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Dulce Base - upcoming book by Greg Valdez

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posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by GVALDEZ

A now dead Ranger friend said it was black biolab as well as a technology sequestration site.
He hasn't BSed me yet.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by cavtrooper7

Your friend was probably telling the truth. Remove aliens from the story and that description fits many of the supporting stories that were verified.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by LTafoya
reply to post by GVALDEZ

Greg. I was sorry to hear about your dad and my condolences.

Thanks for writing the book and setting things straight. After having grown-up in Dulce and having lived there for a majority of my life I have heard all the crazy rumors. I didn't realize how widespread the rumors were until I was checking into a hotel in Vallejo, California and the person looked at my license and said "Dulce, New Mexico. You have an alien base there, don't you?"

My dad once told me a story that one night he witnessed soldiers moving along a road along the tree line in the moonlight. It unnerved him. I did not quite believe the story but apparently it was
I am thoroughly enjoying the book. It is neat to read about areas you know about. I knew about Gasbuggy and knew there was an explosion used there but had no idea that it was nuclear

I wish your dad would have written a book. The locals have a lot of good stories to tell.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by GVALDEZ

He said he was Neurolinguisticly trained at Johns Hopkins.He described how an electromagnetic halo was involved.
He refused to get VA assistance because he would not talk to anyone who wasn't cleared.He also spoke of his mission during REX 84.
He shot himself in Dec2012.

edit on 31-7-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: misspoke

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by cavtrooper7
reply to post by GVALDEZ

He said he was Neurolinguisticly trained at Johns Hopkins.He described how an electromagnetic halo was involved.
He refused to get VA assistance because he would not talk to anyone who wasn't cleared.He also spoke of his mission during REX 84.
He shot himself in Dec2012.

edit on 31-7-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: misspoke


What was a doctor like that doing in the Rangers? I would have thought him assigned to a more specialist unit?

Not that I don't believe you are I know some doctors voluntary take front line assignments but just wondering what led him to the rangers?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by GVALDEZ

So can we say safely that humans kept in cages for guinea pigs is totally in the scope of such secret places and in the capability of Dulce base? I am glad you proved the skeptics about one thing wrong - that wiothout any evidence or being familiar with teh topic they were certain such base does nto exist.


This whole story around Dulce only tells me that when they do it for one base, why not do it for ALL? It's not like there is hard evidence of aliens anywhere, even Rendlesham forest, Kecksberg PA, Aurora lights, Cash Landrum case can all be man-made objects, where is the evidence of aliens or other beings? Nowhere

And what this opened my eyes - I really didn't think people can lie so convincingly (like Phil did), now I see anything can be questioned, even the biggest cases.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by ImpactoR

Were did you get hold of the book? Didnt know it was out yet.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

He wasn't a doctor,he was trained for combat neurolingusiticly but the "Halo" device was used as a sort of programming system to make him a better soldier. Reflexes,combat all wired into his subconcious,but they couldn't complete it I guess because he was put out "For the Good of the Army" and his records sealed so he couldn't appeal a damn thing but hey that's typical "black ops"
He was one of Ollie Norths boys in the south.
Not believing me isn't an issue,considering me is enough.
edit on 1-8-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by ImpactoR
reply to post by greyer

Phil Schneider has a famliy, kids right? Did he think lying to people like that is cool?

'Aliens working with humans huh? 'Real' aliens like in the Dulce stories, right? Don't try fooling me bastard, I now know about your bogus alien stories, don't give me those anymore'.

Phil Schneider's case was probably much different, Marie had nothing but good things to say about her father and there was probably much more of an understanding than we can assume. Phil's father was a captured Nazi commander who fought on both sides of the war and later became a US Navy captain. We know the Nazi's were taken to Los Alamos and were part of the underground base network from there and to the north because of the heavy Nazi influence at DIA. That explains by Phil had access to the underground base and really explains everything, and that there are reasons why Phil added disinformation to his overall story because he was a Freemason. But the point and lesson of all that is to not speak publicly about such knowledge. We can establish from the evidence that Phil Schneider was no Bob Lazar and that he networked with the inside, in fact Phil is supported. In that respect we have to take it back to the beginning of Phil's work with the release of information which had greatly to do with his friend from the inside, Ron Rummel. Now all this information from Ron could be originally coming from Paul's computer system which we can see from all this is just one aspect of the disinfo program.

The treaty was to give us special atomic technology, atomic spaceships. Beam technology, beam weapons. And a thought beam technology, which is what the aliens use for communication. They need electronic nerve modifying metallic implants to talk to each other.

This basically proves that Ron Rummel's first information about a treaty came from Paul Bennewitz because Paul is the only UFO researcher I have heard to claim that aliens cannot communicate telepathically but that they need an implant just to communicate with each other. It is good that earlier we concluded the computer system was counter intelligence because only through disinformation would the air force intelligence tell us about the underground alien base at Dulce. In the beginning Bennewitz established a US base built from 1948, separate from 2 alien bases in 3 different locations, it is important to remember that this US base was the one that closed down in 1979 for 2 years so it is not like humans working with aliens.

In exchange the aliens got quite a few underground bases, they were allowed to abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis, (they were supposed to provide MJ-12 with a list of all abductees and to return them safely), they were helped with processing of a special atomic fuel they need for their spaceships, and were given minerals, water, raw products and much much other help.

Then the truth came out, shortly before 1979 MJ-12 found out what the Grays were up to at their secret underground base at Dulce New Mexico. The abductions of humans were not for the "monitoring of a developing civilization" as claimed but for illegal genetic engineering experiments. Abductees were also found to have Electro-Implants for biological monitoring, tracking and control of the abductee. Implementation of posthypnotic suggestions. They found out that the aliens were using humans and cows for glandular secretions, enzymes, blood and hormonal secretions...

Humans processing fuel for alien spaceships?? Paul Bennewitz is the cause of the counter intelligence making stories of treaties because he is the one person who came across them observing an alien underground base. The story had to be made into something that could not be believable. The original picture was not about UFOs landing at Kirkland and flashlights around them, that could all be disinformation, the original picture was not about aliens working hand in hand with scientists or military personnel, and it was not if anyone is familiar with what Rick Doty said - ladders going up to Paul's bedroom. This story is about a real alien presence on earth and a long awaited answer from many people who had mysterious encounters with these incredible beings. Bill Moore who has dropped out of the scene now for good, made a statement before leaving that he has not concluded if his experiences with Bennewitz were alien or not but they were indeed very strange and had more evidence of being from the strange alien UFOs than the secret military UFOs, after all Bennewitz himself was briefed on classified drone projects by the commander of Kirkland and knew what was military but still looked alien. Those initial signals were most likely from the same large saucers that beamed up Travis Walton and the group from Stanford Kentucky a year later.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 11:07 AM
The problem I have with the whole Dulce base is that it is chock full of some of the most dubious characters and charlatans in UFOlogy. Can't believe a one of these guys. Add to that, that the idea is rather absurd. Why use Indian land when the government has acres and acres of top secret land in the nearby area? I'd recommend taking that entire book with a handful of salt....

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Err did you read what it is about or like the majority of skeptics jumped to claim that Dulce is bogus story? The book is exactly to say why it is NOT ALIEN stories and gives a quite valid explanations of a coverup with such bogus stories of reptilians that I can say - such disinfo may be used for all bases and projects everywhere, thus having not even one true story of aliens.

@greyer, we already see that Paul Bennewitz was fed with disinfo, from there any story of aliens is false, so why mention aliens?

I admit, I don't understand how does this work - so many cases of UFOs, now I see some threads of pupils seeng UFOs from Zimbabwe, from Wales, how does this work - thousands of people to be told to lie and not a single one to blow the whistle he was told to say such an untrue story.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 08:43 AM
Greg's interview on The Paracast is up...
Greg Valdez The Paracast

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Toxicsurf
Thanks Toxicsurf! As far as I can tell, the book's not publicly available yet, correct? I've been googling every day.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by ImpactoR

Err did you read what it is about or like the majority of skeptics jumped to claim that Dulce is bogus story?

I was commenting on the idea of the Dulce base, not the book. Until the book is out, kind of hard to comment on it. Like many, I researched the Dulce base when tales of it first came out, but it's difficult to ignore the very obvious problems like those I mentioned. Add to that, most of the ones touting the story form some of the most unreliable names in UFOlogy, and it just doesn't sit well.....

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I was commenting on the idea of the Dulce base, not the book. Until the book is out, kind of hard to comment on it. Like many, I researched the Dulce base when tales of it first came out, but it's difficult to ignore the very obvious problems like those I mentioned. Add to that, most of the ones touting the story form some of the most unreliable names in UFOlogy, and it just doesn't sit well.....

To be clear here: Greg, son of Gabe, demystifies the Dulce hogwash and reveals it's origination. Much of the info is already out there in bits and pieces, so I don't personally find the book necessary to come to conclusions.

What it will proffer, it seems, is a much more coherent and evidence-based view of who, what, when, where, and why. Along with a few special bombshells it seems, if I'm reading the interviews and reviews correctly and based on my own personal research into the issue and the characters/entities involved.

Those who've read it seem pretty impressed and give it high marks. In the field of ufological literature, that in itself is impressive.

I want my copy NOW!

ETA: Herein also lie the seeds and characters behind the MJ-12 myth.

edit on 5-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by The GUT

ETA: Herein also lie the seeds and characters behind the MJ-12 myth.

NOW I'm intrigued. There are some of the same key players involved. I do suspect it may be worth the read.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

This is where skeptics in general should learn one lesson - never take all as wrong, never assume everything is wrong even if majority of it is. Based on what the conclusion is, there is such a place, many skeptics did not believe such a base even exists, however, now we know that there is. So believers were wrong - ther are no aliens there, skeptics are wrong too - the base does exist.

I am neither, so I feel fine, I just take wboth with possibility and looks like the clues of its existence were not in vain. However, I understand that even that can be taken with a grain of salt, as in where is the base?

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:57 PM
Ever seen the film "Endangered Species" in 1982? You have a similar deal but they aren't that stupid at all.
I think the Silent Choppers are actually NOTAR Hughes 500s.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

All of those ingredients you mentioned raise a flag to me that there might just be something to Dulce that is way out of the ordinary...

My first intro to this Dulce thing was Phil's videos of him talking and showing his mutilated hand and chest and that impressed me... have his injuries been more mundanely explained?...

G.Valdez' calling out John Lear pricks my ears also,...

J.L. is a character I agree,... but the way he was drummed out of this site has never sat well with me...

That kind of voice should never be quelled in these days of wonder and horror...

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by coastlinekid
G.Valdez' calling out John Lear pricks my ears also,...

J.L. is a character I agree,... but the way he was drummed out of this site has never sat well with me...

That kind of voice should never be quelled in these days of wonder and horror...

Maybe Gazrok can clear this up for us, but it's my understanding that John Lear is still welcome to post here at ATS and he chooses not to.

The book mentioned here, Dulce Base, maybe you should read it, coastline?

edit on 6-8-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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