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How many of you are really prepared for the Dog Eat Dog society you relish and preach on this site?

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posted on May, 29 2013 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by supremecommander

That's all well and good.

When society collapses, and turns into the world that you yearn for, I wonder how much those pieces of paper that you have in your pocket will be worth? Especially when those who you would rather see starve are at your neck with a razor?

Oh, sorry but I don't depend on dollar bills being my sole savior if that happens.

I give 10% of my yearly income for charity. MY CHOICE. but, the Govt steals what 25-30% to give to others. So yeah, I have a problem with that.

I guess I should just look to the income bracket above me, and put my handout expecting them to give me part of what they have. What a crock.

You and others want something, go earn. Stop expecting the Govt to provide you with it, as they steal from me to give it to you.

Who says I wanted something? I want for nothing, and I give willingly because I do not like seeing people, especially children, starve.

People of your ilk seem to be fine watching people, your own countrymen, starve and suffer. We'll see how long that attitude keeps up as conditions in the United States continue to deteriorate. You can hold your nose up, have the same attitude as the elites who have created this environment, but you aren't one of them, and you won't have the same level of protection when, not if, when the chickens come home to roost.

All I'm saying to you is, be careful what you wish for. You'll be surprised how vicious a hungry "dog" will become when it comes to its wits end.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Dominar
This growing trend concerns me... I don't know if it's all the doomsday scenarios we see in movies and television or if it has something to do with the zombie craze that has been raging for several years now, but more and more people seem to WANT a dog eat dog, chaotic way of life.

I'm sure most of them are keyboard warriors, but I bet a few people out there would really like such a way of life. Some people would be ruthless I'm sure.

The ones that yearn for this clearly have no idea as to what true suffering is, nor will they keep a level head when the wilding begins.

I fear the days that are coming.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Or you work, create, innovate.


If people are more comfortable living under the blanket of government care, then more power to them, I suppose.

Me? Not so much.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
I sense a certain attitude in many posts here at ATS. It's an attitude that shows no sympathy for those viewed as lesser than yourselves.

Many feel that the homeless, welfare, drug addicts, and other bottom of the barrel people are getting what they deserve and shouldn't be a drain on the rest of society.

What you are preaching and asking for is a dog eat dog world. A devolution from our civilized society. You wish to return to when everyone cared for just their immediate family and damn everyone else.

Why do so many wish to return to such a time?

I ask are all of you (who will probably be too shame to post in this thread) REALLY built for such a society? I don't think so, you actually want a society that's half civilized and half savage. Especially when it comes to yourselves.

How many of you are young, strong and trained to survive in such a savage society? I'd wager that there is a percentage who spew they want such a society but they would be among the first to expire should we return to such savagery!

Many of you speaking of all this heartlessness are out of shape and may even have disabilities. You would be among the FIRST to expire. You should want this society to be as civilized as possible. You are all hypocrites!

You couldn't be more wrong and just don't get it.

We don't want to devolve into a world where no one cares about there fellow man...

We want to return to a world where no one decides WHOM or WHY or HOW much we give and under what circumstances we give by pointing a gun at our heads and saying pay up or else...


posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer

Huh? My child is very bright! ,The fact that state-run schools are too lousy to match his level of learning is something we've just learned to work around.

Yes but that child will needs college and unoversity if he wants to use that brightness.

Now I dont know how the university system in the USA works but in the UK we have lots of grants and burserys plus a very very very low intrest student loan that does not relie on credit rateings and that you dont have to pay back unless your start to earn over a certain amount and even then its in low repayments and if you lose your job payments are put on hold.

That's an excellent system.

Here in America, our government works together with the academic liberal elite and the bankers to ensure that America's next generations are debt slaves from the moment that they turn 21 years old. A counterproductive, parasitic system that is stifling this country on several levels.

That bubble will be the next to burst. We can thank the Elite, and the idiot baby boomers that paved the way for this hellish nightmare scenario to unfold.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Masterjaden

That world never existed in your life time, nor mine.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Or you work, create, innovate.

But how can you do that if you do not have the health to work or the Education to innovate?

If little Jonny wants to grow up and be a doctor and he meets all his test scores he should be allowed to go to Univesity no matter if his dad is bill gates or john doe from the ghetto.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by macman

You and others want something, go earn.

Its a good theroy until you come down with a serouis illness and CANT work but then you can afford the med bills? You then have a cycle. You need to work to pay med bills/ Insurance but cant work because of being ill.

Or you loose your job in the hight of a economic down turn and there is no jobs. What then? Surely it is better to have abit of support between jobs rather than let them loss there homes or end up in the depths of poverty with little way out?

On the secound point chances are the fact you lost your job is sometime the fault of a big rich fat cats wrong greedy decsion and they should damed well pay for there screw up.

Oh, and that is my financial responsibility how again?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Homeschool appears to be working well with the beezzer family.

Yeah homeschool works....unless those kids are really bright and want to be a sceintist, Lawyer or Doctor.

You know get a hardworking job that can earn them money to jump classes.

So homeschoolers can't become those things?

Absolutely clueless.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer

Huh? My child is very bright! ,The fact that state-run schools are too lousy to match his level of learning is something we've just learned to work around.

Yes but that child will needs college and unoversity if he wants to use that brightness.

Now I dont know how the university system in the USA works but in the UK we have lots of grants and burserys plus a very very very low intrest student loan that does not relie on credit rateings and that you dont have to pay back unless your start to earn over a certain amount and even then its in low repayments and if you lose your job payments are put on hold.

So, you and everyone else must rely on govt for college? Whether it be to fund it or educate you?

No wonder our country is going down the crapper.
edit on 29-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by supremecommander

So, let me get this straight. Because I want the Govt to stop stealing from me, to give to others, while I willfully give 10% of my income and donate time and other things, I want to watch others starve and such.

The progressive force has you by the brain.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Or you work, create, innovate.

But how can you do that if you do not have the health to work or the Education to innovate?

If little Jonny wants to grow up and be a doctor and he meets all his test scores he should be allowed to go to Univesity no matter if his dad is bill gates or john doe from the ghetto.

Personal responsibility. Individual responsibility. Self-determination. Self-reliance.

Or, of course, you can be kept in the warm embrace of government.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by macman

Originally posted by macman
Oh, and that is my financial responsibility how again?

Well somebody has too? Who would you suggest? The poor? Well they cant pay seeing as how they are poor? Ok stop being poor right? Ok they need a better job that means education. Or someone to give them a loan to start a buissness, though if poor they most likley have crap credit rateing so how does that work?

Originally posted by macman

So, you and everyone else must rely on govt for college? Whether it be to fund it or educate you?

What would you suggest?

I think the UK system has it down correctly.

As for healthcare ok John doe get diagnosed with cancer, he cant afford insurance and he cant afford the $100,000 treatment and he cant find a charity to help him. So you suggest he just die? tough luck that life?

Well 95% of those John Does wont just queitly go home and die. With nothing to lose they will buy a gun (or if UK a Knife) and go mugging or better yet breaking into homes and stealing all you nice hard earned possesions (Dont give me any I have a gun BS as any smart robber break in when your out) or he will start makeing or selling drugs.

Originally posted by macman
No wonder our country is going down the crapper.
edit on 29-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

Let not start country bashing. Anyway those loans and half those burserys still have to be paid back. You just dont have a rapid banker or debt collecter agency after you. In some ways this system pays back more than it gives in as most people pay back there loans and most of these uni students end up on a higher wage than they would without the degree hence no welfare and more taxs in the how does that steal from people?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Personal responsibility. Individual responsibility. Self-determination. Self-reliance.

All just meaningless words without Health so you can work or some way to get you a education in the area you need.

Tell me how is some kid born in the Ghetto ment to go to college and get a degree if he has no way to get some finacial help for his study? even if it is a low intrest LOAN. Or should he just give up and accept his will be poor for the rest of his life and get a job in starbucks and give up? Or better yet go into crime?

What about someone who is ill and cant work? What about them?

What about a poor person with bad credit rateing and a bad credit rateing? How is he meant to start a buisness?

What about when unemployment reaches high levels?

"Personal responsibility. Individual responsibility. Self-determination. Self-reliance."

They are just words that only mean anything when you have some money comeing in and health.

"Personal responsibility. Individual responsibility"

Ok should all the bankers have all there assets seized seeing as they are responsible for most the economic trouble? Or should they just walk away?

edit on 29-5-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by supremecommander

So, let me get this straight. Because I want the Govt to stop stealing from me, to give to others, while I willfully give 10% of my income and donate time and other things, I want to watch others starve and such.

The progressive force has you by the brain.

Your stooping to petty insults leads me to believe that you're a liar about what you "give".

Also, you know nothing about my political views to call me a progressive. I am just stating a common sense fact that if the "dog eat dog" scenario that you so desperately would prefer comes to fruition, you will not be a happy camper.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by crazyewok

Or you work, create, innovate.

But how can you do that if you do not have the health to work or the Education to innovate?

If little Jonny wants to grow up and be a doctor and he meets all his test scores he should be allowed to go to Univesity no matter if his dad is bill gates or john doe from the ghetto.

Personal responsibility. Individual responsibility. Self-determination. Self-reliance.

Or, of course, you can be kept in the warm embrace of government.

Your home schooling talk interests me, because I believe that the public education system is poisonous.

That said, what will your child do when it comes time to get a job? Or are you self employed like myself, and will lead them on the same path?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by beezzer

Huh? My child is very bright! ,The fact that state-run schools are too lousy to match his level of learning is something we've just learned to work around.

Yes but that child will needs college and unoversity if he wants to use that brightness.

Now I dont know how the university system in the USA works but in the UK we have lots of grants and burserys plus a very very very low intrest student loan that does not relie on credit rateings and that you dont have to pay back unless your start to earn over a certain amount and even then its in low repayments and if you lose your job payments are put on hold.

So, you and everyone else must rely on govt for college? Whether it be to fund it or educate you?

No wonder our country is going down the crapper.
edit on 29-5-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

College is a scam. That said, considering the fact that a lot of jobs won't even speak to an applicant unless they have a degree, how do you expect most people to pay for college? Do you even have a basic understanding of how this scam works? The cost is phenomenal. Don't tell people to fend for themselves, and then look down upon them when they actually try to go about it the best way that they know how.

I mean, me personally, I am self employed, and I advise people younger than me to look into trades as this country is in dire need of skilled workers and less people with lib arts degrees, but not everyone shares that mindset. They are still being led down the path that if you do not go to college, you will not get anywhere.So, in turn, they have to rely on the government to "help" them.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:01 PM
Humans are animals and the rule of animals is survival of the fittest. The problem with humans is that they think they are better and more civilized than that. Which is why the human race is dying. We are weakened by the weak. Or in the eternal words from the movie Airplane..."I say, let em crash".

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
Humans are animals and the rule of animals is survival of the fittest. The problem with humans is that they think they are better and more civilized than that. Which is why the human race is dying. We are weakened by the weak. Or in the eternal words from the movie Airplane..."I say, let em crash".

You believe yourself to be strong?

If it was really survival of the fittest, would you be strong enough to fight for your life on a daily basis? Forage the land for food? Defend your food from those that want to take it from you?

What a joke. I'd wager a good chunk of folks on ATS who talk this type of nonsense would piss their pants the moment their front door gets kicked open.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by supremecommander

My son wants to go to college. So he'll take the usual entrance exams. We've also looked into community college for his first 2 years, that way he can easily move into a major university afterwards.

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