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So who's actually running the planet?

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posted on May, 31 2013 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by UNIT76
..i've come to realize the bible puts a lot of this stuff in perspective

The Bible makes organised religion look like a bad idea, which it is!

Same with the Koran, Torah and any other book that claims to contain the word of God.

They were all the creation of Man, and since Man is fallible so must be his interpretation of the will of God to some extent or another.
edit on 31-5-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:27 AM
Nobody is running the planet. Nobody is running society. There are despotisms in which tyrannical rulers restrict the freedom of their citizens and force them to do things they would rather not, but even in those countries the rulers can only observe and direct only a very small part of what is going on.

Governments in the free world have even less power. They are at the mercy of voters, some of whom form themselves into pressure groups and lobbies. Individual voters have little power but when organised they have a great deal – governments have to listen to them.

Businesses, restricted by law, resource limitations, competition and the fear of losing customers, have far less power than governments. Religious authorities, except in a few places like Saudi Arabia and Iran where they have made a devil's bargain with the State, have almost no power at all.

All the above groups fear the power of the media, but the media have no direct, coercive power at all. Media power is people power.

As for your Bohemian Grovesters and Bilderbergers, they're just people who like to get together and relax from time to time with others like themselves. As we all know, it can be rather uncomfortable socialising with people who are not of the same social status at oneself. Remember the story of King Hal and Falstaff?

And the Illuminati, just like free energy, don't exist.

Normal fantasy service will now be resumed. Real world over and out.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Shuye

I don't think anyone is "running" the planet. We (as humans) require the illusion of control.

But a more silly answer might be my arch-nemesis, Carl.

Carl runs the planet!
*shakes an angry fist at Carl*

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:40 AM
The more you give power willingly to another, you take away your own. -me
2nd line

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 07:48 AM
I would say that the devil is running the planet. The devil being considered deceit.

We don't even have the right to run the planet, humans only have the right to govern themselves. We disregard the rights of other creatures on this planet by polluting it. We are destroying our own foodchain. We are altering the chemistry of the ecosystem in a very negative way.

This is a sign of chaotic behavior, not an intelligent trait.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 09:12 AM
Im not sure about what is meant by the top. In human terms or, hybrid terms, the ones in plain sight, are the top. ie Rothchild's, Royal Families, and others in the world that I'm less familiar with, are really top players. They're the bloodlines. For example Ive read that Pindar is a Rothchild. According to Robert Morning Sky they are the offspring of RA, who was a concrete human/et hybrid type, and a leader type. So they're the offspring of the gods of old apparently, who were hybrids themselves and ET.

The only other top of the pyramid would be off planet. And there are some bad guys accomplishing goals here, off planet. They need mothers really badly, that group!

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Astyanax
Nobody is running the planet. Nobody is running society. There are despotisms in which tyrannical rulers restrict the freedom of their citizens and force them to do things they would rather not, but even in those countries the rulers can only observe and direct only a very small part of what is going on.

Governments in the free world have even less power. They are at the mercy of voters, some of whom form themselves into pressure groups and lobbies. Individual voters have little power but when organised they have a great deal – governments have to listen to them.

Businesses, restricted by law, resource limitations, competition and the fear of losing customers, have far less power than governments. Religious authorities, except in a few places like Saudi Arabia and Iran where they have made a devil's bargain with the State, have almost no power at all.

All the above groups fear the power of the media, but the media have no direct, coercive power at all. Media power is people power.

As for your Bohemian Grovesters and Bilderbergers, they're just people who like to get together and relax from time to time with others like themselves. As we all know, it can be rather uncomfortable socialising with people who are not of the same social status at oneself. Remember the story of King Hal and Falstaff?

And the Illuminati, just like free energy, don't exist.

Normal fantasy service will now be resumed. Real world over and out.

We live in what I like to call neo-Feudalism. It isn't the illuminati who run things, or a single entity, but there IS a power structure on the top.

It is relatively easy to trace. Real power lies in who controls the men with the guns. In the Capitalist world the men with the guns are controlled by the men with the wealth.

Government officials are figureheads and nothing more. Who gets elected depends completely on who has more money to spend on their campaigns. This means they must bow down to the source of that money, which are usually represented by lobbyists.
The sources of the money are the STOCKHOLDERS of the major international corporations. Don't be fooled into thinking the CEOs of these companies are the power, they are just tools. It is the owners, the ones who supply the capital, who are the real power.

If you are looking who truly runs the world, you have to find who owns the heavy hitters in the corporate world.

Here's a list: list
Remember, its not enough to know where the company is from and who works for them, what is important is who the stockholders and creditors of these companies are.

Another approach is to look at who the major land owners are. It is all about wealth, and most of the wealth in the world is in the hands of a few. Also there are plenty of companies and holdings that aren't public and do not publicize their numbers, my guess this is where a lot of the big players are.
edit on 31-5-2013 by fedeykin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 09:47 AM
Too true...

No ones running but each of the super powers thinks it is.

When it does all gone wrong, no one will want to say "that was us in control and we messed up" because humans are good at that kinda stuff.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Shuye
reply to post by Spiro

I'm not worried about those super rich entities though. It seems to me like they are merely puppets of a greater agenda even from them.

Because there's so little empathy towards the human race from this guys (for God's sake we the people are get to pay for the security for this year's meeting), i'm getting to suspect the only entities that can actually implement such anti-humanistic acts are anti-human themselves, or at least a specie whom does not identify with it, or else a specie which is not really human who controls the whole thing.

I guess my question is, so who owns the rich?


The very people who attend said meetings are the most anti human F%$KERS on this planet and they dont need help from anyone above, they are THE ABOVE.

They have this to say about us humans >

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950

"We are not going to achieve a New World Order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." - Arthur Schlesinger Jr., 'The CFR Journal Foreign Affairs', August 1975.

Many, Many more here

They are the root of ALL evil

Unless of course you are revering to aliens.

Be safe be well

edit on 31-5-2013 by Spiro because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 10:18 AM
You're all wrong. It's Dean Karnazes.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:28 AM
"So who's actually running the planet?"

Ile tell you one thing Bob Bigelow's up to his neck in it!

edit on 31-5-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:30 AM
I'm now running this reality....Well at least my little world.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
I don't think anyone is "running" the planet. We (as humans) require the illusion of control.

But a more silly answer might be my arch-nemesis, Carl.

Carl runs the planet!

Is Carl the AntiBeezzer, then? Will we all be required to have the Mark of the Carl to buy our carrots? [Chews nails, nervously]

OP, I agree with the other "follow the money..." replies, but I also don't believe that those with the wealth are working together in any sort of consorted effort to benefit mankind. They are only interested in themselves.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:32 AM
Money, power, ego...that's whats running the world.

The people on top do work a bit with each other but only because it's still worth it.
The day where some in the chain are of no use to be near the top, they will be brought down.

But there is definitively a monstrous plan to keep the majority down, powerless, choiceless, voiceless and technically enslaved.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:37 AM
The i.m.f. and NATO......the nwo was created back in 1944........the imf is on record as saying for the first time in 2016 the west will for the first time in the planets history will go from the 1st world to the 2nd world, and the balance of power will shift to places like india brazil china ect.....this prediction by the imf is about 6 years old that i am aware of it may probably go back further......but the point is all the austerity throughout europe and the states is by design.....this recession as they call it has been manipulated and we are being conditioned to accept it because it will get better.......i dont think its a recession and i dont think it will ever get better.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:53 AM
The world has always been running by a bunch of greedy,selfish,emotionless,elites,and yes you might say they mostly have it a little short down there,, and that would explain the envy they have towards the average joe!
..It is a shame a disfigurement so easily treatable can turn some men into the Iluminatis..

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:57 AM
Dude....what a great thread subject, these days specially...he he , I know it has an "E" on the, back to the thread title.
I just sat down finally today....opened the laptop and pow....what a great was at the top..!!

It seems as if the great written work...."Basic instructions before leaving earth"....has ahead of time, wayy alonga go....he he ( I'm a ninety year old farmer from Texas, that'sa howa we talk)....that written work is a masterpiece, admit that much, has way ahead of time foretold of all we see these days.
Yep, just the literary embodiment of treasures, tips, explanations of how it really is here on Earth and whatinthehail ( all one word, see what I did there...oh back to the) whatinTHEhail to do about it, you know, how to act. Turns out we have nothing to be anxious about, and He made it a point to tell us that....SO, don't bother getting uptite about what we're about to witness......the return of Yahushua in your lifetime.

go and read all about what was written 2400 years ago....and now is "PEAKING".....coming true historically, geographically, scientifically, morally, worldly and spiritually. that last one there, that is what is key. That book says God is a spirit, and we must allow for spiritual "back and forth" with Him. Ha ...easy nuff

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Shuye

who's running the planet? well for some its God, and scientifically its the Earth itself with the help of the sun and the moon.

but if you ask who's running Society, well that very well depends, if the illuminati exist im sure they have a few other rivals and competitors trying to control the world

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Shuye
reply to post by longtimelurkerr

Oh, things are getting interesting now lol.

Hopefully it will make sense too, I can pretty much dig on that ancient civilization's Gods now. Seems like some of the names you mentioned (which some are quite new to me I must say) are affiliated with the Annunaki. Aren't they affiliated with Nibiru?

They are all related to Satan and his little demon minions, with Satan being at the top.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by longtimelurkerr
Enlil is on top of the chain. After them you have the reptilians, igigi, nephilim, greys. Also just plain old dumb human beings if you could even call them that is.

The reptilians are mainly among the elites/bloodlines. Igigi are just retards. Same goes for nephilim. The greys are mainly among the CIA/Interpol - they're also pretty dumb to be honest.

Many banksterz are igigi. The business people like manager-types are mainly nephilim, but there are also alot of reptilian among them. Greys are more like the slaves that are being used by these types, some of them in higher positions than others but they're mainly pretty dumb anyways.

All of them are in one way or another affiliated to the occult or part of the occult. The occult = the illuminati. They don't like to be called illuminati. A more suited name is "useless eaters with small dicks club".
edit on 31-5-2013 by longtimelurkerr because: (no reason given)

By the way, the God of the Bible wiped out the civilizations who worshiped these ancient gods.

Now the battle is narrowed down to the two strongest honchos, God and Satan and I think we all know who wins in the very end.

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