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Incredible Bigfoot footage 2013

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posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by fleabit

What was even the point in posting that video? What was the point in recording it? There's not enough to say anything for certain accept that the person with the camera saw something that might or might not have been Bigfoot...or just another nutter in a gorilla suit putting on a good show for the tourists.

So what.. if someone actually gets a video like this, they should just chuck in the bin?

I get tired of these "Either post 100% irrefutable evidence or don't bother" comments. If you were in the woods, and saw a figure like this.. filmed it.. it growled at you.. you were freaked out, wondering if you got Bigfoot on film.. you'd go home and just delete the video and replace it with video of your cats or something?

So just the cut and dry ? The black and white ? Definitive or nothing ? How boring !

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 05:09 PM
Probably the best video I've seen concerning big foot but I just don't understand the whole concept of why this is such a huge conspiracy. I'm not saying it doesn't exist but wouldn't there have been skeletal remains or some kind of evidence besides videos? Why cover up the existence of an animal. Not trying to disprove anything I just don't understand the fascination with the Big Foot phenomenon.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by child5p1ay72

Perhaps there is remains of other strange creatures

idk im not into cryptozoology, looks like a gorilla really. was this even looking like a sasquatch? And too good to be true, more like a prankster. I suggest gather any info if this witness will give testimonies - stench, footprints, anything if this video is anything more than just a prank
edit on 21-7-2013 by ImpactoR because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Well I have had my own encounter with a Bigfoot here in Florida so I know they are real. This video is fake for four reasons.

They don't make the jack links jerky Sasquatch sound when running away off the road.

This one has too small of legs, they have massive legs to carry their weight. When they get into the woods you will be hard pressed to see them at all because they will blend in like a ninja at night.

Three, The camera man was running through the woods yet still making the same sound as it did when he was running on the road witch is impossible. You don't run thru woods and then hear flip flops on concrete lol.

Four, They give off something that will scare the piss out of you, like being in the wild with a Lion knowing your dinner at any time. This is why you will never see any real footage come from the finding Bigfoot show. They will be too scared and running to film anything. Just imaging how strong monkeys are, now imagine one twice the size of a silver back Gorilla. If Bigfoot is really that close to you then you would feel him walking in your feet like well, King Kong and that is no lie. They weigh that dam much, It freaked me out to no end hearing that big SOB walking towards me, scarring up every thing wild in his path. The very distinguished biped walk, sound and feel of it in the ground was horrifying to say the least.

I quickly and quietly hid behind a tree and some palmettos with my rifle scoped in his direction, when his one foot hit the small water strip that was about ten or so yards away and stop, I think he smelled me or heard my heart about to jump out of my chest. We had a Mexican stand off for minutes, what felt like an hour. I then decided it was getting way to dark for my safety so I slowly walked out backwards hearing him follow me.

Had the woods not been so dam thick I would not have worried to much and I am sure he would not have attempted that but knowing I would only get one shot off before it was on top of me, yeah I wasn't going to press my luck. When my two boots hit the lime rock road I was waring those boots out back to the truck.

Having been hunting in many states since I was six years old and only coming across one here in Florida you then know how rare it is.

I don't go hunting on his turf anymore.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 06:25 PM
A laser pointer can be seen at around


This is to direct the cameraman without a doubt. Add this to the lack of noise from the person he's telling to "get back in the house" and the way he zooms in when he first sees his buddy cross the road. Nobody would react that quick.

Topic closed.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by randyvs

I had already flooded this thread with posts!

'Flooded' would be an understatement.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Cynicaleye

I saw those bright green flashes, too and wondered what that was!! A laser pointer never came to mind........

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Iamnotadoctor

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by randyvs

I had already flooded this thread with posts!

'Flooded' would be an understatement.

KK I am now silent hope that appeases you.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 07:36 PM
I'm with a lot of the sceptics on this. I don't know what wildlife they have in Georgia but up here in Ontario, Canada, we have bears. Most people would be very cautious in a situation where they might possibly be encountering one, or an undetermined number of bears in the woods. Running after them would be considered quasi-suicidal.

"Get in the house!", would not be my response while I moved forward into a potential bear or gorilla encounter. I would be "getting" wife, GF, kids into the house personally, to make sure that's where they wound up.

I just don't buy the idea that anyone would run into the woods after anything big, even if it was something that looked like someone wearing a gorilla suit. That old Patterson footage was taken by people on a trail who saw something moving on a track parallel to them in the brush. They didn't run after it. That scenario is much more believable than the embedded video here. In the real world people are cautious about this sort of thing.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

KK I am now silent hope that appeases you.

Char-Lee, I just want to point out that Iamnotadoctor doesn't have 40 points to show for anything
said. I'll PM you.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Just a few thoughts on this subject in general and video specifically.

First off, I should disclose that I am a Bigfoot skeptic, but would not be shocked if these creatures turned out to exist.

I don’t think ANY video or photographic evidence would convince me at this point. I know what I can do with Photoshop and other editing software and I am certainly a lightweight compared to many others.

Absent a personal encounter what would convince me? DNA. A live or dead specimen of course. That would be undeniable evidence.

Having spent a lot of time in the Cascade wilderness here in the Pacific NW, I am not hung up on the fact that no one has ever found a dead Bigfoot. While that is certainly a valid argument against the existence of this creature, it is a minor one in my opinion. In the wild, carcasses are very quickly reclaimed by nature. Wild animals very rarely die of old age. Much of the wilderness here is rugged and practically inaccessible. I have no doubt that within 20 miles of where I sit right now, I have accessed a location or two over the years no human has before.

Without a doubt there are things in the forests and mountainous places in this region that are better left alone. I have talked to too many old-timers and heard too many strange stories to ever go into the wilderness unarmed.

And, in the spirit of full disclosure, I will admit that two of my closest friends have had Bigfoot experiences. I should also disclose that one is a Sheriff’s Deputy. I believe they saw something, and both stories are scarily similar even though these individuals don’t know one another, but my belief in the scientific model of “proof” limits the evidentiary value of those stories.

Personally, I don’t want Bigfoot to be real. I have several reasons for that, the main one being the ethical conundrum the existence of such a creature might pose. What if it’s a permutation of Neanderthal? Is it to be classified as human; part human? According to the Human Genome Project most of us have about 4% Neanderthal DNA.

Now for the video…

If it were me, I would have behaved exactly as this cameraman did – I would have stalked the beast. That is different from chasing it. I would cut angles through the brush rather than directly follow it just as this fellow did. I would have done my best to get the best footage possible and would consider the risk of having to confront the beast as acceptable given what could be gained. Again, I am almost always armed. If I were not, I would probably still go after it, just with more caution.

What about the creature?


The one thing I noticed at about 1:25 it looks like the thing has a monkey butt, lol. If this is a costume, the hoaxers sure covered all their bases.

As far as I’m concerned, this video doesn’t come close to moving the needle on the Bigfoot question.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:01 PM
He used blur cuts to cut scenes together.
You face camera down and shake, then you splice in the next scene which you started filiming with another shake.
I spotted a few in there.
Good movie though, reminded me of a scene out of V/H/S

oops didn't realise this page was on 7 pages, sorry if I copied anyone's points
edit on 21-7-2013 by Taggart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:17 PM
Come on ATS! How many reds flags do you need?

This LegendsBeware Is obviously creating hoaxes with his friend in a ghilly suit, what more do you need?

1. Editing, editing, and more editing. √
2. Similar videos by the same lucky guy with anonymous sources. √
3. Both Bigfoots look like the same guy in ghilly suit. √
4. Both videos start with Bigfoot on cue. √
5. Both Bigfoots just meander around oblivious to a guy crashing around filming him. √
6. The reports on the videos are about the same. √
7. Legendsbeware is not a credible source and how lucky can you get? Bigfoot...seriously? √

edit on 21-7-2013 by flyingfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:20 PM
Because of all these small time youtube bull#ters. Sasquatch could take a seat next to Katy Couric in front of 30 million people and no one would believe it. I wonder what goes through the pea brains of pathetic tricksters. Do they honestly think they are fooling someone? After all that effort. does it make them feel better about themselves?

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:36 PM
So he just happened to be filming what before bigfoot showed up?
And let's say for a moment that it were true...
he then sends the footage to some obscure Youtube channel nobody ever heard of till now,
instead of any major news agency or perhaps the local officials.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by flyingfish
Come on ATS! How many reds flags do you need?

This LegendsBeware Is obviously creating hoaxes with his friend in a ghilly suit, what more do you need?

1. Editing, editing, and more editing. √
2. Similar videos by the same lucky guy with anonymous sources. √
3. Both Bigfoots look like the same guy in ghilly suit. √
4. Both videos start with Bigfoot on cue. √
5. Both Bigfoots just meander around oblivious to a guy crashing around filming him. √
6. The reports on the videos are about the same. √
7. Legendsbeware is not a credible source and how lucky can you get? Bigfoot...seriously? √

edit on 21-7-2013 by flyingfish because: (no reason given)

I wish I saw this video before I commented. It pretty much sums it up.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 10:44 PM
The 'Bigfoot' in question is wearing a costume/suit.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY

This is the full version of the encounter I had in January 2012. This encounter has all the elements, footprints, infrasound, possible vocals, smells, and footage. I even capture a limb snap during a follow-up visit to the location.

This video is utter crap..

Pareidolia at it's best. I didn't see bigfoot but I did see a man in a jacket, a woman's head and an assortment or other Pareidolia objects. Yes I did see the bigfoot Pareidolia but not the creature itself.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 11:00 PM
I call bull crap. Just for the fact the guy said he shut off the camera because of threatening vocalizations before recording any vocalizations at all when the camera was still on. Also he tells someone to go into the house like the beginning of some cheap scary movie except no one responds back. This video is un-credible and has no sources to the original cameraman as stated by the channel.

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Not sure why the guy had to intentionally blur the mere seconds of actual footage within his film.

Would be nice to get a hold of the original

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