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Trayvon Martin: Cellphone pics of guns and drugs

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posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by IvanAstikov

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
reply to post by NavyDoc

Those cuts would have begun bleeding immediately, yes? Pray tell why the blood flow is towards the front of his head then, if he was lying on his back when they occurred?

There is thing called "gravity " that would pull the blood to the ground if you were on your back and having you head, as you were on your back, having you head slammed in the ground. Logically, in that position, you would not have blood flowing to the front of your head against gravity. Read up on this thing we call "physics."

Not one of those blood trails appears to alter the path of its flow, which hardly seems indicative of them occurring to someone who was desperately moving his head around trying to prevent it being slammed against concrete again and again.

Look at the photo I posted. None of the blood trails on his head were moving from posterior to anterior. This is consistent with him being on his back when the injury occurred.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Paschar0

Wait a second... one dude had a gun but you still think that the other dude having pictures of a gun is more violent because of his connection to guns?!

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by IvanAstikov

Originally posted by bigfootgurl

Originally posted by Taissa
It doesn't matter!! What Trayvon had photos of on his phone. The fact is, he was unarmed when he was killed, and Zimmerman used unnecessary excessive force.

If somebody is beating on you, there is no such thing as excessive force. Assaulting another person is essentially a request to be killed.

No it isn't. If a 10 year old comes towards you and kicks you really hard in the shin, is that a request to be killed? Self-defence isn't a strictly black and white issue - there are lots of variables that come into play when determining the validity of a claim.

I guess our definitions of assault are different. Maybe I should have said "kicking another person's ass" is a request to be killed. I'm talking colloquial assault, not legal assault. Like punching someone repeatedly in the face or banging their head off of a wall. Not spitting on someone or slapping them in the back of the head. There are lots of variables that come into play in every situation, self defense included. No argument there.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Allegorical

Originally posted by bigfootgurl

Originally posted by Taissa
It doesn't matter!! What Trayvon had photos of on his phone. The fact is, he was unarmed when he was killed, and Zimmerman used unnecessary excessive force.

If somebody is beating on you, there is no such thing as excessive force. Assaulting another person is essentially a request to be killed.

What if the assaulter was 100 pounds heavier and had a gun, what would YOU do? That is a 100% non-rhetorical REAL question.

I think you misread my post. Either that or I'm misreading yours. If I was being brutally beaten up? I would not hesitate to shoot the guy beating me up. The second his unprovoked fist connects with my face, the aggressor tacitly forfeits his chance to do it again. The guy has just proven himself to be a danger to me. If he remains physically capable attacking, he continues to be a danger to me in the future. He doesn't necessarily have to be put to sleep, but his threat needs to be neutralized. Paralysis or hand removal may work, too, though not as well.
edit on 31-5-2013 by bigfootgurl because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Allegorical

Originally posted by Propulsion

Originally posted by Allegorical

Originally posted by Propulsion
There are more powerful people who will end this case with Zimmerman being guilty. They know that if Z gets off, there will be riots never before seen in the history of America. Hundreds of Americans will be killed as a result!

Your thoughts...?

By who? All the uncivilized, idiotic, black thugs? Where will these riots happen exactly? In low income neighborhoods and ghettos across America?

(did u see what i did there??)

I would really love a real answer, do you have one? I asked four (4) questions, can you answer them?
All it takes is only two (2) word for all your questions…

Rodney King!

Need I say more…?

edit on 31-5-2013 by Propulsion because: (no reason given)

You see two words but I see a whole paragraph. I would commend you for at least admitting to your ignorant ways but i don't think you even know you have.
There is NO sense in debating with people like you! There could be a video showing 100% proof that Martin in the wrong, and you would still stick to your guns! Tooth and Nail!

But don’t feel bad, there are many just like you running around here on ATS. And when Zimmerman is found “not guilty” by a jury of his peers, you will just disappear from the topic all together, or come up with a conspiracy showing the jury to be total racists!

There has been more than enough evidence proving Zimmerman’s innocence, and why you choose to rehash everything over and over and over again, is quite monotonous! It’s like you think you’re the first person to put forth new information about the topic. I’m sorry bubb, but every question and accusation you’ve made thus far on this thread has been said a thousand times over. Please come back at me with something new in this case, and I’ll debate with you on it.

And so back to my question that has not been addressed a million times over, “You don’t think there would be riots (just like the Rodney King debacle), that could take place if Zimmerman got off?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 10:12 PM
I can't believe that in this entire thread no one has pointed out that the presiding Judge looks exactly like John Goodman playing Linda Tripp on Saturday Night Live...

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:21 PM
What I find most interesting is that both sides of the coin have completely ignored the impact of a very strategic manipulation of the public by Rev Al and, in turn, the media in the weeks after this tragic event became THE biggest news story.

The fact that Trayvon's mother kicked him out of her home (established by text messages) is VERY telling; Equally telling is Trayvon's father's answer to law enforcement upon hearing the audio of the 911 call with screams for help in which he said the voice crying for help was NOT his son's. Also quite telling is that after this case was thrust into the spotlight any rumblings about Trayvon's troubled past were silenced and Mr. Martin began to publicly state the voice WAS Trayvon's.

Why are these things telling & important to remember? It demonstrates that Rev Al's people, including his handpicked lawyers provided/promised the parents an incentive greater than justice if they go along with the Saint Trayvon storyline. The Martin family through their lawyers refused for months to release photos of Trayvon other than the now iconic photo of him at the age of 12. Rev Al & Co aggressively went after any media that used more current images, essentially requiring mainstream media to only use an image of Trayvon as a child. Honestly, this was a brilliant strategy by Rev Al and Co. Circumstantial evidence to support this includes Trayvon's mother obtaining the copyright on Trayvon's name right after the Sharpton lawyers took over; remember any media outlet that reported that nugget were attacked by Sharpton.

Before Rev Al brought his sideshow to Sanford Mr Martin was honest with law enforcement when he said the voice screaming for help was NOT Trayvon's voice; after Rev Al took the reigns, the mother copyrighted Trayvon's name and the parents, Rev Al & the lawyers came to an understanding, everything changed and the Rev Al lawyers discredited the father's voice id. I honestly think the father was pressured into going along with the program.

I grew up in New York when Rev Al was often in the spotlight; I can tell you that while I agree with his alleged mission of highlighting injustice & promoting racial equality, evidence proves that far too often that Rev Al only cares about Rev Al and he is a master manipulator whose shenanigans often take precident over his alleged mission. From my childhood to the present day, Sharpton's tactics haven't ever changed and they serve to push people further apart than bring them together. His tactics rarely succeed in the Courts (see: Brawley, Tawana; Lacrosse, Duke), but the man does know how to fire up and incite a crowd using divisive racial speech (see: Freddie's Fashion Mart, 1991 Crown Heights Riot) and use mafia-like extortion tactics on corporations by threatening to protest them for racial incidents if they don't contribute heavily to his National Action Network. It is so unfortunate that the only person that "wins" in the end is Rev Al and not diversity and inclusion.

The tone set by Sharpton and his NBC News platform is horrifying as it has created a toxic atmosphere on both sides of the argument. If you're someone like me who wants to learn all the facts about the case before making judgement and use the facts you know to correct both sides, Rev Al & Co have created an atmosphere that you are labeled a racist. Imagine being any African American on the jury who, based on evidence, votes for Zimmerman's acquittal; they will be deemed an Uncle Tom and race traitor. If you thought the Casey Anthony lunatics were insane with their outrage towards the members of the jury, trust that every non-African-American on the jury who votes for acquittal will be labeled a racist and harassed following the trial. I would be remiss if I did not note that the hostile environment Rev Al has created will have those on the Zim's side to say equally racist things about any African-American juror who votes for conviction (see: OJ Simpson Jury) and will call any non-African-American who votes for conviction a race traitor and harass them. I honestly would not be comfortable sitting on that jury and I recognize that the herculean effort they're tasked with will not be easy & will impact their lives after the trial.

Regardless of the verdict, Rev Al never admits he was wrong:

Rev Al freely admits that he is a manipulator of the media:

Rev Al has been manipulating news & furthering racial division for decades:

I have not made a judgement about Zimmerman's guilt because none of us know the real facts about the incident or the "facts" that the prosecution & defense will present to the jury. By the divisive rhetoric in this thread from supporters of both Zimmerman and Trayvon, one thing is clear: Rev Al has successfully manipulated all of you to form strong judgements & passionately argue for your opinion without any substantial evidence being presented in court.

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

And tell me how you know for a fact that he did not follow the 911 operators statement that they did not need him to follow? How do you know that he did not have his back turned and was walking back towards his car when TM decided to jump him? Again, there are several minutes between GZ getting off the phone with the operator and the 911 calls about the fight. WHY DIDN'T TM JUST GO HOME? He was out in front of GZ and running towards the house. Why did he call his GF and not 911 to report the crazy guy following him? Because he was 6" 160 and saw an opportunity to beat up someone. There ya go! He chose the wrong little fat man to mess with. END OF STORY!

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by SammyB0476

Why was he running away in the first place if he wanted to fight GZ so badly, why did he tell his gf he was scared, how do you know how long it should have taken him to get home?

edit on 1-6-2013 by Tribunal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:12 AM
This whole thing thread is a load of b.s. So what if the kid was in a hoodie or if he had picture of weed and guns on his phone. He was 14 for God's sake and Zimmerman is a grown ass man that should have been able to man handle that little kid I would know, I am a 31yo Latino american and my stepson is a black 14 yo that is fascinated with hip hop culture(90's not today's crap). Every now and again. I have to put him in a yoke and he is taller than me and more physically fit than I. Point being no weapon should have been used to defuse the situation. He should have held him till cops came instead of shoot kid in cold blood. Most gun toting clowns are just looking for a reason to shoot.

Ask yourselves this. If the kid was one of these little white thugs(wigger) trial would be over and Zimmerman would be heading to electric chair. The audacity of some of these hypocrites. Its trigger happy weakings like this is why we are facing potential gun bans/confiscation, by feuling the fire. Idiot I hope he fries.
edit on 1-6-2013 by beastnwokillah because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2013 by beastnwokillah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by peashooter
Article from today: "Al Sharpton Confronts George Zimmerman's Lawyer Over Trayvon Martin Case"

Quoting from article:

"Sharpton pressed O'Mara on the issue, saying that experts have said that the screams for help in the background of a 911 call belonged to Martin. O'Mara said that other experts have said the voice is not easily identifiable."

Although not solid evidence Trayvon's lawyer hammers home the point some of us are trying to make:

"The probable cause is that you have the dead body of an unarmed person and there was no crime and there was no reason the police could determine at the scene. That's probable cause. Otherwise, anyone in this country could be shot and killed and the police could just decide in the police station, 'We'll decide whether they go or not.' That's a dangerous precedent, wouldn't you think so Attorney O'Mara?"
edit on 31-5-2013 by peashooter because: spelling

edit on 31-5-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

After the Tawana Brawly case, Sharpton (who should be in jail for fraud) has absolutely zero credibility.

Like someone has already said Zimmerman is involved with domestic violence, and had a bad past as well. To be fair let's ignore everyone's past in this case:

Then if you agree their pasts are irrelevant then this statement (no matter how bad of lawyer Sharpton was) still stands:

"The probable cause is that you have the dead body of an unarmed person and there was no crime and there was no reason the police could determine at the scene. That's probable cause."

edit on 1-6-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:44 AM
If people , anyone , no matter age or race. Wants to look a certain way, then let them take the risks that come with the image they are wanting to project.

What is wrong with parents just saying,....

"You want to look like a prostitute, then expect to be treated like one"


" You want to wear a hoody, then expect to be treated like a gangster "

It is harsh, but the truth.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

I'm very bad with detecting sarcasm online, but if you aren't being sarcastic that is horrible.

What defines dressing like a prostitute? What defines dressing like "a gangster"?

Can you not understand that culture has a major impact on how we dress?

It is 2013, people should not be judged on what they wear.

What if some people can only afford hand me downs which are baggy hoodies and pants? Are they "gangster"?

It's pathetic people cast judgments on others based on how they dress.

It's time to move forward don't you think?

PS: for those of you that said he's a "druggie": Weed has been legalized in 2 states in US, does that mean you now have 2 druggie states?

Half the people I know in Canada have smoked weed, not to mention Canada has a large number of firearms owners. This does not make Canada a "gangster" country does it?

edit on 1-6-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:57 AM
this story makes me sick. If trayvon had shot and killed zimmerman it would have just been another local homicide and we wouldnt know a thing about it. that being said it took the nationla news media 3 weeks to pick up the story, then news outlets, edited tapes to make zimmerman sound raceist, described zimmerman as a "White Hispanic" a temr i had never heard before in my life. and had experts on TV telling us that it was trayvon in the backround yelling for help, which we now know is complete BS. Once Al sharpton got involved forget about it, it became all about race, if this was a white on white crime, or black on black crime, we would not be talking about itat all, Zimmerman will be railroaded in court, the prosocution has already got in some # for not diclosing all of the evidence. One last thing, there were more deaths in our presidents home town of chicago where he ownsa home then there were combat deaths in afghanistan, and most of that crime is black on black. chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in america, and all it has done is disarm the law abiding citizens and let the criminals know their prey is probably not armed, anyway im starting to ramble an im holding my son so my tyoin is bad.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by peashooter

Al sharpton has blood on his hands from the crown heights riots and ruined the life of the prococutor that TB accused of rapin her, Al shapton is a racebaiting cancer and is one of the reasons that race relations in this country are not getting any better, because if they did he counldnt make any more money off it.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Czulkang

According to you then what about lawyers defending serial killers?

Lawyers will take sides for whoever is paying, not by their morality. They present the evidence or lack thereof as arguments, there is nothing sinister about that. No matter how bad your crime, you should have a lawyer to talk for you. If that lawyer wins the case by his evidence and he is considered to have "blood on his hands" who will talk for the criminals? They'll be sent straight to jail.

If you judge a lawyer by who they are defending then all criminal defense lawyers are devils then?
edit on 1-6-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by NickDC202
Everyone has been talking back and forth on the subject like they have the whole case figured out. It’s quite monotonous hearing it over and over again without any real facts coming forth in a court of law.

My big question everyone seems to be avoiding is “Will there be riots if Zimmerman gets acquitted of the charges?

Your thoughts?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by peashooter

I am not being sarcastic. I am speaking a fact when I say we are 99% animal. And we act accordingly.

The difference between you and me, is I am not surprised when people act "irrational" . I deal in death, you deal in ideals.

Good luck with that.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 03:03 AM
If anyone here thinks they are above reading a book by its cover. A simple question...

Do you treat a Nun the same as the general public.

Automatic respect is exactly the same thing as automatic lack of respect.. Same coin, different side. Both are wrong.

I have yet to meet a person who can treat everyone as an equal.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 03:39 AM
To those chomping at the bits for Al Sharpton and others who appointed themselves watch dogs sorry but the justice system created them, you guys like to believe that they came out of a vacuum being loud and obnoxious,I can reach back in time and space and bring back a laundry list of murders and rapes that the Justice system failed Blacks on,need I go back and resurrect Emmett Till and others???,murders by groups of citizens picnicking under southern trees bearing a strange fruit,Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze,non of those good citizens ever got charged for murders,but many here would say yeah that happened in the past lets move on although it is within the life span of many here and the murderers still walks and breathe my air today. another failure of the justice system is rare case of a white convict receiving the death penalty for killing a black today..btw.I am no friend of the death penalty except in cases involving murder/rape of children,

The point is if the justice system would act evenhandedly from arrest to sentencing to all it's citizens there would be no Sharptons ,this case came about because it smelled like the bad ol dayz a kid was shot and killed the alleged perp was released on his own recognizance no trial was ever going to take place the parents of the dead kid needed answers they were being stalled the Justice system was telling them to suck it up this is a stand your ground state.

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