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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on May, 19 2015 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: Direne
Direne: You are now speaking a language and identifying and questioning the processes within this system, whatever that may be, by its physical rules, and now speaking my language. I am happy to leave the maths for later, because I think they may be a way of manipulating a specific answer that is desired. So studying the lattice within the system and using it to help identify the true system we are within, by beginning to even question the validity of the "physical rules" within the current standard model of the physics of this system is right up my alley, so to speak. This is actually why I replied to you at all, because you've brought up neutrinos and their possible affect on this system, and how they reflect upon the validity of the current physical system we've "identified."

Obviously, with anomalous phenomenon of any kind, such as "time slips," let's say, the fact we recognize it as anomalous within the rules of the current system we've identified the physics and inner workings of means we may not yet have defined the current system correctly, and that there are things working within it we cannot yet explain, given our current standard model, and the state of our current system.

Personally, and obviously, I am of the belief we have erroneous information defining said system.

You've brought up the control loop system many of us here have explored in depth in another thread. Many seem to see it, experience it, and it certainly doesn't "fit" with our current science understanding of the system we live within.
I look forward to reading more from you. So glad you are here.

But, I have to say, I still find the FL site and the development of an anti language using symbols somewhat threatening, in various ways.
However, I am still very interested in the ideads you are exploring in this thread.

edit on 19-5-2015 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: Direne

Abeverage asked this:

Tell me Direne why is FL studying Echopraxia? I wonder would being able to "mirror" actions into a being via radio waves be a lot like making meat puppets...And how does Echopraxia fit in with Dream recollection?

And, you answered thus:

You already have that weapon. It is called "mass media".

The involuntary repetition or imitation of another person's actions is a neurological disorder known as echopraxia. Sonochemistry is concerned with understanding the effect of ultrasound in forming acoustic cavitation in liquids, resulting in the initiation or enhancement of the chemical activity in the solution. Benzodiazepines enhance the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABAA receptor, resulting in sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anticonvulsant, and muscle relaxant properties.

If you can formulate variants of benzodiazepines which can be activated via radio waves you'll arrive at this:

Sonodynamic Weapons - Sonochemically induced altered states of consciousness

There, your weapon. The military-industrial paradigm did long ago change to include pharma companies.

You are giving us lots of in formation; however, we all have studied this kind of thing, here. Playing with people's minds and consciousness, and possibly without their consent, seems to me to be something many of us here are quite concerned about, really.

I am quite aware of the activities of the military industrial complex, and it's part of the reason many of us on this thread saw a correlation between FL's activities and DARPA, for instance. Both FL and DARPA were, after all, using the same software…..

Lostgirl is talking about the soul, and its safety within such a system that employs and deploys these kind of technologies on human subjects, and/or even the safety of the soul within our current paradigm, and its affect on the rest of us as we are assimilated within the information system of the control loop, I believe. I'm not trying to re=characterize her words, but there it is.
Whatever the "rules" of the system defining it, there is this to be considered very seriously, as many of us do not share the opinion that good and evil become subjective with a change in the rules….

We are all pretty aware of the state of military "testing" or use of weapons on unconsenting humans, without their knowledge, until they begin to experience a state of psychosis, "out of the blue," for instance.
Dream collection? If you can collect them, I'm sure you can "give" them said dreams, as well. A line out of the mind, is a line into it, as well.

edit on 19-5-2015 by tetra50 because: formatting

edit on 19-5-2015 by tetra50 because: additions

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Direne
Here, for instance, in one of your replies:

It is about who we all are and what's life about. It is about the will to meet. It is about the compelling wish to contact, and the primaveal fear of the unknown. And it is all, essentially, about compassion.

It is a two-way path. Always was.

Communication and language are all important as a base for these considerations. But, here, with each other, assuming we are like beings and all human, and we have that in common, we are already mis-communicating with one another on purpose to manipulate and control. So, an "anti-language" to some of us, along with some of the view s expressed on the site (FL), it seems that you are as a group moving into manipulative territory, exploring ways of control of your own brethren.

Indeed, putting one's soul "on ice," as you describe in a reply to me, suggests openly that some are delving into territory, here, just with each other, not considering alien life and communicating with and understanding just what and who that may be, that is an endangerment to one's soul….and perhaps, using the rest of us as study subjects, with or without consent, in preparation for the consideration and communication with alien life.
edit on 19-5-2015 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-5-2015 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-5-2015 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Playing with people's minds and consciousness, and possibly without their consent, seems to me to be something many of us here are quite concerned about, really.

an "anti-language" to some of us, along with some of the view s expressed on the site (FL), it seems that you are as a group moving into manipulative territory, exploring ways of control of your own brethren.

I guess that is what Kantzveldt calls control issues. tetra50, let me first explain to you why we call our site "Forgotten Languages". As you know, language is a key to the mind, the reason for which both neurolinguistics and artificial intelligence are interested in language. Language, too, is also a major social ingredient, the reason for which sociolinguistics is interested in language. The reason for which those in the Marketing business are interested in manipulating language. Yes, language is a key to the mind.

Accordingly, no one should be surprised that once the very nature of language changes, there are also changes far beyond what we expect when we naively consider what a word is: tweaking and messing around with language equates to messing around with minds. Hence, preoccupation with language is, in fact, preoccupation with
ourselves as individuals and as a species. It is essential to study changing language in a changing society, bearing
in mind that changing language causes a change in the mind. Controlling language is actually controlling the
discourse, and that means controlling society. But it also means that the very first thing you need to do if
you are studying a civilization is to study its language. It also means, tetra50, that if you wish to contact a
civilization, you need to master its language. Yes, language is a key to mind.

Two things are at work here: how you see the civilization you are going to contact, and how that civilization sees you. If you could study a civilization fully and thoroughly, chances are high that contact with them will be a success. tetra50, how could you possibly study a civilization without first contacting them? How could Europeans study and observe Amerindians or Polynesians without first making contact? Imagine how difficult that gets when we are considering contact between two different worlds, two different intelligent species. The problem, as I am sure you
understand, is not an easy one.

Again, language is a key to mind. When that mind is totally different to yours you will need a new vocabulary to describe events, and to communicate events, processes, phenomena. You will need new metaphors for representing them, new contextual backgrounds, new arguments to explain those processes and phenomena. You will need what it is called "a theory of contact", which includes a new language or, if you prefer, a new key to reach the new minds you've found.

Indeed, putting one's soul "on ice," as you describe in a reply to me, suggests openly that some are delving into territory, here, just with each other, not considering alien life and communicating with and understanding just what and who that may be, that is an endangerment to one's soul….and perhaps, using the rest of us as study subjects, with or without consent, in preparation for the consideration and communication with alien life.

Yes, that is correct. Using your own words I would even say more: there are some who wish you to be the deer in the hunting headlights. There are predators and preys, above and below. And even inside you. That's part of Nature, the animal part of it. And this is something you must have in mind if you plan to make contact with another species: that they, too, are animals. The Universe is probably more difficult to understand than to live with, and worlds are not a nice place for everyone, be it alien worlds or Sol-3.

The Universe is a collection of worlds, some of them with civilizations, some of them deserted of life but full of resources. Whatever processes you witness in your own planet are also witnessed elsewhere. The Universe, in its entirety, can be considered as a big planet in itself. The processes you call globalization are not new in substance, not new for you, not new for the others. Geostrategy is just a part of Universe-strategy. You can easily extrapolate what you see around you, here, to what happens in distant parts of the Universe. There are differences, but those are differences in intensity, scope and scale. That's all.

Your world is not a village, but rather a complex web of villages, towns, neighborhoods, settlements connected by material and symbolic ties in often unpredictable ways. Your world is also part of a higher complex web of worlds, and civilizations, part of trans-contextual networks, flows and movements. That complexity needs to be examined and understood before attempting any contact with those worlds and civilizations.

However, tetra50, again, language is a key to mind, and that view of the Universe does not change this fact. Language itself is essentially affected by globalization (culture, society, and so on), no matter if you are talking about planetary globalization, or galactic globalization. Language is dislodged and destabilized by globalization. You have examples of this in your own world. This is also a fact, and it follows minds are dislodged and destabilized by globalization. Contact is becoming part of a globalization process, so be ready for your mind to be affected in fundamental ways. Be ready also to confront a dramatic growth in economic and social inequalities both within your world and outside of it.

Be ready to witness migration from the zones of poverty into your own world. Be ready to see changes in the face of your urban centers, and be ready for the emergence of reactionary groups. Be ready to replace your ideas about xenophobia for a truly interspecies xenophobia and planetary nationalism and chauvinism. Inequality it is a problem acerbated by the intensified processes of globalization when those processes are done without due planning and careful analysis. Making contact is a headache that may turn into a nightmare. Be ready: either you are the guy with the rifle, or the deer in the hunting headlights.

Yes, tetra50: without your consent, you are being prepared for the consideration and communication with alien life, much as, without your consent, you have been thrown into a globalization process here. Worlds change because people change. Your life can be turned into a product, open to anybody to appropriate it in the market. That is an
expression of alienation, a process of having something that is part of us (our bodies, thoughts, work, feelings, beliefs, etc.) revealed as foreign. Transformation of life, language, feeling, work, history into things. This is something you are familiar with: is the result of the alienating logic of all species, even of those you curiously enough call "aliens", alienating them, when they could be the ones alienating you. Being tetra50 without the background of emotional contentment will make you feel used, abused but not fulfilled. Mind that you too will alienate others, those worlds less advanced than you. You made that to your own species. You are doing it right now, as a species. You are right: a line out of the mind, is a line into it, as well, for us, and for you.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: tetra50

I still find the FL site and the development of an anti language using symbols somewhat threatening

Let me tell you this, the above description is not complete without this precious knowledge: each and all systems have a property that overcome the possibility for agents not having free will or having a disrupted free will; that property is called chaos. No matter how powerful an oppressing group is, no matter how highly advanced the oppressor is, no matter how tight the control is, each and all systems will eventually show a moment of chaos, a quantum fluctuation which turns the system upside down. Headlights can be switched off, the rifle can get jammed, and sometimes the hunter is the one who must run for his life. Both the hunter and the deer have free will, but their free will won't stop chaos, that minute tiny noise in the system that sends it off of equilibrium, that little perturbation that turns a perfect hit into a near miss.

The hunter will think it was just bad luck. The deer will think it was good luck. It was just that: noise, chaos. Something no one can control ever. Determinism is an illusion. Language was not made to deceive, but to explain. Any truly advanced technology is that that does not uncouple the past from the present, and certainly, one that does not turn actual existence into an alienated thing. What matters is the process, not the result. What counts is the individual, not efficiency. When thinking is detached from thinking, you are lost, and this is basically what all those new weapons are designed to do. Therefore, you need to keep thinking. Always.

You cannot feel frightened by us, tetra50, ours is just a web site. However, for us, the worst harm is the one that was not intended and we are worried about you feeling threatened. Like when you see strange lights in the sky. tetra50, to contact is a process, a slow one. Imagine those aliens coming to your world as you did to Samoa or America. That would be frightening indeed. Any contact based on the grounds of hegemony, technological superiority, or pure intrusion is always frightening. It would be like if you were peacefully in a forest, and all of a sudden the headlights are switched on!

Finally, language is a key to the mind. We all tend to forget this these days. That's why we called our site Forgotten Languages, which is tantamount to call it Forgotten Minds.

You are a deer, but we are not the hunters.

I hope my answer be of your satisfaction.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Direne
hello Direne: Thanks so much for your very intelligent and riveting responses to me.

Again, language is a key to mind. When that mind is totally different to yours you will need a new vocabulary to describe events, and to communicate events, processes, phenomena. You will need new metaphors for representing them, new contextual backgrounds, new arguments to explain those processes and phenomena. You will need what it is called "a theory of contact", which includes a new language or, if you prefer, a new key to reach the new minds you've found.

I understand this completely. But from the name of your site, Forgotten Languages, I assumed that you were a group of linguists studying different civilizations here, and their languages, for many, it seems to me, like the Basque population, would have a langugage of their own that isn't part of the larger social fabric today.

But again, I saw your use of a program that DARPA also uses, and which may even have originated through this military industrial complex group, as an interesting and perhaps, revealing, juxtaposition of what FL's goals might actually be. I am like this, and wary of suich things, because of the manipulation of the general social fabric now through language, images, television, videos, etc. And because of my knowng this, which I find to the point, and the whole point:

Yes, that is correct. Using your own words I would even say more: there are some who wish you to be the deer in the hunting headlights. There are predators and preys, above and below. And even inside you. That's part of Nature, the animal part of it. And this is something you must have in mind if you plan to make contact with another species: that they, too, are animals. The Universe is probably more difficult to understand than to live with, and worlds are not a nice place for everyone, be it alien worlds or Sol-3.

It seems to me that this point is true, but not reflected at all, especially in the US, in what we are taught in school, or by our constitution, etc. I am sorry if it's taken me some time to realize this. Actually, I think I knew this quite well at some point in my life, and somehow "forgot." It seems I am now relearning this in the past seven or eight years. Everything, in fact, is about the manipulation of the population, as your missives, indeeed, address. I believe strongly in the control system, and know this to be true and reflected in my own life. And yes, it often means I am a deer in the headlights, quite literally.

However, I believe we are not quite animals, as we are told. I think this is another "belief," to justify certain controlling agendas or simply the control system, itself--or even a singularity, which most people don't even really understand. All tech is introduced to the public as very positive, and we've been given wonderul gadgets which we become easily addicted to. Sit in the airport, or anywhere in public, really, and count how many people are on their phones, probably accessing the internet or Facebook.

Seeing ourselves as animals, really, is a device to justify controlling human beings, because scripted and introduced behavior makes it appear we need this. Such as, every time a human being goes nuts and has a gun and uses it on the general population.

Contacting another species of life, I understand, would make such study of language, and the creation of a symbolic language, perhaps, necessary, of course. But how would you even know, at this point, that this use of symbols to communicate would be the accurate way to communicate with another species? Having not met any, yet, how could we even assume that these symbols would be the way to communicate? If the singularity or control loop or whatever you wish to call the mechanisms by which our lives are scripted and manipulated to the point nothing, absolutely, seems to be a genuine and/or natural outcome. the discovery of, then contact, appearance of or even arrival of another species has to be viewed through that lens, as well. This, may, perhaps, be nothing more than a distraction by the control system.

I simply do not trust this idea of putting our souls on ice, so that they are unaffected by what we must do to survive and acrew knowledge within this paradigm, while we always seek some control, ourselves, so that we have choices and are less controlled by the "controllers." The belief that this is even possible may be nothing more than a con, backed up by clever holograms, for instance. And, the ultimate goal woud be to get you to behave in ways that would mark your soul for eternity, while believing it is on ice, suspending it. These, in fact, are again belief systems, reinforced within the paradigm, which is another belief system…..

In fact, if I were to completely agree to these belief structures, from what I've seen and experienced in my own life (please my forgive use of anecdotal experperience in this discussion) I would have to define my current paradigm as being Hell, but I don't ascribe to a belief there is such a place, in fact. I find this to be just another creation of a belief system to justify control, behavior, and actions that occur. What else should one expect in such a place?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: tetra50

I still find the FL site and the development of an anti language using symbols somewhat threatening

Let me tell you this, the above description is not complete without this precious knowledge: each and all systems have a property that overcome the possibility for agents not having free will or having a disrupted free will; that property is called chaos. No matter how powerful an oppressing group is, no matter how highly advanced the oppressor is, no matter how tight the control is, each and all systems will eventually show a moment of chaos, a quantum fluctuation which turns the system upside down. Headlights can be switched off, the rifle can get jammed, and sometimes the hunter is the one who must run for his life. Both the hunter and the deer have free will, but their free will won't stop chaos, that minute tiny noise in the system that sends it off of equilibrium, that little perturbation that turns a perfect hit into a near miss.

The hunter will think it was just bad luck. The deer will think it was good luck. It was just that: noise, chaos. Something no one can control ever. Determinism is an illusion. Language was not made to deceive, but to explain. Any truly advanced technology is that that does not uncouple the past from the present, and certainly, one that does not turn actual existence into an alienated thing. What matters is the process, not the result. What counts is the individual, not efficiency. When thinking is detached from thinking, you are lost, and this is basically what all those new weapons are designed to do. Therefore, you need to keep thinking. Always.

You cannot feel frightened by us, tetra50, ours is just a web site. However, for us, the worst harm is the one that was not intended and we are worried about you feeling threatened. Like when you see strange lights in the sky. tetra50, to contact is a process, a slow one. Imagine those aliens coming to your world as you did to Samoa or America. That would be frightening indeed. Any contact based on the grounds of hegemony, technological superiority, or pure intrusion is always frightening. It would be like if you were peacefully in a forest, and all of a sudden the headlights are switched on!

Finally, language is a key to the mind. We all tend to forget this these days. That's why we called our site Forgotten Languages, which is tantamount to call it Forgotten Minds.

You are a deer, but we are not the hunters.

I hope my answer be of your satisfaction.

I certainly hope you are right about quantum possibilities of chaos negating the control system, breaking through, and providing the true possibility of what is not anticipated or controlled, true spontaneity. This, however, makes me think this isn't even possible within this current paradigm, and the level and mechanisms of control I have seen:

Yes, that is correct. Using your own words I would even say more: there are some who wish you to be the deer in the hunting headlights. There are predators and preys, above and below. And even inside you.

It's right there, in a nutshell, that frightens me. I find this to be true in my own experience, and has, in fact, ruined my own life, to a large degree. I am not seeking something outside me to blame that on, as this would likely be the response of most people.

That presence inside people likes to take credit for our successes, as well. And our failures may be scripted to justify that "presence inside us." Surely, it can actually be used to help people be successful, yes. But to a large degree, I don't find it being used that was, as what/who controls this control loop seems to me to be largely predatory, as you describe there. It seems technology has gotten into the wrong hands, and been corrupted to suit the controllers' needs, which may not be synonamous to our own, making their control of us, indeed, with the use of technology, as well as everything else in our environment, including what we identify as "natural," such as weather, predatory…..and to make us appear to be "animals. But, we must even consider what animals truly are, and how they fit into the belief system we are given and the control, even, of what we consider to be "natural."
Being the deer, I must now consider all these things, and truly, it throws doubt on absolutely everything I've been taught that just is, and throw all that out the window. When the floor drops out from under you in this way, having realized you are just another deer, it is truly disconcerting. at the least.

I see you truly trying to explain the motivations of your group and the FL site, but I must say, given the above, I am truly wary, but not afraid because I don't grasp the concepts or understand. I am not responding to you out of fear, but trying to simply explore the motivations of this group, and learn, as well, for I consider that whatever your motivations, obviously, you can teach me something, and keep me thinking, as you describe. This is healthy for me, and I find your responses excellent. You had me at discussion of neutrinos and their effect, because this is potentially a way to use science to prove the control system and destroy it….while creating the opportunity for chaos and spontenaity once more. If time is questionable and that can be proven, then so is "history." And we might actually arrive at a verifiable point where the control loop and its controllers would be openly exposed, which would necessarily provide an opportunity for people to be truly whom they are, once again. You see, I remember a different time, a different place, where things were completely opposite to how they are, now and here.

Also, I think it likely that we are in some kind of simulation overlay, which would mean there is a natural planet underneath, perhaps, still in existence, which we cannot see right now.

Many members had nightmares after viewing the videos on the FL site. Some of it had flashing lights, combined with haunting music and images. I am wary of this offering on your website. Are you familiar with the term back masking, I believe? And by today's standards, backmasking is very likely quite primitive.

There are other issues I have such as this…..but lack the time at the moment to get into that. But these are examples of why I am wary, not afraid, of your groups' motivations.
Sincerely and Respectfully,

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 12:47 PM
Spam removed by admin.
edit on May 20th 2015 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: tetra50

tetra50, consider this:


dated January, 10th, 2015. On March, 24th, an Airbus A320-200, crashed 62 miles northwest of Nice in its way to Dusseldorf. The copilot was under the effects of some nasty benzodiacepines.

Please, take note of the date of our post, and the date of the aircrash.

Would that be an example of backmasking? Who or what backmasks? We or the copilot?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Direne

Was the FL post a prediction of the Airbus crash?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Regardless of special knowledge that allows for chaos to guantumly affect that is spontaneous and self-controlled- I am going to life some quote from a thread of mine, and the quotes, at least, will be mine. Please forgive I' am pulling my information in my own thread. I certainly do not wish to see rationalizations for human subeject uknowing to be committed.

This first post is an explation of my feelling about individuality:

Embryos for humans and other animals often look alike at certain developmental stages because they share ancient genes.

These ancient genes are expressed during a middle "phylotypic period" of embryonic development for all species.

Developing human, fish and other embryos therefore at times share features, such as tails and gill-like structures.

Human embryos resemble those of many other species because all animals carry very ancient genes. These genes date back to the origin of cells, which are expressed during a middle phase of embryonic development, according to two separate papers published in this week's Nature.

The findings help to explain why our embryos have a tail when they are a few weeks old and why human embryos retain other characteristics, such as fur-like hair and fish embryo similarities, seen in the developmental stages of other species.

"On average, the similarities will be even stronger for more closely related species," Diethard Tautz told Discovery News.

"However, it is indeed true that even fish and human embryos go through a phase that looks very comparable, while they are rather different before and after this," added Tautz, who co-authored one of the papers and serves as managing director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology.

He and colleague Tomislav Domazet-Loso tackled the "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" puzzle. This expression means that a more advanced organism, like humans, will resemble less advanced species during it's development stages.

This is more sciency explanations
But i am still not a fish, a human not in meed of being explained through someone eles's process.
When people join the Hari krishans the whole idea of individuality for the individual (the study of self.)
All human beings wonder on this score, but they hold their individuality sacred.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Was the FL post a prediction of the Airbus crash?

It seems so. But read carefully: it seems so. It looks like, but it is not. They are two totally independent events bearing no relation to each other. It is just a coincidence.

A coincidence like the one in which someone watches a video and that very night that someone has nightmares.

A coincidence lke the one in which you use a software which happens to have the same name as another software used by other people (by the way, this point is still pending confirmation, as far as I understand).

On the other hand, the Internet was invented by DARPA. tetra50 uses the Internet, ergo tetra50 works for DARPA.

As I said before, if you decouple thinking from thinking, soon you'll see correlations there where there are just coincidences. Separating coincidences from correlations in random events is an art. So no, no prediction at all, no relation between FL and DARPA, and no obscure manipulation of the mind in our videos.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 10:47 PM
Respect post.
edit on 20-5-2015 by joshint because: No need to butt in.

posted on May, 21 2015 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: Direne
It is my conclusion that there are more of those beacons, and that they are located according to a specific pattern, so I guess someone is just going beacon after beacon till they recover all of them. You do not plant beacons on the planets nearby, as you can easily map them using telescopes and probes. However, how would you signal specific areas on a planet that is some 5 light years away from your home planet? You need to use beacons to help those coming after you to navigate that planet.

At layer four, as you indicated, I found a great deal of evidence that they were sending out "signals" of some kind across a wide region. These signals were in the form of Chlorite ware, primarily vessels. They were clearly communicating over geographical distance and those communications provide links between a number of communities contemporous to Level iv. They had also developed a system of recording information as a means of accounting and distribution, this too, via usage, we know they communicated over geographical areas and by it's nature over time, right to us. Pretty impressive, but as Beacons, only if you know what you are looking for...or happen to stumble upon them.

The other thing that I noticed though, at one of the sites, were the priestesses, all buried facing the temple structure. That was a beacon to me, and I knew then to look for some kind of tectonic activity, and sure enough...the whole region is alive, hence it's wonderful array of (weapons grade) minerals and other Hydrothermal benefits...hence the Chlorite.

At level one they found a number of items that indicate divination practices. Divination indicates that they at the very least understood probability, their symbols, and the stones they chose and adapted for divination, indicate an interest in "ordering".

It has been my expectation for some time that evidence would be found that the Sumerian civilisation was colonised from the Persian gulf by coastal littoral zone dwellers who's culture was developed further East. The Jiroft sites demonstrate several technological innovations and developments of existing success formula.

Did anyone ever date the Darab stone circle?

I suspect not. Not sure what's left of it now, Ouseley was the last to write about it I think, and that was in 17-something or other, 97 maybe.

It's still, from this perspective, still a closed system. The astrology (time keeping), mathematics and divination all from the inside looking out. They're only managing to communicate time's passage to us, little else except their mistakes. They appear to have been magicians too with Chlorite as their stock in trade.

Imagine the scene, the lady of the house, tired of constantly having to knock down the house, burn all the textiles and build a new one because of that tiresome mildew (that will go killing them if left unchecked), hears of this miracle green powder that can kill 99.9% of all known fungal growths.

I don't think everyone was as discriminatory about it's use though as the writers of Leviticus.

53 "But if, when the priest examines it, the mildew has not spread in the clothing, or the woven or knitted material, or the leather article,
54 he shall order that the contaminated article be washed. Then he is to isolate it for another seven days.
55 After the affected article has been washed, the priest is to examine it, and if the mildew has not changed its appearance, even though it has not spread, it is unclean. Burn it with fire, whether the mildew has affected one side or the other.

Soon it is all the rage, and everyone has a clean and shiny house. And then they start using it to purify all sorts of things...unfortunately, they didn't realise we need far more that just 0.1% of fungi.

The Jiroft culture, by domesticating the date palm, may have further exacerbated this mass sterilisation process and helped facilitate the process that is preventing recovery from and accelerating desertification. Domesticated date palms are cloned by Off-shoot propagation (the scion or Jesse's branch), an adaptation of technology that again links them to much, much earlier Coastal hopping migrations Eastward. The shoots, when removed, are very susceptible to fungus, so a near sterile environment is required until they become established. This would have killed off not only mildews but also the soil's transport system, the mycellium. In isolation, not a problem, but over large area, not so good.

What is that they say about the path to Hell being paved with good intentions? The Jiroft people probably thought they were bringing a miraculous elixir, and it is, if used in small doses...given our behaviouralism, and the evidence to hand, I am guessing that it may have been liberally applied. It's an extension of killing those parts of the natural world that are an inconvenience to those who want to tame sections of it.

While the Human Central Nervous System, according to Huberto Maturana and Franzisco Varela, may be closed to inputs and outputs, the body is not, it needs to keep a roughly 75% water ratio, for example. The biosphere works upon a similar ratio. Could those areas be sending out distress signals that cause meteors to target that area?

posted on May, 21 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Direne

Are the PSVs an inevitable outcome of the Giselian's just being Giselian's? Does being Giselian predict PSVs?

Am I correct in assuming that we have reverse-engineered the things?

posted on May, 22 2015 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: Bybyots

Are the PSVs an inevitable outcome of the Giselian's just being Giselian's? Does being Giselian predict PSVs?
Am I correct in assuming that we have reverse-engineered the things?

Reverse-engineering something that have crashed is a bad engineering practice: whatever you happen to build will certainly crash, too.

PSV means paradigm-shifter vehicle (or paradigm-shift vehicle). What's the paradigm they changed? Consider this:

From a military point of view, when you cannot outperform the threat, when you cannot even detect it properly, when you cannot perform a correct weapon assignment, when you cannot gather sufficient data to process it and get information on your target, the best solution is focusing on the weakest component of any weapon system: the crew. Bringing down the most advanced craft you have ever met is just a business of incapacitating the pilot. If the threat is unmanned, you have a serious problem, though.

Advanced weapons are meant to win battles, not a war. The best equipped armies can win battles, but having the best weapons does not guarantee you'll win any war. The Middle East conflict is a nice example, much as the Afghanistan war is. In the end, if war turns out to be a life or death issue, you'll use the only thing available to you: nukes. Of course, only a few nations are nuke-capable. However, any decision maker will avoid using nuclear missiles with such a lethal capability, not because decision makers are ethical beings, rather because nuclear weapons do not work at all. Since 1982. Actually, that is the big secret: your MAD (mutual assured destruction) vanished definitely in 1982, something only the few in the loop know. Courtesy of the Giselians.

Your entire world, right now, is based on MAD. MAD shaped the way nations inter-relate to other nations. MAD dictates what can and cannot be done. MAD has a deep influence on your culture and in your entire civilisation, something even philosohers tend to forget. Your sociology, your economy, your belief-systems, are all children of that mutual-assured destruction paradigm. The world would be quite a different place without MAD. MAD is the paradigm. However, what if MAD is just a chymera? What if the emperor is naked?

Of no defence significance really means this: you cannot defend yourselves. That is the deep meaning behind the Minot incident, with a revival in Rendlesham Forest, and the many incidents with SLBMs and at ICBM silos all around the world. A bluish beam over your weapons depot means exactly that. And certainly that's all behind truth management and non-disclousure: that your MAD policy, the one that makes your world be what it is, the one defining the status quo and all the international relations among "nations", does not work. It is disabled. Deactivated. Terminated.

Obviously, this is something only those having nukes know. Deterrence works if your enemies do not know your nukes are useless, therefore, better to keep silence about all this, and start developing new weapons that could re-establish back your beloved MAD. Look: the emperor is naked!

That's the paradigm PSVs changed. That's the paradigm those probes changed. They did even more: they removed the concrete slab, they activated the launch sequence, in front of your eyes. They stopped the launch sequence at 8 seconds before launch. You see, they reduced to ashes all of your MAD paradigm. From Minot to Kansk. If your MAD paradigm is still working it is because once you realised silos are useless you all agreed on a big new deal: let's not tell anyone our nukes do not work, and let's pretend they do work until we find a way to fight these liquid visitors , whomever they are.

And let's not tell our presidents, either, unless they are in a real need to know. Presidents come and go, but MAD must remain. Let's the world go around, and kill that child over there, the one about to cry out that the Emperor isn't wearing anything at all. MAD must remain because MAD is what makes the world the way it is.

(let's pretend we are really concerned about Iranians or North Koreans having nukes, and let's simulate a nuclear incident here and there, least the bloody kid starts crying out).

posted on May, 22 2015 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: Anaana

The concern that can be seen is with connectivity across two event horizons, the place of sunrise and sunset and the mountain were this occurs, which is the same mountain in both instances.

a reply to: Direne

...and let's pretend they do work until we find a way to fight these liquid visitors , whomever they are.

There is no defense against the power of the Abzu...

edit on Kam531141vAmerica/ChicagoFriday2231 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2015 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

There was once a subsonic air-to-air missile program, around 1944, aimed at the development of a missile called, curiously enough, JB-3 Tiamat... some say there was also a crash in Louisiana around 1941, which allowed to recover the corpses of four liquid visitors...

Shouldn't that missile be called JB-3 Enlil instead? Anyway, I agree with you: there is no defense. Changing names wouldn't help either.

posted on May, 22 2015 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Direne

Perhaps more properly it should have been called Ninurta as he went up against Turtle power in Ninurta and the Turtle, they can make liquid visitors, the Turtle people.

a reply to: The GUT

You're a somewhere over the Rainbow Ufologist...

edit on Kam531141vAmerica/ChicagoFriday2231 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Direne

Okay, thanks, Direne, for another awesome post.

While I'm digesting that.

Are UFOs inputs or outputs of the system?

What SCADA is not networked? Your diagram (linked in Ks post) is too simplistic.

P.S. Do you know who Bybyots is? As a character from fiction?

P.S.S. Oh, and have you got any opinion on M.A.R. Barker and Tékumel

edit on 22-5-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

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