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Why Americans Will Continue to Support a Corrupt Government

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posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Unfortunately too much people refuse to see with their own eyes. They just want to believe what the media tells them. The media tells them, "revolt, so the mightiest survives", without realizing that the mightiest will be a few power hungry people which will then only vaguely represent the people's interests.

It is surprising to see the amount of people who seriously consider revolting against a military whose strike force spans around the Globe:

edit on 25-6-2013 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:48 AM
I've been thinking about this Smylee, and the reast of the thread I read through the responses. Some very good rebutles, some that go in circles. There is a point of view that has not, at least I feel hasn't been touched on. I am part of Gen X after me I feel the Generation's after are lacking fundementally. Sure, I grew up with video games hell I got to experiance every system to now, I love them! Experianced some of the greatest movies ever produced. I work for the items I want to retain! I wake up and do my diligence to keep monetary monopoly notes coming into my family, legally. But there's a downside to Gen X, half were mixed with my kind and the other were that of the OP. What's the point?

What's the point is exactly the point, my parents molded me into this person I am. Time after time I grew up with friends who spoiled there children and gave them anything and everything under the sun. Parents did not require there children to work for there items. Even then with what I just said it goes deeper than that. Prior to Generation X, WHAT THE FETCH DID YOU GUYS DO! I see pacifist parents who don't want to make a difference and let the situation we are in BOIL to the point it is now. Why didn't they stand up? What has the PRIOR generations of Americans done to show the Younger how to deal with Corrupts Govt's? Politicians? Bankers? IF not what Smylee talked about in the OP which was baisically SIT ON THERE FAT ARSES EATING TV DINNERS!

The mods who chimed in are absofrigginlutely correct, taking on a revolution or civil war is like: Building a straw house and the big bad wolf blows it down faster than you can hide.

I love these threads, both the good and the bad. But as of lately even here on ATS we have the Older Generations who want to bark at the younger when and take this with a shot of penecillin " YOU DIDN"T DO JACK " And expect the " Entitled Gen " to fix a problem when it was the OLDER GEN'S that created these friggin monsters.

I'm removing myself from this thread now. I'm getting heated and want to punch a LCD Monitor... my work wouldn't like that.

I love spending time on this site with everyone, you've helped me a lot with views and realising many flaws in my views for that I thank you. I also mean no disrespect to anyone in my above stated as if we met in real life you would realise i'm one of the most respectful individuals out there and 3rd party reading text is very impersonal and can be missinterpreted very easily.

We need a solution, we need RESOLVE~

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:50 AM
We have the "perception" of freedom because the purveyers of evil control our world and allow us to live in the matrix. They allow us to think that our religions will bring us comfort in the end if we just use apathy and pray, instead our savior even said 'sell your garments and buy a sword' or something like that. That means dont worry about hiding, and fight until death the enemy of our mortal coils.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:50 AM
America may have to make a choice:

Give up being the worlds ONLY superpower and getting its old ways back.


Keeping its status as a hyperpower and haveing its bloated goverment and Military that props ups it power used to step all over its own citizens.

As I said in another thread:
You may have to re evaluate who your "enemys" are. At the moment your main enemy is YOUR goverment. And you need help.

Your forefathers had to make the same decisions in 1776.

They did not have the money or power to go it alone so had to ally with French to win there independence. The French who were far more tyrannical than the British. The same French who were there mortal enemies just two decades before and who the colonists had to fight to stop them from invading there land. The same French who sent native war bands too raid there homes and kill there women. The same French who did not care really if the USA getting independence was right or wrong, it was just a chance to hurt there bitter enemies the British.

And lets no mention the other ally of the patriots the Spanish!

To get win you may need to seek help from current enemys like the founding fathers.

I think Snowden knew this when he went to the Chinese and Russians.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 09:03 AM

I love these threads, both the good and the bad. But as of lately even here on ATS we have the Older Generations who want to bark at the younger when and take this with a shot of penecillin " YOU DIDN"T DO JACK " And expect the " Entitled Gen " to fix a problem when it was the OLDER GEN'S that created these friggin monsters.

Yup, we're gonna have to fix all THEIR problems if we hope to have a future on this planet. I've only had 22 years of life as of now and 18 of them were part of this # system with no one telling me a thing, just blindly following the rest around me. It's a #ty deal, but I have a feeling we'll get help from something or someone...

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by smyleegrl

There is another major factor you didn't state in your OP.

In your examples, the peasants had access to the same exact weaponry as the soldiers of their rulers. Therefore, a revolt was on fairly equal footing. A bunch of hillbillies with rifles are no match for tanks, drones, and night vision, so the same opportunity for revolt is simply not present. So, you can't equate the current modern age with revolts in history.

Not to mention, after a revolt, you have to rebuild from scratch. While not happy with our current corporate rule, I don't think the system is rotten to the core, and I do think it can be fixed, while working within the system. Sadly though, people don't seem to realize the power their votes have if they don't accept the force-fed candidates, and instead vote for people who aren't special interest, who WANT to make those changes.

Yes, someone mentioned this early on. I posted what I thought it would take to have a successful revolution later in the thread and mentioned the huge disparity between weapons and technology.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

My bad, hehe...didn't go through all 7 pages...

My main point though, is that I don't think it is beyond repair from the inside, but people have to wake up and realize they do NOT have to choose the lesser of two evils (which are really all controlled by the same puppet-masters anyhow).... They can choose differently.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Let me explain. The average American is apathetic

Nice opinion. People fear being social for more reasons than just others judging them, it is a large fear in yourself to be able to communicate with anyone in the streets no matter what they are thinking or doing. In New York it has always been known that people are in a point A to B mind frame, and between those two points they don't want to be bothered they just look down and go there. Now there are places across the coast in Northern California where people stop their cars immediately on a busy street when they see anyone approach the curb, they will talk to you in the gas station while your getting coffee so if you live in a state where you don't like to talk to people don't come to Cali.

I have traveled around the southwest America and I have to say that you are wrong in my opinion. If you are averaging out like statistics more people are just regular people with an average mind power but you can't average personality traits. But between states the mood and actions of people differ. It is more than 50% Hispanic in California now, the Mexican culture is very humble and are on a different planet than you are thinking.

But technology is making the new generation more apathetic for sure. Every time you go out now you see the young people looking down at their phones in the street. I know texting is fun but it isn't a helpful way to ignore society. I can text and walk across the street but I think the chance that they have their phones to text is an excuse to look down while they are walking through the city so they don't have to talk to anyone, because it is obvious those groups do hate talking to people and are very apathetic generally people in the valley can be that way and in the mountains are different for some reason. Since I am not apathetic, I already made a decision that whenever I see someone next to me with the head constantly down in a phone and scared to look up I'm going to start singing. Every time it has worked so far, they just look at me, and then head back down to the phone again lol.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by smyleegrl

My bad, hehe...didn't go through all 7 pages...

My main point though, is that I don't think it is beyond repair from the inside, but people have to wake up and realize they do NOT have to choose the lesser of two evils (which are really all controlled by the same puppet-masters anyhow).... They can choose differently.

But would your overlords let that happen?

If a third party got to big then the main power could crush them. Be it through slander, taxes, media blackout or plain old assasination....

I mean it certainly has happened before in the early 20th century were a third party that got to big suddenly had convient bad luck....

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by greyer

Perhaps apathetic is the wrong word. I should have used..,,distracted.

As has been pointed out in this thread, it's not that folks don't care, but simply don't know what to do. In addition to the daily grind of job and taking care of family, most of us have so much going on in our lives that we either lack the time, means, or motivation to do anything else.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by crazyewok
Give up being the worlds ONLY superpower and getting its old ways back.


Keeping its status as a hyperpower and haveing its bloated goverment and Military that props ups it power used to step all over its own citizens.

The problem we are dealing with is that both these options are temporary. It's inevitable that if nothing changes there will be a revolution. The spiral is already in motion and there is no way to stop it. You fear the power of the government, and you want to protest against it, the government views such protest as a threat to its dominance and will grow in an effort to stop it, you become more opposed to each new measure, and the threat of revolution grows, which entrenches them even more...

The very existence of these spying operations and their actions against innocent people proves that they are willing and able (and probably intended) to use these machinations against the people.

All we have to deal with is now, right this moment, our lifetimes. The Human race will continue after we are long gone, and future generations will be facing many of the same problems. If we had a revolution tomorrow and managed to create a new nation for our kids, their great great grand-kids will possibly be facing another revolution too, because all of this is temporary unless we learn to learn from our history and stop putting our trust in these fundamentally flawed people.

If there were a revolution, it's very likely that Americans would elect someone who fought in that revolution. The government would be smaller, and it would be filled with people who got there because they risked everything for their beliefs and their fellow citizens. You cannot say that about those in government now, many of whom have never fought for anything other than their own selfish egos.

The people you elect after a revolution would have a sense of responsibility to their country, they would be there for the right reasons - to change the nation for the better and do the bidding of the people. But the election that follows that leadership would be a little watered-down, because the revolution is over, you're back to electing career politicians within a decade. Then the next administration would be even weaker, more laws passed for their own self-interests, and so on and so on until the country is again back to a position where people are elected for the power they have or the opinions they preach rather than any real and genuine desire to work for their country.

As I said before, it's a cycle. The only way to stop this cycle is through education, showing the next generation what happened before and why it's so important to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Ultimately, we need societies that are always on the cusp of getting into the streets to protest, we have to have nations of people willing to get out there and shout loudly when a government wants to pass a law allowing them to breach the rights of the people. If Americans had been able to hold onto their history properly, millions of people would have protested the Patriot Act and it wouldn't have passed, then we probably wouldn't be looking at the situation we're now looking at.

But, because people didn't learn from history, and because people put too much trust in career politicians rather than people who genuinely want to be remembered as a leader who made an actual difference for their people, we're now in the mess we find ourselves in.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
reply to post by greyer

Perhaps apathetic is the wrong word. I should have used..,,distracted.

As has been pointed out in this thread, it's not that folks don't care, but simply don't know what to do. In addition to the daily grind of job and taking care of family, most of us have so much going on in our lives that we either lack the time, means, or motivation to do anything else.

But everyone has power, and that power is magnified in numbers.

There are going to be protests all across the USA on July 4th, it's going to be interesting to see what happens and how many attend. I know that I have seen others suggesting they'll be doing something else (one of the many distractions), but isn't this what such a public holiday should be about?

I would rather spend that holiday doing something meaningful and important than just do what I do every year and miss the opportunity for excitement. I would rather feel a part of something bigger than just wasting that day doing the expected.

If someone can't protest, they can download TOR, or they can stop using Google, or they can sign petitions, or put a poster up at work, or do any one of a number of things to make their little dent in the problem.

Just talking about it here is a part of the solution, opening up debate and discussing things rationally. Perhaps this thread might convince a few people to attend a protest, or use TOR, or boycott the corporations involved...

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Rocker2013

I love the sentiments here Rocker~

But everyone has power, and that power is magnified in numbers.

Just talking about it here is a part of the solution, opening up debate and discussing things rationally. Perhaps this thread might convince a few people to attend a protest, or use TOR, or boycott the corporations involved...

Protests are starting to be dismantled and protesters arrested, soon protesting will be considered homeland terrorist movements if they are not already, behind the curtain by that big fat man pressing the buttons. Sign petitions? That's like signing a death warrent and marking yourself a easy target. Poster at work? Might find yourself in the unemployed line especially if you work for a major corp. Boycott... I like this one a lot! Lets all boycott Walmart
wait hasn't this been done before? Alas another futile attempt by the masses.

The only one that has not been done is the first line of the quote, "Power is magnified in number"

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by DAVID64
I think that's what is so frustrating to those of us who see what's happening. We see what the government is doing, we know the end game and we see most just sitting on their collective ass, doing nothing. Like seeing your house burn, with the fire department just standing there, polishing their truck. The sad part is, nothing will be done in time to avoid bloodshed. IF the people do rise up, it will be all out aggression, because they are fed up and snap. Although I think it will take a lot to trigger it. Stupid stuff like the cable/sat going out, no football and the latest "# 1 Show On TV" being unavailable.

I agree with you except on one point. I truly do not think anyone here, myself included, knows what the government's 'end game' is. We do a great job at speculating and hypothesizing with very limited information available, but we do not truly know the end game... I think if & when the sh*t hits the fan most people on here would be just as startled as the 'sheep' we all mock.


posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl
We live in an age of technology and THEY seem to have it all, if this were a 100 years ago I would think the people would have already fought and won the battle against the people that are trying to destroy this country.

We on the other hand have numbers if we can find common ground. The NSA debacle seems to have brought us closer together then anything in a long while so there is hope that the American people no matter what side they are on have seen that there is no boundary to the corrupt controllers to achieve total control.

The real question is why would anybody want to destroy the largest contributor to the worlds economy and its well being, what could THEY possibly think would be better??...........I doubt it has anything to do with "being better".

We all have our point of enough is enough and if we can find common ground we as free people can still do this without violence............I hope.

edit on 25-6-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Thank you for posting on this subject matter! The only thing you left out was the majorities use of drugs both prescription and street! Not only that but the use of alcohol as well! Let us not forget the consumption of fluoride thanks to the AMA! I believe it is the combination of all these things and the distractions of entertainment media that cause us to be taken so advantage of by the collusion of military, banking, media, ETC, industry!
I sometimes feel like the one eyed man in the land of the blind wondering why so few of us see the bus coming at us! I'm beyond frustration now thinking we may all well deserve this and what's coming! When it does there will be many that say "how did this happen"!
I no longer preach to those who are unwilling to see the darkness on the coming horizon! So I just come here to vent and unwind from the frustrations of the world around us! I wish we had somewhere to escape from the coming nightmare. A land for like minded individuals to flee to, where we could prosper away from unjust laws but there is only that thin veil for us to cross to, into the deep sleep where no politician can tread!
I know not when this land will be unable to support even the smartest and hardest working of us but it is a day I hope I will not see! How sad, just to hope for death, to escape a tyranny thrust upon our souls!

edit on 25-6-2013 by nosacrificenofreedom because:

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:46 AM
As long as bread and circuses are widely available the masses will turn a blind eye to corruption in the government. Who cares what our (s)elected leaders are doing as long as we have a high standard of living and ample entertainment?

That pretty much sums it up. As for the surveillance and police state, it makes the sheep feel safe.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Mortalhelix

I love these threads, both the good and the bad. But as of lately even here on ATS we have the Older Generations who want to bark at the younger when and take this with a shot of penecillin " YOU DIDN"T DO JACK " And expect the " Entitled Gen " to fix a problem when it was the OLDER GEN'S that created these friggin monsters.

Yup, we're gonna have to fix all THEIR problems if we hope to have a future on this planet. I've only had 22 years of life as of now and 18 of them were part of this # system with no one telling me a thing, just blindly following the rest around me. It's a #ty deal, but I have a feeling we'll get help from something or someone...

What most of you fail to see is that the older generations did not have access to the information that you do today. So though they may have known that there were secrets and corruption in government the information was limited and so was access to communicating with each other! Most of them thought they were generally free and protected by their leaders and had no reason to think otherwise! We are living in a different world today and in spite of that most of the younger generation still has no idea how to fix the problems of this world! I expect them to bitch and moan just like the baby boomers did in the 60s but nothing will change!
The only way I believe that anything will is through a revolution but doubt there is any chance of this happening!
You can place blame on other generations but this is a cop out to taking responsibility for something we are all responsible for!

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Perhaps 'apathetic' is the wrong word, I should have used 'distracted'.

No. 'Apathetic' is the right word. The general populace of any nation live with apathetic mindsets, and a lot of it has to do with 'habituation'. By habituation, I am discussing adaptability and consolidation to both good and bad circumstances. Regardless of what circumstance one finds oneself in, if it brings a relative form of stability and routine, people adapt to it over time, and once adapted, they become loathed to any form of change to it, except for when it improves.

Apathetic is the right word to use, because apathy highlights the lack of inspiration. For instance; it was not until Thomas Paine (an Englishman) wrote the following pamphlet...

...that the colonists became inspired enough to throw off the yoke of British power. I suggest everyone reads the pamphlet, and be reminded what it feels like to be inspired by a belief in the moral righteousness of the individual right to live free of tyranny.

People don't fear tyranny, especially when it is applied slowly and incrementally over years, as it remains an abstract threat, people fear and react to sudden and irrevocable change. The cliché about how a frog will allow itself to boil to death in a pot of water brought slowly to heat is not entirely accurate. At some point, the frog will begin to feel uncomfortable at the rising heat and seek to remove itself from the pot. The frog's problem is being able to see a way out of its predicament. If the pot it is in is very deep, if it cannot see over the rim, it cannot perceive how to remove itself from its worsening circumstance, and will die trying to escape: it won't just sit there. However, if the pot is shallow, and the frog can see over the rim, it will certainly seek to leap from the receptacle. I won't belabour the analogy, just suffice to say that we (the people) are the frog and tyranny is the heat.

The thing is, we are not sitting in the pot as frogs, we are sitting in the pot as people. Although, for many years the water was warm and lovely, luxurious even, but the heat has been slowly rising over the years, and a few of us are beginning to feel decidedly uncomfortable, whereas the majority are still basking in the sauna conditions, and are not inspired to remove themselves at the adjurations of those of us who know something is wrong.

The thing is, those applying the heat don't actually have to bring the pot to full boil in order to achieve the goals of their agenda. You won't see jack-booted thugs marching down the streets, but they will be present when required. No, the tyranny that is slowly enveloping the world is designed to remain abstract, hidden behind masks of benevolence and security. Yes, the water is getting hot, but look, they're bringing drinks and ice cream. Frogs have never had it so good!

Apathetic is the right word to use.
edit on 25/6/13 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:17 PM
It's so corrupt they even have UN troops doing work in USA!

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