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UKIP Leader Chased Off Streets Of Edinburgh

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posted on May, 17 2013 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
I'm no fan of ukip, but if that's as far right as Britain ends up it won't be too bad. Just be thankful the BNP arnt getting the same support as ukip. Then that would be something to worry about. Ukip, not so much. They are pretty much a single issue party. Once that issue is resolved, they don't really have any other policies.

They will get a lot of support. The daily mail readership are big fans, with nearly all comments on their website ending with Vote Ukip (creeping trend on ATS).

On the plus side. I think its good for democracy to have more parties. Just a shame the left have no one credible to represent them.

Aside from their misgivings over immigration, they're also against same sex marriage - another one that is sure to go down well with Daily Fail readers. And yes, there is a trend on ATS, take a look at the bully boy behaviour in this thread alone, it's quite apparent.

Yours is probably the most sensible reply I've had, unfortunately that means you'll miss out on 10 'Troll Stars' - Not that you needed any.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Galvatron
reply to post by Ramcheck

Odd that you call him far right. From my understanding UKIP is relatively centrist. Conservatives have said in the last series of elections that if you vote UKIP you get Labor, and Labor party has said if you vote UKIP you get Conservative.

I actually haven't seen either party say what you have suggested - and I do pay attention to politics. But even if they have, it's an idea that is sadly not borne out by the statements he himself has made, and the actions of their supporters and members.

In the last few months we've seen UKIP members making Nazi salutes, people posting Nazi ideology in Twitter and Facebook posts, and even Nigel himself seemingly admitting that their party is racist...

I am well aware that this country needs changing, but the most important way it needs changing is in the removal of corporate and banking corruption from government and law. THAT is the most important thing we need to address right now, and UKIP has a fixed agenda against religious freedom and European migration.

There is a simmering right wing extremism growing in this country, and it's scary to think that after beating this kind of insidious hatred in WW2 we might be allowing our own disgusting version of it to grow here.

From my own experiences, people who vote for UKIP are generally ignorant, poorly educated, don't understand what happened in WW2 and are doing so for some of the most pathetic reasons you could ever imagine.

I've said before that if UKIP or the BNP ever get second place in a national election I will be out of this country within a year. I will make damn sure that I am somewhere else when the night-time raids on the intellectuals, the gays, the Muslims and the immigrants start.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 05:48 AM
I applaud Scotland for sending this facist farce slithering on his way.

People need to read history books from time to time. This is how facism takes power : by pitting "true nationals" against other minority groups in a time of economic crisis, because "they are taking all the jobs/money".

Wake up people. The employment situation has nothing to do with immigration, or the EU. Big buisiness isn't going to come back just because Farrage and his ilk are elected. The jobs are gone because we don't work for five quid a week.

Instead of blaming others, we should welcome the change that is being forced upon us, and adapt. Give the finger to big buisiness, by building towards a society where we don't HAVE to slave away all day at making someone else rich. Those jobs are not coming back, boys. Fighting over the scraps and finger-pointing won't get us anywhere.

The only thing that the bankers have left us with is our dignity as human beings, and populist trash like UKIP would try to deprive us even of that, by turning us against our fellow men like a bunch of rabid dogs. So that "true brits" have the right to feast alone on the festering carcass of a dying system.

We do need change. REAL CHANGE.
Not 1933 all over again.

edit on 17-5-2013 by Ismail because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Galvatron
reply to post by Ramcheck

Odd that you call him far right. From my understanding UKIP is relatively centrist. Conservatives have said in the last series of elections that if you vote UKIP you get Labor, and Labor party has said if you vote UKIP you get Conservative.

A party that is effectively four years old is now tied with Labor in terms of popularity. It's rather telling.

Even Cameron has started to mimic UKIP's platform lately to try and bring voters to his side.

Interesting news.

It's because the standard liberal left response to someone they don't like is to call them right wing/racist/nazis.
I've seen it all countless times before and it really is pathetic.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Gazmeister
It's because the standard liberal left response to someone they don't like is to call them right wing/racist/nazis.
I've seen it all countless times before and it really is pathetic.

It's a little hard to make such a claim when there is plenty of evidence of UKIP members and voters making blatantly right-wing, extremist and racist points regularly. This is like watching an EDL march and then claiming they're all polite boys on their way to have a cup of tea with the local vicar - they are racist, violent, football hooligan scum, and this has been shown to be the case over and over again.

It's a little more than "liberal" propaganda when you have party members making Nazi salutes, making racist and homophobic statements, and basing their party on little more than tabloid headlines.

Can you tell me what the UKIP position is on funding the NHS over the next twenty years?
What's the UKIP plan on sustainable energy for the UK in the coming decade?
Can you tell me why UKIP is against gay marriage when it is supposedly an egalitarian party?

As I've mentioned more than a few times, I am a gay man, an atheist, a liberal and left-leaning, but I see corrupt parties where they are, whether they are Labour, Lib Dem, Conservative or "other". I can see flaws in all these parties, but I see outright Nazism in the BNP and in UKIP - and so do plenty of other logical and intelligent people with more than a cursory understanding of European history and politics.

You can just claim we're wrong to believe it, but unless you can offer any evidence to counter the evidence we have seen to suggest it, you're not going to win. Intelligent people base their opinions on facts, evidence and the observable world around them, and everything I have seen tells me that UKIP is a right-wing party with a hateful and dangerous ideology, just like the BNP.
edit on 17-5-2013 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by alldaylong

Just for the record I am a die hard Scottish Nationalist and I like Nigel Farage.

If I was English I would vote for him. I don't like being told what to do by Eurocrats any more than I like being told what to do by Westminster.

I have no idea who the folk heckling him were or why they were, but lets not assume they were all Scottish Nationalists unless there is some proof for that.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by alldaylong

Originally posted by monkofmimir
They called him a racist, nazi and a facist and shouted down his attempts to openly debate them and then told him to go back to england...

they acted in a manner consistent with their accusations towards him. a seriously poor choice in slogans and tactics.
edit on 16-5-2013 by monkofmimir because: (no reason given)

Good point.

When it comes to racist attacks then Scotland needs to take a long hard look at itself:-

I bet a lot of those attacks were misreported because the parties involved were scottish/English. I live in the city centre of Edinburgh and almost every night from Thursday to Sunday I see big groups of English guys being loud, obnoxious, and you know they're looking for trouble. It's like they're looking for a fight because they're English guys in Scotland. I'm sure the same happens in England, but with Scots.

These sorts of conflicts happen all the time

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Ramcheck
Far right electorate hero and despicable human being

Wait, wait.. What.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Nuker

Originally posted by Ramcheck
Far right electorate hero and despicable human being

Wait, wait.. What.

Yes thanks for pointing this out. Another common misconception in this thread for those who didn't actually read it but instead jumped on the bandwagon. I didn't say Farage was far right, I said he is the hero of the far right electorate. There is a huge difference. Whether I 'think' he is left, right, centre or upside down is completely irrelevant.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Ramcheck

I recognise the appeal of UKIP and have a certain admiration for the way they have forced the major political parties and MSM to recognise that the people of the UK want a referendum on continued membership of the EU.
I also quite like the way Farage stands up to the bureaucrats in Brussels.
And it's fair to say that they have also helped bring immigration to the forefront of British politics.

But Farage and UKIP are nothing more than anti-EU Tories and I for one have absolutely no intention of voting for them at present unless they can convince me that they have more substance to them than just the EU.
What would they do if they were ever in power in a post-EU UK?

However, I've got to say that calling them 'far right' or labelling them 'racist' and 'Nazi's' is plain ridiculous and displays a complete lack of understanding and reeks of left-wing dogma and PC'ism.

And for someone who is allegedly anti-racist you seem to be displaying an openly anti-English stance - surely you recognise the hypocrisy there?
And to add to the irony as a supporter of Scottish independance you seem to be opposed to the UK as a whole having the right to self-determination on EU membership.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:13 AM
So if you we shouldn't vote for UKIP then who should we vote for?



Lib Dems

You see the three main party's are jokes and as useless as turd flavoured ice cream. UKIP are the only credible alternative party.

What other alternative partys are there?

Yeah cause I want a bunch of hippies wrecking the econemy and makeing our electric and gas supply problem worse/

Yeah well we may as well hang swastikas out and start building gas chambers....
edit on 17-5-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:25 AM
I really worry about the way politics is going just now I the UK.

We have been crippled with awful leadership since Blair left (I know won’t win me may fans saying that but it’s my opinion deal with it). The economic woes of this country and our inept leaders are being used as a opportunity by some politicians to proclaim that they are the white knights riding in to save the day. Whether it be the BNP, tell us that immigration is the problem and we need a “white Brittan”, Alex Salmon (jabba the hut) telling us in Scotland that we’d be better off as an independent country or UKIP having this frankly stupid idea that we would be better out of Europe.

If you take these three politicians, Nick Griffin, Alex Salmon and Nigel Farage, they all have one thing in common they all want to take advantage of the sorry state that our week leadership has put our country into and use it to promote their own political aims that are only going to make things worse. They know that their policies are populist, they scam us into thinking that it’s a good idea to be “white only”, “independent” or “out of Europe” when really its just going to make it all worse.

What we really need in this country is strong leadership, we need to get rid of the Cameron/Gleg mutation and that lego man, Milliband and have good strong leadership. We need someone who can stand up to Europe and pull back on some of their stupid laws without economically destroy the country like farage seems determined to do, someone who can show Nick Griffin for what he really is and send Alex Salmon back to whatever swamp he crawled out of. Brittan needs someone who can take control and put this country back on to the right path united and together with our European neighbours.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Ramcheck

15 left wing hate mongers do not represent the views of the Scottish people.

Most Scottish people today are deeply ashamed to be associated with those intolerant bigots.

Nig el Farage condemns 'fascist scum' who forced him to take refuge in Edinburgh pub

Speaking in a radio interview afterwards, he said: “Normally I would love to be locked in a pub, but it was pretty unpleasant. If this is the face of Scottish nationalism, it’s a pretty ugly picture.

The Telegraph

The Ukip leader subsequently spoke to BBC Radio Four's Today programme, repeating his view that the "hate mob" who intimidated him were "fascist scum" and "filled with total and utter hatred of the English".

"I do not believe 15 yobs not prepared to engage in debate represent the views of the Scottish people," he said.

The Telegraph

edit on 17-5-2013 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Ismail

I applaud Scotland for sending this facist farce slithering on his way.

Scotland didn't do anything. 15 left wing bigots did.

Originally posted by Ismail
People need to read history books from time to time. This is how facism takes power : by pitting "true nationals" against other minority groups in a time of economic crisis, because "they are taking all the jobs/money".

How do you think Communism takes power?

Obviously irony is not your forte.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 08:59 AM
Personally, from what ive heard this guy say, i have to agree with much.
His demeanor is perhaps brusque but i find that refreshing in these modern day politics of artful deciet

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 09:05 AM
Fifty (no doubt p****d up) protestors is hardly the 'Voice of the Scottish People' is it.....The way that the media have jumped all over this merely demonstrates how threatened 'the powers that be' feel by UKIP.

Farage talks sense, it's as simple as that.....Compared to the 'Doublespeak' spouted by the rest of our corporate sponsored political class it has a certain ring of 'common sense' to it and that in itself represents a major threat to the idiots in charge.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by crazyewok
You see the three main party's are jokes and as useless as turd flavoured ice cream. UKIP are the only credible alternative party.

So you are willing to elect a potentially racist and homophobic bunch of ideologues who have no clear policy on...

International diplomacy,
Foreign policy,

All because you think the two main parties have failed on other things?

This is like choosing to eat week old Sushi instead of fresh fish and chips, because you had fish and chips yesterday.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 09:16 AM
UKIP is more of an English National Party really, their presence in Scotland is absolutely zero, zilch, nada.

I don't know why they don't just change their name to ENP, they might make more headway south of the border. A lot of their supporters are little Englanders and despise the Scots, they despise the Europeans ... they despise everyone really, everyone who isn't white and anglo saxon and Protestant. They tolerate Indians and the Chinese, though ... simply to abuse & patronise on a Friday night when they're on the lash and in need of a late night meal in some slummy English county town. UKIP really are awful, an embarrassment to their political system, as are the ill educated & ignorant buffoons who vote for them.

Good on those Scots for giving Farage a routing.

Scotland et France = Freres Vive The Auld Alliance

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 09:21 AM
The OP is probably some Labour/Con shill trying to give negative publicity to UKIP. It won't work, because vast numbers of the British public are sick of this open door immigration policy. This isn't a race issue, nor whether we're trying to isolate ourselves - It's about the best interests of the UK. Those "protesters" in Scotland are a bunch of idiots and don't even realize what the three main parties are doing to this country, and what it means for us in the long term.

- We need to get out of the EU.
- We need to close the borders for a while or, at the very least, limit immigration severely for a few years. A Canada-style immigration policy would be perfect.

Hopefully, UKIP wins at the next GE because the other parties are traitors to the British public.

Some videos of Nigel Farage on the EU:


edit on 17-5-2013 by EloquentThinker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Rocker2013

Originally posted by crazyewok
You see the three main party's are jokes and as useless as turd flavoured ice cream. UKIP are the only credible alternative party.

So you are willing to elect a potentially racist and homophobic bunch of ideologues who have no clear policy on...

International diplomacy,
Foreign policy,

All because you think the two main parties have failed on other things?

This is like choosing to eat week old Sushi instead of fresh fish and chips, because you had fish and chips yesterday.

Actually I dont plan to vote at all. I dont like UKIP for the reasons like you sugested no clear policy on :
International diplomacy,
Foreign policy,
I would not call UKIP racist though just because they want to contol imigration which IS a major problem!

To expand on your food metaphore.

Yes UKIP may be week old sushi but the other main parties are fresh fish and chips containing poison!

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