With the greatest of respect , talking to Jim about the Black Knight is like asking a Rabbi to recommend you a Bacon Sarnie recipe. Jim's a "nuts and
bolts" sorta guy, just like Stanton Friedman, the moment there's the slightest notion of anything that might involve a quota of whibble he's gone in a
flurry of harrumphs and mutterings.
In the early days of radio such luminaries as Tesla and Marconi both claimed to have received transmissions from outer-space when we sure as hell
didn't have anything up there. Now there's any number of natural sources out there they might well have picked up so who knows? Chances are, yes they
were naturally occurring signals, then again, we don't have them so we can't actually say for certain.
In Dick's case he was undergoing a amphetamine psychosis and whilst there is no doubt, people suffering such a state have hallucinations of all kinds,
aural and visual, that doesn't mean everything they claim is therefore total BS.
In actual fact, the work Dick wrote in state is incredibly erudite and unbelievably detailed in its' prose. It is both rib tickling funny and at the
same time, heart-rending in its' frank and deep honesty. One thing I do know, it sure ain;t comfortable reading and particularly so for those who are
scared of such behaviour. See, most people only have "One flew over the cuckoos nest" to judge by or, the actions of relatives who were totally
overwhelmed by the onset of these moods. The truth is, some can be drowning in a sea of mental suffering one moment and super lucid the next in a way
that scares the bejeezus out of "normal" folk.
Dicks' own internal dialogue with himself over such revelations as the Black Knight was far more scathing of the idea on a deeply personal level, than
any non entity self appointed keeper of the truth online. Dick's own critique of the idea was merciless and yet, after he came through the experience
something told him that that part of it had some merit as a "real" incident. Remember this, this wasn't some clichéd balmcake who was hearing voices
telling them what to do. This was merely a facilitator, something that simply said... "This is what I am you deal with it".
In other words, Dick came out of the experience satisfied it wasn't simply his own ego turned rampant, that created the experience. The thing is, down
through the years I have met and spoken to others who, without Dick's psychosis, have had very similar experiences they, to this day, would never
claim to fully understand. These are "Professional People" who hold down every day jobs and to all intents and purposes, come across as "Mr and Ms
Joe/Josephine average", if slightly better educated than many. What fascinates me about many of these people's experiences is that, they do involve
"contact" with something that they are told has been around our solar system for millennia.
Now, one of the problems with trying study this whole subject in any meaningful manner is this. One can say, almost certainly that, those who have has
similar experiences and yet have never been deemed "mentally ill" are never going to tell anyone about it for fear of losing their jobs, their home
lives and all they have worked for. See, no-one pays any heed to the rambling hobo, the dishevelled street kid with no real verbal skills when they
claim something similar. They are just residents of Barking and that's that, case closed, don't need to know any more than that. However, it's an
altogether different scenario should some doctor tell you this sort of tale. So they don;t and we left with a small, yet significant number of
people, who have had similar experiences to Dick, sans the chemical stimulants and believe they were "contacted". Because the "contact" was benign and
often personally mentally beneficial there is a core oft hose who, to the right person, will open up about it. They themselves are usually their own
biggest critic and are the first to say, "I'm sure you'll think I'm being delusional etc however...."
So OK, we could convincingly argue that these incidents are no different to the "spiritual experiences" people have been undergoing since time
immemorial, merely updated for the age we live in and that to is a wholly valid hypothesis. However, it is my experience whilst it would be far more
convenient to label all such incidents as aberrations of the normal human internal dialogue, brought on by any number of outside parties there is
that nagging feeling that. Actually yes, there is something to these experiences that needs further understanding as they do indeed bare the hallmarks
of many people's psycho reactions to "nuts and bolts" UFO sightings.
Continued in next post...
edit on 14-7-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)
edit on 14-7-2013 by FireMoon because: punctuation