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Jehovah's Witnesses believe UN will ban Religion

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posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

I hate slandering propaganda, so I feel compelled to post in the proper process of ``deny ignorance`` as ATS motto stands.
The Truth about the UN and the WTBS Conspiracy !

Don`t try that stuff on ATS, it`s members are better educated than that, but you should already know that by now.
edit on 15-10-2011 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:21 PM
(editted out because there have been replies on the subject already that I failed to notice)
edit on 17/10/2011 by Leahn because: Failed to notice other replies.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by YAHUWAH SAVES
Well that is fantastic but what if I want to investigate that person not because I want to praise them but because I want to make exception with what is being translated and taught?

You are welcome to write to the nearest Bethel with your doubt.

Why do JW's let their children die from lack of a blood transfusion when blood is in the very meats you eat and also organ transplants that contain up to 1/2 pint of blood has been a "conscience" matter for some time now?

JW's don't eat meat with blood. We take the utmost care to remove all the blood from it. We also do not "let" our children die. If we were letting our children die, we wouldn't bring them to hospitals to start with. There are better treatments than blood. Blood is not only necessary, but also it is actively harmful to your health.

Why do JW's call themselves after the name of JeHovah?

Because we want to be publicily associated with His name. We are not ashamed of God.

Do you know the root of the word Hovah and Je?

Hovah (HWH) is the aramaic root for the verb to be / to become. Je (Y) is the temporal particle.

Why do JW's Pass on the bread and the Wine like satanists do instead of partaking as commanded by Savior?

I am not aware of any satanists celebrating the Lord's Night Super. As far as I am aware, this is only a poor attempt at libel. As per why we don't partake, Paul warned against partaking.

Why is it wrong to play gamble playing poker and you will be disfellowshiped yet the Governing Body of 7 Popes gamble heavily with the JEHOVAHS WITNESSES CONTRIBUTIONS in their "investments" of the stock market.

Citation needed. Again, this is just libel.

Why is the overall Financial Worth of the Jehovah's Witnesses kept totally secret from the JW's?

There is no "kept totally secret". All information can be freely obtained if you request it.

Why do JW's prophecy Millions NOW LIVING in 1914 will NEVER DIE and yet you still believe?

Mistakes were made. JW's never claimed to be perfect. We admitted them and moved on.

Why do the Gov.Body of 7 Popes keep a huge library of their ancient writings secret from JW's who go there?

There is no such thing, sorry.

Why don't most JW's know about the foundation of the religion? Egyptology-Masonic-Rosecrucian and etc?

I know people from Rosa Cruz so I can state with absolute certainty that there is nothing "rosecrucian" about JW's. I don't know any Masons so I can't say the same about them, but as far as Egyptian religion goes, few things could be more different than Egyptian religion and JW doctrine.

Why do JW's say Do not celebrate Holidays and also condemn openly Catholics because of Pagan Idols and rituals and yet you preach Pagan Names i.e. Lord=Baal and Jesus=Son of Zeus that have nothing to do with the Real Saving Name of our Savior?

The expression "Lord" come from the Greek "Kurios". While you are correct that Ba'al does mean "lord", the expression Lord (Kurios) was widely used by Christians in the first century, as we can easily see it being used in the Bible extensively. Its use was so prevalent that the historian Josephus remarked that Christians refused to address the Caesar as "lord" because they reserved the name for Christ. The Jews used the expression "Adonai" which also means Lord, when talking in Hebrew.

The name Jesus has nothing to do with "Son of Zeus" sorry. You're just deluded.

Why Do JW's have one Watchtower for the world and a private one for JW's Only?

Piracy. We found out that our material was being distributed without our authorization, many times with its contents changed, in order to spread misinformation.

Why are Child Molesting Jehovah's Witness Elders and others not OUSTED from the Kingdom Halls instead of simply being moved around to molest other children of unsuspecting Parents?

You're confusing us with the Catholic Church, sorry. Elders are not "moved around" in JW's organization. We have strict rules about territory.

Why do JW's go from door to door to preach when Scriptures/Savior condemn going from house to house to His Disciples? For the same reason you do not partake of the bread and wine he also commanded? Luke 10:7 And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.

Given that Jesus himself went from door to door preaching, and also recommended his disciple to go from door to door preaching, a thing that they remained doing after his death, your idea that Jesus condemned it is preposterous. You're merely blatantly misapplying the passage.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by YAHUWAH SAVES
Why must one confess sins to an Elder who uses his own disgression in "keeping the congregation clean" depending on the person and the offense and the personal prejudice he may or may not have which varies politically from Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Hall instead of you simply confessing and repenting and being forgiven not by any man but only to Our Father and also Savior?

The pattern was established by Paul, sorry. We merely follow the Bible. You have a problem with this, you go back to the first century and discuss it with Paul.

Why do JeHovah's Witnesses shun a life long and beloved family member at a moments notice by the Elders of the Congregation once this beloved relative decides they do not agree with these or any other of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's commands/new light/suggestions

This does not happen, sorry. No one is ordered to "shun" anyone because they disagree with the Watchtower. It takes a lot more than "disagreement" to be shunned. And this is done for the person's sake, to avoid unnecessary grief.

When you should be shunning all the covered up child molesters within the organization instead?

This is libel, sorry. It does not happen.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by YAHUWAH SAVES
My Response: YaHuWaH is of YHWH where "a" has been shown as a vowel consonant of H and always preceeds H and "u" proceeds W. W is actually Double U or UU. This gives you YaHuWaH. Je is less than 500 years old (per Websters dictionary "J invented 500 years ago") from Ie when translated: Son Of and Hovah in strongs concordance #1943 is defined "Mischief and Ruin" so you tell me which is more correct to use?

I studied enough Hebrew to understand that this is absolute nonsense that has no relationship to reality. The word used in God's name is not strong's 1943, but 1961.

You can actually do incredible study on the meaning of the word Jesus and follow the trail back to its beginning. JeZus as it is still spelled in some countries is from IeSous... Ie means Son of and Sous is from Zues now Sus. There are several online resourses that discuss the origin of this from the Catholic Religious roots and Constantine, etc. Google and you will read for weeks and weeks about it. Many at the time of Christ and prior used SUS in there own names i.e. King HerodeSus... It was the custom to incorporate Sus into their own names in praise of their god. DionySus, TarSus and PegaSus to name only a very very few were elohim or gods that many worshiped. Think about how Lord is a Baal Name... Think also why would all these religions refer to our King as a Lord when a Lord is ruled by a King....

Again, baseless claims that have no bearing in reality.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:28 PM
Good thread here, it's gotten a bit destroyed but still has some use.

Anyway, this new Keenan versus UN thing seems relevant to the UN as destroyer of nations. It is essentially alleged in the Keenan complaint that the UN is stealing trillions of dollars. Also, the Jesse Ventura episode 103 explains the overview of how they intend to create armageddon-style conditions on Earth.

Its useful to try and find commonalities between these threads, rather than just having door-step style conversations on the internet.

Hey remember in the old days how Charles Russell used to have people just crank the LP on a record player?

That is an awesome concept. If I were made President of either the UN or the WTBTS I'd bring back that idea, having an army of nice folks, going to people's doorstep, and cranking some wicked-ass LP record.

But WHAT record to play, that is the question. Just imagine the global preaching work if each "publisher" or good news, could choose their own record? Like for example, if I were going door-to-door in the new way, I could choose to crank whatever album I want. Say I chose the Grey album from Dangermouse? Well, that is not a licensed LP, so therefore the lawyers would have to stop me. But what if Jehovah himself protected me, and said I could play an unauthorized mix or mashup LP, on someone's doorstep?

I'm saying this: We can all agree, that mixmaster CTR had a great idea in having his armies go to people's homes and crank a record player on people's doorsteps. But having that record be some boring old sermon from himself, was a crude, shortsighted form of early light. No see, new light says that his great idea, was misunderstood, and now needs to be reapplied.

What record would you crank, if you were a new system JW and you could choose your record? Would you crank Britney Spears' LP? Or would you choose Abba? Or perhaps your message of music to the holder of the house, on whose door you've knocked, would be the music of some other artist? I'd probably choose a record from the time of Charles Russell himself. Something timeless.

But I bet a lot of JWs would choose this LP for their selection if the ways of CTR return to the JW church.

They had best be ready for a factorially impressive influx of members if they take my suggestions. Also, they may avoid the unpleasantries of "armageddon", which frankly, nobody wants. I'm saying they would become way way richer, spiritually, by avoiding armageddon altogether, and going with the peaceful way.

Yes, preaching music instead of top-down pyramid-modality sermons, is a good evolution for the WTBTS to take. It returns them to their roots but with pizazz. It's the best way. Better than some dusty old sermon.

CTR was so close but light as they say, does get brighter.

Good sermon tho. He sounds like a really sweet fellow. But his idea for rich Jews to immigrate to Israel sounds like UK Zionism, which is just silly. Here's another video which is topical. This guys sermon is pretty good too:

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:38 PM
You'ld think an all powerfull god that created the whole universe
and everything in it would have no trouble communicating the same message to everyone everywhere at the same time, but apparently all the recievers he installed were chinese made apple knockoffs...hence there is a certain amount of comfusion amoungst the ranks of the faithfools

something about a severe falling off of revenue ever since the practice of absolvences was discontinued leading to a skimping out in the raw materials purchacing Dept.
edit on 15-12-2011 by Danbones because: i can't resist father forgive them for they know not what they poo

edit on 15-12-2011 by Danbones because: i typoed my correction

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Oh wait I choose this LP:

Yes, I think there are many ways to send your own personal message, in the global preaching work of the future. Choose which ever LP you'd like to play, but always give credits to true artists ya know?

[lyrics all rights reserved by the artist of course]

John Frusciante
"Going Inside"

You don't throw your life away
Going inside
You get to know who's watching you
And who besides you resides
In your body
Where you're slow
Where you go doesn't matter
'cause there will come a time
When time goes out the window
And you'll learn to drive out of focus
I'm you and if anything unfolds
It's supposed to

You don't throw your time away sitting still
I'm in a chain of memories
It's my will
And I had to consult some figures of my past
And I know someone after me
Will go right back
I'm not telling a view
I've got this night to unglue
I moved this fight away
By doing things there's no reason to do "

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 11:39 PM
If the UN bans religion there will be a lot of elders with nothing to busybody about. If UN bans religion that means kingdom halls will close, too. I wonder if the JWs have a back-up plan for something to do? Maybe sell brushes door to door?

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by Alethea
If the UN bans religion there will be a lot of elders with nothing to busybody about. If UN bans religion that means kingdom halls will close, too. I wonder if the JWs have a back-up plan for something to do? Maybe sell brushes door to door?

When the world's governmental authorities & the UN turn on false religion I think every single Elder and every single JW around the world will recognise that this will herald "the Great tribulation", which Jesus himself spoke about. There will come a time when JWs will no longer preach about the good news of the kingdom from door to door, the work will cease. Remember Jehovah closed the door to the Ark, not Noah.

The Bible says that the world will turn on false religion and strip the harlot who rides on the backs of politicians,( how fitting a symbol) of all her assets and riches. With the world descending rapidly into economic chaos this all now is starting to become real, with Babylon the Great's wealth and land looking more and more vunerable to attack as people's apathy towards religion grows.

Do JWs fear the time when Kingdom Halls, might be shut down? Certainly not! JWs operate in lands where their work has been banned from time to time, regardless. It will make no difference. The Bible indicates that we should simply "go into our interior rooms", which meaning will become apparent at that time.

Only two major prophecies remain unfulfilled. The Cry of Peace & Security from 1 Thessalonians and the devastation of Babylon The Great - the world empire of false religion.

How this will all pan out no one knows exactly, but the Bible indicates that God will put it into the hearts of men to destroy false religion. Just like when Cyrus the Persian & the Medes were used to destroy ancient Babylon - they carried out Jehovah's work. It will be the same in our day, with God using secular authorities like the UN to destroy religious organisations that have bought nothing but reproach on God's name.........

(Micah 3:4-5) . . ."At that time they will call to Jehovah for aid, but he will not answer them. And he will conceal his face from them in that time, according as they committed badness in their dealings. 5 “This is what Jehovah has said against the prophets that are causing my people to wander, that are biting with their teeth and that actually call out, ‘Peace!’ that, when anyone does not put [something] into their mouths, also actually sanctify war against him"

Some time afterwards the Bible indicates mankind will decide to turn their attention specifically on his people. In stark contrast to allowing the devastation of false religion, which is actually HIS judgement on them...... it will become evident who are God's people, because he has promised to step in and protect them.(Zechariah 2:8) . . ."for he that is touching YOU is touching my eyeball". . . Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY people on earth who carry God's personal name as an organisation, that is why they have been the object of particular hatred from the world in general.

However every single person on earth will be left in no doubt whatsover because God promises they "WILL HAVE TO KNOW THAT I AM JEHOVAH.” Heb., "wi‧dhaʽ‧tem′ ki-ʼani′ Yehwah′. We find 60 occurrences of this phrase in Ezekiel, referring to the vindication of Jehovah’s name on earth.

edit on 17-12-2011 by JB1234 because: Grammar and word ommission

edit on 17-12-2011 by JB1234 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 03:00 AM
They don't need to BAN religion.

But they need to keep religion out of science and politics!

The perversion is in the fact that politicians, education and science more and more use religion...USE (!) religion for their own purposes. THAT is the problem.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by flexy123
They don't need to BAN religion.

But they need to keep religion out of science and politics!

The perversion is in the fact that politicians, education and science more and more use religion...USE (!) religion for their own purposes. THAT is the problem.

It's not a question as to whether they NEED to BAN religion or NOT.

This is God's judgement that they will carry out. JUST like when Jehovah used the Medes & the Persians to destroy Ancient Babylon, on the very night their leaders were mocking, celebrating and dishonouring the temple utensils from Jerusalem. It's in fact where we get the saying "the writing on the wall" - as Daniel interpreted the words "Mene, Mene, Tekel & Parsin" - to mean that the Babylonian Empire would fall that very night.

False religion has dishounoured God's name. They have taught doctrines of men as their tenets, they have caused untold bloodshed throughout history by blessing warfare and rode the backs of politicians for their own ends.

The Medes and the Persians were astute in that to access impenetrable city of Babylon, they diverted the waters of the River Tigris and used the almost dried up river bed to literally march right into the heart of the City and destroy it in one night.

It will be no different today - "the waters", which the book of Revelation in the Bible explains mean "peoples and nations" are indeed withdrawing their support from Religions across the globe as Atheism & apathy takes hold. Just like the River Tigris, their support is drying up, which heralds an all out attack from those same nations, in just the same manner the Medes/Persians attacked and destroyed the ancient city of Babylon.

The February 2012 edition of the Watchtower warns everyone of what is shortly to take place:-

Events You Are Soon to See Happen

Prophecy 1. The Bible says that the nations will issue a significant declaration of “peace and security.” They may think that they are on the cusp of solving major problems. However, the events that follow this statement will be anything but peaceful. —1 Thessalonians 5:1-3.

Prophecy 2. Next, various governments will decide to move against the world’s religious organizations. In the Bible, these governments are symbolized by a wild beast; and the world’s false religions, by a woman who rides the back of the beast. (Revelation 17:3, 15-18) The symbolic beast will unwittingly do God’s bidding by destroying religions that falsely claim to represent God. In symbols, the apostle John describes the drama this way: “The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought.”—Revelation 17:16,17.

Prophecy 3. Following this successful attack on false religion, Satan will marshal the nations for an assault on those who worship Jehovah God.—Revelation 7:14; Matthew 24:21.
edit on 23-12-2011 by JB1234 because: Spacing

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 01:08 PM

By Rob Waugh
21st December 2011


IBM [...] predicts that [it will be making] mind-controlled computers [...] within five years.

'Mind-reading has been wishful thinking for science fiction fans for decades, but their wish may soon come true,' said a spokesperson.


The prediction was part of IBM's annual 'Five in Five' report. The company also predicted that by 2016, passwords would have disappeared.

Instead, the complex, hard-to-remember strings of numbers and letters will be replaced by biometric readers that 'work out' who you are by reading unique things about you.

Ohhh, sounds comforting, this brave new world that has such wonders in it eh?

Don't forget that IBM organized the holocaust with their punchcards.

This is key because the Watchtower Corporation loves and incessantly promotes their Nazi-martyrs yet they won't discuss the work of Edwin Black:

And IBM of course after their WW2 successes and wealth, and as they prepared to wrench millions from the rising "computer age", also helped the WTBTS build their propaganda machine called "The MEPS system".

Of course, when IBM made prison camps high tech, it wasn't used for good, but for evil. QUESTION: Why couldn't IBM do something good during WW2, rather than allowing and assisting the holocaust?

And when IBM destroyed the tower of babel, and made photoelectric typesetting possible worldwide, it wasn't used to DECREASE confusion. No, it was used to prop up a new tower of babel, called "The Watchtower". QUESTION: Why couldn't IBM and the WTBTS use their language-dominance and gutenburg-esque tech, to create a truer world? Why did they team with their own destroyers?

Since IBM made the holocaust possible, and the WTBTS milks their holocaust blood, its easy to see why the modern WTBTS is detaching from its own history. The WTBTS has scrubbed most IBM references from their MEPS propaganda, but they still highly terrorize their members for using the IP network, as all medieval churches must do.

IBM and The Watchtower, bringing you the international Brave New World. Well, after the UN and Jehovah, incinerate 90% of the people on Earth, one assumes.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

What a pointless post. IS THIS all you can dredge up to say in response?

The WT uses alsorts of printing presses all over the world.

The fact that IBM had any connection to the Nazis proves exactly what?!!! Being as the WT magazine stood out as condemning Hitler and the Jews as far back as 1934, why would this be of relevance?

Most of the multi language programmes the Watchtower Society uses for both the Watchtower and the Awake I understand was programmed by themselves. Both magazines are now by far the most widely published and read monthly magazines on the entire planet

Your point in NO WAY addresses the fact that the Bible predicts that mankind will turn on false religion.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by JB1234
The fact that IBM had any connection to the Nazis proves exactly what?!!! Being as the WT magazine stood out as condemning Hitler and the Jews as far back as 1934, why would this be of relevance?


I explained that CTR said he needed more rich Jews to move to Palestine for "armageddon to come". Did you miss that post or are you just ignoring actual truth?

Anyway, CTR was clearly a Zionist. Do you know what that word means? We can start there if you like. So see, the Zionists, were the only other group other than the Nazi party, which were allowed during the "IBM Holocaust"

Yes, the holocaust, in which followers of CTR's former-religion were killed. Did you know that WTBTS followers were in the deathcamps? I think they were still called "bible students". I know IBM had a hole for "homosexual" on their computer cards, i'm sure the WTBTS would be okay with that hole, but not with the "bible students" hole, if there was one. All three, the Nazis, IBM and the WTBTS are all very concious of "the right hole" versus "the wrong hole" ...Haha, get it?

Here's the CTR Zionist quotes again:

Russell wrote:

"There are now in the world more than ten million Jews, about three-quarters of whom are in Russia, Poland, the Balkan States, and Turkey. If the movement toward Palestine should get the impulse that the Hirsch committee is able to give it, an imaginative person can conceive of the country's doubling or trebling its Jewish population before the close of our century, and of its having a larger Jewish population fifty years hence than it had in ancient times, when its census ran up to three millions. Should the restoration be accomplished, all hail to the New Jerusalem!" Watchtower 1892 November 1 p.329

"The more closely we investigate the New Covenant, the more we must be convinced of this fact - that it belongs to Israel alone." Watch Tower 1909 Jan 15 p.28

"Although the Jews are gradually flowing into Palestine, gradually obtaining control of the land of Canaan, and although reports say that already nineteen millionaires are there, nevertheless, prophecy requires an evidently larger number of wealthy Hebrews to be there before the Armageddon crisis be reached. Indeed, we understand that "Jacob's trouble" in the Holy Land will come at the very close of Armageddon. Then Messiah's Kingdom will begin to be manifested. Thenceforth Israel in the Land of Promise will gradually rise from the ashes of the past to the grandeur of prophecy." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance - Forward pp. xviii, xix

More here:

Anyway, during the WW2 events, the Zionists created the modern state of Israel. This is explained in Edwin Black's book "The Transfer Agreement". So that's two books which will never b a part of the WTBTS "bookstudy" ...Well I mean if they had bookstudy any more, which they don't because they are in their death throes as a church.

Main Thesis

This book documents the agreement between Adolf Hitler and an organization of Zionist Jews in 1933, which made Hitler "the chief economic sponsor of the state of Israel". A sweeping, worldwide economic boycott of Germany by Jews helped spur a deal between the Nazis and Zionists[1]. At that time, there were few Jews in Palestine, but from 1933 through 1936, 60,000 German Jews immigrated into the region, bringing with them $100,000,000 dollars ($1.6 billion in 2009 dollars)[2].

The Zionists got fat off of German war reparations paid by Adenaur who sat on the sidelines while Hitler and the favored rabbis operated WW2. See the film Schindler's List where rabbis on the outside negotiate for Jews inside the camps. This is how the transfer agreement worked.

These same people, then created the Rockefeller/Rothschild controlled United Nations.

Are you following along or just trotting out your lack of knowledge for all to see?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Here's the CTR Zionist quotes again:

Russell wrote:

"There are now in the world more than ten million Jews, about three-quarters of whom are in Russia, Poland, the Balkan States, and Turkey. If the movement toward Palestine should get the impulse that the Hirsch committee is able to give it, an imaginative person can conceive of the country's doubling or trebling its Jewish population before the close of our century, and of its having a larger Jewish population fifty years hence than it had in ancient times, when its census ran up to three millions. Should the restoration be accomplished, all hail to the New Jerusalem!" Watchtower 1892 November 1 p.329

Now you may (probably not tho') ask, "What's this 'Hirsch Agreement' that WTBTS Corporation of Pennsylvania founder Charles Taze Russell is so keen on in 1892?"

And if you did ask, I'd post this link from Wiki:


The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA, in Yiddish ייִק"אַ) was created on September 11, 1891 by the Baron Maurice de Hirsch. Its aim was to facilitate the mass emigration of Jews from Russia and other Eastern European countries, by settling them in agricultural colonies on lands purchased by the committee, particularly in North and South America (especially Argentina and Brazil).

Oh yeah and "Palestine as well" though it's not mentioned above.


Jewish resettlement schemes

The greatest charitable enterprise on which he embarked was in connection with the persecution of the Jews in Russia. He gave £10,000 to the funds raised for the repatriation of the refugees in 1882, but, feeling that this was a very lame conclusion to the efforts made in western Europe for the relief of the Russian Jews, he offered the Russian Government £2,000,000 for the endowment of a system of secular education to be established in the Jewish Pale of Settlement. The Russian Government was willing to accept the money, but declined to allow any foreigner to be concerned in its control or administration.

Thereupon Baron de Hirsch resolved to devote the money to an emigration and colonization scheme which should afford the persecuted Jews opportunities of establishing themselves in agricultural colonies outside Russia. He founded the Jewish Colonization Association as an English society, with a capital of £2,000,000, and in 1892 he presented to it a further sum of £7,000,000. On the death of his wife in 1899 the capital was increased to £11,000,000, of which £1,250,000 went to the Treasury, after some litigation, in death duties. This enormous fund, which was in its time probably the greatest charitable trust in the world, was managed by delegates of certain Jewish societies, chiefly the Anglo-Jewish Association of London and the Alliance Israelite Universelle of Paris, among whom the shares in the association have been divided.

What's easy to overlook is that this guy was trying to cause Jews to populate the world, but all the while, Federal Reserve Bank founder Jacob Schiff was funding the Japanese army to the tune of millions of dollars. When asked why he was funding Japanese war machines to kill Russian Jews, he said "We are prepared to make sacrifices."



National loans

During the Russo-Japanese War, in 1904 and 1905, in perhaps his most famous financial action, Schiff, again through Kuhn, Loeb & Co., extended a critical series of loans to the Empire of Japan, in the amount of $200 million.[3] He was willing to extend this loan due, in part, to his belief that gold is not as important as national effort and desire, in helping win a war, and due to the apparent underdog status of Japan at the time; no European nation had yet been defeated by a non-European nation in a modern, full-scale war. It is quite likely Schiff also saw this loan as a means of avenging, on behalf of the Jewish people, the anti-Semitic actions of the Tsarist regime, specifically the then-recent pogroms in Kishinev.

This loan attracted worldwide attention, and had major consequences. Japan won the war, thanks in large part to the purchase of munitions made possible by Schiff's loan.

So CTR can be seen to have known in 1914, that World War was nigh.

No inspired magical knowledge is needed, just a good reading of world events. After all, he'd been trying to invoke Armageddon-type stuff for over 20 years prior to WW1 finally getting going.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

Anyway, CTR was clearly a Zionist. Do you know what that word means? We can start there if you like. So see, the Zionists, were the only other group other than the Nazi party, which were allowed during the "IBM Holocaust" Yes, the holocaust, in which followers of CTR's former-religion were killed. Did you know that WTBTS followers were in the deathcamps? I think they were still called "bible students". I know IBM had a hole for "homosexual" on their computer cards, i'm sure the WTBTS would be okay with that hole, but not with the "bible students" hole, if there was one. All three, the Nazis, IBM and the WTBTS are all very concious of "the right hole" versus "the wrong hole" ...Haha, get it?

That's interesting that someone is now trying to say that CTR was a Zionist. In another thread someone is trying to say he's an Occultist and Pyramidologist. I read a short while ago there are others trying to claim that Jehovah's Witnesses under J F Rutherford were anti Jewish and supported the Nazis leading up to the 2nd World War because a declaration adopted at the 1933 convention was considered by some as too concilatory to the Nazi regime. In fact history attests to some German JWs or Bible students refusing to adopt the resolution because they wanted it worded stronger against Hitler. So much for brain washing!

Later Judge Rutherford's speeches condemning the Nazis were played as recordings all over the globe as 78s.

I'm fully aware that Jehovah's Witnesses were being thrown in Hitler's Nazi Concentration Camps as far back as 1933 because of their refusal to support Hitler. I've met some of them including Jews who converted and became Jehovah's Witnesses.

It was God's initial intention that representatives of the Kingdom would be taken from the Nation of Israel on the Earth to serve with Jesus in heaven. However as a Nation the Jews rejected God's son and therefore beginning with Cornelius - this Israel of God was widened to include Gentiles. It is not a Zionist beleif at all.

The teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses are very much seperate from Jewish beleifs as they accept the Christian Greek Scriptures as part of the Holy Canon of God and they very much commemerate the life of Jesus Christ and look to him as their leader.

Some of what Russell and Rutherford taught were looked at again and their interpretation of matters were not accepted. A number of refinements have been made to interpretation of Scripture and what's more will probably continue to be refined as "the day draws nearer". For instance at the moment the meaning of "go into your interior rooms" is not as yet explained. Just like Daniel said - "the words would be sealed up until the time of the end"

Nevertheless this detracts from the subject being discussed, that the Bible teaches there are 3 remaining prophecies which are imminently to be fulfilled in our day at some point -

1. The cry of peace & security

2. The governments of the world turning on false religion acting as God's executioners. This is called The Gt Tribulation.

3. After a successful campaign against false religion. Satan will manipulate the remaining wicked powers to turn on Jehovah's people. This will enact Armageddon when God will step into protect his people on Earth.

edit on 23-12-2011 by JB1234 because: Added for context

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by dgtempe
According to them, 144,000 will be saved of their faith, of course.

Close. They believe that the 144,000 will reign in Heaven over a paradise Earth.

As to the UN thing, that come from an interpretation in Revelations. It means that Gov'ts of the Earth will turn against religion.

Just in case you are wondering, I was raised JW but may get some things wrong as it has been over 20 years since practicing. Not wrong about this post though.
I'll let you know when it's unclear to me.

Mother is a Witness.You are correct .

Its funny to think that 144000 JW's are the only righteous people EVER to walk this Planet,and DESERVE to be up in heaven.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

So CTR can be seen to have known in 1914, that World War was nigh. No inspired magical knowledge is needed, just a good reading of world events. After all, he'd been trying to invoke Armageddon-type stuff for over 20 years prior to WW1 finally getting going.

Well the headlines on the front page of the New York Times on the day after WW1 broke out clearly said "A remarkable prophecy is fulfilled", so they obviously took note of what CTR and the Bible Students had been saying, even if some of what they had said needed to be refined.

You forget also to mention how fearlessly Charles Taze Russell exposed the false doctrines being taught by mainstream Christendom.

He also produced the very first colour motion picture In 1912. Russell and his associates embarked on a bold educational venture that was far ahead of its time. In fact, it was to reach millions of people worldwide. It was the “Photo-Drama of Creation”—a combination motion picture and slide presentation, synchronized with musical recordings and phonograph-record talks

What CTR started has continued down to our day and the preaching work has reached to the farthest ends of the earth, just as Jesus prophesised as a defining sign of the last days - Math 24:14 "and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come"

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by dgtempe
According to them, 144,000 will be saved of their faith, of course.

Close. They believe that the 144,000 will reign in Heaven over a paradise Earth.

As to the UN thing, that come from an interpretation in Revelations. It means that Gov'ts of the Earth will turn against religion.

Just in case you are wondering, I was raised JW but may get some things wrong as it has been over 20 years since practicing. Not wrong about this post though.
I'll let you know when it's unclear to me.

Mother is a Witness.You are correct .

Its funny to think that 144000 JW's are the only righteous people EVER to walk this Planet,and DESERVE to be up in heaven.

Methinks you are not quite so correct as you think you might be.

Firstly the 144,000 just like the members of a parliament or say members who make up the house of the US Senate etc This is a defined number of representatives that serve under Jesus in God's government, that will take charge of Earth's affairs. This Kingdom or Government is what is prayed for in the Lord's prayer.

The gathering of the 144,000 began in the First Century immediately after Jesus death and ressurection. It began with people such as Stephen who was stoned to death as a follower of Christ. Only after the Jews rejected Christ as the Messiah was the invitation to serve in that heavenly government opened to the Gentile nations also. All through history since those days individual Christians have been selected to serve in that government. Many martyrs have indeed stood up to mainstream Christendom and tried to promote the Truth of God's word and expose their false teachings. Some were burnt at the stake as heretics as they fought to translate the Bible into common languages so that ALL mankind could come to know the Word of God. Men like William Tynedale.

Only since 1870s did these people gather together as Bible Students and only since 1931 have modern day Christians identified themseves apart from Christendom by adopting the name Jehovah's Witnesses. Previous to that many of those selected to be amongst 144,000 would not have recognised themselves as belonging to a sperate organisation.
edit on 23-12-2011 by JB1234 because: Added for context

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