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How many of you are really prepared for the Dog Eat Dog society you relish and preach on this site?

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posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by supremecommander

My son wants to go to college. So he'll take the usual entrance exams. We've also looked into community college for his first 2 years, that way he can easily move into a major university afterwards.

But what is you had no money and there was no student loans or burserys? would you just say tough ?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

I give to charity. (St Judes Childrens Hospital) but beyond that, people are on their own. I don't ask for freebies. If the government wants to take my taxes and give them out to those who feel entitled, then I have little recourse but to accept it.

Taxes are unfortunate. I hate the fact that my government takes my money and gives it away to others who may have done nothing to earn it.

One day I hope to be self-sufficient enough that I don't need to earn (and have government take) and can support my family anyway.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by supremecommander

My son wants to go to college. So he'll take the usual entrance exams. We've also looked into community college for his first 2 years, that way he can easily move into a major university afterwards.

But what is you had no money and there was no student loans or burserys? would you just say tough ?

Nope. I prepare now and make sure that I can provide. It's my responsibility to do so.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by supremecommander

My son wants to go to college. So he'll take the usual entrance exams. We've also looked into community college for his first 2 years, that way he can easily move into a major university afterwards.

But what is you had no money and there was no student loans or burserys? would you just say tough ?

Nope. I prepare now and make sure that I can provide. It's my responsibility to do so.

Not always a luxury for those at the bottom of the barrel of socity.

Its not all black and white. The wolrd is one huge shade of grey.
edit on 29-5-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by supremecommander

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
Humans are animals and the rule of animals is survival of the fittest. The problem with humans is that they think they are better and more civilized than that. Which is why the human race is dying. We are weakened by the weak. Or in the eternal words from the movie Airplane..."I say, let em crash".

You believe yourself to be strong?

If it was really survival of the fittest, would you be strong enough to fight for your life on a daily basis? Forage the land for food? Defend your food from those that want to take it from you?

What a joke. I'd wager a good chunk of folks on ATS who talk this type of nonsense would piss their pants the moment their front door gets kicked open.

I may not be the biggest person, but i'm certainly the last person you want to fight for your life.
I've spent the past 7 years studying martial arts and tactics of all kinds,
Mostly on how to end a fight within the first 2 minutes, disabling or fatally wounding ASAP.

I'm not trying to internet commando you here
I know my limitations, which is why i've also studied parkour/free running for about 3-4 years to run like hell if I need to.

We do exist. I'm not actively hoping for this scenario, but I am preparing my mind and body for it's potential.

Could I fight for my life every day? Yes. Physically, yes.
But everything else? I'm really not so sure.. in fact that's where my doubts lay.
I only truly know how to defend myself and attack others. Not forage for food or construct my shelter etc..

So i'm essentially as good as dead without someone who knows what to look for or what to do,
I could only defend us and that only gets you so far.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by supremecommander

My son wants to go to college. So he'll take the usual entrance exams. We've also looked into community college for his first 2 years, that way he can easily move into a major university afterwards.

Will he go into debt, and rely on the government for "help"?

I really don't believe that student loans are "help" considering the end result of most of these loans, btw. I find this system to be so appalling I would probably dissuade my child from going to college when she gets of age, but it will be her choice.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

I give to charity. (St Judes Childrens Hospital) but beyond that, people are on their own. I don't ask for freebies. If the government wants to take my taxes and give them out to those who feel entitled, then I have little recourse but to accept it.

Taxes are unfortunate. I hate the fact that my government takes my money and gives it away to others who may have done nothing to earn it.

One day I hope to be self-sufficient enough that I don't need to earn (and have government take) and can support my family anyway.

Say you lost your job and all your money then got diagnosed with a treatble cancer but the bill is $100,000? Would still refuse help and die? Or would you use all the govement help you can get to get the money?

Your morals and ideals mean nothing until you are at rock bottom and in a dire situation. If you stick to them then and possibly die for them then they mean something......
edit on 29-5-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by supremecommander

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
Humans are animals and the rule of animals is survival of the fittest. The problem with humans is that they think they are better and more civilized than that. Which is why the human race is dying. We are weakened by the weak. Or in the eternal words from the movie Airplane..."I say, let em crash".

You believe yourself to be strong?

If it was really survival of the fittest, would you be strong enough to fight for your life on a daily basis? Forage the land for food? Defend your food from those that want to take it from you?

What a joke. I'd wager a good chunk of folks on ATS who talk this type of nonsense would piss their pants the moment their front door gets kicked open.

I may not be the biggest person, but i'm certainly the last person you want to fight for your life.
I've spent the past 7 years studying martial arts and tactics of all kinds,
Mostly on how to end a fight within the first 2 minutes, disabling or fatally wounding ASAP.

I'm not trying to internet commando you here
I know my limitations, which is why i've also studied parkour/free running for about 3-4 years to run like hell if I need to.

We do exist. I'm not actively hoping for this scenario, but I am preparing my mind and body for it's potential.

Could I fight for my life every day? Yes. Physically, yes.
But everything else? I'm really not so sure.. in fact that's where my doubts lay.
I only truly know how to defend myself and attack others. Not forage for food or construct my shelter etc..

So i'm essentially as good as dead without someone who knows what to look for or what to do,
I could only defend us and that only gets you so far.

I commend your honesty. I am also 'prepared', but I am also realistic about it, and I am at peace with death if it comes.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Look, take what the government gives.

I don't care.

My only point was that people who DON'T rely on government are going to be in better shape when the government implodes.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Look, take what the government gives.

I don't care.

My only point was that people who DON'T rely on government are going to be in better shape when the government implodes.

Oh...I'd wager everyone will be in the same boat before too long.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by supremecommander

I really don't believe that student loans are "help" considering the end result of most of these loans, btw. I find this system to be so appalling I would probably dissuade my child from going to college when she gets of age, but it will be her choice.

Im not USA so could you tell me how the USA student loans work ? Do they hunt the money down? Can they make you bankrupt and take your things over them?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Or you work, create, innovate.


If people are more comfortable living under the blanket of government care, then more power to them, I suppose.

Me? Not so much.

Good, me neither...

However there are benefits of being in a society that does not easily let animal desperation creep into society.
We do not note them because we do not have to live along side tens of millions of people who will kill to eat.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

My only point was that people who DON'T rely on government are going to be in better shape when the government implodes.

That we can 100% agree on

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by supremecommander

I really don't believe that student loans are "help" considering the end result of most of these loans, btw. I find this system to be so appalling I would probably dissuade my child from going to college when she gets of age, but it will be her choice.

Im not USA so could you tell me how the USA student loans work ? Do they hunt the money down? Can they make you bankrupt and take your things over them?

It is debt that cannot be written off via bankruptcy in the event that the student cannot pay it, and yes if you go into default they can garnish your wages.

That's the bare bones of it, but the scam goes far deeper than that and our government is complicit in enslaving two generations of americans in ridiculous amounts of debt
edit on 29-5-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Beez, I totally get where you are coming from. I worked for 10 years after graduating so I could go back to college, and it's fortunate that I opted in for that DI the company offered (which I paid premiums on) even though I banked on never, ever needing it ... yet, lo, some time later I did.

I think the point of this thread since the very beginning though, is that there are those who are never even afforded such opportunities and if we happened to be in a labor shortage right now with no good reason for people to not be working then yes I would back the arguments of yourself and many others that there really is no excuse for people finding something to do.

We are, however, not in a labor shortage and there is not enough to go around. To maintain some semblance of order our government, like it or hate it, put in place a system that tries to address this problem to help smooth the transitions and swings of the market forces.

Are there people out there who abuse this system? Of course, but it is what it is and I am personally in favor of improving upon it (improving != expanding) in lieu of scrapping it altogether.

From my experience, most of the downtrodden do not want handouts so that they can be eternally dependent on the system, they want to be empowered so they can build success for themselves. There's got to be a better way.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

It is an inextinguishable debt and is unlike other kinds of debt where people who fall on hard times can seek relief through bankruptcy. In essence, they pretty much own your @$$ until that gets paid off or you die.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by KyrieEleison

The problem lies in the fact that the government is caving in on itself. It is going to take and take until there is nothing left to give to and no-one left to take from!

Learning to be self-sufficient from government is about the smartest move anyone can make. Tying yourself to the Titanic is not a safe way to save yourself from drowning.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by DZAG Wright

The economic system of any nation is a game. Some are good at it. Some aren't. I am not going blame anyone for not being good at it, and I'm not even going to hold it against those that just don't want to play.

That said, in EVERY species that lives in packs or tribes or any kind of a society, every animal has a role to play and they must do their part. Why should those in the human tribe be any different?

I don't believe in free money. Those living off of government funds must do SOMETHING to earn it. I don't care it if it's sweeping the streets 8 hours a day, five days a week, or even walking around the city and picking up dog poop. They have to do SOMETHING. This hanging around and begging for money is lazy and annoying.

If some are deemed too mentally incompetent to even pick up dog poop then they belong in a nice, caring institution.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Many feel that the homeless, welfare, drug addicts, and other bottom of the barrel people are getting what they deserve and shouldn't be a drain on the rest of society.

"Bottom of the Barrel" people. Not so compassionate yourself there?

I don't think any of us are capable of surviving in such a world and I believe most of those who think they could are not bright enough to have throught things through.

I've been watching reruns of Falling Skies about the aftermath of an Alien Takeover of our Planet. Great entertainment. Nobody is raising crops, nobody is mining and refining metals (even the aliens are scavaging metal) - what are they going to do when canned food runs out, medicines run out - heck there are no batteries to be found.

I read about these weathly people with their self-suffiencient ships or bunkers and ask who is going to do the work? Who will figure out what to do when something breaks. Or hell the big one - who will be able to blacksmith a gun barrel that will take black powder when the ammo runs out.

Having suppies to take care of yourself after an earthquake, tornado, etc is smart - but those may well be destroyed in the emergency as well.

These self-sufficient, self-made, personally responsible types seem, to me, selfish and arrogant. Frankly I don't want to live in such a world among such people.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:23 PM

we are not animals.
reply to post by votan

Sorry, but that's exactly what we are; no more and no less. I wish we were different, but wishing doesn't make it so.

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