. 1954 for technology deals ... I wonder if the Castle Bravo test was an overt message to those aliens in some way. But if the aliens had anti-gravity technology they could just as easily interrupt every single nuclear test attempted by the US or Soviets.

The aliens, if they were at all concerned about the future for humanity, would have acted to mitigate the H-bomb testing.. if not to save humanity from itself, but to save the planet from radioactive death in the event of an all out nuclear war. But nuclear testing continued through several presidential administrations.

Just more food for thought.... great thread so far I have enjoyed a lot of good reading here.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by abe froman
reply to post by galadofwarthethird
then they should run for office

They are grays they would have very little concept of such a thing, but at one time in a long lost history they to once believed in believing. So I don't know man, I suppose one could just ask them if one wanted to. However asking questions has never answered anything in the history of asking questions. But just so you know this game the story of good and bad, good guy bad buy, is akin to good cop bad cop, and it has been played out for a long long time, and it has taken many and any forms which it can, thousands to millions of years from now it will still be played out, though on a completely different scale.

And there is truth in it. You put two items in front of a child, that child will walk toward the item which it has most affinity toward, and a choice is made and it divulges from then and there on.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by KaiDKravitVALIS42
reply to post by KaiDKravitVALIS42

In the "Hill Case" we also see that the "greys" showed Betty Hill a star map and pointed to the twin Zeta Reticuli star system as being their home. Betty Hill was able to pinpoint and draw this "map" which was given to astronomers. They were able to match it up with a known star system, excluding the two stars which she claimed the "greys" told her they originated from. Several years later, when we had more advanced methods of viewing stars, the exact two stars making up Zeta Reticuli (sure enough) were right where she said they'd be. How did this middle-aged social worker who had no previous experience with astronomy (much less UFOs) happen to know this information years before scientists could even glimpse that far into space?

I don't know what happened but Carl Sagan said:

edit on 29-7-2013 by brintonwhite because: spelling

edit on 29-7-2013 by brintonwhite because: spelling

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by brintonwhite

Darn... supposedly that video is not available in my country... I am in the United States darn it and I thought we had freedom of speech without censoring...

guess not!

Anyway, the Betty Hill star map my husband debunked... I don't know what Carl Sagan said, although I heard he disagreed with it being a real map, wouldn't mind hearing his take... see if it matches what my husband said.
edit on 16-3-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

You either believe or you don’t.
Being a
aught to tell you it’s about belief, to some degree.

There has been testimony from credible sources that this took place. One can either believe them or not or maybe.

There is at this time no conclusive proof the OP can offer any of us of the reality of this meeting.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Willtell

Yes it is true I cannot provide proof, no one can. However as proof of concept that certain tech could simulate advanced cognitive powers (telepathy) I submit for your perusal contact lenses that send text messages straight to your eyes.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 02:30 PM
Why would such an elusive and technologically advanced race even bother signing a treaty to abduct people and cows using undetectable technology? Its not like Eisenhower could've stopped their efforts anyway, nor could he really assist them, and if the goal was to not honor the treaty it seems easier to just keep abducting people and mutilating cows without ever introducing the treaty in the first place. I don't see how or why the treaty would be necessary for the aliens to continue their agenda.

Or, more simply, what would the Greys actually gain by signing such a treaty?

Another question: It has been said in this thread that Greys have a hive mind connecting individuals via telepathy. Would a telepathic hive mind race even retain the concept of signing a treaty?
edit on 3/18/1414 by conundrummer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by conundrummer

This thread posits multiple races interacting with us and each other, it seems there would be consequences, perhaps even war between alien races (ala the UN or NATO), if things weren't done in a way that is in some way agreed upon by us.
I would think that the gray "hive mind" is technologically based. That is after all the point of this thread.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 04:27 PM

abe froman
reply to post by conundrummer

This thread posits multiple races interacting with us and each other, it seems there would be consequences, perhaps even war between alien races (ala the UN or NATO), if things weren't done in a way that is in some way agreed upon by us.

But wouldn't breaking the treaty be a violation on the order of not having one in the first place? Cause if the plan was to sucker a signature with empty promises of a technology exchange that didn't happen in exchange for permission to do something that humans couldn't prevent anyway, I don't really see the point for the Greys to even present such a contract.

And wouldn't the treaty principally be between the Greys and Nordics? Earth seems like an odd place for that.

I would think that the gray "hive mind" is technologically based. That is after all the point of this thread.

Is the implication that modern electronic communications are ET based?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by abe froman

Presidential meeting with aliens at Holloman AFB and the choice.
The truth is, we have no choice.....

In my opinion, the "Greys", and the Tall Nordic's, are just two sides to the same coin. Making any choice, is no choice at all. Making a covert deal with either force results in the same outcome, division.

Why do you suppose this deal was offered secretly and covertly in the first place? Because it pits people against people, the haves and the have nots. It causes suspicion within our own ranks. Its the same thing as giving a loaded gun to a monkey, one day he is going to find the trigger. They, sit back and laugh at the outcome.

The "Greys" are not a sentient race, they are flesh and blood robots that are completely programmable. And guess who programs them........

The outcome is exactly what you see today, thousands of subjects that do nothing but divide humanity, and as a result, have our political, religious, scientific communities, knotted into a hectic chaos, unable to function for the betterment of mankind..

Good Alien, bad alien, its all the same thing..

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by DaTroof

Well dru better be a hot women lol. I think would just be icky to be thinking these thoughts about a guy lol. I agree Nordic do exist, encountered in vegas. After reading halls book. Only wish we would have dealt with them. We did make some sort of deal cus they still around.

The Bot

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Why would they senser Carl saran video, that is a Google thing but why.

Don't understand that.

The Bot

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:30 PM

reply to post by OpinionatedB

Why would they senser Carl saran video, that is a Google thing but why.

Don't understand that.

The Bot

That is curious.

Unless it's a copyright issue of some sort. Still seems strange though.

You can probably get access to it via spoofing your IP as non US-based thru a TOR-like browser if you're so inclined..

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by RedDragon

i dont understand,some people are talking about the greys and nordic treaty like it is a done deal. why would they sign a treaty?
how is this even being taken seriously?
the originally story of holloman air force base landing from the documentary was 3 ships flew down,2 flew away and 1 landed.(the 1 that landed was apparently in trouble) 3 beings exited the craft,the large nosed aliens. this was not a planned landing there was no president there,it was airforce staff,the airforce general and 2 others went out to meet them when it landed.

why would the aliens sign a treaty,why america? why not with the UK or china or russia. if they know the future surely they would of known china is the advanced technological force. it makes no sense.

by the way,i believe aliens are visiting earth and abducting people. i think the governments know about it but can do nothing to stop it. how can they tell people that they are powerless to stop aliens doing what they want?

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