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65% of USA residents are ILLEGAL ALIENS...are you included?

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posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 07:43 PM
Time to seriously clean house.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:07 PM
Well, sigh.....

I've yet to find any native american blood in my family tree but it's more complicated than most due to adoptions on my mother side. close connections count?

My fathers paternal descendant arrived in Virginia from England sometime prior to 1685 his wife was born in Virginia in 1654, her parents immigrated in 1635.

My fathers descendants, were neighbors and close friends of Col. John Bolling and his wife. Col. John Bolling was the great grandson of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. Close enough friends that after they moved to Surry County, when the matenal ancestor passed away in 1713, Col. John Bolling traveled to Surry County and was one of there witnesses to the reading of her will.

Kinda coool.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

You do realize the "Native Americans" are neither native to North America nor are they of such pure bloodline as to say just where they may fit in the mix with the latter residents you refer to as illegal.

Right here in Missouri they are working archaeology sites that predate the modern Indian tribes by thousands of years. So, what is true across the planet is true here to. NO ONE who currently lives in a spot on Earth is truly native to that spot ..with the possible (and probably not even there) exception of some African areas that date back the furthest.

I love the 'you're all illegal' threads tho..because it really does include the Indian Nations as well as the White Man who displaced them in turn.

Once again I agree with the carrot eater....good post Wrabbit...

Throughout the history of this planet one group (from bacteria, animals and people) moves into a new area and if they are smarter or stronger they make the land or territory theirs until the process starts over again with a new group. Complain, wring our hands, say it's not fair, but that is the way it is if history is looked at.

Darwin was right about a few things.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:17 PM
Regarding those of Latin/Hispanic Ancestry, as far back as I can find documentation regarding that area of the southern border, the Apache's occupied that area and would attack those entering their territory and would at times cross over into the territory we now know as Mexico and attack the indigenous people there.

That actually played apart in the US Acquisition of further areas along the Rio Grande I believe. An agreement was made by the early immigrating troops, that they would protect the indigenous people of the Mexican Territory from Apache incursions in exchange for the land.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Yeah but...Yeah but...Yeah but...*pointing up* LOOK!!!! Pocahontas!!!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:22 PM
The same case you make for African Americans could be made for ALL of us now. We aren't the same people who hundreds of years ago made the choice to come here. In fact I'd be willing to bet a good majority of Americans wish their ancestors wouldn't have.
People need to grasp the reality that we are not our ancestors. I didn't hurt any natives....I owned no slaves and I refuse to be talked down to and looked upon as if I had.
edit on 12-7-2013 by brandiwine14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by soulpowertothendegree
There is this reasoning in the USA that illegal immigrants have no business being allowed to exist; that anyone who entered this country under the false pretenses should be deported and have all rights removed from them.

I have news for you, 65% of you are illegal. This land was stolen from the indigenous tribes of Indians from European settlers; by fruits of the "poisonous tree" any and all ancestry connected to the population that currently resides here are thereby "illegal aliens".

The only people that are in this country legally are the Indians and their ancestors family tree; black people were forced to be here (they are excluded), any immigrants that went through due process under the guidelines of a corrupt nation are still illegal, sorry to my Latin/Hispanic American brothers and sisters.

The good news for Latin/Hispanic ancestry is that you are closer to Indian ancestry and likely are indigenous within your family ancestry; more so than the rest of the World with regard to the right to be in the USA.

At the present time there are 316,237,200 people in the USA; which means with the Indian population being roughly 1% and allowing for 14% Blacks and 17% for Latin/Hispanic and allowing for 3% Polynesian/Alaskan indigenous people, that there are currently 205,554,180 illegal immigrants in the great USA today.

Better start packing White people, you are all here illegally according to the laws written by illegal immigrants.

I used as a source.
Along with

I will not bother including the actual numbers from these sites; it is not necessary.

Personally, I believe the whole planet belongs to all and we should have the right to decide where we want to live.

For the record I am white and illegal.


edit on 12-7-2013 by soulpowertothendegree because: (no reason given)

God man/woman.. give up the white guilt.

ponder this...

The largely Scot/Irish people were indeed slaves, by 1800 standards. Indentured servants/serfs who either came here or starved/interred/brutalized.. And when faced with a "fight to the death" scenario, what would one do?

plus, you do notice that the "indigenous" are being discovered to not have been alone. Ancient caucasion remains have been found. Along with various "white" tribes legends throughout n/s america.

i gotta go for now, but man.. i am bummed at your bogus implanted paradigm... take the OTHER color pill dude.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:34 PM
just because some natives were here before so what, they came from Asia. By your outlandish theory everyone on Earth is an illegal. This is absurd thinking and I am sick and tired of hearing about natives whining like little kids, "I was here first boo hoo" frig off 2 dogs bangin and join the rest of the children of the Earth or leave you drunken whiner. They do not deserve one ounce more of anything than I do with ancestry from Ireland and Scotland. Go look at how natives choose to live in the squalor with beer cans all over. Also they are the most racist people I have ever met. If you are listening to them speak you will hear white boy this and white boy that. Frig off asian looking red fella, go back to your chanting crap and beers.I live here now and dont owe you crap!
Attention OP your post is offensive and ridiculous. You obviously dont know any natives and you are out of touch with reality.

edit on 12-7-2013 by WormwoodSquirm because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2013 by WormwoodSquirm because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2013 by WormwoodSquirm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:45 PM
Actually I have never come across any Native American complaining that the "White Man" stole their country and they have a right to forcibly take it back.

I have though, heard that argument from Mexican Americans and Mexican Immigrants, but as I pointed out above the Apache occupied what is now the border areas and defended those lands from the incursion of people entering from the land we now call Mexico, even at times crossing over into their territory and warring with them.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:48 PM
As a Native American who has lived on a Indian reservation my whole life, i just gotta say.... Lets move on a bit... I honestly have nothing against white people, or any other race for that matter. Times have changed. None of us are directly responsible for what happened in the 1800's.(i know atrocities against natives have been commited more recently)

But this is America now. Time to fix the problems at hand. It's not a time for white people to feel self loathing over something they had no control over. It happened. It's still happening in a lesser degree. But there's far more important matters to deal with in this country before worrying about who has the right to be here.

No matter what, i am now a part of this country. I don't care what color my fellow countrymen are now. We are all in the same boat.

From my point of view we are all being exploited by the powers that be. Lets band together for the here and now. Not dwell on past differences.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Pixiefyre
Actually I have never come across any Native American complaining that the "White Man" stole their country and they have a right to forcibly take it back.

I have though, heard that argument from Mexican Americans and Mexican Immigrants, but as I pointed out above the Apache occupied what is now the border areas and defended those lands from the incursion of people entering from the land we now call Mexico, even at times crossing over into their territory and warring with them.

You dont hear any natives in the Indiana and Illinois region say anything because they were told to get the f out or die long ago. Only a few thousand remain in the entire two states.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by GreenManXphile
As a Native American who has lived on a Indian reservation my whole life, i just gotta say.... Lets move on a bit... I honestly have nothing against white people, or any other race for that matter. Times have changed. None of us are directly responsible for what happened in the 1800's.(i know atrocities against natives have been commited more recently)

But this is America now. Time to fix the problems at hand. It's not a time for white people to feel self loathing over something they had no control over. It happened. It's still happening in a lesser degree. But there's far more important matters to deal with in this country before worrying about who has the right to be here.

No matter what, i am now a part of this country. I don't care what color my fellow countrymen are now. We are all in the same boat.

From my point of view we are all being exploited by the powers that be. Lets band together for the here and now. Not dwell on past differences.

You should come teach the natives in BC Canada a few things. Wish more were like you.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by WormwoodSquirm

Yeah here I don't come across many, but my father became great friends with a tribe in AZ (and I can't recall which it was) and they were not bitter and angry, they were so welcoming.

I have great admiration for Native Americans

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

Now what percent of colonial settlers were illegal aliens to the Natives?

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by soulpowertothendegree
For the record I am white and illegal.

This is the part I love, "by the way, I'm white!", like we're supposed to be shocked and appalled to hear yet another white man/woman denigrating white people over our past.. Wow, you're such a rebel, never heard that one before..

*Sigh*.. I don't know what to say except, if you're white and illegal according to your own definition, move the hell out then? What's the problem? Just don't expect all the other americans of European descent to follow your example.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Chargeit

Hmmmm... No, our forefathers came and took this land from the native peoples. They were settlers, not immigrants.

Immigrants come to established country's and live, settlers build towns, cities, roads, and country's.

You need to brush up on the real history.

Native Americans did have an established society. With towns and complex religious and social systems. The idea they were all savages and living in tepees is propaganda taught so we don't feel as bad about the past. Seems to have worked

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 09:59 PM

There is this reasoning in the USA that illegal immigrants have no business being allowed to exist; that anyone who entered this country under the false pretenses should be deported and have all rights removed from them.

You do know that since this country has no right to exist those illegal immigrants have no right to come here either.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
Originally posted by Nephalim

Can you imagine how it feels to look for the option that says more than one? Or, having a name that doesnt match in peoples minds your appearance?

I was gonna go with the biggest lie I could possibly use. Make my own box for BOTH hispanic and latino.

lol just draw it in there and check it. Leave a note
Ohai, im ME

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by soulpowertothendegree

I was born in Ohio which is located in America... just because I was born here I don't get included in its history? Yes, this is the awful truth of our country but I'm still apart of its history.

The truth is that these people are breaking laws based on the land they're intruding. What we need is a compromise that helps these people become legal citizens. REFORM

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by GreenManXphile

From my point of view we are all being exploited by the powers that be. Lets band together for the here and now. Not dwell on past differences.

I'm glad someone here gets it...Man and woman, child and adult, black, white, red, and yellow are all victims. Lets start focusing on TODAY'S oppressors.

It seems most of the "socially conscious" crowd are just like Military generals, always fighting the last battle instead of looking at the current one. This is no longer a battle of race or religion, this is a battle of freedom vs oppression for all peoples.

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