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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 11:32 AM
Further on down this Ayndryl also says

If you go to the website and click on "Labels" and choose "Anti-Languages", you can browse and see the posts under that category. The paragraphs in English, and the bibliography, both give you a fair complete set of articles, theses, and papers related to private languages, antilanguages, agrammaticalisation theory, the grammar of silence, etc. You can also click on "Books by Label", on the top bar, and look for "Anti-language". Or use this link here: I cannot give you a ready-made definition of what an antilanguage is or is not, much as you cannot give to me a definition on what a language is or is not. A Google search for the term 'language definition' gives you 460,000 results. The search for the term "anti-language definition" yields just 74 results. The definition of anti-language in Wikipedia goes as "An anti-language is the language of a social group which develops as a means of preventing people from outside the group understanding it". It is a very poor definition which actually applies to jargon or private languages, even to technolects or sacred languages, but not to anti-languages. For translation avoidance I can give you an explanation, though. It is the use of techniques to avoid a given language to be translated into another language. Much as you can avoid people from visiting your web, by IP-blocking (you can even block a whole country), you have the right to avoid your texts to be translated. It is your right. You also have the right to counter those content-based advertising techniques, by simply using an antilanguage which prevents the computer to scan your text, extract some keywords, and display a contents-related advertisement. This also acts as an effective counter-spamming technique. Finally, much as you can use Google Translate to translate a given web page written in a language unknown to you, you can use your own translation system to translate into your native language the contents of, say, our web site (which is what we do). In essence, we are countering the abuse by third parties of your website, something that will become a serious issue in the future. Hope now is clear. 1 person has voted this message useful

posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Hi Kantzveldt,

I have read this thread with a lot of interest and now my memory fails me. Have you seen this site?

[url][/url ]

I think it has been mentioned on this thread but, I am not sure about the connection. It has posts from Ayndryls old blog where he spoke in the open about his interests. A lot about aliens. He is ridiculed so maybe that is why he went undercover? I do find it intriguing this blog is only open for a few years along side with the court case about Veleia and the scandal over supposed archelogical fakings. I wonder if this blog was open only to further discredit this Gil guy. I wonder if maybe Gil and Cerdan was onto something and there has been a cover up and if Ayndryl is Cerdan then he is continuing his work through FL and has gone under cover due to the ridicule he has received after the Veleia incident? What are your thoughts?

I have also been on Gils blog (I could find the link if anyone cares) Where they too are talking about Ayndrl and how people have linked him to this Cerdan guy. Because its translated from spanish it can be hard to understand what they are talking about. On that blog I think they didnt agree but did agree Ayndryl was doing something great.

I am sad I have only just found this thread now when everyone seems to have cooled off.

Anyone seen the recent posts on FL? Very interesting.

posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 01:58 PM
And another thing folks....

I have found a website with an article disscussing a twelve years of study by Jaime Martín Martín into the origins of the Basque language. (Basque is the language spoken in the area where the supposed false artifacts or writings where found at the Veleia Archelogical Dig, it has been discussed earlier in this thread)

Jaime Martin says the evidence shows that the Dogon language is originally from the Basque Language!!!! And I am sure a lot of us know what the Dogon tribe are famous for????

In their study, strictly linguistic, "Un enigma Esclarecido: el origen del Basque", Martin concluded that the Dogon (spoken in Mali) is originally from the Basque language. In their words, "el ingles, today considered one of the oldest language in Europe, is not, in its origin, European, but African"

Philologist this research, which has a devoted twelve years, is based on a comparison between the country and the Dogon, which is spoken in Mali, in the area of sub-Saharan West Africa, by around 250,000 people. As he himself has explained, have treated the study of comparative linguistics, has been addressed as both the structure of the vocabulary of the language. The structural comparison with three of the fourteen dialects Dogo Basque "showed the same exact order of words in the sentence" insure Ruiz. 3/radio_bilbao/1364944639_850215.html&usg=ALkJrhg_y2gh1io72K3EUhb3N4wm3AHYZw

So did they find something out of this world at the dig site? Is Andryl really Cerdan? Or is he a student that worked at the dig and knows what happened there? We know he is interested in Basque and he has mentioned aliens. Now we have evidence that ties Basque with Aliens (dogon tribe)

edit on 7-3-2015 by Annmouse because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2015 by Annmouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt
This is fascinating OP, I checked out the website,
but only for a few minutes. I'm interested in looking
more into it.

Thanks for the thread.

Rebel 5

posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 05:05 PM
Another thing. On this blog -

[url][/url ]

They are sure that Andryl is Cerdan and provide links of old posts of this Cerdan guy here-

Im not sure if Andryl is Cerdan but, they have many similar interests and skills and in the above link Cerdan talks about wanting to invent a language that can be read in the future and many more interesting things and similarities.

posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 05:38 PM
Ok so I think I have sussed it. The people who are discussing Andryl here-

[url][/url ]

as I state in my post above are correct in that Andryl IS Cerdan. I think it is also quite obvious from their discussions that alot of them are close minded religious people who think his work is the work of 'the devil' just because he talks about the corruption of organised religions, the truth of where most religions come from and the fact religion today is still being used as a form of control.

On this page-

He writes about working for, if memory is correct, a Jewish Israel University and he finds out they are throwing his research away in an attempt to cover up the truth. He realises he has to leave the university, his employer and work on his research in private.

I dont find anything bad in his writings. I find many truths. It seems he hides his work on FL because of other scientists who try to ridicule and discredit him but, he knows his work is valuable and wants the public to wake up and discover the truths for themselves.

This is what I deduce so far and I feel satisfied it is the truth. I think some of the research he has collected on FL is valuable knowledge for the public to know and we can learn a lot from this site. If anyone has any other proof that there is something fishy going on then, being a rational open person, I would love to hear.

Great thread! It actually made me sign up to the site after lurking and reading for 7-8, maybe more, years.

posted on Mar, 7 2015 @ 06:17 PM
Few days ago i said to my friend that i dont need to write anything on ATS...
Sorry about my english, its not my first language, not even second.
I remember perfectly how this thread started. It was nice gift for my birthday. Big thx Kantzveldt.

For few days i was sure that this guys are Annunaki.
Wierd. Really wierd. This is not a hoax, thats sure. At least not simple hoax/prank... Viral? Not really. But it worked. Peoples are talking about this... And Ayndryl Records is existing and publishing label, some of guys even play concerts in Europe... Niobes last tears, Sons of Shem and others. And, as i can see, they made a lot of progress since 2013. Videos are better, music also. Still somewhat amateur but better than first ones. On the other side, did anyone actually was on one of these concerts?? Ill try, this summer, to find where they play and check it... I dont have anythink better to do anyway.
ATS was not only place where topics like this started, check this for example: Day after ATS topic started... There are other forums that i cant find now (maybe topics died and were deleted) but i think that ATS was first place. Did Ayndryl or someone related to him started this "campaign"? Possible. More than annunaki making their web page...

Strange language on this page? Looks real. But noone translated it... It can be totally madeup. There is chance however that this is some endemic language like Kusunda
or Lemkos language .
Some of the informations are only on forgottenlanguages. Its impossible to confirm them. I cant find (almost) anything about cassini discus for example...
There is another important fact. ATS had influence on this page. Before they were more vampiric/gothic. After this topic, they started to be more "annunaki" and generally "alien"... There was moment that it looked like he/they were making this page for us. By the way, using random pictures from net. This is good example: forgottenlanguages i did graphic search on google and this is what i found: Original image source Same virus on picture (blue one) but different meaning and names...
Kantzveldt, i have a question for You. Are you Ayndryl or do you know him?
This is highly suspicious: You again and FL again...

And that timer? Nice move for conspiracy forum... What will happen after these 149 days? Maybe nothing. Maybe Ayndryl Records will publish some album... Maybe annunaki or "Tall Whites" will show themselves.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: forgottenfaithful Re: countdown timer.

Well, I've seen it. It's what brought me to this page.

I've been following (as much as that's possible) for some time. Annmouse, you've done some great research that I haven't been able to look at yet, but from what I can tell, none of it invalidates my initial impressions of the site a few years ago.

Which was "WTF!"

I'm convinced that whatever it is, it's not just a big hoax or a lark. I'm also pretty sure that there are more than one person creating all the content.

I stopped looking into the site when I realized there was no way that I could grasp it, but trying might make me go crazy. These people are (supposedly) able to run a program that bashes two languages together to create a unique third language, that they then "tune" into a usable language by learning it and then writing in it. As I remember they'd done this thirteen or so times.

Think about that a second. If it's true, what kind of intellect would be able to learn THIRTEEN unique languages (in addition to all the other "real" languages they demonstrate knowing)? I find it a little frightening, frankly.

These thirteen languages are completely untranslatable by computer, making them as secure as the Navaho Code Talkers of WWII.

A story about DARPA's new Memex dark web indexing program made me think of the site, so I went to check it out today.

I noticed right off that all the articles were in Cassini Diskus, which I'm fascinated by. Then I noticed the timer. At first I thought it was counting up from whenever they changed the main url to . When I realized it was counting down, a serious chill went down my spine.

August 2nd, 2015, around five in the morning.

It's "WTF!" all over again.

edit on 9-3-2015 by aHEMagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:33 AM

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 09:11 AM
Thanks for the reddit link.

I posted a note up there, but I didn't have time to go find links to back up everything I said. If any of them are interested though, they'll find this thread pretty quickly.

August 2nd. I wonder if that's when Alien Shapeshifter Jesus is going to arrive.


posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: aHEMagain

I have found some more info. I have been researching all of the names that have been listed as contributers on FL. This lead me to this page-

William Dudley Bass

If you look at the comments, someone has managed to connect William Dudley Bass to FL. They have left a comment at the bottom of this page asking -

Hello, I hope you still actively check these messages. I was wondering what exactly is the website How long have you personally worked with the members there? Would you mind answering a few more questions?

To which William replies-

Matthew, hi Email me directly to the designated email address above, & I’ll consider your questions. Thank you. William

So I have emailed William myself, hoping he will answer some questions for me.

Looking at Williams website, he has a few interesting articles about his ufo, spiritual and magical experiences. They are very interesting and he is obviously a very intelligent individual. The things he discusses are similar to some of the themes on FL.

In my email to him I said I understand that they are trying to make/have made a universal language. What I dont understand is that some of the work they reference in their articles have had things added to them that were not in the original text that they quote. Also some of the references either dont exist or are made up? Some are legit and can be found and are fascinating. EG - Phoenix lights being a military op.

I have also found some information about the FL user Affel, but I am not 100% that I have the right person so I wont post the info yet. If I do, they are a proffessor at a Israel University and specialise in language. Another Jewish link.

Anyone know anything else???

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 01:25 PM
Annmouse said: "Anyone know anything else?"

I know that you're doing great research. I also suspect you may have some odd experiences now that you've drawn their attention to you by emailing one of them, I hope you'll share anything odd that occurs.

I've also found a sort of complete description by Andryl of what (at least in part) they're doing. This is from a Russian Linguistics forum.

Ayndryl 31, 2010, 10:08

Hmm... but the idea was not to generate a cryptic language of some sort.
The idea was this:

- to analyze syntactic and morphological drift for a given set of
languages, and to explore whether such a drift produces a semantic drift

In order to do so, we designed a software, called Nodespaces, that acts
as a genetic algorithm that takes as input a given language and then, by
stimulated annealing, subjects the language to a set of stochastic
rules. If we consider the language as a complex adaptive system, by
changing the boundary conditions the language is forced to adapt itself,
thus changing its syntactic structure and its morphological internal

Obviously, a boundary condition was this: change as you wish, but the
change must yield a syntactically and phonetically coherent language.
The result shows that language is also a dissipative structure, one that
can finally derive in a total colapse of communication, unless you
impose some restrictive superstructure upon it. We found it was then
better to introduce the self-organizing constraints into the system.

And the experiment shows that in order for you to obtain such a
language, the system must, of necessity, include the speaker.

Though it seems obvious that language and speaker are inseparable,
sometimes linguists forget this, in particular when they study ancient
languages. We wanted to find an answer to this question: can we think of
the Russian language regardeless of the Russian speaker? That is: can
anyone speak Russian without feeling Russian?

So far, the answer is "No". Sure you can be a Lakota. Sure you can learn
Russian. Sure you can get a total mastering of the Russian language. But
you will never "feel" like a Russian. So the question arises: what do we
mean by being Russian or Lakota? And if there was just one
protolanguage, what made a given speaker to start feeling like a
Russian? The landscape? The environment? A genetic mutation? A specific
neurological arrangement?

Happy new year to you all!


Forgotten Languages
"Translation shall cease" project.
A language experiment - less than 50% of page copied. Emphasis added. Edited for readability.

Quite interesting. "Translation shall cease" project?

There's one more section from Andryl I'll post in the next post.

edit on 9-3-2015 by aHEMagain because: Finessing.

edit on 9-3-2015 by aHEMagain because: Further polish.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: aHEMagain

I have only just noticed this thread written by Kantzveldt on his conclusions about FL -

Dancing with Aliens

It seems some people on the thread have come to the conclusion that FL are going to use their knowledge for sinister means.

Although I agree with Kantzveldt on some things. I don't agree, at this time, that they are some kind of secret government project. From what I have been able to find out about some of the members, they seem to be a nice bunch of people, intelligent, rational and concerned for our species, the planet and who governs it. They don't seem like the type of people that would consciously work for a government to, i don't know, take over the planet, or mind control people. Maybe I am wrong but, I dont feel like I am.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Annmouse

Well, it's easily the most monumental and baroque art-language project ever fielded.

I think the countdown timer is for some simulation running under NodeSpaces.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 02:47 PM
Page is down... And i dont think it will be back.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 03:22 PM
By the way, I haven't checked to see if what I'm posting has already been posted in the thread, apologies if this is duplication.

Ayndryl Январь 10, 2011, 10:04

Kbas and antbez:

"Feeling Russian" in this context means this: Russian speakers have the words "dusa" and "sud'ba", for which no translation exists in English. Translating them into "soul" and "fate" is just a rough approximation. Only a native speaker of Russian can fully grasp the meaning of "dusa". Only a native speaker of Hebrew can grasp the full meaning of "memrah" or "ruach". Only a native speaker of Lakota can fully understand the word "wakantanga". And all of them can easily understand quantum mechanics. This means humans are also complex adaptative systems.

There are no "genuine" Russian (or any other language) words. There are genuine Russian (or some other) feelings. This is so because you shape your language to talk about reality and what you feel when facing that reality, but speakers do live in quite different areas on this planet and they experience quite different "microrealities", therefore it is but normal to see differences in how they perceive reality and, thus, in how they name those experiences. For a Lakota there is no "sud'ba" at all. He never experienced the need of it, thus no need to name it.
We are not interested in proto-languages. We are interested in "proto-humans as they spoke" in order to grasp "post-humans as they will speak".

It is extremely easy to "invent" a language from scratch. However, as time passes, that language will evolve. And it happens it evolves in a quite specific and predictable way. The final state is always the same for any given language. This evolution is proto-language indpendent. We are more interested in tomorrow's language.

The length of the sentences, the speed at which you can talk a language, the phonology, the order of the sentence, all this is limited and constrained by your cognitive structure and your neurological setup. All languages will finally converge in time into one and the same language, provided reality remains the same.

But speakers, their languages, and reality itself are dynamical systems, always changing. These are non-linearties that modify the language and your cognitive structure in radical ways. The net result is this: new languages emerge, others they die.

So finally, we are investigating the state equation of language, assessing whether it is a Markov process, an Ising-spin process, a fractal process, or whatever. This is key for us in order to make both backward and forward language analysis.

The languages you happened to spot in our blog are final or intermediate states for a given scenario we are currently working on. The one you thought to be Welsh is called Weddag-2075: we fed the system with Welsh, supressed the Normand contribution, added some Goidelic patterns, and left the system evolve assigning specific value to the Beta exponent of an Ising system to see what happens. Beta = 2.075 in this particular scenario.

The language called Alashi-1330 is a semitic one with bi-radical nouns and IE SVO typology with a Lyapunov exponent of 1.33. And so on.


Actually you can establish some isomorphism between language L1 and L2, though in general this does not work, as you correctly stated. However, it is "attractors" and "homology" what we are talking here. As you know, it is imposible to find the original seed state S(0) of a Markov process given the final state S(f) by virtue of the stochastic nature of the process. But it might be of interest to you that, regardless of the initial state (that is, language) you arrive to quite stable (and beautiful) consistent configurations (like Eddag-1240 or Elyam-2200).

Finally, the configurations you arrive at are all languages. You can use them as you use your native ones, you can use them to describe reality or write poetry. What you see in our blog are the entries of the users where they announce the translation of the relevant books into a given generated language.

Again, we are not interested in "conlangs". We are interested in fractal linguistics.
A language experiment . Less than 50% of page copied. Emphasis added. Edited for readability.

Andryl said: "And all of them can easily understand quantum mechanics."

Really? As far as I'm aware, no one easily understands Quantum Mechanics. I think Feynman even said as much at one point.

So one reason people have found material that seems to be from other places is that in their "tuning" phase they translate books and essays into the new languages. Not machine translated, "person" translated.

Annmouse, I forgot to mention I found your discovery of academic work linking Basque to Dogon really thought provoking.

I think that the people behind this site may have had a shift of focus at some point. Transhumanist philosophies seemed to be the initial guiding influence, but maybe when they started working on Cassini Diskus they seemed to shift focus towards "alien" or "extraterrestrial" communication.

This is pure speculation, but I started to wonder, if there was an ultra/extraterrestrial presence in our local space, one would expect that accessing the Internet would be trivial for them. I could imagine that the development of Cassini Diskus would be an interesting development to such entities.

Would they perhaps be interested enough to accept an invitation to converse, if offered?

What is being counted down to? It could be something as trivial as their intent to take the site down on that day, or it could be a reminder of Andryl's birthday, etc. I doubt it though. I suspect they expect or intend something of significance to occur.

I found a page at one point that I could tell based on the graphics, they were discussing the implications of certain experiments involving "emotionally entangled" people, like twins, or couples who'd been together for twenty years, that sort of thing.

The experiment involves separating the people so they can have no contact with each other, and hooking them both up to EEG's. They then strobe a laser or bright light in the eyes of one of the pair.

This will cause the EEG of the person who's seeing the light to pulse in time to the light. As the rate of the blinking light is changed, the rate on the EEG changes in step. It's probably no surprise to many on here that the EEG of the other half of the emotionally entangled pair also reacts in phase to the changing rate of the blinking light, even though they are unable to see it.

Andryl was positing that this might provide evidence for the theory that consciousness is an emergent phenomena arising out of quantumly entangled neuronal microtubules, a theory I have some familiarity with. There was a final graphic that implied that they expect the same phenomena would be exhibited between entangled humans and ET's.

This is one deep rabbit hole.


posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Annmouse
a reply to: aHEMagain

I have only just noticed this thread written by Kantzveldt on his conclusions about FL -

Dancing with Aliens

It seems some people on the thread have come to the conclusion that FL are going to use their knowledge for sinister means.

Although I agree with Kantzveldt on some things. I don't agree, at this time, that they are some kind of secret government project. From what I have been able to find out about some of the members, they seem to be a nice bunch of people, intelligent, rational and concerned for our species, the planet and who governs it. They don't seem like the type of people that would consciously work for a government to, i don't know, take over the planet, or mind control people. Maybe I am wrong but, I dont feel like I am.

I would be shocked as # (pardon the vernacular) were there to turn out to be ANY connection with government and this site. We should be so lucky to have people of this level of intellect working in government.

I don't think their appreciation for dark or gothic aesthetics should lead anyone to believe their motive are likewise "dark". On the other hand, I'm not sure I've seen enough material to say what their level of concern/interest in the public at large is.

I will say that Andryl seemed to go out of his/her way to find places discussing the site, and to clear up confusion about the project. That implies at least an interest in others opinions of the site, and a desire to be open about the project, within the limits allowed by the projects nature.

I share your opinion that they don't have a sinister agenda, or taking over the planet. For all I know they've just been trying to arrange for transport off this rock. I'd be very interested to know their level of awareness as to the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster, and how that may have effected their plans/thinking.

voiceofthecielago, the site is still coming up for me. Also, is your handle derived from the birds in Frank Herbert's Dune?

Bybyots, is that intuition, or do you have some reason to suspect the countdown is to the completion of a Nodespaces simulation. That would be a looong run.


ps: well, i guess there's no point in pardoning my vernacular, since the !$&#'ing site edited it out of my post. very, very, disappointing.
edit on 9-3-2015 by aHEMagain because: Disgust.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: aHEMagain you have some reason to suspect the countdown is to the completion of a Nodespaces simulation.

In order to do so, we designed a software, called Nodespaces, that acts as a genetic algorithm that takes as input a given language and then, by stimulated annealing, subjects the language to a set of stochastic rules.

If we consider the language as a complex adaptive system, by changing the boundary conditions the language is forced to adapt itself, thus changing its syntactic structure and its morphological internal structure.

Sure, my reasons have come from reading the same material that you are citing.

The temperature variable in simulated annealing is a time-varying factor.

edit on 9-3-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: aHEMagain

I will say that Andryl seemed to go out of his/her way to find places discussing the site, and to clear up confusion about the project. That implies at least an interest in others opinions of the site, and a desire to be open about the project, within the limits allowed by the projects nature.

Or, maybe he started this discussions by himself. He or someone related to him. That makes sense. Page is hidden, work is hidden, peoples are hidden, everything is so mysterious... But somehow half of the internet is talking about it...

And what is real content of this page? There are no books. Short, sometimes very short, articles that we cant understand. In a language that they dont want us to understand, as they say. Some of them with interesting titles. Interesting only for peoples that are into conspiraces, occult, aliens etc. In many cases there are parts in english. Small parts. With sinister or just interesting meaning. Sometimes copied from documents that we know and/or connected with mysteries that we talk about on ATS... Sometimes totally madeup. Same with vids. For example video with title "Aproach to Tinley Park" which is clearly about Tinley Park lights incident. There are images with that articles. Try to do a graphic search in google. In most cases they are random jpg... If you want you will see something BIG in this. But when you start to dig... Its all bull#.
Videos? Amateurish... Rihanna as vampire etc. Dark spooky music...
Only real and interesting thing are those white faces, you know know which ones im talking about if you watched vids...
Subliminal message hidden? Maybe.
A lot of bands, they play concerts, they have cd's published... But you cant find anything about them. You cant buy these cd's. And its impossible to find where they play...
There is, however, something even more strange about this vids...
But i dont know and cant say for 100% these things are connected. When this topic started i watched all vids. Something happened with me. I dont want to say that i was "possesed"... But something... Strange things were happening with me. And with my life... Thats why im still here and still thinking about "forgotten languages". I dont want to write about details... But belive me. It was strange. Very. I started to hear voices, some visual hallucinations... Even physical changes/self mutilations occured... It stopped and everything is ok again. It wasnt unpleasant... Cuts and bruises were painless. There was no permanent damage. But it happened and i have witnesses. Happened when i watched this vids... I dont belive in demons, vampires etc. Maybe i was just crazy for month or two... I dont know. Maybe it was coincidence... I dont know. Similar story anyone?

The more i think about this... The more it looks like some sort of trap. With a bait for specific sort of people.

voiceofthecielago, the site is still coming up for me. Also, is your handle derived from the birds in Frank Herbert's Dune?

It works again for me too... Wierd. It was down.
Actually, they were bats. And yes, its from Dune...

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: aHEMagain

I think it has been posted earlier on in the thread but, its good to refresh peoples minds and I agree 100% with your thoughts.

What I dont understand though is why do they add bits to some of the references they use. Eg- they will quote a book but, change some words for the word 'alien', when in reality its about something benign. They do that but, then again, most of the references they use remain unchanged compared to the original text, even the ufo stuff. Its very strange.

Also, Im not sure if this has been mentioned here or if anyone else has realised this but, I always assumed that the videos they make are of them speaking to each other using the Cassini Diskus? As I think someone discovered, earlier on in the thread, saying Cassini Diskus is meant to be heard and not read? Well, I think its meant to be heard and seen and these videos are what their new language sounds and looks like when you use it in a conversation. They have been speaking to each other today, in fact quite a lot recently.

And what do you mean by 'odd experiences' ? Have you add some 'odd' experiences'?

edit on 9-3-2015 by Annmouse because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2015 by Annmouse because: (no reason given)

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