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So who's actually running the planet?

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posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by 3n19m470

It is because most of the people are deluded by money and power, so the vile and arrogant become the masters.

People at large lack the intelligence to understand governance.

Good leaders are necessary if society has to function properly.

If alcoholic, womanizer, arrogant and liars become leaders, people will only face poverty and desperation.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by kudegras
Whoever runs this mudball is doing a crap job. But we all know that which is why we are all here on this conspiracy site.
I agree with you, I feel that possibly an off planet consortium runs the show and that the bankers and elites run the planet on their behalf. Just entertaining us and fattening us up so we'll be in prime condition for their next harvest.
Which might be any day now, one thing I am sure there is much more going on then any of us actually know.
Ummm....I know...RIGHT?
also...when you add into the equation all the really rotundous humongous people here in McDonald's land...then the secret reveals it' adjectives fly through your head..............."ripe for the slaughter", "To Serve Man", "The Culling", "harvest"....................long pork anyone?.............Anyone?

edit on 2-6-2013 by YouSir because: S is for simpleton

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:02 AM
The problem is that NO-ONE is running the planet.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Shuye

It used to be that no one ever heard of the Bilderberg group, or if you did you where designated a "tin foil hat wearing" conspiracy theorist. Now it's become main stream. Perhaps David Icke is right, the control of the planet lays in the hands of interdimensional beings...if that is so then it would be logical to assume that the yin of this yan would be interdimensional good guys. So there lies the rub. Get your realm dynamics in order.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:23 AM
I always think of some men who know some interesting stuff of mankind and are easily able to take advantage of a natural system of some sort.

How must they feel when their knowledge shows them the true failings of kings and rulers. They probably make a secretive society to keep out of danger and to keep their knowledge from getting in the wrong hands of fools.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

One thing you can be sure of is that money runs everything . The Rothschilds are the richest family in the world .
Now if you want the one who is in charge of the whole plan you would have to go to the Bible . The whole thing is prophecy . The 10 kings with out a kingdom as of yet gives the power to the one , the AC.( Rev 17 verse 12 ) The Mark of the Beast system that will control buy,sell and trade over the whole world would require a world government . The Rothschilds are facilitating the very prophecy coming true . That means God is at the head of everything . Isaiah 45 verse 7 states I form the light , and create darkness : I make peace , and I create evil: I the Lord do all these things . I think that's as high as we can go .

To me it seems that people take mumbo jumbo from the bible and try to make it fit their narrative. I can never understand how people translate some of the bible mumbo jumbo into anything relative or meaningful.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 10:52 AM
The VATICAN corporation is running the world right now. Banks are second then GOVERNMENT is third.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Shuye

I think your absolutely right! I do not believe humans are in control. The way our planet as a whole is being destroyed makes no sense from a human perspective. We are being manipulated to believe that humans are responsible for all the evil deeds. But there is something in the shadows pulling the strings. And it's not human.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Declassified

I can see that you speak from ignorance of the bible . You should give it a read . The Mark of the Beast money system is coming to fruition now . The Zionist / Globalist are working to consolidate their hold and issue a totally digital global money . Physical money will not be available to transact with during this time . That system will control who uses it as in the bible . This could never have happened until the world wide web was constructed . The mechanics of that totalitarian system is in place today .
Now the bible may not be your cup of tea but you can not deny the convergence of bible prophecy and the reality of the times . And that is just 1 point where prophecy and signs of the times converge all at the same time .

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by ReAwakened
reply to post by Shuye

I think your absolutely right! I do not believe humans are in control. The way our planet as a whole is being destroyed makes no sense from a human perspective. We are being manipulated to believe that humans are responsible for all the evil deeds. But there is something in the shadows pulling the strings. And it's not human.

No my friend. It is all humans. Humans can be stupid beyond belief.

Even people who are rational in private can be yield to falsehood in group thinking. Humans longing for wealth and power have weak minds.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 01:22 AM
You hear a lot about groups like the illuminati, and the elders of zion, but this is all just a cover for the true org. running things behind the scenes. I know a little about it since I have someone close to me in contact with this organization. I could tell you a little about it, but honestly I dounbt it would be safe.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 03:15 AM
I am running the planet in my dreams.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 05:07 PM
I'm convinced it's just plain old human beings. Well, not that ordinary. They certainly are much smarter, more creative and far more resourceful than the average fool in his pickup truck with his dog and his Budweiser hat.

But I don't believe they're lizards or aliens for a second. I think they are simply gifted people whose minds (though brilliant) have been twisted by a despicable ideology that basically tells them they have the right to sculpt not only the world, but people into any form they choose.

And because they are so gifted in every area of science and art, they can do these things mostly in secret (and anything that cannot be hidden can easily be explained away). And of course, I suppose there are always the useful idiots. Which is probably why you should never allow yourself to be drawn into any "cause" too easily.

Most of us out here in the truth movement are not brilliant people (Though I have seen some people who are). We are average fools who woke up a little bit.

I believe there is an ultimate goal for these people (or multiple goals). They basically think of themselves as higher life forms. And we are basically just lab rats to them. Now of course, unless you're delusional, you do realize that people actually are NOT equal. If one person is vastly more intelligent than the next, the two people are not really equal in the eyes of nature and by the laws of nature.

The way they see it, they have this advantage and they figure they might as well use it as they see fit. The world they are "sculpting" is obviously not the kind of place where people who believe in rights and freedom would want to live. My guess is that by the time it is complete, most of us will either be old or long gone. They obviously think and plan for what they want to achieve over the long-term. They are willing to wait. They are willing to spend their lives working on their "sculpture" and never see it finished.

This is what we're dealing with. The next generation of schmucks will probably never have the chance to wake up. Soon, questioning things will probably be a (newly discovered) mental disorder. If not soon, then eventually. Obviously, the change in how people like us are treated will have to be tuned so as to not create a stir. It will make perfect sense to most people. Everybody knows tin foil hat people need "help", right?

So how can you refuse to let them help you think properly? You just don't know any better so force can be applied. And society will go along with it eventually.

I find it a little harder to actually give them names or to use words like "Illuminati". I think that stuff is all played out. Regardless of the basic accuracy of the fact there probably are people conspiring to rule the world with an iron first, people dismiss you the instant they hear one of these words.
edit on 4-6-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Shuye

I believe a lot of this comes down to human beings like yourself and I having a normal degree of empathy. In which sometimes it can be used against us by those in control who simply do not see things the same way. By thinking how can people be so incredibly evil? "I would never be able to be so cruel and cold hearted"..but unfortunately these people are. I mean its really a basic fact that people with huge amounts of wealth always come into power and take control of how this world is directed. Its not conspiracy.. just look at history..doesn't mean we have to sit here and take it. And its been relatively easy to keep this somewhat secret. But when you dig, you find things..information, truths. And for the last 20 years I have been coming to same conclusions over and over again. I have an old piece of vinyl from 1967 with lectures on the Illumaniti, one world gov't, etc.. the scary part is that it could have been recorded in 2013 with everything still applying.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by DARKREALMRECORDS By thinking how can people be so incredibly evil? "I would never be able to be so cruel and cold hearted"..but unfortunately these people are. I mean its really a basic fact that people with huge amounts of wealth always come into power and take control of how this world is directed. Its not conspiracy..

I have to disagree here. Your mistake is blaming money/wealth. These are just stepping stones. The root of the problem is human nature. People simply cannot be trusted with vast amounts of power. And that is where you run into the real dark, ugly truth. Someone will always have vast amounts of power. It doesn't matter how they get it, power will always draw those who want it the most.

Take wealth completely out of the equation and you have the same thing.
edit on 4-6-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by BrianFlanders

That's the standard argument. The standard rebuttal is that without wealth, or the need to pay someone else for every aspect of your existence, those who seek power would have a much harder time directly affecting anyone besides their natural followers.

You are right that human nature dictates that some will still seek a lopsided power over others, but money definitely makes it easier to exercise that power over other humans who don't subscribe to the power-mad's particular brand of gibber.

Personally -- I have never met a good person who desired great power or great wealth. That type of ego tends to come from one end of the scale only. Many argue that they are "good" of course, but the fruit on the tree is telling.
edit on 4-6-2013 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by 0zzymand0s
You are right that human nature dictates that some will still seek a lopsided power over others, but money definitely makes it easier to exercise that power over other humans who don't subscribe to the power-mad's particular brand of gibber.

It may be harder without wealth but it can still be done. The little people aren't interested in power and will occupy themselves with their lives and situations. They're always going to be easy to push around by someone who actually wants power far more than they do. And frankly, once it is done, those in power are likely to once again surround themselves with great wealth.

Personally -- I have never met a good person who desired great power or great wealth. That type of ego tends to come from one end of the scale only. Many argue that they are "good" of course, but the fruit on the tree is telling.

Exactly. As I said. No matter what type of government you have, someone has to run it. Truly good people generally want nothing to do with it (and as you say, most people believe themselves to be good people in their own minds). Especially if it's an unusually powerful government to begin with. They don't want the temptation. They don't want the responsibility. They don't know if they can withstand the temptations. They probably wouldn't be able to.

And in the end, those whose pursuit of power will drive them to take it by any means necessary will find a way to get rid of the good people even if they're there.
edit on 4-6-2013 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by BrianFlanders

New World Order is nothing but Monarchists.

They will use all tools - military, economic, even UN to install one world government.

This one world government is NOT a representative government. It is a dictatorial government.

They have a vision where a small super-elite enjoys the riches of the earth and the masses toil away in slave like conditions.

They want to create a worldwide police state where police uses unthinkable cruelty to control the masses.

You already see glimpses of this scheme. The scheme is not yet fully implemented as the conditions for its full implementation have not arrived yet.

It is implemented in parts through global corporations, free trade, and destruction of gold based currency.
War on terror is precursor to global police state.

Destruction of religions is another goal, as Monarchists only like Satanic religion where 'god' is a human king. This goal is partially achieved as large part of world population has turned atheist.

If you want to defeat this scheme:

1. Cling to your religion and pray to God daily.
2. Pressure your government to bring back gold based currency, and encourage local industry and farms.
3. Seek out sold-out corrupt leaders and remove them from power.
4. Develop self-reliance plans and reduce your dependence on global corporations.

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Originally posted by NONPOINT21
The true Immortals are running things.
Oh, you mean the secret, secret society, right?

I mean something none of can comprehend as our minds aren't open to understanding. The ones that have control are the true immortals!

posted on Jun, 5 2013 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by NONPOINT21

I mean something none of can comprehend as our minds aren't open to understanding. The ones that have control are the true immortals!

While you're welcome to your opinion, I think this kind of talk does a lot of damage. In my opinion, the only way I'd consider the people in power to be "immortal" is that their agenda doesn't die when they finally get old and die. The agenda moves on to be taken up by another generation with the same nefarious goals.

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