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If your Country instituted a Draft/Conscription would you go or dodge it?

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posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by AbdulAlhazred
.... Or if we decided to go re-take the Colonies.....

Yeah that would be a very good reason

I would deffinatly go the 13 colonies deffinatly need to be brought back under civilisation and charged with treason for there rebeling

I already have a Redcoat and Musket and sword. For KING GEORGE III !
edit on 27-6-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 10:32 AM
I did my service many moons ago, would I dodge a Draft / Conscription ??? I would answer Yes if it was on foreign soil , then again if it was in my own country I would volunteer to fight again.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by AbdulAlhazred
.... Or if we decided to go re-take the Colonies.....

Yeah that would be a very good reason

I would deffinatly go the 13 colonies deffinatly need to be brought back under civilisation and charged with treason for there rebeling

I already have a Redcoat and Musket and sword. For KING GEORGE III !
edit on 27-6-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

LuLz... Im glad Im not the only 1! You can clearly see from my posting history that I only ever post when I feel I truly have something important to add!
edit on 27-6-2013 by AbdulAlhazred because: spelling

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Aussie here

Ok this question is really for Americans/Britons/ Australians/Canadians/New Zealanders or other allied country's in that group who governments seem to be making controversial decisions lately. So next week our Governments decides to go into Syria or Iran or some other middle Easton country that our governments wants to bash and due too manpower issues they start a draft and you are called up. Would you go?


Would you go because you believe in following the government no matter what?

No, I would go to where the draft is so I can personally tell them where take their ideas of war and where to insert them.

Would you dodge it because its immoral and you want no part?

As above, i would go to where the drafting is being done and give my piece of mind which would be quite extreme and noble at the same time in the eyes of many.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by crazyewok
Ok this question is really for Americans/Britons/ Australians/Canadians/New Zealanders or other allied country's in that group who governments seem to be making controversial decisions lately.

So next week our Governments decides to go into Syria or Iran or some other middle Easton country that our governments wants to bash and due too manpower issues they start a draft and you are called up. Would you go?
Would you go because you believe in following the government no matter what? Would you dodge it because its immoral and you want no part?

For me Conscription should only ever be used if ones country is under direct threat.
If you are not getting enough volunteers under normal circumstances for what you are doing then obviously the war and your foreign policy is stupid and unpopular and needs to change rather than draft people to fight a war and enforce a foreign policy that has little support. Therefore if my Government called me up next week to fight in Syria I would tell them to go hang. I would not run but I would not go to war either.

edit on 26-6-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

I'm an American, unfortunately, and if my government ever asked me to fight for them, whether we were being invaded or not, I would tell em to sit and spin. I don't care if Russia and China join forces and invade our beaches and slaughter our whole country like we did to the native americans, I'm not defending this country for nothing.

You know why? Because we deserve whatever happens to us. And you all know why.
Genocide of indigenous people, oppression of our own people, the 1% distribution of wealth, 9/11...I could go on.
But yeah mostly the killing of Native Americans and 9/11 is what boils my blood. So anything that happens to us from this point forward, we deserve.

What you're describing essentially, for me anyway, is a SHTF scenario. In which I refuse to kill one person for this country, and I also refuse to go to jail and be locked up in this country. I'm with Muhammad Ali on this one, I'd rather turn the guns on the old farts in my own country, telling me that we have to go across the sea and kill innocent little brown people, than to turn the gun towards an outsider who hates this country. Because if I was born in any other country besides America, I would absolutely hate America. You know why I know this? Because I was born in American and I still hate America. We suck. We're the worst example and the worst role model the world has ever seen.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:12 AM
What are the chances US military will be conducting operations against US citizens within the borders of the US? I don't believe a draft will be needed for that. There will be a flood of people freely signing up once the propaganda machine gets rev'd up and an internal enemy is in focus. Fux News will be the new patriot channel filling ranks of homeland militias with "WASP moralists". Hey f-off in school, it's fine. Can't read? No big deal. We have a well paying job for you and the more ignorant and angry the better. And you get to show off your guns and bully people all day. All you have to do is follow orders and keep your mouth shut.

All they need is a unifying enemy. It's textbook Fascism but the textbooks might be gone by then. See you in the ranks.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

I like that

Chances are you would get lined up and shot for inciting mutany but be worth it

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:19 AM
I was in the Army during the Vietnam War, I had a choice, go to jail, go to college, get married, or flee to Canada or become an Amish Farmer.

That is why without a draft or threat of criminal prosecution for not serving or registering for the draft, that I do not support any War since the Vietnam War. Subsequent police actions were not declarations of War, and without a Declaration of War or a requirement for military service, I do not think anyone should voluntarily enter the Armed Forces.

The Actions taken in Iraq, and elsewhere in the world since the Vietnam War have been personal wars of vendetta in the case of George W. Bush and other politicians to protect the investments made by Wall Street Bankers in those regions of the world who own these politicians.

Not one of these countries attacked buy the US had the capability to invade or harm the U.S.. All those who have died in those actions were nothing more than cannon fodder which benefitted those who would never sacrifice anything for this country.

Adios Amigos. John

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by crazyewok


My extreme and noble act when going to the drafting tents would be to tell those there that if they want the world to burn I will start them off by setting myself alight and giving them a whiff of the burned flash they're rallying for.

Sorry but war has me in a sick state not where I want to hurt the external world but show them how much pain war causes by using my body as an example of how fragile we are and using fire to show easy it is for burn everything down if we so choose.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by InverseLookingGlass

And when you cross YOUR ready line I'll have you on glass.
You want "fair" you want what YOU think is right?
You were born on earth you get what you get.If you want changes the make them happen.I want a Constitutional Republic and if someone has to die who is an American who opposes it I do that.
I got a butt load of friends who are EXPERTS and BETTER trained than whatever progs can put up.Or what ever the world would have the balls to try.
Most people like that don't like to die,so It boils down to how stupid are they?
SYRIA is the ball here,not Snowden ,not scandals,A Syrian war Obama wants to put you into.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 11:54 AM
Are we talking about men or women or men and women. Big decision here. What if I agree? Will the illegals simply move in and take more jobs? Will the female be exempted from this equal rights part of equal rights? How will you get these illegals to fight for something that is illegal or do I just get my butt blown off for them and the politicians and the females? I went through all of that before and the Govt. lost all my service records in the St. Louis fire. All burned up and you know what they told me? Sorry Charlie but that's the way life is. Now who wound with the money and good jobs and all the perks from all these other killing fields?? Better rethink all of this.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Pretty easy. Nope.

I come from a military family (though some wouldn't call Airforce military... those some being Army, Marines, Navy) but growing up my father, a vet from the WWII's airwar, said "Don't ever join... just don't."

He meant that military life is dehumanizing by it's very nature in that it must make relatively normal people into killing machines, then lets them go back into civilian life with no preparation... which is stupid.

That was back when there was no real military industrial complex that used people as asset grabbing, expendable pawns and tools of oppression.

Now? Unless we were facing direct threat to our lives in our faces, no way. Risking my cajones for some vague credo or, more likely, someone else's fortune? Never.

People are the sum total of their external programming. I feel sorry for folks who tie honor to the military only. There are other ways to be honorable... vaporizing whole families in some land they can't pronounce for someone they'll never meet isn't honorable... it's just ignorant (which isn't stupid, btw).

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:24 PM
Great thread Ewok

Now I remember myself and some pals talking as 17/18 years old s during the start of the first gulf war about this and one of my pals was convinced we would eventually get called up and he said we should hide If we did. I agreed because I saw that war as not a Just war like ww2 just a war for money.
I speak to many an old dude who fought in ww2 and they have all said to me they would sign up again to fight for what is right. as would I.
Iam just short of 40 now and I would only sign up for a just war or If an invader attacked our homeland.


Then I think we would all fight no matter what

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74

Then I think we would all fight no matter what

Nah I would welcome our alien overlords and offer my services to help keep the "livestock" in order

Na just kidding.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Just a thought here If we redcoats wore green in the colonies war we woulda won easy.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by crazyewok

Just a thought here If we redcoats wore green in the colonies war we woulda won easy.

Colonel Coote Manningham and Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart had that same thought and formed the 95th Rifles just before the next war

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:56 PM
Interesting question,

So I ask,

WHY? Does Uncle Sam need more "comfort women" to play with, the kids die to quick after rape or what?

That's to the commanders and generals and other genocidal garbage btw...that Engineer these wars.

Why the hostile's in regards to the Pentagon and Media Luciferian Sell Out Whores and the Corrupt Politicians who have themselves,

17 Poli scum in fact, to Ignore and even Protect Military Rapists, majority of them IN COMMAND AUTHORITY POSITIONS, INCLUDING LOL, A FEW WHO WERE OVER RAPE INVESTIGATIONS WHO WERE RAPISTS THEMSELVES, yea they sure like to PASS THOSE VICTIMS AROUND NOW DON'T THEY??? AND IN THIS NATION, they don't wait to go overseas, they so damn bold and arrogant and assured NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN TO THESE SCUM that they are about an ORGANIZED RAPE RACKET! TRAFFICKING SEX SLAVES AKA AMERICAN STYLE! DON'T WE FEEL PROUD!

And the Thousands of VETS they have Destroyed in this nation and continue to do so, so some rich Mafia type scum can reap Heroin, Ores, Oil and Fundie Majorities in nations,

WHILE CONTINUING TRADE and TRAFFICKING of SLAVES (kid sex slaves, domestic slaves, even labor slaves via black market and well not so black market, they IN BED with some of the WORST SCUM ON THIS PLANET and they damn well Know it) INTO these theocratic TOTALITARIAN NATIONS

ENABLING their Wealth in places such as , EG., Dubai and AIDING THE SEX TRAFFICKING THERE (of Armenian and Russian girls for example, and by Girls I mean KIDS, who are FORCED, SLAVERY)

And for Laying down and ALLOWING Sharia Law Types to Take over slowly in our OWN BACK YARD, which IS a fact, [worse in Britian and Australia not doing so great there much for all that Freedom loving #]

Not paranoia, but FACT.

So Fight for the LUCIFERIANS


This isn't America anymore and Hasn't been for decades,

So it's an oxymoron really to say, fight for America or Britain, those nations DO NOT EXIST, Only in Name,

They are Synogogues of SATAN now,


It's just that majority haven't woken up or Care to see the truth right in front of them.

And I'll add, This is Probably why the Thugs are in such a Big ass hurry to open the borders and give concessions to illegal immigrants...not just for the Voting demographics, which obviously that's a huge part of...ESP the Religious Fundie Types who WILL VOTE FASCIST....(which religion dint matter, talking about fascist mindset here),

But also, MORE BODIES TO USE IN WARS....oh yea,

Really surprises me that few even See that one coming. You dont REALLY Believe do you, that the $$$$Gubermint is pacifying all these Illegals because after ALL THESE YEARS OF AIDING THEIR OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENTS

That they've Had a Change of Heart and are no longer Racist and Imperialist now do you????

Oh Hell No,

They need, NEED, like the Caligua Beast they are, more FLESH to consume and Use as WAR FODDER, FERTILIZER for their COUPS in other Countries.

The whole thing is laughable, it's so damn Obvious!
edit on 27-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Addition

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:55 PM
Screw it, if a nation is so backward enough to force it's citizens to go to fight an unjust war then I say bring it.

What is the point in living in democratic nation where democracy has been thrown out of the window and into the sty for the pigs to eat? It would just be another sign that this world has gone to pot... obviously not the smoking kind otherwise they would not bring up the draft to go fight in some foreign nation that hardly effects you.

So yes I'll sign up... with the biggest grin on my face
Life is pretty pointless already and if democracy is such a farce then I'd rather help destroy the humanity my own forefathers helped to fight for rather than keep up a big pointless lie.

So call the draft I say, I'd make a crap soldier anyways.

On another note:

I know a handful of the last British citizens to be drafted to serve, they hated it but knew it was a duty. They got to see the world (one of them served in Korea) but they could have seen the world on their own terms. Instead they seen the world from the stock of a gun and were used and abused. Policing Africa/India and fighting in Korea was not needed at all from them... The only time I could agree with such a pointless draft is if it was the Merchant Navy and those being drafted are the unemployed and the unwilling, I see nothing wrong with a just service to one's nation.

Can anyone justify sending your fellow countrymen to a foreign fight (Elites) on foreign soils (Syria)?
I cannot see any just reason for it whatsoever you'd hardly be serving your nation doing such things.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 02:14 PM
Proudly dodge it. And happily skip to prison if need be.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 02:39 PM
They wouldn't want me, it would be like back to picking me last for dodgeball in high school...voted MVP for the OTHER team.

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