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So who's actually running the planet?

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posted on May, 31 2013 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by graceunderpressure

Is Carl the AntiBeezzer, then? Will we all be required to have the Mark of the Carl to buy our carrots? [Chews nails, nervously]

Carl is the Antibeezzer. He is evil personified. He is the dark lord of anarchy. He is the embodiment of apathy and sloth. He is the dastardly mastermind behind global calamity.

Plus he ate all of SkepticOverlords hotpockets in the ATS breakroom fridge.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:38 PM
The true Immortals are running things.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:41 PM
I've often wondered who is the Alpha of it all. Even if it is the elites who run everything who then is their leader? Who is at the top of this pyramid?
I don't claim to know but I have also wondered if this 'alpha' is even human. I'm still struggling with the thought that we and the Earth are a resource for some race of beings and that we are unwittingly under full control and are being used as needed.

Maybe we don't really want to know because maybe to have this knowledge would change your outlook on life itself.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:45 PM
I just wanna bring everyones attention to the fact that the bilderberg meeting in 2013 begins on 6-6-2013 this year. Or for you numbers guys 6-6-6. Do with this what you want, I just personally noticed this today. I havent read this thread yet, but I will when I get home from work tonight.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Spiro
reply to post by Shuye


You can bet that every busines and person you have mentioned in your OP will be attendee's at this years BB meeting in the UK.

There is an old saying, " the rich own the poor "

Be safe be well


edit on 31-5-2013 by Spiro because: (no reason given)

I love your avatar because I love George Carlin and between George and this thread there's a segment from his 2005 HBO show "Life Is Worth Losing" that comes to mind, in fact my signature is quoted from that show. I would post the video but ATS has told me in the past not too post it because George is George, a man who likes to curse, and we can't have cursing on this forum now can we?

In any case, for all those interested in who runs the show from Carlin's perspective, all you have to do is a YouTube search "George Carlin The American Dream".

"It's a Big Club and you ain't in it! You and I are not in the Big Club." - George Carlin
edit on 31-5-2013 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Shuye

German Intelligence! The same Nazi's that were never disbanded after WW2. Just look how they boss around the EU countries today if you think I am wrong. After and during WW2 the Nazi's had many powerful friends in the U.S. and other nations that dominate the world today. The Nazi's slowly worked their way into full control of the U.S. and they are killing us slowly while trying to get the whole world to fight us and take out Israel as well.

They want the U.S., NATO and Israel to fight the Russians, Chinese with their Arab buddies so they the Germans can clean up and take over from there.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
I've often wondered who is the Alpha of it all. Even if it is the elites who run everything who then is their leader? Who is at the top of this pyramid?
I don't claim to know but I have also wondered if this 'alpha' is even human. I'm still struggling with the thought that we and the Earth are a resource for some race of beings and that we are unwittingly under full control and are being used as needed.

Maybe we don't really want to know because maybe to have this knowledge would change your outlook on life itself.

I think it's always better to hear a painful truth than a comforting lie. I rather see humanity being aware of its own slavery and resisting it, other than being misled to believe they are free and dismissing the topic as some nut conspiracy. Like Mark Twain said, “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”.

What makes even more sense about the alpha above them, is the fact we are currently living in a capitalist, competitive world and usually companies, corporations, banks and so on are generally should be competing each other, not combine forces for the sake of a greater agenda. The Alpha is perhaps the chain link that unifies what we call 'elites'.
edit on 31-5-2013 by Shuye because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 06:15 PM
These things take time and a great amount of resources to do.
It is coming to a head and soon, just how soon...
It took a great many years to get the sheep to this stage and it may take longer to finish the task.

Power = Money
Money = Power

With both you can control what ever it is you like....PERIOD.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 06:45 PM
I think this is a good question, as well as some good logic there.

The people who you think run things, or would think run things, most likely don't, assuming a grand conspiracy of course.

But we can probably assume that we've seen the faces of the real people who run things. Narcissists would require that people at least see them, seeing as they can't tell anyone they run things. Think about Quentin Tarintino(not saying he's narcissistic). He always puts himself in the movies, but is never a major role.

So what does this mean?
Obama is a complete puppet. Same with most politicians. BUT there are probably a few of the real rulers in the mix. You know, people you've seen and heard before, but never seemed to have a major role,. BUT they are people EVERYONE has heard of. So who are the politicians that no one really knows much about, yet still are known?

I'd suspect, based on my central assumption, that some TV actors are the real rulers as well. but they're most likely the side actors.

Maybe Justin Bieber is the heir to the throne? God I hope not, but I'd assume that the rulers would not act how they really are. They wouldn't want people to suspect they are the true rulers, but they would want everyone to know them.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:03 PM
I have never felt before that countries are being lumped together into groups for easier control and manipulation, but over the past few years this has become more obvious and its very unsettling.

I would put the bankers at the top of the obvious chain of corruption and manipulation because they obviously control the money, without which no person or government can operate. I think that the Central banks are quite unnecessary and was surprised to hear on the tv the other night that there is a 'top' central bank in charge of all the country's central banks. I could make an educated guess whom is in charge of that as well as fixing the price of gold.

I also know that certain religions encourage through their teachings, that those of different beliefs are to be abused,
cheated and treated like slaves so I think the roots of the inhumanity so prevalent today is rooted back in the past.

Its the inhumanity, lack of compassion and utter lust for power and greed that is so clearly apparent today. Money and the power it gives to people to believe they are utterly untouchable and above all laws has become the new item to worship. Its seen everyday with the virtual worship of celebrities, no matter what their claim to fame is.

I would actually be happier were I able to genuinely think that some alien race has taken hold of our world but I feel that the situation of world misery is most likely down to a very few individuals devoid of their humanity who manipulate those greedy enough to be their front men and Queens etc. The number of laws passed to disempower people in each country and to take away freedom of speech, a basic human right is proof of their existence and agenda.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:26 PM

All poverty is man made, it is was, is, and always will be on a threshold of a decision to stop that misery from ever happening. But that decision never comes, as an extreme tiny percentage of humanity prefers to stick to the plan (obviously) for world domination. I refuse to accept that all this human-created misery is a cause of an extreme wealthy elite who's seeking global domination

I think this is your biggest assumption within your very thoughtful OP. That this is designed and predicated by humanity, at large......

You asked for thoughts....mine are, I would rethink that possibility.

But I absolutely agree with your OP in the sense that I do not believe those "above us," who appear to be in some kind of control of us, really are. I believe they, too, answer to a "master," whomever or wherever he/she may be.....

But once you arrive at that particular observation, then it becomes anyone's guess, really, who, what, and which species is "in control." However, I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, there is a specific, integrated, directed CONTROL over all of us, our behavior, our progress or lack thereof....
I just don't agree that humanity created its own demise, suffering, poverty and pain.....
But what do I know? Someone answered me in another thread last night that if they wanted a "mystic to influence the commoners, they'd consult me...."
So, maybe that's all I'm any good for.
And I truly did, laugh out loud, on that one
Like your thread and thinking

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by kudegras

The harvest is ongoing. Why give humans the satisfaction of a big finish / SHTF / alien invasion scenario when they can simply pull 50K a year or so from the stock, worldwide for the main course, and savor the sweet fear, despair, desperation and hopelessness of the leftovers?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:30 PM

But we can probably assume that we've seen the faces of the real people who run things. Narcissists would require that people at least see them, seeing as they can't tell anyone they run things. Think about Quentin Tarintino(not saying he's narcissistic). He always puts himself in the movies, but is never a major role. So what does this mean?
reply to post by Ghost375

You weren't, of course, asking me, but I'd sure like to add my opinion to what that means....

I think it means, allegorically, that whomever IS in control of what is happening, "hides" in the shadows and within, so that there is no stopping the domination for the dominator can't ever be identified.....he is, after all, only playing a cameo role, so no one would ever identify that entity as the controller.....

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Shuye

You're right... all of the sinister global organizations that you mention are not at the top. They are all servants of Lucifer. Contrary to popular belief and understanding, Lucifer has never been to hell. He was cast down out of Heaven onto Earth and has reigned supreme here on Earth ever since. Atheists/Agnostics can disregard this post, even though you are part of the plan and don't even realize it.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:45 PM
I have read that everything from Nazis to reptilian humanoids are the true rulers of the world, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am not here to ridicule or debunk anyone's theories that would go against my nature, for I am open minded and eager to listen to everyone no matter how far swung their ideals are.

However, I would like my two pennies worth and I hope the same courtesy is extended to me.

I do believe, with no obvious proof, that we are controlled by an outside influence but not in a controlling way ,as mentioned in previous posts, but under the guise of an experiment that is guided along its path by gentle technological advancements. Let me explain.

For hundreds of thousands of years we were picking fleas out of each other and the mating ritual consisted of a club around the head, then all of a sudden, in evolutionary terms, we mined iron ore and all hell broke loose. Now the nineteen hundreds our grasp on technology really took off, which co-insided with well known and lesser well known "UFO" crashes and extra-ordinary people. I am a firm believer that we have reverse engineered "crashed UFOs" I use the commas as I do not believe that these "crashes" where by chance and there were more of plant by an outside race to provide us with the technological expertise that we need to make the next evolutionary jump in our race to achieve the ultimate goal, and that is self destruction.

So, in a round about way I believe that yes there is an elite that control the world but it is not the reptilian or the grey race of "aliens" but by normal mortal souls that are bent on the demise and controlling of the masses to achieve the ultimate pre-programmed goal as mentioned above.

The meeting will be about what medicines they can prevent from getting a licence, as there is no money in a cure.
What renewable energy sources we can keep from the people,as petrolium/oil is needed for everything and how to spark an arms race under the disguise of a "war on terrorism" which is profiteering on the fear factor.

It is a very interesting thread and well done to the op on this thread as it has brought out a lot of free thinking ideas and strong opinions.

This is just my thoughts, which I am sure will not meet everyone's ideals but hey you have to forgive me as I am reptilian.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:02 PM
Its not as simple as the rich or the bankers or the bilderbergers wanting to take over the world with evil intentions...

there is about 6 levels of distance from 'evil'... these are mostly well intentioned souls
who by the force of their wealth/power are able to cause the masses of global populations to kow-tow to their agendas...

consider the 'Gates[' of microsoft money... he thinks that immunizations - innoculations for everyone is a benevolent thing----

except there are sinister forces in the flu-shots-for-all equasion that he never dreamed of !

and the same type story is spread across the whole humanitarian endeavor... well intentioned people with money are duped by the silent and dark forces who do stuff like taint the innoculations with serums that sicken and kill the recipients ----

twisted and perverse is the background actions that are hiding behind the actual attempts of goodwill and

want some generic 'code'... then consider the case of the fictional 'hero' [Iron Man a person of great wealth that got that way because of the Stark Industries fortune ammassed from the sales of weaponry to the world....but now 'he' is a rejuvinated hero instead of a power-monger, capitalist, money grabber elitist

do you see how the masses are being conditioned. programmed, given mind scapes to adore

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:27 PM
Not these guys.

Maybe these guys?

If it's not a band of these guys,

Then it must come down to the pope?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by NONPOINT21
The true Immortals are running things.
Oh, you mean the secret, secret society, right?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by longtimelurkerr

If you really believe any of that then you must believe that top of the chain aliens are no more capable nor any more intelligent than us humans.

If we found some cows living on Mars I doubt we would try to manipulate them and disguise ourselves as then to blend in versus just taking what we want.

Since we are on top of the chain on the generally accepted reality of planet earth, I don't recall any human group of people planning to secretly over take any animal species without them knowing. We simply tear down the area and build what we want , instead of getting the lead animal to direct the herd to another spot or dressing up as an animal to fool them.

The only people we try to secretly overtake are those who are on the same level as us and that is other humans. When its a fair match then we try to be sneaky about it in order to take the advantage.

So if your theory of humans manipulating us has any truth then that is actually a good thing because MOST LIKELY they are no better than us.

In regards, as to how can they want to starve kids and do other cruel things: Most likely that is not their intention or goal.

However, they are so far up the chain of command that all they see is numbers and they base their decisions on those numbers.Its up to those below them to execute the actions and deal with consequences.

However, I doubt its any one organized group , but rather just a bunch of independent groups trying to exceed profits from last year in an infinite cycle. In addition they are most likely blinded of the long consequences of their actions by greed that they don't even sometimes see the mess they create. However, they have the resources to react accordingly to most disasters as they come so they end up on the winning side.
edit on 31-5-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Shuye

But what if the fluoride is to keep people passive?

Passive people don't ask questions of their masters.

Name almost any social problem, and I can link it to capitalism.

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