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Why Americans Will Continue to Support a Corrupt Government

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posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Danbones

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by Danbones


fear of loss of love

well naturally, if you love people, you dont want them to die. lol
i think of all the destroyed intellects, talents and lives and it just sounds horrible. all the moms and dads and kids. the grannies and grandpas. the musicians and the geniuses. the brilliant directors, wonderful poets,
hard working folks, people who have dedicated their lives to public services of various kinds. the idea of them dying in some conflagration brought on by the concept we could change things with violence, turns my stomach.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by Danbones

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by Danbones


fear of loss of love

well naturally, if you love people, you dont want them to die. lol
i think of all the destroyed intellects, talents and lives and it just sounds horrible. all the moms and dads and kids. the grannies and grandpas. the musicians and the geniuses. the brilliant directors, wonderful poets,
hard working folks, people who have dedicated their lives to public services of various kinds. the idea of them dying in some conflagration brought on by the concept we could change things with violence, turns my stomach.

One way of dealing with the problem is to divide Syria.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Kashai

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by Danbones


One way of looking at it is that we really should stop working against each other for about a thousand years.

For the sake of argument and given that we have all fought each other since the beginning. Just to see what is possible if we worked together seems under the circumstances relevant.

Given mankind's situation this seems important...

Any thoughts?[

1000 years of peace? now that sounds good. great in fact.
when can we start?

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:13 AM

Officially just as soon as we all stop fighting each other and start working together (and not a day before).

The only way to stop war is to stop fighting each other and find a way to resolve our problems without conflict.

Otherwise we are simply repeating history which is not good.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:20 AM
Part of me is still refusing to accept the plain truth to most of what we are dealing with here. Sure, I could go on as many before, just accepting their will never be a thing better. In modern times anyway*; We have always been slaves*. Freedom is only an illusion. Hope and Change is a lie. The American Dream, is the American Nightmare.

Mainly our society is molded in such a that we are too comfortable and too busy in what we have to make it day to day, in a sense that breeds apathy. Too busy chasing the bucks, too busy following celebs, too busy living pay check to paycheck to even have time to question. Not even to mention the who "me generation"-or so i call it. Even trying to, in the mainstream(such is on FB and other net news sites) ask questions or brining up these topics to people off line who are not familiar with alternative news or even conspiracy topics will have you not taken serious or even laughed at.

I am very grateful that many women have fought for my rights before my time, that many people who fought for the rights of minorities, etc., Do I believe we will ever see that again? We've seen two states as of recent, in our lifetimes legalize what has been illegal(apologies if I cannot mention). States have stood against gun control, drones, real ID... they have legalized gay marriage, and more. But on a broader scale, I'm beginning to feel much doubt, that citizens will finally see, understand, question, face and demand better under the iron fist of a corporate interest run country that runs and functions on divide and conquer.
edit on 25-6-2013 by dreamingawake because: more.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:21 AM

Otherwise we are simply repeating history which is not good.

no doubt. like someone else said, earlier in the thread, we need an innovative way that doesn't require destroying our country, its citizens and yes, even its illegal aliens. that doesn't put our rich in the poor house and our poor in the graveyard. that continues to uphold our original premise as nation, but includes the solutions we've arrived at to solve problems that have arisen in the past, such as child labor laws, civil rights, voting and so on. it just needs a few tweaks at the moment.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:22 AM


posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:23 AM


posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by dreamingawake
Part of me is still refusing to accept the plain truth to most of what we are dealing with here. Sure, I could go on as many before, just accepting their will never be a thing better. That we were-in modern times anyway*; We have always been slaves*. Freedom is only an illusion. Hope and a Change a lie. The American Dream, is the American Nightmare.

Mainly our society is molded in such a that we are too comfortable and too busy in what we have to make it day to day, in a sense that breeds apathy. Too busy chasing the bucks, too busy following celebs, too busy living pay check to paycheck to even have time to question. Not even to mention the who "me generation"-or so i call it. Even trying to, in the mainstream(such is on FB and other net news sites) ask questions or brining up these topics to people off line who are not familiar with alternative news or even conspiracy topics will have you not taken serious or even laughed at.

I am very grateful that many women have fought for my rights before my time, that many people for for the rights of minorities, etc., Do I believe we will ever see that again? We've seen two states as of recent, in our lifetimes legalize what has been illegal(apologies if I cannot mention). States have stood against gun control, drones, real ID, legalized gay marriage, and more. But on a broader scale, I'm beginning to feel much doubt, that citizens will finally see, understand, question, face and demand better under the iron fist of a corporate interest run country.

Again and with respect to some fantasy as to the intent of the United States, in relation to some conspiracy.

Perhaps you should look into a mirror and realize that if the US is involved in such a conspiracy. Then under the circumstances so is every other country in the world.

In which case given history the only way out of this BS is peace.

Any thoughts?

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Kashai

Originally posted by dreamingawake
Part of me is still refusing to accept the plain truth to most of what we are dealing with here. Sure, I could go on as many before, just accepting their will never be a thing better. That we were-in modern times anyway*; We have always been slaves*. Freedom is only an illusion. Hope and a Change a lie. The American Dream, is the American Nightmare.

Mainly our society is molded in such a that we are too comfortable and too busy in what we have to make it day to day, in a sense that breeds apathy. Too busy chasing the bucks, too busy following celebs, too busy living pay check to paycheck to even have time to question. Not even to mention the who "me generation"-or so i call it. Even trying to, in the mainstream(such is on FB and other net news sites) ask questions or brining up these topics to people off line who are not familiar with alternative news or even conspiracy topics will have you not taken serious or even laughed at.

I am very grateful that many women have fought for my rights before my time, that many people for for the rights of minorities, etc., Do I believe we will ever see that again? We've seen two states as of recent, in our lifetimes legalize what has been illegal(apologies if I cannot mention). States have stood against gun control, drones, real ID, legalized gay marriage, and more. But on a broader scale, I'm beginning to feel much doubt, that citizens will finally see, understand, question, face and demand better under the iron fist of a corporate interest run country.

Again and with respect to some fantasy as to the intent of the United States, in relation to some conspiracy.

Perhaps you should look into a mirror and realize that if the US is involved in such a conspiracy. Then under the circumstances so is every other country in the world.

In which case given history the only way out of this BS is peace.

Any thoughts?

Thoughts? Well, I didn't say they weren't. Just with surveillance, it's not only the US who is involved.
edit on 25-6-2013 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by dreamingawake

Originally posted by Kashai

Originally posted by dreamingawake
Part of me is still refusing to accept the plain truth to most of what we are dealing with here. Sure, I could go on as many before, just accepting their will never be a thing better. That we were-in modern times anyway*; We have always been slaves*. Freedom is only an illusion. Hope and a Change a lie. The American Dream, is the American Nightmare.

Mainly our society is molded in such a that we are too comfortable and too busy in what we have to make it day to day, in a sense that breeds apathy. Too busy chasing the bucks, too busy following celebs, too busy living pay check to paycheck to even have time to question. Not even to mention the who "me generation"-or so i call it. Even trying to, in the mainstream(such is on FB and other net news sites) ask questions or brining up these topics to people off line who are not familiar with alternative news or even conspiracy topics will have you not taken serious or even laughed at.

I am very grateful that many women have fought for my rights before my time, that many people for for the rights of minorities, etc., Do I believe we will ever see that again? We've seen two states as of recent, in our lifetimes legalize what has been illegal(apologies if I cannot mention). States have stood against gun control, drones, real ID, legalized gay marriage, and more. But on a broader scale, I'm beginning to feel much doubt, that citizens will finally see, understand, question, face and demand better under the iron fist of a corporate interest run country.

Again and with respect to some fantasy as to the intent of the United States, in relation to some conspiracy.

Perhaps you should look into a mirror and realize that if the US is involved in such a conspiracy. Then under the circumstances so is every other country in the world.

In which case given history the only way out of this BS is peace.

Any thoughts?

Thoughts? Well, I didn't say the weren't. Just with surveillance, it's not only the US who is involved.

Like I said the US has been doing this since the 1970's.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

he should be ashamed of himself. the dude is a millionaire condemning all western women on the premise that some of them actually have worked hard enough to have a decent life.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:29 AM

Why Americans Will Continue to Support a Corrupt Government

Yummy juicy thread title

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Return to the New England community for a moment. People are angry and fed up. So what do they do? They get together and talk, make plans, decide together what will be the final straw. These people did not possess the plethora of "entertainment" that we do today to divert their attention. They kept their anger and convictions alive simply because there was no way to forget it.

Entertainment is mainly the only alternative to turn to for most imo and is used for social engineering.

Division is what TPTB use to keep the populace in disarray such as....

Beliefs or non belief
Political preferences and squabbles.
Sexual orientation
Family values
Economics and personal financial hardship.
Crime (violence, drugs, guns and gun rights, laws and law enforcement corruption issues and abuses etc etc....)
Etc, pretty much how they want it, order out of chaos.

That's why imo shock and awe can only be used to fully unite the populace when TPTB want or need it and we will fall into line like a bunch of zombies and further their agendas and corruption to their ultimate goal.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by undo

We differ on our interpretation of the meaning of the song.I get from it that he's speaking out against materialism,the TV +entertainment addiction and not spending enough time contemplating serious of more profound issues.Imo,the reason he addresses the song to women could be tied to the old adage "The hand that rocks the cradle.." There are some musicians who made millions because people liked their music and the message behind it.Like John Lennon,Bob Marley,Bob Dylan etc-some of whom are now deceased.There was a time when music still said something,and inspired people,made them stop+think.Something seldom heard among most of today's inane drivel-and maybe that is another conspiracy right there.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Originally posted by mideast

I believe the government knows this. Which is why we're frogs in a pot of slowly warming water.

Why cold blooded frog ?

It's a saying here in the US.

If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will immediately jump out. But if you put the frog in cool water and slowly raise the temperature, the frog stays. Eventually it dies because the water gets to hot. The frog never noticed the lethal increase in temperature because it was done slowly.

I know , I just asked you about why people have been cold blooded (like frogs) these days ?

We are humans , warm blooded. right ?

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by smyleegrl

Now consider the US today. We KNOW our government is corrupt and rotten to the core. We KNOW our government manipulates us to keep those in power, in power. We know the average person is simply a pawn to the elite bankers and why don't we pull a 1776?

this isn't remotely true, you don't KNOW that, you BELIEVE that. not everyone in american BELIEVES this. how do they "manipulate" us? by saying they will do what we want? like they are supposed to? by promoting voting? if we were all just pawns, they wouldn't bother they would just say that our votes don't matter, but they do!
they stay in office because WE VOTE THEM IN! no one is twisting anyone's arms to vote for a guy, it just happens that those who get the stuff people want get voted in more.

you seem to lack the ability to understand simple facts: people don't all believe the stuff you do, and they out number the people who agree with you. they don't think their rep is corrupt till proven otherwise, they vote for someone who says they share the voters values.

Three reasons: apathy, entertainment, and the Internet.

Let me explain. The average American is apathetic....why? Because he/she has access to mind-numbing entertainment. We care more about Xbox versus Playstation than we do about Snowden. In fact, I submit that the new American dream is, for many people, simply a hunt for the next form of entertainment. Thus the obsession with Hollywood stars, pop culture, etc. These folks are so consumed with consumerism that they can't be bothered with national scandals and world events.....who cares if the NSA spies on folks as long as the latest version of Halo is about to be released?

this has nothing to do with why they are apathetic, most people have had it hammered into them that no matter who they vote for it won't matter because they are all the same. the people on capital hill don't listen to the people, that voting means squat because they won't do what we want anyway.
what you are suggesting isn't the new american dream, its a common human reflex; find anything and everything to ignore, denial or drown out the problems you have created by voting in idiots again.

young people listen to their parents, and despite promoting voting as important, still communicate to their kid that voting is pointless because the parent didn't get what they thought they should have gotten from the candidate.

Then there are those of us who do see what's happening....but we're on the Internet instead of out in public. I'm guilty of this. I come to ATS to discuss and read. Like many of you, I've tried to share this information with friends and family, but they either do not care or simply shrug their shoulders with a fatalistic "What can you do?".

what needs to stop is people telling each other that voting doesn't work, of course it works! you have to make the effort though, you can't just pray congress will somehow get the idea that what they are doing is going to hurt more than help.

I know what the government is up to....but by engaging in debate here, with like minded people....this allows me to release my anger and frustration with my fellow members.

Anger, frustration, despair....these are the driving forces behind a revolution. When the majority begins to break under the strain of tyranny, that's when action occurs.

I believe the government knows this. Which is why we're frogs in a pot of slowly warming water. We are distracted while that water gets hotter and hotter....and by the time we realize the danger, it's simply to late to act.

people act like the governing bodies on the federal level just magically get decided, the picks are made by the divine and not through voting...
why do we need a revolution? here's a novel idea, vote the people that are bad out!

i have a feeling that like a lot of people, you come here to read how correct you are about the things you believe, while in real life people don't agree.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 03:57 AM
Well The US Gov maybe a Corrupt Government but its OUR Corrupt Government lol

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 04:12 AM
Personally I find it amusing that they constantly murder us.

85 percent of people are so asleep that they avoid any responsibility for anything; doing the absolute minimum in all avenues of their lives, there is nothing anyone can do about expanding or constricting a sheeps vision.

Considering some universal hierarchy or order/food chain, perhaps its naturally time to accept the fact that these cunning psychopaths deserve to control everything and kill us off, seeing as we've given them this power? The sheep need to be controlled, clearly, they don't command there own mind/body/or soul, so why would they deserve to have any real right to it? They don't use the gifts god has given them in any conscious effective capacity.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by Kapablanka
Personally I find it amusing that they constantly murder us.

85 percent of people are so asleep that they avoid any responsibility for anything; doing the absolute minimum in all avenues of their lives, there is nothing anyone can do about expanding or constricting a sheeps vision.

Considering some universal hierarchy or order/food chain, perhaps its naturally time to accept the fact that these cunning psychopaths deserve to control everything and kill us off, seeing as we've given them this power? The sheep need to be controlled, clearly, they don't command there own mind/body/or soul, so why would they deserve to have any real right to it? They don't use the gifts god has given them in any conscious effective capacity.

Of course people are asleep. How else do you think the 400 richest Americans could have more material wealth than 155 million of their fellow citizens combined, without the slightest sign of a revolution, or mass protests that resets the system?
edit on 25-6-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 05:20 AM
I sometimes think the "bad guys" are people just like us who had many of the dreams, concerns, and assumptions that we do.

As I read through these posts, I see some statements over and over and even share the belief in many of them, but I wonder - what would I do differently? What could I do given the conditions that seem to be true descriptors of our fellow Americans and the situation in general?

Give me a chance to explain-

I see many posts that state variations of one or more of the following: "most people are asleep, apathetic, stupid, avoiding any responsibility for what is wrong and certainly not willing to do anything that requires physical action, can't handle the truth because it is too disturbing and frightening, or are simply too stupid"
I typically agree with most of these sentiments, as harsh and judgemental as it may seem. It's not that I want anything bad to happen to anyone or truly hate anyone, more that such generalized overviews are born out of frustration in being able to get anyone else to care about something I feel is of paramount importance.

Fr the sake of argument, lets say our assumptions of the majority of our fellow Americans are correct and the majority of people are one or more of these traits (ie stupid, avoid responsibility and will not act no matter how grave the situation, don't care or simply lack the mental faculties to comprehend what is truly happening and only believe what they see on tv or are brainwashed by religious beliefs regardless of what that religion may entail).

Now, say something happens that places us in a position of power that would finally, trul allow us to do something that matters, draw attention to the nightmarish future that seems to await us if we follow down the same path, and can organize the public into a cohesive whole wth a shared goal that can finally get some real work done, finally make so e real progress.

Only we still are dealing with masses who are apathetic, stupid, mind controlled zombies who cannot form any thought that wasnt dictated to them. What to do? We have the opportunity to actually make a positive change in the direction humanity is heading, an opportunity that cannot be wasted because the stakes are too high.

Because of fracturing beliefs (religious, cultural, etc) you can't get anyone to agree on what the "right" course of action is because group r won't work with those twisted perverts of group g, and those closed minded bigots of group b think something that is inconsequential to group n renders them morally unfit to work alongside. So noe one will work together, and the is running out. The future is looming and time is wasting, and you have to act while you still have the power to do so, but you are being blocked at every turn by conflicting idealogies, clashing cultures and personal beliefs and of course by good old fashioned stupidity. You get frustrated and almost start to think there's simply no way to save anyone or anything, and just as when you were lowly Joe Q. Public and co,don't get anyone to wake up that even as Senator Powertrip you still effectively can't get anything done.

So you move to more drastic methods, feeling justified in this because the stakes are too high and the opportunity to do some real good cannot be wasted!
And before you know it, you are using television to try to make the brainwashed sheep wake up and do what they need to do, you're trying to prevent real bloodshed and injury by spying on group V because they have already fought and hurt members in every other group, you try to get rid of the weapons that they use to minimize the overall casualties the best way you know how I ne the constraints and you're eavesdropping on Group C because you are pretty sure the are planning to usurp yo because they feel ou have wasted your time in office they elected you too and want someone who will actually get something done.

And before you know it, you realize with absolute stomach twisting nauseous shcok that YOU have become the very monster(s) you were originally fighting against.

I often wonder if this is what happened to may of our elected leaders. When they say "trust me on this" may e...just maybe they are being sincere and really do, or did, have a heart but due to frustrating limitations and obstacles and red tape and rules that originally were meant to help that instead tend to get in the way - all this without even considering there are those who really are just nasty and evil and want bad things to occur, but are having a grand ol time sitting back and watching us do most of their dirty work for them!

I'm not at all suggesting this as an excuse for our leaders, or to get people to just accept what is, and not try to change anything, not at allis that my intent, its simply a mental exercise to see what things might be like if we actually traded our online activism for real world activism, and what might happen along the way, and that this may have been what happened to others.

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